Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I was inspired by a friend who told me about a pretty nice condition build he used on tPvP that was pretty successful and decided to take aspects of it, put my own spin on it and use it for roaming in WvW.

Before i delve into the build I would just like to give the pros and the cons of the build, just to make sure if it interests any of you guys.


- Ranges from quite troll to very troll
- Very high DPS in most situations
- Builds up to 15+ stacks of bleeds fairly easily
- Very survivable, tanky, decent sustain, mobility
- Decent boon generation/duration
- Unexpected and catches people off guard easily, underestimated
- Can deal with classes/builds most warriors will have trouble with
- Destroys most warrior builds 1v1
- Can hold its own in 1v2 situations
- Often wins so called “sustain” battles
- Plenty of Condition removal


- Lacks crowd control
- Almost no direct damage
- Can potentially backfire hard against heavy condition clearing builds
- Somewhat dependent on landing pindown
- Weak against builds with high in-combat mobility
- No fast hands or mobile strikes

Here is a link to more or less the ideal build that I want to have:


Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


First off, I want to explain the trait setup I have chose.

I chose 20 in arms, 20 in defense and 30 in tactics as I felt this setup maximized my sustain, survivability and ability to maximize my bleed DPS.

I have tried many other setups including 0/25/30/0/15, 20/25/10/0/15, etc, but simply these do not compare to the trait setup I have chosen.

People tend to go 15 into disc simply to gain fast hands. For this build, it is simply an investment that is not worth the benefits it gives. I cringed at the fact I would be fighting without fast hands, but after getting used to it, I realized it really wasn’t needed. Mostly because I would be using the longbow 70% of the time and 5 extra seconds wasn’t a big deal.

Other than fast hands and mobile strikes, Discipline is a rather useless tree for a condition warrior that doesn’t add any meaningful to the build. With this setup, you gain boosts to stats that are all very meaningful and important to the warrior.

So now I will explain in detail my minor and major traits:


5 – Precise Strikes: An amazing little minor trait for this condition warrior build. Combined with a Longbow’s Dual Shot and the Sword’s inherent bleeds on auto-attacks, this allows the Warrior to generate bleeds very easily

10 – Deep Cuts: A no brainer for this build. Other condition built classes envy this trait and is really one of the keys to this build. Having people bleed out constantly for long periods of time make it difficult for them to reset the battle and gives you amazing sustained DPS.

15 – Critical Burst: Rather kinda meh for a condition build but honestly it is a minor trait I can live with. Having your F1 longbow crit more often allows for more opportunity to stack bleeds, although not gamebreaking by any means

20 – Blademaster: A decent trait, allowing your sword to crit more often, therefore having more opportunities to stack bleeds. Again not gamebreaking because you will be using the longbow mostly, but is still nice to have

Other possibilities:

Not really much of a choice but I guess you could go Furious Reaction. However, you already have decent fury and vigor generation.


5 – Thick Skin: A terrible minor trait IMO that does nothing for the Warrior

10 – Dogged March: In long and drawn out battles, you will want to have the extra regeneration and reduced condition duration. Especially since you do not have melandru runes, lemongrass or mobile strikes.

15 – Adrenal Health: Kind of meh for a minor trait but it does help your sustain somewhat

20 – Last Stand: Having stability in some cases isn’t needed when roaming, but it is always recommended to have because you just never know . I don’t know how many times I’ve lost a fight and just wished I had stability. The ability to do free damage without any interrupts is just way too good to pass up, good for escaping and extra good for quick stomps.

Other possibilities:

Another possibility is using Embrace the Pain in place of Dogged March. This allows you to gain adrenaline rather quickly, ensuring that the F1 Longbow can be fired any time it is up.


5 – Determined Revival: Probably the best minor trait in the tactics line, but rather useless 95% of the time. You are a roamer meaning you probably will not be rezzing people. May help in 2vx situations but does not really make a difference at all.

10 – Stronger Bowstrings: Rather a no-brainer, longer range is great for many obvious reasons, self-explanatory

15 – Fast Healer: Pretty much the same as determined revival, quite useless

20 – Quick Breathing: Allows you to have perma access to swiftness, almost perma-vigor, faster condition clears and it converts a condition into a boon which is useful for a class that doesn’t have a whole lot of boon generation.

25 – Reviver’s Might: Again, tactics line gets the short end of the stick here.

30 – Vigorous Shouts: This is also one of the keys to this build. Having extra sustain is vital to a build that thrives as battles go on. It will go a really long way.

Other Possibilities:

The only other possibility is probably to switch the warhorn trait for reduced shout cooldowns. This is certainly a viable alternative for extra sustain and really it boils down to preference. Shrug it off wouldn’t be terrible but IMO it is inferior to quick breathing and lung capacity

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Now, I would like to explain my weapon choices and sigils:

Longbow: The best weapon and a must have for a condition build, hands down. The application of burns and ease for which it stacks bleeds is essential for this build to be successful. Pin Down is an absolutely amazing skill causing a lengthy immobilize, and 6 stacks of bleed with a rather long bleed duration. For this weapon, you need to put the superior sigil of earth, hands down. It synergizes with the fact that dual shot fires twice per auto-attack and gives you the ability to apply a ton of bleeds. The F1 skill on the longbow is also very amazing because burns deal a truck load of damage, has the chance to apply bleeds per pulse and doubles as a combo field. Use Arcing Arrow and Call to Arms on the Warhorn for an extra might boost. Fan of Fire and Smouldering Arrow are excellent compliments to this weapon as well.

Sword (Main Hand): The sword is needed because other wise you will have no gap closers or escapes, which is essential for a roaming warrior build. You can chase people down and escape fairly well with savage leap. The ability for the sword to apply 3 bleeds with one swing is also amazing, however it is difficult because this build lacks CC. The #3 on the sword is nice if you land it but it is very difficult to do. Flurry is amazing for stacking bleeds in a short amount of time. You can actually stack close to 20 bleeds with a full adreanaline bar because you attack 12 times and if you use the #5 on the longbow that is an easy 25 bleed stacks. The obvious choice of sigil would be the superior sigil of earth

Warhorn (Off-Hand): Without Mobile Strikes, you need a way to deal with immobilizes. Chill is also a warrior’s worst enemy. Vigor is definitely needed as it allows you to dodge alot of fight-changing skills and damage and overall outlast your opponent. The conversion of one condition into a boon and applying weakness is also a nice touch. The superior sigil of geomancy is a nice touch for when you switch to the sword/warhorn weapon set as it gives you a free 3 stack of bleeds if you are in melee.

Other Possibilities:

The Longbow is essential and the sword main-hand is also so no other choices can be made there. However, the obvious alternatives for the offhand are the sword or the shield. The sword off-hand allows you stack more bleeds and gives you an extra block. However, you will have no source of vigor, non-perma swiftness, terrible condition removal and terrible boon generation. The shield off-hand gives you some extra CC and an extra invulnerability which is always nice. The shield is certainly helpful against certain classes where mitigating burst is essential, i.e Thief, Mesmer. Certainly a viable choice, but I prefer Warhorn for all the reasons I mentioned above. An interesting possibility would be the Mace Offhand. It gives you a very reliable knockdown, but I would have to try it. More than likely however I will stick with the Warhorn.

Now onto the skill portion of the build.

I tend to use For Great Justice, Shake it Off and Signet of Fury. Taking any less than 2 shouts IMO is a waste of the tactics trait line and you will not have very good sustain. Plus, SiO is a stunbreaker and removes one condition. FGJ gives you more might and extra uptime on fury.

Utility Healing, I tend to always take Mending. Gives you condition removal and since I am always using adrenaline, Healing Surge may not be as optimal.

As for my elite skill, you will want Signet of Rage, but you can ofc opt for racial based elite skills or Rampage if you really wanted to. But ehhh, I suggest sticking to SoR

Other Possibilities:

For the third utility, it is really up to you. I take Signet of Fury because I feel like having full adrenaline at the start of the fight is essential to unload your “condition” burst and do the max damage possible. Your F1 Longbow is very vital to your DPS. However, Endure Pain, Throw Bolas, Balanced Stance, Frenzy are all decent choices. Even On My Mark if you want the extra healing. Kick isn’t terrible either as it sets you up to land your Pin Down. Bulls Rush is kind of meh, doesn’t work that well with this build and it is a long cooldown. Fear Me wouldn’t be as bad but it has too high of a cooldown.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Now to talk about gear selection:

For most if not all of your pieces, you will want Precision/Toughness/Condition Damage, or Rabid as it is usually called. You need precision to better apply bleeds, toughness to survive alot better and condition damage obviously to kill people. These are the 3 most important stats for a condition warrior all conveniently placed one type of gear.

You can also opt to have Vitality on some of your pieces if that is what you desire. However with the 30 in Tactics you should have pretty good HP already. But more doesn’t really hurt.

As far as Runes go, I opted for the Superior Runes of the Undead. It gives you a lot of toughness and condition damage but there are many options as well. I just took them because they were cheap.

Other Alternatives for Runes:

Runes of the Soldier is a decent choice. Gives you extra toughness and vitality as well as your shouts remove conditions. I can imagine this would work very well for this build.

Runes of Lyssa wouldn’t be terrible to further compliment the boon generation/duration of this build, but you do not have the signet cooldown to take full advantage of it. However it does have a condition clear and all the boons you gain will last 30% longer. Gives you an extra 10% condition duration which is nice too.

Runes of Divinity wouldn’t be a terrible choice either. However, it is very expensive and some of that stats it gives you goes to waste. Crit dmg and power isn’t needed at all but it does give an overall boost to needed stats.

Melandru runes aren’t terrible either, however due to the condition removal that this build has it wouldn’t really be optimal at all.

Runes of Afflicted seems like a good choice but I would advise against it. You do not need an extra 15% bleed duration. The Poison duration goes to waste, and casting a Death Nova when you go down is pretty redundant

Runes of Nightmare doesn’t seem bad, but there are better choices.

Remember though, since undead runes gives you condition damage and condition damage based on your toughness, alternatives will likely reduce your condition damage by quite a bit.

Now moving on to foods …

Using the Veggie Pizza to me is a no brainer, 40% condition duration is all you need to compliment your bleeds lasting 50% longer. Bleeds from the sword last 15 seconds, Pindown from the Longbow lasts 22 seconds. People will bleed out like crazy. It is kind of overkill IMO but I will gladly take it as it requires no sacrifice at all. Stacking further condition duration after this point is kind of useless as you have to compromise your build and the condition will usually be cleared before the bleed is allowed to go for its full duration.

As far as your utility buff, use the one that gives you 5% and 3% condition from toughness/vit respectively. You can go the 6%/4% if you’d like, but it is very expensive and doesn’t add a whole lot more condition damage.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


This roamer build is effective based on the fact that many people do not have sufficient condition removal to keep up with the bleeds this build stacks. It is annoying as fk for the opponent as it forces them either to blow condition removal skills (that are often tied up with some sort of other effect), forces them to heal or bleed out for the next 15-20 seconds. Good for preventing resetting and keeps the movement speed debuff in combat.

It is also effective based on the fact that people underestimate bleeds, and tend to associate warriors with hundred blade/frenzy/eviscerate 10K burst damage monsters, rather than a longbow warrior that will use pindown and laugh as they watch you bleed out and die for the next 20 seconds. It gives you the element of unpredictability and surprise.

Also, you are very hard to chase and take down. With over 3000 armor, 22K HP, perma-swiftness, vigor and an escape, shout heals, etc, zergs will give up chasing you or trying to kill you. You can even deal with 1v2s based on this fact. Glass cannon burst builds will wonder how you do so much damage yet are so tanky.

Contrary to belief, you can take down people almost as fast as burst builds. If you get a good 10 stack of bleeds, nice burns and your opponent cannot clear conditions fast, they will melt quickly. A small HP pool can kill them within several seconds. Longer fights also do not favour most classes against this build as they are forced to constantly burn condition removal as well deal with this build’s vigor, condition removal and sustain.

However this build isn’t invincible and does have weaknesses. I haven’t had a problem against most classes, it is more of a matter of whether they had condition removal or not.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Now onto its effectiveness vs other classes ..

I’ve had most of my problems against Rangers actually. Ranger’s not only have excellent condition removal most of the time, it is very accessible and most rangers I find in WvW come equipped with it. They can also transfer conditions onto their pets as well as sometimes they have good heals and sustainability. Sword rangers can be trouble some due to their amount of evades, and beastmaster builds because the pet is a nuisance in the damage it deals and how it protects the ranger. They can probably outsustain you as well and deal more dmg over time. Doesn’t mean however I got completely destroyed or I have never beat them.

Necro’s I could imagine gives a condi warrior problems, but fortunately not many of them roam. They have plenty of condition removal and can easily transfer conditions back to you. However this is the reason why you have condition removal. Their fear is very annoying, as well as their chills, cripples, poisons, etc. Death Shroud will mitigate alot of damage for them. So beware against Necros.

I have beat most guardians with this build, even bunker guardians. You can kite guardians pretty well, they do not have the damage most of the time to kill you. Even guardians with decent condition removal cannot keep up with the bleeds you stack. If they have no condition removal, they will usually die easily because of their naturally low health pool. In longer fights I have often won because the bleeds I stacked were often too much.

Thieves can be annoying, but if you play it right you should win. You MUST make sure to land your pindown on a thief, which is easier said than done because they are highly evasive. However, if you do it is usually game over because most are glass cannon, unless they have traited for condition clears in stealth. However if you miss too many skills and you don’t stack enough bleeds they will probably kill you. But you will have many opportunities to do so because of your high toughness and decent vit pool with shout heals. They can still be a tough fight, and you don’t have a shield to absorb their damage so be on your toes.

Mesmers are super annoying as fk because you spend a lot of time trying to click or tab on the right mesmer. However most mesmers do not pack condition removal and one pindown can seal it for them. They have great deception, have stealth and teleports so it can be difficult to kill them. But I have killed many mesmers because they could not clear the 12 stacks of bleed and 5 second burns I had on them. Builds such as phantasm mesmers however can still do a number on you.

Every warrior I have encountered actually hasn’t been able to beat me. Maybe because they were bad, lacked condition removal, idk. But they were honestly more free Warrior kills than any other class. Most of the warriors had zero condition removal. Sometimes all I would do was land 1 pindown and dance around them for 20 seconds and they would be dead. Pretty funny stuff.

Engis … I honestly don’t know alot about their class so it is hard to say. All I know is that they are very annoying as well and can fk almost anybody up as well. But again, the principle of condition removal applies here.

Eles … honestly I haven’t fought very many eles but most could not beat me. Bleeding them to death forces them to burn every condition removal ability they have because of their lower health pool. As a result, they cannot really concentrate on doing damage. And with a tanky warrior, with condition clear, it was hard for them to make a dent in me so I ultimately won most of these fights.

So yeah, if you are looking for a really fun roamer build that is troll yet effective, try and give this one a shot. I wish I could upload videos but my computer really sucks. My favourite is to go into a zerg, pindown a target, fire F1 then run as I watch them eat condition damage and die then laugh sometimes. Keep in mind though, even if you are up against a heavy condition clearing build, your tankiness and survivability may be able to win it for you.

Works like a charm in zerg vs zerg battles, deals heavy DPS and great obtaining maximum loot bags!

I wish we had more traits that could improve the way we deal conditions, i.e if a foe has more than 5 stacks of bleed inflict a 1 second burn on the next attack.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: Machspeedtwo.1342


Great write-up. Sounds like a build worth testing out. I typically run a zerk build with a rifle and sword/warhorn for group v. group encounters but I often lack the sustain needed if I become the target of two or more guys.

I’ve also been wanting an excuse to bust out the longbow again, so I’ll try to get some testing done with this build and will report back ASAP.

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Great write-up. Sounds like a build worth testing out. I typically run a zerk build with a rifle and sword/warhorn for group v. group encounters but I often lack the sustain needed if I become the target of two or more guys.

I’ve also been wanting an excuse to bust out the longbow again, so I’ll try to get some testing done with this build and will report back ASAP.

Yeah, i just wanted to try something totally different from what I have used previously for my warrior builds.

It was a rather inexpensive test (Galrath gear is dirt cheap) plus I had a few ascended rings lying around.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

This is almost identical to my build:


And it has become my new main character, and my favorite build in WvW. The major differences compared to yours is the 10pts in Discipline for adrenaline on shouts, “On my Mark” as the 3rd utility, Runes of the Soldier on armor, and a shield for my offhand.

I used to run 0/20/20/30/0 like you, but had a terrible time with adrenaline. It would take me forever to get even 2 bars. People think Dual Shot has an advantage for building adrenaline because it fires 2 projectiles…but it also fires twice as slowly as other auto attacks, so there is no gain. And while melee attacks can hit up to 3 targets each swing, you’re lucky if both Dual Shot projectiles actually land.

To supplement my adrenaline, I picked up Inspiring Shouts, and I’ve never looked back. Each shout gives 8 strikes of adrenaline, which is ~25% of your adrenaline bar. With the 20% shout reduction from Tactics, you can frequently fire full, 3-bar Combustive Shots back to back.

The other main difference is the use of the shield offhand. In my opinion, the 3 second block is a necessity in WvW, and has saved me far more times than the warhorn. I also go with the reflect on block trait, as I think unblockable projectiles can still be reflected. Because of that shield choice, I have very little condition removal…which is also why I opted for Runes of the Soldier. But with the rest of the build (3 shouts, shouts heal, shouts give adrenaline), the condition removal on shouts just made sense. It makes a 3 shout build incredibly effective.

Armor and trinkets are the same as yours, and weapons are the same except for the sigils. I have 2 longbows, one with a corruption sigil (stacks of +10 cond dmg on kill), and one with an earth sigil that I equip when I hit 25 stacks of corruption. For The sword and shield, I have the earth rune like you, but also a 10% bleed duration rune.

From the deep cuts trait and veggie pizza you get a total of 50% + 40% = 90% bleed duration increase. The bleed stacks on Flurry are 2 seconds base duration, and bleed damage only ticks each full second. So with 90% duration increase, that’s still only a total duration of 3 seconds, while that +10% increase on the shield bumps it to +100% total, for 4 second duration. That’s a 33% effective damage increase from the 10% duration increase.

I considered using the geomancy sigil, but found I usually switch to sword/shield while I am at a distance, then charge in with the leap, so most of the time the swap would be wasted. Also, it puts the earth sigil on a cooldown when you swap, so lost procs there as well.

Overall, when I’m fully buffed I run around 2000 condition damage (little under or over depending on might stacks), which equates to ~143 dmg per bleed, and 828 burns. In group settings I get bleed ticks over 160 and burns over 950. And with the procs on weapons and traits, Flurry usually lands 16 stacks of bleeding (12 from Flurry itself, and around 4 more from procs), for 4, 6, and 10s durations, averaging around 11k damage if all the bleeds tick off.

It’s a very potent build, with a very different playstyle. You have a lot of ranged, AOE damage with the bow, and a lot of support with buffs, heals, AOE condition removal, and combo fields. Your melee damage is very good too, and with the shield you have enough CC and survival to withstand burst builds, and wear down sustain builds.

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Now onto its effectiveness vs other classes ..

I’ve had most of my problems against Rangers actually. Ranger’s not only have excellent condition removal most of the time, it is very accessible and most rangers I find in WvW come equipped with it. They can also transfer conditions onto their pets as well as sometimes they have good heals and sustainability. Sword rangers can be trouble some due to their amount of evades, and beastmaster builds because the pet is a nuisance in the damage it deals and how it protects the ranger. They can probably outsustain you as well and deal more dmg over time. Doesn’t mean however I got completely destroyed or I have never beat them.

I’ll tell you a secret that I realyl shouldnt, but I am feeling generous. If you kill a BM rangers pet they will 90% of the time have no other method for condition removal.

Thats exactly how I beat other BM bunkers on my condition bunker rangers. Kill the pet first than they are sitting ducks (as far as conditions go).

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Now onto its effectiveness vs other classes ..

I’ve had most of my problems against Rangers actually. Ranger’s not only have excellent condition removal most of the time, it is very accessible and most rangers I find in WvW come equipped with it. They can also transfer conditions onto their pets as well as sometimes they have good heals and sustainability. Sword rangers can be trouble some due to their amount of evades, and beastmaster builds because the pet is a nuisance in the damage it deals and how it protects the ranger. They can probably outsustain you as well and deal more dmg over time. Doesn’t mean however I got completely destroyed or I have never beat them.

I’ll tell you a secret that I realyl shouldnt, but I am feeling generous. If you kill a BM rangers pet they will 90% of the time have no other method for condition removal.

Thats exactly how I beat other BM bunkers on my condition bunker rangers. Kill the pet first than they are sitting ducks (as far as conditions go).

That is an interesting thought but can’t the ranger summon their other pet, and wouldn’t it take too long to kill it before the ranger kills you?

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Well, yes it depends on how long you can survive them. In the experiences I had it was bunker vs bunker which are always long drawnout battles, so I could survive long enough to achieve it.

And yes, they can pet swap. The key is to wait till they pet swap and then to immediately try burst down their pet and kill it before the swap is off cooldown. They will then swap back to their original pet which you have to then kill as well. Once a pet is downed the cooldown to swap to (and therefore revive) it is increase from the usual 15 seconds (when traited, as BM will be) to 1 minute.

It is does take time to do, but if you are confident you can survive their attacks for the ~20-25 seconds it will take to kill both pets, you will gain yourself about 40-50 seconds of them having no condition removal which really should be eanough to down them if you’re a condition build.

It also depends a bit of their pet.. on a drake I wouldnt bother trying because they have insane HP, but on cats and birds are pretty weak and its very doable then.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: THEmeltor.7295


Just for kicks, what kind of direct damage are you doing on your attacks? I currently run a sort-of similar build, but mine is much more offensively focused. I have about double your power, with +60% crit damage, and while my bleeds don’t tick for 130 they normally sit around the 90-100 range depending on how many might stacks I have. At 2500 armor and 20k health I don’t go down super fast unless focus-fired (in which case every class is going to go down quickly) and I have some escapbility with Mobile Strikes and 2 leaps (Sword MH and Shield). I’m also currently playing around with Burst Mastery which is great for zerging and all around spamming of Combustive Shot and Flurry.

I do agree with you that most people don’t expect the condition warrior to come around but I’ve found that the Sword and Longbow fare best as hybrid weapons (both Power/Precision AND Condition Damage) and so I tried to build around them as best I could.

this is my build, BTW: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIUQNAsezicOOPMxBAkCsu6oIppUPsru4A-jAzAYLQEGAmDiqAQEAzfFRjtVUENWFDm2MRa0UrdB8GMa1A-e

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Just for kicks, what kind of direct damage are you doing on your attacks? I currently run a sort-of similar build, but mine is much more offensively focused. I have about double your power, with +60% crit damage, and while my bleeds don’t tick for 130 they normally sit around the 90-100 range depending on how many might stacks I have. At 2500 armor and 20k health I don’t go down super fast unless focus-fired (in which case every class is going to go down quickly) and I have some escapbility with Mobile Strikes and 2 leaps (Sword MH and Shield). I’m also currently playing around with Burst Mastery which is great for zerging and all around spamming of Combustive Shot and Flurry.

I do agree with you that most people don’t expect the condition warrior to come around but I’ve found that the Sword and Longbow fare best as hybrid weapons (both Power/Precision AND Condition Damage) and so I tried to build around them as best I could.

this is my build, BTW: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIUQNAsezicOOPMxBAkCsu6oIppUPsru4A-jAzAYLQEGAmDiqAQEAzfFRjtVUENWFDm2MRa0UrdB8GMa1A-e

I hate to admit the direct damage that I do with this build, but the lowest I’ve seen it was 98 (x2) crits with dual shot from longbow on bunker guardians with protection. But on average it will do about 400 crits on people. The sword is a fair bit stronger I think.

I have tried a hybrid build but in the end I thought a hybrid build was trying to do too much and you inevitably end up gimping your survivability highly. If I was to to have my armor at 2,500 I feel like a pure zerker build would be more optimal.

IMO I feel like 2,500 armor isn’t enough to deal with all the downsides that come with roaming. The random thief that will come along and backstab you absurdly high amounts, fighting 2v1s, ability to deal with taking damage and escaping from zergs, ability to take supply camps, deal with foes while trying to deal with veteran scouts and guardians, the ability to deal with another 1v1 right after you just finished one, etc. The ability to completely outlast most opponents while letting your bleeds and burns do all the work.

While bleeds can be cleansed rather easily, I do around 135-150 bleeds depending on how many might stacks I have. Say that I have +40 more ticks than you on bleeds.

If I stack 15 bleeds (which isn’t that difficult) that is an extra 600 damage per second, and the bleeds last very long if it is not cleansed.

So all in all it depends, your build might be better in some situations. Mine is more of an “all-in” build that relies on one mode of damage dealing to deal damage but also has great survivability and tankiness as a backup if the condition damage isn’t doing so well.

I have contemplated 30 disc just for the burst mastery, but 30 points is just too much to throw away casually at a build that does not take advantage of direct damage at all. It does work however for your build.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: THEmeltor.7295


Once I get some Rabid gear/trinkets I plan on trying out the full-condition build and see how I like it. Need to start running some dungeons. The tankiness provided in your build is alluring, although I’m not sold on speccing that far into Tactics…

Tank/Full condition/WvW roamer build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Once I get some Rabid gear/trinkets I plan on trying out the full-condition build and see how I like it. Need to start running some dungeons. The tankiness provided in your build is alluring, although I’m not sold on speccing that far into Tactics…

Tactics, despite their crappy minor traits is offset by the really beneficial major traits in my opinion, Stronger Bowstrings, converting conditions on warhorn, shout heals, etc. Adds some needed vit and boon durations is something that is never bad no matter what warrior build. Despite bleeds most often being converted, against classes like Guardians, rangers they will be likely converted into aegis and protection respectively, which has actually saved my life many times.

I feel like Anet in the future will do something about some of the crappy minor traits that we have in tactics. So even if it is not alluring now, it has larger potential moving forward. But then again, Anet will likely change the 3% burst dmg bonus from discipline.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)
