Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Its just really not worth it having a Warrior in PvP.

- No Sustain. (No way to keep myself up in a fight.)
- No Condition Removal besides what everyone else can get “Items/Stats.” (Yes, this includes SHOUT build, which now rangers can do way better!)
- Underpowered Weapons. (No point in having weapons when they are horrible.)
- Forced to run away. (Yes, Warriors are now the Kings of running away.)
- Toughness is a JOKE. (Toughness needs to do something else, Protection offers more armor then 3000 armor.)

And last but not least…
- Ranger pets are pretty much warriors now in pvp, they have as much armor/more health and do almost as much damage, they are just a bit slower. However, ranger pets are.

- Tankier. (Perma Protection!)
- Have more sustain. (More ways to regenerate health in battle!)
- Have better Condition Removal.
- Have better ohcrapbuttons
- Arn’t even players.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: stale.9785


over react much?

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


over react much?

Not really, warriors are just a joke when it comes to sustain.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: THEmeltor.7295


You make alot of complaint threads, TC. Maybe you should take a break. You obviously don’t enjoy this game.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: gfox.6501


I’d much prefer if the warrior community can come together and have a real, thorough, and balanced discussion about improving our profession, things that we can agree can be toned down, and things we can agree can be buffed up.

I’m probably expecting too much from the internet, though.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sol Haer.5187

Sol Haer.5187

I’d much prefer if the warrior community can come together and have a real, thorough, and balanced discussion about improving our profession, things that we can agree can be toned down, and things we can agree can be buffed up.

I’m probably expecting too much from the internet, though.

Start with nerfing 100 Blades so the PvE side of community loses its bias that warriors are OP.

That skill is going to hold us back from balance just as much as lazy developers.

Birch Bruiser, Crystal Desert’s #1 Albino Sylvari Warrior.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: stale.9785


I’d much prefer if the warrior community can come together and have a real, thorough, and balanced discussion about improving our profession, things that we can agree can be toned down, and things we can agree can be buffed up.

I’m probably expecting too much from the internet, though.

Yes, yes you are.

I’d be game, but most of the forums would hate me. Outside of PvP, I’ve never had a problem with warrior. In WvW, if you don’t Leeroy into a zerg, you shouldn’t have an issue. In PvE, well, if you’re having problems with PvE, there’s not much I can say to you.

Personally, I’m not sure what all I’d change – other than replacing GS 5 with something that works. Cloning the Ranger’s “Swoop” would be cool.

Given the classes I play, I’m more invested in getting a Staff buff for ele’s, and having them fix the Longbow for rangers.

My warrior exists primarily to farm CoF1, or to frontline in WvW. If I were interested in t/spvp, I could see having more ideas.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warjin.8942


U need a gun, I have found that without a gun warriors suck bad, you will forever get kited to no end, I use a great sword and a gun, as soon as I start to get kited I don’t waste my time I start shooting.

Also glass build don’t work for warrior it’s to hard to land your burst ,spec 10/0/30/30/0 full shout build with soldier runes, that way you have 4 condition wipes with the passive shake it off trait.

I have not lost a single 1v1 sense speccing this way, your damage isn’t as burst-y but you still hit a lot harder then any guardian spec even zerker guardians and you have more passive healing then they do, the effective health with this spec is around 60k more then pretty much any other class, the only class that has more is a bunker nerco.

In the defense tree use the new trait that reduces movement effects by 33% with the passive regen, the last trait you can use endure pain but I like spiked armor for more anti-kiting power.

Over all you will not lose any 1v1, the key is never to use your shouts on junk conditions use them on poisons (healing nerf), heavy bleeds (more then 5 stacks), or long burns, remember as soon as the kiting starts you start shooting, if they come close, back to greatsword, it’s as simple that.

Your hardest fights will good nerco bunkers and guardians, sometimes sword/dagger bunker rangers but other then that you should be able to wipe almost all the bad conditions and regen your health passively to counter any auto damage.

/incoming Warrior nerf now that I opened my big mouth : (

(edited by Warjin.8942)

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: stale.9785


I’d much prefer if the warrior community can come together and have a real, thorough, and balanced discussion about improving our profession, things that we can agree can be toned down, and things we can agree can be buffed up.

I’m probably expecting too much from the internet, though.

Start with nerfing 100 Blades so the PvE side of community loses its bias that warriors are OP.

That skill is going to hold us back from balance just as much as lazy developers.

Yes, it will – though the leaf’s will win the cup before most of the forums agree that the damage on it is OP.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: stale.9785


U need a gun, I have found that without a gun warriors suck bad, you will forever get kited to no end, I use a great sword and a gun, as soon as I start to get kited I don’t waste my time I start shooting.

Also glass build don’t work for warrior it’s to hard to land your burst ,spec 10/0/30/30/0 full shout build with soldier runes, that way you have 4 condition wipes with the passive shake it off trait.

I have not lost a single 1v1 sense speccing this way, your damage isn’t as burst-y but you still hit a lot harder then any guardian spec even zerker guardians and you have more passive healing then they do, the effective health with this spec is around 60k more then pretty much any other class, the only class that has more is a bunker nerco.

In the defense tree use the new trait that reduces movement effects by 33% with the passive regen, the last trait you can use endure pain but I like spiked armor for more anti-kiting power.

Over all you will not lose any 1v1, the key is never to use your shouts on junk conditions use them on poisons (healing nerf) and heavy bleeds (more then 5 stacks), remember as soon as the kiting starts you start shooting, if they come close, back to greatsword, it’s as simple that.

Your hardest fights will good nerco bunkers and guardians, sometimes sword/dagger bunker rangers but other then that you should be able to wipe almost all the bad conditions and regen your health passively to counter and auto damage.

I like how your mind works.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i’ve always had a blast with this longbow/sword+board build
(copy and paste link in to browser)
thanks to the signet buff and Burst Mastery trait its been slightly buffed its a great little build, great escape from sword 2, decent survival from shield block and the damage…the damage is AWESOME.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


i’ve always had a blast with this longbow/sword+board build
(copy and paste link in to browser)
thanks to the signet buff and Burst Mastery trait its been slightly buffed its a great little build, great escape from sword 2, decent survival from shield block and the damage…the damage is AWESOME.

Are you taken into competitive tourney teams without them carrying you?

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


Its just really not worth it having a Warrior in PvP.

- No Sustain. (No way to keep myself up in a fight.)
- No Condition Removal besides what everyone else can get “Items/Stats.” (Yes, this includes SHOUT build, which now rangers can do way better!)
- Underpowered Weapons. (No point in having weapons when they are horrible.)
- Forced to run away. (Yes, Warriors are now the Kings of running away.)
- Toughness is a JOKE. (Toughness needs to do something else, Protection offers more armor then 3000 armor.)

And last but not least…
- Ranger pets are pretty much warriors now in pvp, they have as much armor/more health and do almost as much damage, they are just a bit slower. However, ranger pets are.

- Tankier. (Perma Protection!)
- Have more sustain. (More ways to regenerate health in battle!)
- Have better Condition Removal.
- Have better ohcrapbuttons
- Arn’t even players.

Say what?

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Its just really not worth it having a Warrior in PvP.

- No Sustain. (No way to keep myself up in a fight.)
- No Condition Removal besides what everyone else can get “Items/Stats.” (Yes, this includes SHOUT build, which now rangers can do way better!)
- Underpowered Weapons. (No point in having weapons when they are horrible.)
- Forced to run away. (Yes, Warriors are now the Kings of running away.)
- Toughness is a JOKE. (Toughness needs to do something else, Protection offers more armor then 3000 armor.)

And last but not least…
- Ranger pets are pretty much warriors now in pvp, they have as much armor/more health and do almost as much damage, they are just a bit slower. However, ranger pets are.

- Tankier. (Perma Protection!)
- Have more sustain. (More ways to regenerate health in battle!)
- Have better Condition Removal.
- Have better ohcrapbuttons
- Arn’t even players.

Say what?

Lol, facing opponents who are terrible.

Preomnomberry Pie Nerf.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


over react much?

Not really, warriors are just a joke when it comes to sustain.

Say what?

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


over react much?

Not really, warriors are just a joke when it comes to sustain.

Say what?

Lol, facing opponents who are terrible.

Preomnomberry Pie Nerf.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


over react much?

Not really, warriors are just a joke when it comes to sustain.

Say what?

Lol, facing opponents who are terrible.

Preomnomberry Pie Nerf.

Granted the first 2 or 3 were bad but that’s it.

You really think the pie made all that possible by itself? Of course you do since you’re a bad player.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


over react much?

Not really, warriors are just a joke when it comes to sustain.

Say what?

Lol, facing opponents who are terrible.

Preomnomberry Pie Nerf.

Granted the first 2 or 3 were bad but that’s it.

You really think the pie made all that possible by itself? Of course you do since you’re a bad player.

Yes I do, I actually played it before.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I don’t see any actual combat in that.

Looks like hes building a build that tries to kill someone before they can kill him, Aka that just proves my point that we have no sustain.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


Subscribe to him, he’s going to release an actual vid as he has already played the build and has confirmed it can take on multiple opponents, sounds like it sustains just fine.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Forzani.2584


I don’t see any actual combat in that.

Looks like hes building a build that tries to kill someone before they can kill him, Aka that just proves my point that we have no sustain.

Isn’t that the whole point when fighting someone ?

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I don’t see any actual combat in that.

Looks like hes building a build that tries to kill someone before they can kill him, Aka that just proves my point that we have no sustain.

Isn’t that the whole point when fighting someone ?

Some times the point is to hold a point, that is why people want sustain.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oberon Vex.1389

Oberon Vex.1389

I don’t see any actual combat in that.

Looks like hes building a build that tries to kill someone before they can kill him, Aka that just proves my point that we have no sustain.

Isn’t that the whole point when fighting someone ?


Warrior has access to some pretty solid sustain mechanics. You get a shield block that can become op as heck if you trait it (gain might per block, reflection over the duration), your healing signet gives you perma regeneration (on top of any you come across; in no way am I suggesting it is the best heal, just saying its there) and you have access to a ‘take no damage’ skill via Endure pain, which there is a trait to use automatically (even if the first utility is on cooldown) at low hp. Oh and another signet that increases your endurance gain, with the active of wiping ALL conditions. There is plenty of staying power on a warrior if you actually use it. And I didn’t even mention all the interrupts you have access to between weaponsets and utilities.

Oh, and just messing around theory crafting, warriors can achieve the highest effective health that I’ve found at 52k effective health. OHHHH right and you can also hit 4k armor (min-maxing, dont expect much damage if you go that route, though Sword/Board with 4k armor and a MasterTuningCrystal/condition dmg food in WvW/PvE could use a test ride).

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


ohh boy you just dropped the you can have high armor arguement.

I don’t want to reply to your post because it’s bad but those things don’t actually matter a whole heck of alot in the current meta. Almost all warriors run balanced stance Endure Pain and either Bull’s Charge or Bola’s or Frenzy. Signet of Stamina sucks we have no passive condi removal so we don’t get good returns from the endurance regen and the condi wipe is terrible because the classes that will own you with condi’s will stack it back immendiately. So you get bad returns from Signet of Stamina.

Maybe people just don’t understand what it means to have sustain in this game?

Our interrupts are on weaponsets that have hard times actually connecting or they fight with the required utility slots. Alot of the warrior and it’s gameplay is counter intuitive.

While having these changes are nice they are not game changing in the least.

I along with people that still actually play warrior appreciate seeing ppl not in the know get their panties in a bunch over nothing but this is getting a lil ridiculous.

btw you will take condi damage with endure pain active and shield block.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: gfox.6501


I don’t see any actual combat in that.

Looks like hes building a build that tries to kill someone before they can kill him, Aka that just proves my point that we have no sustain.

Isn’t that the whole point when fighting someone ?


Warrior has access to some pretty solid sustain mechanics. You get a shield block that can become op as heck if you trait it (gain might per block, reflection over the duration), your healing signet gives you perma regeneration (on top of any you come across; in no way am I suggesting it is the best heal, just saying its there) and you have access to a ‘take no damage’ skill via Endure pain, which there is a trait to use automatically (even if the first utility is on cooldown) at low hp. Oh and another signet that increases your endurance gain, with the active of wiping ALL conditions. There is plenty of staying power on a warrior if you actually use it. And I didn’t even mention all the interrupts you have access to between weaponsets and utilities.

Oh, and just messing around theory crafting, warriors can achieve the highest effective health that I’ve found at 52k effective health. OHHHH right and you can also hit 4k armor (min-maxing, dont expect much damage if you go that route, though Sword/Board with 4k armor and a MasterTuningCrystal/condition dmg food in WvW/PvE could use a test ride).

Ok, I’m gonna put this into the context of making a build, rather than nitpicking skills and traits and calling it a day.

This is based on your proposed ‘sustainable warrior’ setup.

Shield for offhand, might on block, reflection, at least 10 points discipline, 10 points defense.

Healing signet for heals.

Endure pain

Signet of Endurance

Interrupts in weapon and utility, so, hammer, and bull’s charge, I’m guessing. You also proposed sword for the condition damage, plus condition damage foods.

Ok, traits.

Strength – 15 points for Restorative Strength (sustainability and all that)
Arms – 10 points (for the suggested condition damage alternate sword/shield)
Defense – 30 for Missile Deflection, Merciless Hammer, Defy Pain
Tactics – 0
Discipline – 15 for Mighty Defenses and fast weapon swap

This is supposed to be focused on survivability so PVT gear with either Melandru or Lyssa Runes, Soldier or Knights trinkets I’m guessing.


You have 1 source of heal, Healing Signet, which is quite weak. You have regeneration from it and from Adrenal Health which are also very weak.

You have 2 ways of removing conditions, both have fairly significant cooldowns, and using Healing Signet takes out your regeneration.

You have Endure Pain and Defy Pain, which can be effective against sudden bursts, but does not make you immune to conditions. If you’re burning and bleeding while immobilized/chilled/crippled, this will not protect you, and with little means of removing conditions, this will happen often. You will lose HP and there’s no means of recovering that as Healing Signet won’t cover it.

Shield Stance can be effective against sudden bursts, but any AoE CC (Fear, pull, knockdown) will quickly disable it, decent but not impenetrable. It would be nice to have Balanced Stance, too bad there’s not enough slots.

Your ability to maintain survivability and pressure will be low, considering you have very little means to deal with a basic cripple, immobilize, chill, and zero means to deal with knockdowns and knockbacks. Whatever offense you were hoping to bring to the table becomes irrelevant.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


over react much?

Not really, warriors are just a joke when it comes to sustain.

Say what?

The first of those videos is in beta weekend #2, both before the game launch and back when weapon swap sigil’s didn’t share cooldowns so he could use sigil of battle+sigil of leeching on both weapon sets. Swapping every 5 seconds to get a 1k heal and 3 stacks of might.

Second video has been thrown around so many times. When he gets any sort of enemy attention he rapidly loses hp and can’t really get it back up again, what he’s doing is nothing that couldn’t be better complished by several other classes – especially given the number of green arrows there.

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: naphack.9346


I’d much prefer if the warrior community can come together and have a real, thorough, and balanced discussion about improving our profession, things that we can agree can be toned down, and things we can agree can be buffed up.

I’m probably expecting too much from the internet, though.

Start with nerfing 100 Blades so the PvE side of community loses its bias that warriors are OP.

That skill is going to hold us back from balance just as much as lazy developers.

just make it a burst skill.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Taking my Warrior out of PvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Moderator.6837



Since this thread is not inviting to constructive and healthy discussion, it is now closed.