Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: hunter steele.7836

hunter steele.7836

Hello what’s up guys i have been working on this build for a very long time and decided to take your opinion on whether i should post it or not. It simply if this should replace zerker or not. here are the stats with no buffs/foods/sigils of bloodlust etc

Power: 2383
precision(critical chance): 50%
toughness: 2000
HP: 20k
ferocity: 900-1000
critical damage: 196%-206

Here are the skills
Healing signet/signet of dolyak/signet of fury/signet of rage/ On my mark

Notes: the build is vulnerability stacking (axe/mace and greatsword)

For more info please ask me i will be checking this post every little while please tell me if i need modifying or editing or if something isn’t good enough (remember it is no food). So is it good enough to replace zerker? please tell me! thanks guys!

(edited by hunter steele.7836)

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Flissy.4093


PvE? No, nothing will top Berserker still. I can’t comment on the state of Warrior in othe content.

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


Zerker is even more important now, not less important. There’s less room for slackers.

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Zerk is only important to dungeon speed farmers and they will still be demanding it cause god forbid a run takes a few extra minutes out of their busy schedules. Anet narrowed the gap between Zerker and everything else so technically it is making Zerk less important cause having a non Zerk in your party is a smaller loss in DPS than it used to be.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

You still want to go full zerk in a perfect speedrun situation.

What’s the point of going tankyzerk if you can survive without going tanks anyways? You may as well pump all you can into damage.

However, if you were struggling to play full zerk, it might be worth pumping some survivability because you might not be getting enough returns to compensate for deaths etc now.

I’ll probably go a bit more tanky on all my classes if I do 40+ FotM. I’m just not focused enough after work to pull full zerk on that.

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Morsus.5106


Zerk is only important to dungeon speed farmers and they will still be demanding it cause god forbid a run takes a few extra minutes out of their busy schedules. Anet narrowed the gap between Zerker and everything else so technically it is making Zerk less important cause having a non Zerk in your party is a smaller loss in DPS than it used to be.

(Let me just get this out of the way, I’m not a speedrunner, I always bring anyone and everyone who fills up my LFGs with the description of “P- All Welcome”.)
This change has made Zerker MORE important because with the reduction in DPS, we need more of it to make up for it. I typically run Knight’s, but I understand that this will reduce my party’s DPS in dungeons, and now I’m going to have to swap to it to help pick up the loss of DPS.

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


It simply if this should replace zerker or not.

For pve, no, zerk is still the best.

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Zerk is only important to dungeon speed farmers and they will still be demanding it cause god forbid a run takes a few extra minutes out of their busy schedules. Anet narrowed the gap between Zerker and everything else so technically it is making Zerk less important cause having a non Zerk in your party is a smaller loss in DPS than it used to be.

(Let me just get this out of the way, I’m not a speedrunner, I always bring anyone and everyone who fills up my LFGs with the description of “P- All Welcome”.)
This change has made Zerker MORE important because with the reduction in DPS, we need more of it to make up for it. I typically run Knight’s, but I understand that this will reduce my party’s DPS in dungeons, and now I’m going to have to swap to it to help pick up the loss of DPS.

Before patch you had insane DPS through high crit damage. The difference between someone running full zerk and someone that wasn’t was pretty drastic. They narrowed it down by nerfing crit damage but leaving other power builds the same. Now the difference between the 2 is less. Having someone that isn’t full zerk in your party doesn’t reduce overall party DPS as much as it used too therefore making Zerk less important. Only those still wanting to do 5-10 min dungeons (speedruns) will be crying for full zerk. Anet doesn’t want you to be clearing their dungeons in 5 mins and killing bossing in less than 30 seconds anymore, get use to it.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I disagree with the above and I disagree with anet for telling the person above me that. Guess what ANET lies. Its still zerk or gtfo why becasue half zerk half tank or anything less than full zerk is in a worst posistion now than it was before. It just cant cut it anymore. Trust me I know I tried running my full ascended zerk with my soldiers armor in PVE and it is so bad now. Atleast before the damage was still low but decent. NOW? its terribad. You need to go full zerk just to get back to be equivalent of a half zerk before. Now a half zerk now is equivalent to a quater zerk before its pretty drastic. ANET changed nothing they only efffed the game and warriors over more.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Flissy.4093


I disagree with the above and I disagree with anet for telling the person above me that. Guess what ANET lies. Its still zerk or gtfo why becasue half zerk half tank or anything less than full zerk is in a worst posistion now than it was before. It just cant cut it anymore. Trust me I know I tried running my full ascended zerk with my soldiers armor in PVE and it is so bad now. Atleast before the damage was still low but decent. NOW? its terribad. You need to go full zerk just to get back to be equivalent of a half zerk before. Now a half zerk now is equivalent to a quater zerk before its pretty drastic. ANET changed nothing they only efffed the game and warriors over more.

Clearly you have tested nothing, as Dungeons are currently broken right now and also affected by the script ANet ran to reduce stats of open world mobs.

I’m noticing significant speed increase in all dungeons.

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I disagree with the above and I disagree with anet for telling the person above me that. Guess what ANET lies. Its still zerk or gtfo why becasue half zerk half tank or anything less than full zerk is in a worst posistion now than it was before. It just cant cut it anymore. Trust me I know I tried running my full ascended zerk with my soldiers armor in PVE and it is so bad now. Atleast before the damage was still low but decent. NOW? its terribad. You need to go full zerk just to get back to be equivalent of a half zerk before. Now a half zerk now is equivalent to a quater zerk before its pretty drastic. ANET changed nothing they only efffed the game and warriors over more.

I was stating Anet’s logic, not mine. When you look at the math and compare non zerk build DPS to what zerk build DPS is now (not before), it is true. The percentage drop between the 2 is less than it used to be and has less of an impact on party DPS.

Ultimately it is the community that decides what is important or not and it looks like getting the same amount of damage in the party as you had before the patch is what is important, which means full zerk.

So in a way, both statements are true.

I don’t do dungeons cause I think they are lame and I don’t like the way everyone just skips everything. I never agreed with the “go zerk mentallity” In my honest opinion I find that it ruins the game and trivializes the entire PvE. You are frowned upon for trying to think outside the very tiny zerk box. This game was advertised as play how you want to play but it turned out the be play how other people think you should be playing or KICK.

There is absolutely nothing competitive about GW2 PvE, I don’t get what the big deal is about not running the most efficient build. Plz don’t tell me it’s out of respect for your party members cause we all know that is a major load of bull. Nobody cares about wasting other peoples time, all they care about is getting the loot chest quick so they can go loot another. I have play this game since launch and I have never seem any of the dungeon stories because people are in such a hurry the get the kittenty loot that they will kick anyone interested in experiencing the content as it was meant to be and replace them by another mindless zerker bot.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

(edited by Julie Yann.5379)

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Agony.3542


Clearly you have tested nothing, as Dungeons are currently broken right now and also affected by the script ANet ran to reduce stats of open world mobs.

I’m noticing significant speed increase in all dungeons.

While Warlords post might be somewhat overexaggerated, there is some truth in this. If you just take a look at the numbers you will see where the loss of critical damage is mainly coming from – the trinkets.
Ascender Zerk armor: An equivalent of -20 points of ferocity
Ascended Weapons: An equivalent of -16 points of ferocity
Ascended trinkets: An equivalent of -282 points of ferocity
(What I mean by that is that the pieces would need x more ferocity to reach the old amount).
If you take the amount of overall stats granted into account trinkets got hit 7 times as hard as armor.
Just looking at that, wearing zerker armor now makes more of a difference than pre patch, since the stats on armor will carry more weight now.

Broken scripts wont change that.

RIP game 2012-2014

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Clearly you have tested nothing, as Dungeons are currently broken right now and also affected by the script ANet ran to reduce stats of open world mobs.

I’m noticing significant speed increase in all dungeons.

While Warlords post might be somewhat overexaggerated, there is some truth in this. If you just take a look at the numbers you will see where the loss of critical damage is mainly coming from – the trinkets.
Ascender Zerk armor: An equivalent of -20 points of ferocity
Ascended Weapons: An equivalent of -16 points of ferocity
Ascended trinkets: An equivalent of -282 points of ferocity
(What I mean by that is that the pieces would need x more ferocity to reach the old amount).
If you take the amount of overall stats granted into account trinkets got hit 7 times as hard as armor.
Just looking at that, wearing zerker armor now makes more of a difference than pre patch, since the stats on armor will carry more weight now.

Broken scripts wont change that.

You could go Cavalier/Valk mixed with some Zerk/Assassins and get the same or better stats than those prepatch hybrid builds and have the same amount of crit damage as those full zerker cultists and you would still be considered trash cause they considered it trash before the patch. It’s been said god knows how many times, go Zerk or GTFO.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Agony.3542


I don’t do dungeons cause I think they are lame and I don’t like the way everyone just skips everything. I never agreed with the “go zerk mentallity” In my honest opinion I find that it ruins the game and trivializes the entire PvE.

How does one trivialize something what was already trivial in the first place?

You are riding the “nemesis wave” as I like to call it, sadly missing the core reason why GW2 PvE is in the state it currently is.
Broken boss mechanics, most bosses only have one or two skills aside from their autoattack, most of which can get safespoted due to the lack of polishment when it comes to the z-axis.
A poor realization of the original concept, breaking up with the classic trintiy of tank, dd, heal and replacing it with support, damage, cc.
Beyond awful trash loot, to prevent bot farming, I presume, the loot regular mobs grant is almost non exsistant.

There is absolutely nothing competitive about GW2

RIP game 2012-2014

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Agony.3542


You could go Cavalier/Valk mixed with some Zerk/Assassins and get the same or better stats than those prepatch hybrid builds and have the same amount of crit damage as those full zerker cultists and you would still be considered trash cause they considered it trash before the patch. It’s been said god knows how many times, go Zerk or GTFO.

1) No you can’t.
2) It does not matter if one of your stats can match up to full berserker, you will still lack behind in damage. How much is another question, but not intresting for those who want full zerk.
3) What’s your point? That a certain group of players shouldn’t be allowed to play how they want, which includes to chose in what groups they want to play in? What makes the others so special? Where is the issue? Sounds to me like you just want to trash on zerk users.

RIP game 2012-2014

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

You could go Cavalier/Valk mixed with some Zerk/Assassins and get the same or better stats than those prepatch hybrid builds and have the same amount of crit damage as those full zerker cultists and you would still be considered trash cause they considered it trash before the patch. It’s been said god knows how many times, go Zerk or GTFO.

1) No you can’t.
2) It does not matter if one of your stats can match up to full berserker, you will still lack behind in damage. How much is another question, but not intresting for those who want full zerk.
3) What’s your point? That a certain group of players shouldn’t be allowed to play how they want, which includes to chose in what groups they want to play in? What makes the others so special? Where is the issue? Sounds to me like you just want to trash on zerk users.

1. What do you mean I can’t? I did it on one of my WvW builds. I can get more crit damage and close to the same amount of defensive stats with a mix of Valk/Cav/of the knights/Assassin/Zerk that the old PVT/zerk trinket or knights/zerk trinkets people were running prepatch. Higher effective power than my old build but a slightly lower effective health.

2. Exactly, what I was saying. it doesn’t matter if you can get the same stats as those hybrid builds had prepatch. I wasn’t good enough for you then, it’s not going to be good enough for you now.

3. That’s funny, if you run rummage through the forum you will see that there is an abundance of pro zerkers just trashin on non zerkers every chance they get but when it goes in the other direction it becomes a problem and someone get offended Play how ever you like, have your little zerk parties if that is what you enjoy but quit knocking down everyone that chooses to enjoy the game differently. (not speaking of you directly but to the general pro zerker community)

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Are we talking PVE or WvW here becasue it make a difference. Right now and like always a warrior can run unsuspecting foe with a skull crak build and run a majority of Cav valk and do fine.

If we are talking PVE than ya now more than before full zerk is important. Becasue it takes a full zerk build just to get to the point where the damage isnt craptacular now. you could get away with running like all zerk trinkets before and some other non zerk armor before and it wasn’t that bad now no way.

A full zerk build now just about = what a min maxed mix and match build was before that I think a lot of people liked to run.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Agony.3542


1. What do you mean I can’t? I did it on one of my WvW builds. I can get more crit damage and close to the same amount of defensive stats with a mix of Valk/Cav/of the knights/Assassin/Zerk that the old PVT/zerk trinket or knights/zerk trinkets people were running prepatch. Higher effective power than my old build but a slightly lower effective health.

2. Exactly, what I was saying. it doesn’t matter if you can get the same stats as those hybrid builds had prepatch. I wasn’t good enough for you then, it’s not going to be good enough for you now.

3. That’s funny, if you run rummage through the forum you will see that there is an abundance of pro zerkers just trashin on non zerkers every chance they get but when it goes in the other direction it becomes a problem and someone get offended Play how ever you like, have your little zerk parties if that is what you enjoy but quit knocking down everyone that chooses to enjoy the game differently. (not speaking of you directly but to the general pro zerker community)

1) Trinkets lost 19,33% critdamage, armor will give you 15,6% crit damage 19,33 > 15,6, armor wont let you compensate the amount of critdamage lost.

3) Both sides get offeneded. Just because a bunch of wannabes thinks it’s ok to mindlessly trash on builds does not make it right for you to do the same. Two wrongs wont make a right. Exaggerating with slogans like “ZERK OR GTFO” “WARRIOR OP” “FGSPLOIT” wont promote your argument, but only stultify it.
Of course there is appropriate critique on both sides.
Non zerkers claiming their builds to be as effective or even more effective than zerker builds when it comes to damage output or zerkers claiming that everyone has to wear zerk now because the damage has suffered so much.
I can recall form my arah p1-4 everyone welcome/teachruns is that only a few people really ran a zerk trinket+soldier armor mix.
Most of the stuff they ran was either way worse or way better when it came to damage output. I’ve seen this mix in particular in wvwvw for some hammer warrior zerg builds, but not so much in PvE.

RIP game 2012-2014

Tankyzerker replace zerker?build opinion

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

1) Trinkets lost 19,33% critdamage, armor will give you 15,6% crit damage 19,33 > 15,6, armor wont let you compensate the amount of critdamage lost.

If my previous build had 0 crit damage from armor and everything from trinkets and my new build has crit damage on everything but 1 piece then I only lost a little over 4 % in crit damage and still get extra survivability. A zerker build that had crit damage on everything lost about 20% overall (I don’t remember the actual math). My build is now closer to zerker damage than it used to be. The thing is, people are still trying to get the same damage they used to make. Once they accept that it is not going to happen they might realize that those other builds aren’t as bad as they think, relatively speaking.

You are right, 2 wrongs don’t make a right but sometimes I can’t resist being an A-ole.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”