The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: sogekii.2586


Just wanted to share a screenshot of a 33K Kill Shot through an SBI head in WvW.

[DiE] Sniper Eye


One shot… One kill…
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Predator.7321


You’re going to be the cause us for all to be nerfed

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: sogekii.2586


You’re going to be the cause us for all to be nerfed

Nah, if they nerf us without talking to me that’d be stupid. Kill Shot is ridiculously easy to avoid and not everything I’m doing to increase damage is Warrior related =P

One shot… One kill…
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Mumu.6203


25 stack of might + killshot on a naked lvl 1 ? :p

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


You’re going to be the cause us for all to be nerfed

Nah, if they nerf us without talking to me that’d be stupid. Kill Shot is ridiculously easy to avoid and not everything I’m doing to increase damage is Warrior related =P

BS combo of a thief is ridiculously easy to avoid too and yet its pretty succesful.A 33k Kill shot from 1200 range that you’ll never see it comming is quite OP.Of course Both BS and Kill Shot are bad for 1v1 but on environment such as WvW ..All I’m saying , I don’t want to see anymore Warriors whine that Thief is OP.
Now everytime I’m gonna see one of you do that, I’m just gonna link you to this thread hehe.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Neandramathal.9536


25 vuln on naked level 2 target, 25 might, 25 bloodlust, full berserker with ruby orbs or 3 ruby/3 air runes, 10/30/0/0/30 and hmm… someone else dropping a banner of discipline?

That sounds like most I can think of :P I’ve hit 20k on a naked low level with a level 78 rare rifle and 5 stacks of might so ye ^^

[GoV] Gnomes of Vabbi || [Imp] Impact
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness:

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Did you know that with the warrior’s healing surge (iirc, that’s the name) they get another full bar of adrenaline. So they can shoot you with this twice!

Totes balanced, nerf mes’s 9 stacks of might!

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


Did you know that with the warrior’s healing surge (iirc, that’s the name) they get another full bar of adrenaline. So they can shoot you with this twice!

Totes balanced, nerf mes’s 9 stacks of might!

Nah, it has a 10 seconds cooldown.

(edited by NightyNight.1823)

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


It’s a perfect circumstance shot, no? Though still impressive! I’ve never noticed doing anything higher than low teens myself. I’m build for support and it’s nice to know my profession is capable of this if I want to change up my play style.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Palinois.1064


Why hide buffs/utilities?

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


You’re going to be the cause us for all to be nerfed

Nah, if they nerf us without talking to me that’d be stupid. Kill Shot is ridiculously easy to avoid and not everything I’m doing to increase damage is Warrior related =P

BS combo of a thief is ridiculously easy to avoid too and yet its pretty succesful.A 33k Kill shot from 1200 range that you’ll never see it comming is quite OP.Of course Both BS and Kill Shot are bad for 1v1 but on environment such as WvW ..All I’m saying , I don’t want to see anymore Warriors whine that Thief is OP.
Now everytime I’m gonna see one of you do that, I’m just gonna link you to this thread hehe.

you can bring BS up here when you can spam KS back to back. see you next time.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: KnarleyMarley.6937


And I thought my 10k spvp numbers where pretty good. Think I’m going to go play my favorite game of wait to see a thief engulfed in team mate stabbing and calmly kneel for the 1/2 hp kill shot. Que rage.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Okamakiri.8746


You’re going to be the cause us for all to be nerfed

Nah, if they nerf us without talking to me that’d be stupid. Kill Shot is ridiculously easy to avoid and not everything I’m doing to increase damage is Warrior related =P

BS combo of a thief is ridiculously easy to avoid too and yet its pretty succesful.A 33k Kill shot from 1200 range that you’ll never see it comming is quite OP.Of course Both BS and Kill Shot are bad for 1v1 but on environment such as WvW ..All I’m saying , I don’t want to see anymore Warriors whine that Thief is OP.
Now everytime I’m gonna see one of you do that, I’m just gonna link you to this thread hehe.

you can bring BS up here when you can spam KS back to back. see you next time.

Crazy BS combo requires multiple 45-60s cooldowns. see you next time.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


25k BS used to be OP , now 8k BS still OP but 33k Kill Shot not OP huahuahuahuah lame kitten hypocrites.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Mesket.5728


My KillShot hits for 2-5K (crit) and I have 3K attack power with 2.1K power, please nerf me!

full zerks builds with stacked buffs should be nerfed, not single skills. Speak properly please.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


BS combo of a thief is ridiculously easy to avoid too and yet its pretty succesful.A 33k Kill shot from 1200 range that you’ll never see it comming is quite OP.Of course Both BS and Kill Shot are bad for 1v1 but on environment such as WvW ..All I’m saying , I don’t want to see anymore Warriors whine that Thief is OP.
Now everytime I’m gonna see one of you do that, I’m just gonna link you to this thread hehe.

Are you kidding me? turning invisible and stealing to your opponent at the same time as hitting BS and getting an almost certain 8k crit (in sPvP) isnt as OP as a warrior having to build up his adrenaline, then kneel down for 2 secs in front of everyone, before firing off a 9k crit (in sPvP)? Not too mention if the BS combo hits an invulnerability or block the thief can just poof away and try again in a few seconds, where as the warrior is left in plain view and still one of the easiest classes to down.

I used sPvP numbers cause theyre more consistent and the relationship between the two game modes and the damages dealt are usually equal. like for example if killshot hit the OPs target for 33k, then BS would have been around 27-28k, most likely.

But anyway yeah, there is no way anyone can justly say killshot is more OP then the BS combo, thats simply kitten

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


BS combo of a thief is ridiculously easy to avoid too and yet its pretty succesful.A 33k Kill shot from 1200 range that you’ll never see it comming is quite OP.Of course Both BS and Kill Shot are bad for 1v1 but on environment such as WvW ..All I’m saying , I don’t want to see anymore Warriors whine that Thief is OP.
Now everytime I’m gonna see one of you do that, I’m just gonna link you to this thread hehe.

Are you kidding me? turning invisible and stealing to your opponent at the same time as hitting BS and getting an almost certain 8k crit (in sPvP) isnt as OP as a warrior having to build up his adrenaline, then kneel down for 2 secs in front of everyone, before firing off a 9k crit (in sPvP)? Not too mention if the BS combo hits an invulnerability or block the thief can just poof away and try again in a few seconds, where as the warrior is left in plain view and still one of the easiest classes to down.

I used sPvP numbers cause theyre more consistent and the relationship between the two game modes and the damages dealt are usually equal. like for example if killshot hit the OPs target for 33k, then BS would have been around 27-28k, most likely.

But anyway yeah, there is no way anyone can justly say killshot is more OP then the BS combo, thats simply kitten

Building adrenaline you say? Heal up and your adrenaline is full.
Kill shot is 2 times faster than BS combo and even faster using quickness and its duable from 1200 .Not only that you’re safe but no one will see you do it. And Backstab will never hit 28k .Used to do 25k before but Assassin’s Signet got nerfed.
Way easier to pull than a BS combo and way more succesful.Way easier to counter a BS combo too because it consists in a combo of 3 hits.
And this comes from someone who plays both a Warrior and a Thief.1 shoting people safe on top of a tower is far more succesful than a roamer thief any time of the day.
I’m certainly loving my Warrior but I can’t be a hypocrite.You people are just lame.
Not too long ago most of you used to say , No one should be able to 1 shot you no matter what the circumtances , no one should be able to dish out 25k in 1 skill.
To me none of them are in fact OP .I consider them both bad builds but realy succesful against idiots.

Edit:Ohh , my bad..Its 1500 range ,rofl.

(edited by NightyNight.1823)

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


33k fine, 12k backstab isn’t. I love the thief hate lmao xD

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Kravick.4906


33k fine, 12k backstab isn’t. I love the thief hate lmao xD

Its not.

The real difference, however, is backstab can be used every 3 seconds. It also happens while your opponent is invisible so you have no way to defend against it. There is also no giant glowing dodge me sign when you backstab someone unlike Kill Shot. Backstab also comes with heartseeker spam in between uses.

Kill Shot is a one pump chump skill. Backstab keeps coming back for more, and more, and more… This is why there is much less of an outcry when it comes to Kill Shot. Besides, that 33k was done on down leveled player.

Stuff goes here.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


Building adrenaline you say? Heal up and your adrenaline is full.
Kill shot is 2 times faster than BS combo and even faster using quickness and its duable from 1200 .Not only that you’re safe but no one will see you do it. And Backstab will never hit 28k .Used to do 25k before but Assassin’s Signet got nerfed.
Way easier to pull than a BS combo and way more succesful.Way easier to counter a BS combo too because it consists in a combo of 3 hits.
And this comes from someone who plays both a Warrior and a Thief.1 shoting people safe on top of a tower is far more succesful than a roamer thief any time of the day.
I’m certainly loving my Warrior but I can’t be a hypocrite.You people are just lame.
Not too long ago most of you used to say , No one should be able to 1 shot you no matter what the circumtances , no one should be able to dish out 25k in 1 skill.
To me none of them are in fact OP .I consider them both bad builds but realy succesful against idiots.

Edit:Ohh , my bad..Its 1500 range ,rofl.

if you run adrenaline surge in spvp then youre gonna be downed by conditions in 2 seconds by any decent team. its not worth the full adrenaline, especially since youd have to use it before a fight, making it so you have to live 30 seconds as a freakin rifle warrior (hard to do even with a heal up) before being able to heal again.

and how in gods name is a 2 second cast faster then something you can do in one instant? any half way decent thief knows to use clock n dagger/steal/and backstab all at the same time. there is no way a killshot even with frenzy can catch that (not too mention ending up behind your opponent will reset the killshot animation, giving it another 5 sec CD before baing available again). and if you think its successful its cause youve only seen it used in large groups (where ranged warriors already excel), against some newbie to any form of pvp who doesnt know how to time a dodge, or against someone without all their CDs (and in which case a 100b combo would be just as effective if not more so).

oh and yes i play both as well, only in spvp though mind you. there is no balance in WvW and there never will be balance, everyone has to accept that at some point. in spvp as a rifle warrior you are one of the EASIEST classes to down, no matter ho you put it, if youre a “run and gun” build that everyone complains about in WvW then you will be one of the first targets and you wont be able to land any killshots or rapid fires. youre useless. thief on the other is “top tier” for a reason. easiest class to steal creature kills, one of two BEST burst classes in the game (100b warrior being the next), and the ability to move about the map almost completely unhindered.

and finally yea i agree, no skill should be able to deal that much damage out against someone of equal standing……. which it doesnt. you buff a thief to the same extent that those rifle warriors buff themselves, then debuff your target just as much as the warriors target, then make sure your target is a low lvled or just low toughness enemy, and you can crit just as high just as easily, if not more easily, if youre any good at thief ofc.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Robique.8279


I once did over 1 million damage with a killshot on a bunny.
Killshot should be nerfed! Think of the poor bunnies!

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Kill shot is ridiculously easy to land and anyone saying otherwise is just trying to protect a ridiculous skill. I run rifle all the time on my warrior, but I’m not going to defend something that’s as ridiculous as this. If you are shooting kill shot in WVW nobody will ever ever see it coming, in the midst of the battles getting 1 shot is pretty lame I don’t care what class can do it. SPVP is even easier to land as you are closer to the enemies. Start kill shot animation, half way through pop fear me—- gg insta kill with no chance for them to defend themselves. Good luck popping a stun breaker and dodging fast enough to make me miss. Kill shot is a little ridiculous right now, I’m not going to defend a 1 shot ability even if I do play the class. Nobody should be able to 1 hit kill anyone period.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


BS is melee , kill shot is 1500 range.You can have all the tell signs and 10 seconds channeling all you want and still no one’s going to see you.Can be used every 10 seconds , and have the rest of your skills aswell so?Its funny you say theres no way to defend against it since I own them all the time on my Glass Cannon Warrior of my own.I’d rather have 5 seconds of invulnerability over 3 seconds of stealth any time of the day.
‘’This is why’’ all Thief complains are comming from WvW idiots who never even heard of Cripple before.
And I’m not saying Kill shot is OP but its just as good at what it does just like BS.Killing stupid.Even better if you ask me.
Don’t even try to deny that.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Kill shot is 2 times faster than BS combo and even faster using quickness and its duable from 1200

First of all, both classes have access to quickness for their burst, so that doesn’t even matter. And where are you getting you’re crazy numbers with back stab combo taking twice as long? Kill shot= 1.75sec
Backstab=.25sec Cloak and dagger=.5sec
Last I checked .75<1.75
So backstab is 2.33 times faster than killshot, and even faster using quickness (see what I did there?), and there’s no projectile time making it harder to dodge.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


Ohh we got a mathematician here.Now go do that in practice and come back to me and tell me what is faster.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Ohh we got a mathematician here.Now go do that in practice and come back to me and tell me what is faster.

Definitely the backstab, if you play both classes, it’s pretty easy to see that.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Taro.3607


With the basilisk venom build I’m using, if the first hit connects then the other 2 as well.

Wow, 50k+ combo ! … on a non lvl80 engineer… (ironically enough)
That’s what you get when you take things out of context.

And this was done post Assassin signet patch.


(edited by Taro.3607)

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Protect the Sniper Eye, new meta.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


Kill shot is ridiculously easy to land and anyone saying otherwise is just trying to protect a ridiculous skill.

its easy to land against some scrub who doesnt understand what youre doing when you kneel down in front of him for 2 secs, or in a large group when you can just hide behind your team where the enemy cant see you doing it.

small teams or 1v1s killshot is one of the easiest skills to avoid. either use one of many block skills many classes have while the warrior kneels down in front of you, dodge accordingly (as in at the same time the shot always fires, very predictable), or dodge/run past the warrior giving him the 5 sec CD for losing target, forcing him to try and distance himself once again just to once again kneel down for 2 seconds.

do you know why you never see rifle warriors in paid tourneys? cause their burst is the absolute easiest burst to avoid in the entire game and they are one of the easiest classes/specs to kill (if they are specced into burst, if not then their killshot wont be all that great anyways).

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


And what about possitioning , getting whitin optimum range and how about you go and actualy time exacly how long it takes to do that , then yes, come back to me and tell what is faster.
Even if that were to matter ,which it doesn’t but you keep going on whit it only to distract people from what matters.
And none of them are viable in tPvP.Both are equaly bad builds but in an environment such as WvW ,you can’t say anything different about any of them.Why you even try to deny that.It only makes you look hypocritical.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Schnuffles.5369


Full zerker gear, food buffs, signet of rage buff and my record is 17k crit against someone in WvW.

Usually its around the 10k mark, and ive seen it as low as 5k against some guardians.

Im also sitting there for 2 seconds warning everyone im about to do it, im also not appearing out of stealth just before all this damage lands either.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Navzar.2938


And what about possitioning , getting whitin optimum range and how about you go and actualy time exacly how long it takes to do that , then yes, come back to me and tell what is faster.
Even if that were to matter ,which it doesn’t but you keep going on whit it only to distract people from what matters.
And none of them are viable in tPvP.Both are equaly bad builds but in an environment such as WvW ,you can’t say anything different about any of them.Why you even try to deny that.It only makes you look hypocritical.

Who exactly are you talking to? Did I ever say they were good, or say anything about their viability at all? No, I just called out your ridiculous claim about how long it takes to execute them. Things like positioning, you should be doing before the battle starts. Getting close? That’s hardly a problem. If you want to count things like that, you may as well count building adrenaline in the execution time, including any skill you use to do it and bullet travel time. If you’re talking about getting behind the enemy because you attacked from in front for some reason, all you have to do is walk through their avatar, which can indeed take up to 1/4sec.

in an environment such as WvW ,you can’t say anything different about any of them.Why you even try to deny that.It only makes you look hypocritical.

I’m going to re-quote this for emphasis. Now who was the one saying one build was better than the other? I never made a such a claim. You did; and now you move onto say there’s no difference. Weird huh? Maybe you should read your own posts before you call people out. GG sir/madam.

Besides, as far as balance goes, WvW isn’t really the place to look at it since there’s such a large level and gear discrepancy and you can use temporary effects like food and boosters, you can produce some really high numbers.

(edited by Navzar.2938)

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Ill dumb it down for the QQers, Rifle warrior is boss in WvW, chump in spvp. It has its uses in spvp as well but nowhere near as beast as it is in wvw. Thief backstab build is boss in both Spvp and WvW, so quit crying about killshot vs backstab. Ive played both and kill shot is much harder to land in small scale battles if the person sees you, and if they dont thats because their own awareness isnt that great, where as a thief backstabbing you was because stealth rendering bug. Unless they nerf every skill that can do 10k damage they wont touch kill shot, why? Because its a sniper shot, meant to kill, hence the KILL SHOT name. Also its easy to dodge/spot/LoS. Now if they give us something like wintersday scout where we get 3 secs of stealth so we can kill shot while in cover, then you can QQ.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: NightyNight.1823


And what about possitioning , getting whitin optimum range and how about you go and actualy time exacly how long it takes to do that , then yes, come back to me and tell what is faster.
Even if that were to matter ,which it doesn’t but you keep going on whit it only to distract people from what matters.
And none of them are viable in tPvP.Both are equaly bad builds but in an environment such as WvW ,you can’t say anything different about any of them.Why you even try to deny that.It only makes you look hypocritical.

Who exactly are you talking to? Did I ever say they were good, or say anything about their viability at all? No, I just called out your ridiculous claim about how long it takes to execute them. Things like positioning, you should be doing before the battle starts. Getting close? That’s hardly a problem. If you want to count things like that, you may as well count building adrenaline in the execution time, including any skill you use to do it and bullet travel time. If you’re talking about getting behind the enemy because you attacked from in front for some reason, all you have to do is walk through their avatar, which can indeed take up to 1/4sec.

in an environment such as WvW ,you can’t say anything different about any of them.Why you even try to deny that.It only makes you look hypocritical.

I’m going to re-quote this for emphasis. Now who was the one saying one build was better than the other? I never made a such a claim. You did; and now you move onto say there’s no difference. Weird huh? Maybe you should read your own posts before you call people out. GG sir/madam.

Besides, as far as balance goes, WvW isn’t really the place to look at it since there’s such a large level and gear discrepancy and you can use temporary effects like food and boosters, you can produce some really high numbers.

I wasn’t necesarely reffering to you.It was adressed to everyone in this thread deffending Kill shot and making it sound like its worse than BS.No Its not , cut the crap ,its even better at killing stupid ,safer and a lot more succesful and I can tell you that because I play both of them whit great pleasure:D

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


I wasn’t necesarely reffering to you.It was adressed to everyone in this thread deffending Kill shot and making it sound like its worse than BS.No Its not , cut the crap ,its even better at killing stupid ,safer and a lot more succesful and I can tell you that because I play both of them whit great pleasure:D

and as ive said and youve ignored i play both as well and BS combo is a thousand times more effective then killshot, everytime, for the numerous reasons ive already stated.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Navzar.2938


In zergs, KS is better because it can pierce and the bullet will the completely lost in the particle effects. For roaming, I’d say BS is better because it is much faster to execute and slightly harder to avoid than KS in a small engagement. My only problem was with the “KS is faster” nonsense. And for the record, I have used both builds.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: papaganoosh.7908


So OP what’s the details of this! I’m interested to see what you had to stack to get this. Food + 25 might + 25 stacks from a Sigil? With intelligence for auto crit and 70% crit damage?

Papaganoosh (SPvP Officer, The Unnamed EU) – recruiting skilled players for TPvP

(edited by papaganoosh.7908)

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: OReilly.9473


heya papa

i had a 23.444 on a lowbie elementalist, that was with might stacks from FGJ and Signet of rage, no foods on me that time.

so i guess with food and extra might stacks, that could have been a pretty big shot.

but i too am curious on what buffs OP had running the time of the killshot


“you don’t quit gaming because you grow old,
you grow old because you quit gaming.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: DarnDevil IV.2143

DarnDevil IV.2143

I wouldn’t say kill shot or back stab is op. Yes they will gib you if you get caught while having your pants down and sometimes it’s hard to even see it coming, but in 1 v1 situation or group fight these glassy builds give one big blast and after that they need to recover. You just need to avoid the burst and go after them instead of running away and giving them a chanse to burst again. They are not so usefull in group situations where you have a communicated team, specially when you have tanks and group mates to get you up on your feet. After all these glass cannon builds die very fast to tanks so just have i.e. a tanky guardian beside you and you are good to go.

If you are having troubles with glass cannons, build tanky/ bunker build and see who got the last laugh.

Super glassy builds are good for having fun solo or with friends but there is a reason why these builds are not taken to the high end competitive scene.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

I wouldn’t say kill shot or back stab is op. Yes they will gib you if you get caught while having your pants down and sometimes it’s hard to even see it coming, but in 1 v1 situation or group fight these glassy builds give one big blast and after that they need to recover. You just need to avoid the burst and go after them instead of running away and giving them a chanse to burst again. They are not so usefull in group situations where you have a communicated team, specially when you have tanks and group mates to get you up on your feet. After all these glass cannon builds die very fast to tanks so just have i.e. a tanky guardian beside you and you are good to go.

If you are having troubles with glass cannons, build tanky/ bunker build and see who got the last laugh.

Super glassy builds are good for having fun solo or with friends but there is a reason why these builds are not taken to the high end competitive scene.

You should check your facts. Glass cannon builds are used all the time in high end competetive scenes, glass cannon necros thieves and mesmers mostly. And warriors. Maybe if you played in one you would understand. Also saying kill shot is easy to avoid in a massive fight is stupid as well, a good player isnt going to use it where he knows the enemy has a high chance of dodging. He will hide in the zerg as much as he can and use it then. Super glassy builds have a huge role in group pvp, blow kitten up. If you think they dont, then I dont really care much about your opinion seeing as its not a very experienced one. But I will say, glass cannon builds tend to have some built in defense in them so they cant be bursted down super fast, that being said, gl trying to dodge a kill shot you dont see coming especially when it pierces through a target in front of you and hits you.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: DarnDevil IV.2143

DarnDevil IV.2143

You should check your facts. Glass cannon builds are used all the time in high end competetive scenes, glass cannon necros thieves and mesmers mostly. And warriors. Maybe if you played in one you would understand. Also saying kill shot is easy to avoid in a massive fight is stupid as well, a good player isnt going to use it where he knows the enemy has a high chance of dodging. He will hide in the zerg as much as he can and use it then. Super glassy builds have a huge role in group pvp, blow kitten up. If you think they dont, then I dont really care much about your opinion seeing as its not a very experienced one. But I will say, glass cannon builds tend to have some built in defense in them so they cant be bursted down super fast, that being said, gl trying to dodge a kill shot you dont see coming especially when it pierces through a target in front of you and hits you.

True, glass cannon builds are used in competitive play, but as you said it, they have built some defense so they are not super glassy. Glass cannons work as roamers to execute point contesters when needed and they are in very important role. The point is, these builds rarely work as solo unless they will catch you off guard. They do tend to get lot of kills on solotargets though as shown by Moldran of Team Paradigm, but most of the time they will work together with the point defender to force a target use his or her stun breakers and dodge and then they strike from no where. The higher you go in competitive play, the harder it becomes to pull off these shots.

The trick is that these glassy builds usually work on more than one hit ( specially when you count in the help of your team) and it will still take some time to get someone down as you want to have some defense if you get stomped by another glass cannon so they are not SUPER glassy as these massive burst bilds in wvw are, which we were talking about.

And what comes to wvw as a [DYE] tanky ( warrior or guardian, depending on the mood ) player I can say that the kittens we blow up is the glassy ones in opposing zergs. We wipe zergs 2 or 3 times bigger than us with ease at least 7 out of 10 times. Yes we have also glass cannon elementalists for aoe damage and thieves for picking off runners and defenders who are trying to get into a building, but the main play is played with the tanks by taking those shots in our face with over 3000 armor and causing havoc in the enemy lines. And what comes to piercing, ks bullet will often fly away from our zerg if someone targets me, as I am dancing in opposing zerg, the bullet will often fly away from our zerg.

I didn’t mean to say glass cannons are useless but to highlight the fact that super glass cannons are only good in what we call in league of legends “public stomping” and thus making KS and BS burst builds somewhat balanced.They pack a high risk and high reward setup. No need to be offensive.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Brienson.7319


@op, whatever you did in that screenshot, do it again. this time hit a rabbit. break the sound barrier with spike damage.


The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Vv W.7821

Vv W.7821

I love warriors like this! If they don’t kill me with the first kill shot I get out of combat, throw up my reflect projectiles while blocking trait, and go fight while pretending to not pay attention to them till they kneel down and aim at me.

Redundant Sasquatch – 80 Warrior – [aYe] – HoD

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Sykes.5684


Why would you black out your skills and current buffs, OP.\


The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

You should check your facts. Glass cannon builds are used all the time in high end competetive scenes, glass cannon necros thieves and mesmers mostly. And warriors. Maybe if you played in one you would understand. Also saying kill shot is easy to avoid in a massive fight is stupid as well, a good player isnt going to use it where he knows the enemy has a high chance of dodging. He will hide in the zerg as much as he can and use it then. Super glassy builds have a huge role in group pvp, blow kitten up. If you think they dont, then I dont really care much about your opinion seeing as its not a very experienced one. But I will say, glass cannon builds tend to have some built in defense in them so they cant be bursted down super fast, that being said, gl trying to dodge a kill shot you dont see coming especially when it pierces through a target in front of you and hits you.

True, glass cannon builds are used in competitive play, but as you said it, they have built some defense so they are not super glassy. Glass cannons work as roamers to execute point contesters when needed and they are in very important role. The point is, these builds rarely work as solo unless they will catch you off guard. They do tend to get lot of kills on solotargets though as shown by Moldran of Team Paradigm, but most of the time they will work together with the point defender to force a target use his or her stun breakers and dodge and then they strike from no where. The higher you go in competitive play, the harder it becomes to pull off these shots.

The trick is that these glassy builds usually work on more than one hit ( specially when you count in the help of your team) and it will still take some time to get someone down as you want to have some defense if you get stomped by another glass cannon so they are not SUPER glassy as these massive burst bilds in wvw are, which we were talking about.

And what comes to wvw as a [DYE] tanky ( warrior or guardian, depending on the mood ) player I can say that the kittens we blow up is the glassy ones in opposing zergs. We wipe zergs 2 or 3 times bigger than us with ease at least 7 out of 10 times. Yes we have also glass cannon elementalists for aoe damage and thieves for picking off runners and defenders who are trying to get into a building, but the main play is played with the tanks by taking those shots in our face with over 3000 armor and causing havoc in the enemy lines. And what comes to piercing, ks bullet will often fly away from our zerg if someone targets me, as I am dancing in opposing zerg, the bullet will often fly away from our zerg.

I didn’t mean to say glass cannons are useless but to highlight the fact that super glass cannons are only good in what we call in league of legends “public stomping” and thus making KS and BS burst builds somewhat balanced.They pack a high risk and high reward setup. No need to be offensive.

All I play are glass cannons, and I excell at them. They do have their downsides like anyone else, and thats generally the fact that once you figure out how to fight them you have an advantage. Like dodging a thieves steal, or warriors bulls rush, or mesmers shatter, ect…Kill shot is no different, but in a massive fight, no1 dodges my kill shot on purpose because Im always in a high sniper position. Id give my left nutt for a ranger longbow that has skills like warriors rifle. My biggest annoyance with warriors is that if someone dodges your burst skill, you get a cd on your burst skill which is stupid imo.

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: sogekii.2586


@op, whatever you did in that screenshot, do it again. this time hit a rabbit. break the sound barrier with spike damage.

Pretty sure I can do more than that but that’ll do for now.


One shot… One kill…
Sogekii Hei [DiE] [APM] [TNO]

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Ode.9126


@op, whatever you did in that screenshot, do it again. this time hit a rabbit. break the sound barrier with spike damage.

Pretty sure I can do more than that but that’ll do for now.

Top this…


The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


@op, whatever you did in that screenshot, do it again. this time hit a rabbit. break the sound barrier with spike damage.

Pretty sure I can do more than that but that’ll do for now.

Top this…

Ok, kitten? ^^ I’m guessing:

Full Berserk + 30/10/0/0/30

25 Stacks of Bloodlust
25 Stacks of Might
Sigil of Force on Rifle
25 Stacks vulnerability on Rabbit via guild members

Don’t think it’s possible to get a bleed on a rabbit for Attack of Opportunity

Anything else I’m missing?

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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