The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


How hundred blades may be useless..

At level 2 with some power gear.

I do 40 damage per 0.5 second auto attack strike, 50 damage on the third strike.
I do 300 damage (280 + 20 for two third strikes) in 3.5 seconds with auto attack strikes.
I do 255 damage in 3.5 seconds with hundred blades.

My hundred blades does 85% of auto attack damage.

Meaning you nerf your damage by 15% by using hundred blades, on top of adding a self root.

This means it is entirely pointless to use hundred blades at this level, since you don’t even do equal the damage as simple auto attacks, and on top of that auto attack does not root you.

I realize my calculations may be wrong somewhere, I don’t know.. if you can prove that my conclusion is wrong, I will be very happy, because that means hundred blades is not as useless as I think.

I’m quite sure this applies at lvl80 just the same.. the 85% doesn’t change.. which means hundred blades is entirely and utterly useless.

If you want to say I am wrong (I hope I am wrong and 100b is not useless), then please provide numbers and math, don’t just say something like: “My 100B does 15K!”

So yeah, this post is more like a question than a statement, I hope I am wrong.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I already said that I hope I am wrong, why would I ignore it. I want to be wrong with this because it means I get to keep my greatsword, which is my favorite weapon. If I’m right it means I have to reroll, and I don’t want to, so please explain why I am wrong.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: White.6193


You’re level 2 and worried about rerolling?

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


HB is not bad it’s just easily avoided. I personally thought it was an ‘okay’ finisher. I stopped using it during combat otherwise because of how situational it was for every hit to land.

Assuming we’re talking PVP. In PVE it’s phenomenal :p

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


You’re level 2 and worried about rerolling?

Maybe rerolling wasn’t the best word, I meant to say I want to play a warrior with a greatsword (kinda imitating Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, my favorite game). But if hundred blades, the main greatsword ability, does less damage than normal auto attacks, it’d be pointless.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


HB is not bad it’s just easily avoided. I personally thought it was an ‘okay’ finisher. I stopped using it during combat otherwise because of how situational it was for every hit to land.

Assuming we’re talking PVP. In PVE it’s phenomenal :p

That’s my point though, if hundred blades does less damage than auto attack, it would hardly be phenomenal. I want to find out whether it does or does not do less damage, initial math shows it does 15% less damage during those 3.5 seconds, and I’d like to be proven wrong so I can play a greatsword warrior.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Hadlis.2893


dude…HB is the best weapon for pve…no matte what level….true story

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Well, I’ve done my own testing of HB and in the cast time recorded, if all hits land, the damage is higher than if I simply used auto-attack. There is also the fact that it has some CC built in if its used properly. The sword swings are also faster than an auto-attack swing so any runes that fire on a percentile chance are firing faster. That should also be considered. It’s somewhere in the ballpark of 1.2-1.5 seconds faster of a swing. Now, in only one test at that minute a measurement the results might appear less than but over the course of a full 30 second or even 60+ second battle (assuming fair 1v1 conditions) you’d be doing less damage by never using it. Provided every time you did use it every hit landed. In fact, if I recall I calculated that its only worth using HB if you can get 7 of the 8 hits. So that’s why I personally stopped using it. For WvW and SPVP that was too difficult a situation to control or hope for. But, as I said, it doesn’t make the skill useless. Just hippy to organize, as my dad used to say.

I’m not sure why you get less damage and I didn’t.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I would still love to see actual numbers though.. my simple math, unless it is wrong, I hope it is wrong, says that hundred blades does 15% less damage in 3.5 seconds than auto attack.. even less if you add the vulnerability stacks from auto attack.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: karma.8763


So TC your saying if your an 80 warrior….and i am an 80 warrior, same everything, and we were 1vs1, you could win, while i use hundred blades? i dont think so.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Please use your own numbers to back up your opinion about my numbers, otherwise what is the point of sharing it. I want to be wrong, but just saying I’m wrong is meaningless.

The point of this topic was to find out the facts/numbers/math about whether or not hundred blades does less damage than auto attack within the time span of 3.5 seconds.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Don Zardeone.8730

Don Zardeone.8730

Afaik the point of hb is to proc things on strike or on critical or to generate adrenaline.

It’s how I use it and how I use the rifle3 and axe5.

I now take my leave from this thread

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Secro.5039


The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


Trust me when we say HB is one of the few really cool things u get to do with a warrior…

Its strong, its powerful, its one of those skills like portal for a mesmer, scorpion wire for a thief thats just makes this class solid and defines it.

At level 80 in full exotics you can frenzy, bull rush, and finish a HB before they get up, you may hit for up to 27k vs some mobs / players who u catch napping or unawares in pvp.


The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Methias.3521


Not another one of these threads. sigh The whole point of HB is to BURST the enemy down before they can react because while in the long term the damage may be lower than the other attacks it has great short term burst that is sometimes a surprise to deal with and can lead to a quick death.

There has been all sorts of math to show that HB is lower damage output in the long term and it’s actually true but that isn’t the point of the attack at all.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Easy way to test HB damage is just going to Heart of the Mists. Test how long it takes to kill target with just auto-attack. Test how long it takes to kill target with auto-attack + HB.
Latter should win every time.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


The activation time stated in the tool tips of the auto attacks don’t match with the attack speed of weapon. Another player explained that the value in the tool tip is the time it takes from pressing the button to hitting the target, and then there’s a small cool down when your character gets ready for the next attack.
Afaik the attack rate of Warrior’s Greatsword is 0.7 seconds.