Tactics Trait line.

Tactics Trait line.

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


HI, i know we warriors are in the worst situation we have been in a long time and the only viable build/ weapons that we can use are Greatsword/Shield axe or GS/mace shield etc, so basically our weapon of choice is GS because of the dmg and movility… now we are obligated to use defence and discipline trait line’s JUST to survive, but at least with those traits we r not so useless…
now going back to topic, tatics is by far the worst trait line for warriors, this trait line is supose to be for support, (please remember shouts got heavly nerf with out a reason to the point that they became useless) here are some general ideas: we warrior’s don’t have acces to 3 boons that i personally consider essential to survive since the patch of the trait changes..
aegis, protection and resistance (yes i know we have resistence on our healing signet but it is NOT enough). there is only 1 way to describe the minor traits of the tactics line… Trash.

i would love to hear your opinion’s, pls let me know everything you agree/ don’t agree with.

Tactics Trait line.

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I got the sense that Anet originally saw the Guardian in the defensive buff role, and warriors in the offensive buff role.

It’s never been entirely one or the other, but if they stick to that concept then the key party buffs would be might, quickness, and fury. We have the might down pretty well (though I’m not sure if we’re the best anymore), and others have us beat on quickness and fury. Don’t know if it’s worth sticking mainly to the offensive buff concept or not.

To the original point, yeah… Tactics is a pretty meh line overall, but I find myself taking it more often than Arms, tbh. Not because it’s necessarily better, but more because it has a trait or two that I might want whereas Arms almost never does. Generally, I stay away from both.

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Tactics Trait line.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Tactic is fine if you use it with a Shout/Bow build. I recently switched over to Arms/Tactics/Berserker and I’ve reached over 10K burning dmg on large scale fights on the main target with just my bow (that’s with a Marauder item set and no food). With a Sigil of Incapacitation and Leg Specialist, you can basicaly proc 1sec of immobilize every 5-6sec while having perma Fury.

Also, Shouts didn’t got nerfed that hard. Yeah, the trait lost around 20% of healing power but Healing Surge became To the Limit, which is an additional shout skill which we didn’t have before.

Only part I totaly agree is the lack of Protection boon. It is a very important boon and we have close to no ways to generate it, couple with our limited evasive frames and lack of defensive team utilities it makes us very vulnerable in general when not supported by other professions that actualy may appy those effects.

Otherwise, I think Warriors are in a much better state compared to release. We might not be kings in structured PvP anymore, but we are doing just fine in PvE and WvW.

Tactics Trait line.

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Tactic is fine if you use it with a Shout/Bow build. I recently switched over to Arms/Tactics/Berserker and I’ve reached over 10K burning dmg on large scale fights on the main target with just my bow (that’s with a Marauder item set and no food). With a Sigil of Incapacitation and Leg Specialist, you can basicaly proc 1sec of immobilize every 5-6sec while having perma Fury.

Also, Shouts didn’t got nerfed that hard. Yeah, the trait lost around 20% of healing power but Healing Surge became To the Limit, which is an additional shout skill which we didn’t have before.

Only part I totaly agree is the lack of Protection boon. It is a very important boon and we have close to no ways to generate it, couple with our limited evasive frames and lack of defensive team utilities it makes us very vulnerable in general when not supported by other professions that actualy may appy those effects.

Otherwise, I think Warriors are in a much better state compared to release. We might not be kings in structured PvP anymore, but we are doing just fine in PvE and WvW.

Hi, im greatfull for ur comment, let me say that sigil of incapacitation sucks and 1 sec of inmovalize is irrelevant i don’t see that build working in any other place then pve to be honest.. and for the amount of dmg that is been dealt now shouts wont do any good at all, i would love to see a video or a picture of that 10k burning dmg ur making cause trust me only with full sinister stats u will achive that and if ur runing those stats ur worst then a glass cannon u have no sustain AT ALL, shout bows are fresh meat in wvw and pvp… at least for pro players.

Tactics Trait line.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Tactic is fine if you use it with a Shout/Bow build. I recently switched over to Arms/Tactics/Berserker and I’ve reached over 10K burning dmg on large scale fights on the main target with just my bow (that’s with a Marauder item set and no food). With a Sigil of Incapacitation and Leg Specialist, you can basicaly proc 1sec of immobilize every 5-6sec while having perma Fury.

Also, Shouts didn’t got nerfed that hard. Yeah, the trait lost around 20% of healing power but Healing Surge became To the Limit, which is an additional shout skill which we didn’t have before.

Only part I totaly agree is the lack of Protection boon. It is a very important boon and we have close to no ways to generate it, couple with our limited evasive frames and lack of defensive team utilities it makes us very vulnerable in general when not supported by other professions that actualy may appy those effects.

Otherwise, I think Warriors are in a much better state compared to release. We might not be kings in structured PvP anymore, but we are doing just fine in PvE and WvW.

Hi, im greatfull for ur comment, let me say that sigil of incapacitation sucks and 1 sec of inmovalize is irrelevant i don’t see that build working in any other place then pve to be honest.. and for the amount of dmg that is been dealt now shouts wont do any good at all, i would love to see a video or a picture of that 10k burning dmg ur making cause trust me only with full sinister stats u will achive that and if ur runing those stats ur worst then a glass cannon u have no sustain AT ALL, shout bows are fresh meat in wvw and pvp… at least for pro players.

This is a picture of a 9992 burning tic on a Xocotl Crusher Champion, and we were only 3 that time. When I’m in big fight, with lots of might stacks and 25 vulnerability I have already got tics over 11500 dmg.

Also, you are realy underestimating the power of Leg Specialist. You don’t use Leg Specialist only for the extra soft CC. You also use it to setup your other skills so your foes can’t dodge it unless they use defensive cooldowns. When Sigil of Incapacitation procs with the bow, it gives you enough time to cast Pin Down and hit the target. When the target is flanked and immobilized he can’t attack you during that time. Also it happens every 5-6sec, so everytime that happens, your focussed target is vulnerable to other players too.

I could get an extra 6% condition dmg by replacing that Sigil, that’s true, but I deal more than enough dmg already and I rather focus on more CC. But that’s my personnal playstyle.
