Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


Mace was already a weapon that was complete crap apart from the CC it provides due to its little mobility and its slow attacks.

After the unsuspecting foe nerf, burst mastery nerf and the increased cast time (which makes it even more difficult to land now/be intercepted) it is a complete garbage weapon.

Thank you for nerfing mace because hammer is op.

Reminds me of how Riot went: X is op? nerf Irelia.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jett.1239


Yeah, I’m disappointed too. The upside is you can cancel your mace animation now because it takes so long to cast.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


and now you can’t sneak in an auto attack after using mace 3 before stunning.

‘be patient with the mace changes’? why?

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: MikeJo.4169


i totally agree with you. Now in pvp, i don’t know how to deal with builds that are better for kiting people. It was hard to daze people, and now with the increased cast time of mace f1 skill, it’s even harder to daze people. Yes, people can easily counter us, but what is left for wars to counter those who can easily kite us?

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: perko.8309


Yup. Mace MH is complete junk now.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jett.1239


I’m still using it, it remains to be seen how much worse it is. Like I said, you can cancel the animation now and not waste your adrenaline — I don’t think it makes up for the instant cast, but it’s something.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Ottohi.2871


I said it before the change and I’ll say it now; only the animation needed to be changed. What made mace great was it was a very quick, up close and personal stunner. Now F1 is usually much too slow to do what I was using it for.

What made mace great before was it had a quick sudden stun. For a class where you can see everything slowly lining up the shot from a mile away this was great. Now, it’s telegraphed and it’s just like every other weapon we have. Now, it’s just a hard to land stun. Now, it’s back to mediocrity. Now, it’s back to using sword and board.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


So the least used warrior weapon will now be used even less? I guess balance has been achieved.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: bobomb.5209


I guess from these comments I am the only one who likes the new mace? I don’t know about you guys but I feel like the new animation makes the mace feel even more powerful.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: bobomb.5209


So the least used warrior weapon will now be used even less? I guess balance has been achieved.

Least used warrior weapon would be offhand axe or rifle, not mace

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I guess from these comments I am the only one who likes the new mace? I don’t know about you guys but I feel like the new animation makes the mace feel even more powerful.

For me its look like a movie in slow motion, and it doesnt look powerful either. Powerful looking animation is arcing slide.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: bobomb.5209


I guess from these comments I am the only one who likes the new mace? I don’t know about you guys but I feel like the new animation makes the mace feel even more powerful.

For me its look like a movie in slow motion, and it doesnt look powerful either. Powerful looking animation is arcing slide.

To each his own. But while Skull Crack is a powerful skill Arching Slice is not.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


I guess from these comments I am the only one who likes the new mace? I don’t know about you guys but I feel like the new animation makes the mace feel even more powerful.

Animation may be but you gotta realize that it’s a large drop from dps in spvp situations.

I personally use Mace and shield together so let’s take that as an example.

Previously you could Shield 4 for stun, an auto attack, and skull crack without losing stun chain.

you could also do a Mace 3 (daze) into an auto attack then into F1 without losing a stun chain.

Now you have to skip that auto attack if you’d like to continue the cc chain (which you would in 90% of the situations in pvp).

This is significant because:

a. you lose the attack from auto attacks, which is a huge portion and

your overall cc chain is now shorter because you’re rushing into the next part of the CC.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


So the least used warrior weapon will now be used even less? I guess balance has been achieved.

Least used warrior weapon would be offhand axe or rifle, not mace

Not really, I see far more people using offhand axe and rifle than I do mace. I’m talking all areas of the game, not just pvp. Most people are immediately turned off by the maces slow attack speed.. the nerfs just highlight how slow the weapon is to begin with.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


….the new timing is just so off…the animation is so invisible for the player himself…before i can see my character i can’t see it, its vertical…

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: teg.1340


Yes, people can easily counter us, but what is left for wars to counter those who can easily kite us?

Are you kidding? There are so many tools on the warrior which prevent you to be ever been kited again: Rifle, Longbow, Greatsword, Sword, Bulls Charge, Bolas, Rampage, …

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


Yes, people can easily counter us, but what is left for wars to counter those who can easily kite us?

Are you kidding? There are so many tools on the warrior which prevent you to be ever been kited again: Rifle, Longbow, Greatsword, Sword, Bulls Charge, Bolas, Rampage, …

get outa forum if you don’t even play warrior you don’t even know anything.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: teg.1340


I play warrior in WvW since headstart. I played almost any build in WvW both before and after warrior love.

Really, if you get kited as a warrior your doing it wrong. Maybe you dont know half as much as you think you do!?

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465

CntrlAltDefeat.1465 has become a pretty ugly weapon now. I don’t think the nerf was because of hammer…more because of Asura, know, the most hated culture in PvP and how entirely hard it was to read when they used it.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


I play warrior in WvW since headstart. I played almost any build in WvW both before and after warrior love.

Really, if you get kited as a warrior your doing it wrong. Maybe you dont know half as much as you think you do!?

if you think warriors don’t get kited because they got some running skills in wvw, you clearly don’t understand pvp. it’s mainly the kiting issues in spvp where classes can run in circle while kiting warrior unless they run bola / bull charge (mostly bola and running both is out of question) but even then near impossible (especially since bola is so unreliable)

try playing real pvp against players w/ equal gear then post on this thread

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: teg.1340


@Jae: Your pro elitism rant finally convinsed me. Bravo!

Seriously, how do you kite a GS/LB warrior with perma swiftness via SOR/FS. I’ve done solo roaming with this build for months and won like a gazillion 1v1+. Mesmers are the only class which gave me trouble. But thats true for most professions cause mesmers are king of 1vs1.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


@Jae: Your pro elitism rant finally convinsed me. Bravo!

Seriously, how do you kite a GS/LB warrior with perma swiftness via SOR/FS. I’ve done solo roaming with this build for months and won like a gazillion 1v1+. Mesmers are the only class which gave me trouble. But thats true for most professions cause mesmers are king of 1vs1.

I don’t have to convince you of anything. After all, the thread is about how mace is worthless now that the nerf kicked in.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Facepunch.5710


Reads patch notes

Looks at equipped fused mace in hand

= /

Switches to OH

Ok, I’m ready again.

Please take your tinfoil hats off and be reasonable. ~ReginaB
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Arkantos.7460


As a thief; nothing more to say


Good Thiefs are average,
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I think Skullcrack is a good place now. Ideally, all of our high impact skills should allow for counter-play via a clearly telegraphed attack animation. It’s something we’re constantly thinking about when we look at existing skills, and doubly so when we brainstorm new ones.

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: mtpelion.4562


So the least used warrior weapon will now be used even less? I guess balance has been achieved.

A prophecy that misread could have been.

Server: Devona’s Rest

Thank you ANet for nerfing Mace.

in Warrior

Posted by: Jae.5138


I think Skullcrack is a good place now. Ideally, all of our high impact skills should allow for counter-play via a clearly telegraphed attack animation. It’s something we’re constantly thinking about when we look at existing skills, and doubly so when we brainstorm new ones.

yeah I saw

Anet shows yet again shallow understanding of their game.

Like I mentioned a hundred times, it’s not simply a matter of making F1 hit slower. It’s also nerfing the overall dmg by not being able to cycle in those auto attacks in between which resulted in a net loss of a huge dmg