The Highest Possible Warrior Burst?
That’s the thing, warriors don’t really have high instaburst skills.
I guess something like Frenzy>Killshot>Signet of Fury>Eviscerate, with 6/0/0/2/6? But that won’t come close to ele.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
That’s the thing, warriors don’t really have high instaburst skills.
I guess something like Frenzy>Killshot>Signet of Fury>Eviscerate, with 6/0/0/2/6? But that won’t come close to ele.
add in on my mark, signet of rage, and discipline banner.
but yeah, warriors would only be able to compete if your time window was like 5 seconds or something, enough to get off a quickness 100b, ww, rush, evisc
That’s the thing, warriors don’t really have high instaburst skills.
I guess something like Frenzy>Killshot>Signet of Fury>Eviscerate, with 6/0/0/2/6? But that won’t come close to ele.
add in on my mark, signet of rage, and discipline banner.
but yeah, warriors would only be able to compete if your time window was like 5 seconds or something, enough to get off a quickness 100b, ww, rush, evisc
Yeah, but i thought he meant the damage rotation. I was suggesting this under the impression that everything else (vulnerability, might) is maxed out.
Problem with your suggestion is that if you want to slot OMM and discipline banner, where would you fit signet of fury and signet of might?
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
utilities would be fury, omm, banner. elite is rage
im pretty sure 15% crit damage is more than the power you get from signet of might
Don’t sell warriors too short – I’m sure we can at least get to 50k, probably way higher.
@Cygnus No external buffs are allowed, so all the might and vulnerability you want you’ll have to stack yourself, and the moment you deal any damage is the moment the timer starts ticking.
So, can anyone think of any other burst rotations, or is Killshot + (Signet of Fury) + Eviscerate our best bet?
(edited by yski.7642)
Don’t sell warriors too short – I’m sure we can at least get to 50k, probably way higher.
@Cygnus No external buffs are allowed, so all the might and vulnerability you want you’ll have to stack yourself, and the moment you deal any damage is the moment the timer starts ticking.
So, can anyone think of any other burst rotations, or is Killshot + (Signet of Fury) + Eviscerate our best bet?
Wads is right, banner, OMM and Signet of Fury.
But I can’t think of a better damage rotation.
And i’d say 50k is a pretty safe estimate if you don’t have full might and vulnerability.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
great example showing how badly telegraphed the warrior is.
(edited by Juba.8406)
How about something like a couple of ticks of 100B → Whirl → Weapon Swap(Interrupts animation) → Eviscerate? Not sure if could rival a good killshot crit, but the more the merrier, at least when it comes to burst rotations.
What about build? Here’s what I’ve come up with, any improvements?
why not scholar runes? its 3% more damage
We’ll need to be below 25% health for Desperate Power, so we wouldn’t get that final 10% buff from Scholar Runes. If I did the math right, that means we’d get +6% critical damage from Scholar Runes, and +7% damage from Runes of Strength.
That being said, I’m not 100% sure which rune set would be optimal when below that 90% health threshold, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong when assuming it’d be Runes of Strength
(edited by yski.7642)