Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
The No Longbow Theorycrafting Thread
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
If you’re going to play Frenzy, I don’t believe you’re going to do well without zerk stance. Zerk Stance + Frenzy is kinda strong.
Rousing Resilience is crappy no matter what. It has synergy with Armored Attack, but I don’t believe it’s gonna work better than even Spiked Armor. Carrion S/S + Hammer, just absolutely no synergy with the condi damage. Any Hammer spec will probably need Soldiers/Sentinels/Knight’s.
If you’re going to make builds, it needs to make some sort of sense. I’ll give my Mace+Hammer spec as an example in a bit.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
you can change sigils, and swap missile deflection out as well as run shield if there are lots of rangers. you are amazing in a teamfight. you can stack vun and stunlock the targert so your alies can burst them. your damage with hammer and might stacks and fury is good, allso you are tanky as hell. also you aoe heal and condi clear.
if there is another shout heal, or gaurdian you can run ballanced stance, but otherwise go 4 shouts.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
If you’re going to play Frenzy, I don’t believe you’re going to do well without zerk stance. Zerk Stance + Frenzy is kinda strong.
Rousing Resilience is crappy no matter what. It has synergy with Armored Attack, but I don’t believe it’s gonna work better than even Spiked Armor. Carrion S/S + Hammer, just absolutely no synergy with the condi damage. Any Hammer spec will probably need Soldiers/Sentinels/Knight’s.
If you’re going to make builds, it needs to make some sort of sense. I’ll give my Mace+Hammer spec as an example in a bit.
its possible to run the 20606 with full zerk both in pvp and wvw. ive done it with great success, and so has TDM,
as for your mace hammer build, which is nice and intersting and definitely unique, something similar to this ? Black Truth’s Jungle Doom Hammer Build
im not 100% sure of the sigils, but if i had to guess its something like this, right? or close to it?
If you’re going to play Frenzy, I don’t believe you’re going to do well without zerk stance. Zerk Stance + Frenzy is kinda strong.
Rousing Resilience is crappy no matter what. It has synergy with Armored Attack, but I don’t believe it’s gonna work better than even Spiked Armor. Carrion S/S + Hammer, just absolutely no synergy with the condi damage. Any Hammer spec will probably need Soldiers/Sentinels/Knight’s.
If you’re going to make builds, it needs to make some sort of sense. I’ll give my Mace+Hammer spec as an example in a bit.
its possible to run the 20606 with full zerk both in pvp and wvw. ive done it with great success, and so has TDM,
as for your mace hammer build, which is nice and intersting and definitely unique, something similar to this ? Black Truth’s Jungle Doom Hammer Build
im not 100% sure of the sigils, but if i had to guess its something like this, right? or close to it?
Going by the video and his posts, I think it’s eother something like this or this.
I don’t feel like watching again to confirm if he has CI since I didn’t find the match that exciting.
I think the issue is still whether the build does anything better than any other build. IMO Cele Engi can do a good mix of CC, Power, and Condi damage while having much better sustain. Maybe the CC on this build can be longer and more AoE, but I still think other builds can bring more to the table. I don’t like Shoutbow, but it’s hard to deny that it bring great team utility while not being a slouch on the damage once you get that might going.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
you can change sigils, and swap missile deflection out as well as run shield if there are lots of rangers. you are amazing in a teamfight. you can stack vun and stunlock the targert so your alies can burst them. your damage with hammer and might stacks and fury is good, allso you are tanky as hell. also you aoe heal and condi clear.
if there is another shout heal, or gaurdian you can run ballanced stance, but otherwise go 4 shouts.
The issue I always run into when trying Mace/Hammer is that you lack quick mobility outside of Warrior’s Sprint, and if someone uses a skill like Rampage as One, Rampage, or any elite that has a lot of stability, or just a build with a lot of stability in general you suddenly become almost useless. It’s a very fun spec though regardless.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
You might want to wait on the stunlock builds until they show the changes to all the stability skills.
You might want to wait on the stunlock builds until they show the changes to all the stability skills.
That’s a good point, builds like this might either become worthless, or really powerful.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
That’s a good point, builds like this might either become worthless, or really powerful.
Looking at Anet balance history I would guess potiential overpowered at first (as they lowball the stacks on many skills) then worthless as they make adjustment to them as well as the control skill in a double-tap-make-sure-it-is-dead fashion
That’s a good point, builds like this might either become worthless, or really powerful.
Looking at Anet balance history I would guess potiential overpowered at first (as they lowball the stacks on many skills) then worthless as they make adjustment to them as well as the control skill in a double-tap-make-sure-it-is-dead fashion
Wouldn’t shock me. Have you seen any of the Revenant footage? One of their utilities is a road that constantly gives Stability…that scares me as someone who always uses CC.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
you can change sigils, and swap missile deflection out as well as run shield if there are lots of rangers. you are amazing in a teamfight. you can stack vun and stunlock the targert so your alies can burst them. your damage with hammer and might stacks and fury is good, allso you are tanky as hell. also you aoe heal and condi clear.
if there is another shout heal, or gaurdian you can run ballanced stance, but otherwise go 4 shouts.
The issue I always run into when trying Mace/Hammer is that you lack quick mobility outside of Warrior’s Sprint, and if someone uses a skill like Rampage as One, Rampage, or any elite that has a lot of stability, or just a build with a lot of stability in general you suddenly become almost useless. It’s a very fun spec though regardless.
i don’t encounter this issue because i play smart. tremor gives you a ranged knockdown so you can close distance and daze + skullcrack. i only teamfight with this build, and i akways go for somone with no stab, and even if they pop stab the build is tough enough to wait it out. however, ideally you want a teammate with boon stripping, my pal was playing with boonstrip on shatter and it was glorious, we could stunlock and burst people out of the teamfight, all while i heal and condi clear my team. the support you give from shouts is as important as your ability to set up bursts for your teammates. also, you have 2k power and stack might a fury, so thats 30% crit chance on hammer which might not seem that high but combined with the intelligence sigil you can get good sized crits, and pump out constant decent power damage. your single target preasure is very high, and necros and engineers have to run from you.
i have done 1v1s with guildies on this build, and it has been likened to fighting gravity or a brick wall. sure you can be kited from range, but that’s your only weakness. 3200 armour, healing sig and four 2k shoutheals makes you stupid hard to kill.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
If you’re going to play Frenzy, I don’t believe you’re going to do well without zerk stance. Zerk Stance + Frenzy is kinda strong.
Rousing Resilience is crappy no matter what. It has synergy with Armored Attack, but I don’t believe it’s gonna work better than even Spiked Armor. Carrion S/S + Hammer, just absolutely no synergy with the condi damage. Any Hammer spec will probably need Soldiers/Sentinels/Knight’s.
If you’re going to make builds, it needs to make some sort of sense. I’ll give my Mace+Hammer spec as an example in a bit.
its possible to run the 20606 with full zerk both in pvp and wvw. ive done it with great success, and so has TDM,
as for your mace hammer build, which is nice and intersting and definitely unique, something similar to this ? Black Truth’s Jungle Doom Hammer Build
im not 100% sure of the sigils, but if i had to guess its something like this, right? or close to it?
Going by the video and his posts, I think it’s eother something like this or this.
I don’t feel like watching again to confirm if he has CI since I didn’t find the match that exciting.
I think the issue is still whether the build does anything better than any other build. IMO Cele Engi can do a good mix of CC, Power, and Condi damage while having much better sustain. Maybe the CC on this build can be longer and more AoE, but I still think other builds can bring more to the table. I don’t like Shoutbow, but it’s hard to deny that it bring great team utility while not being a slouch on the damage once you get that might going.
You came up with pretty mucch that e same thing i did in the 2nd link. But hes starts out the match with only at 19k hp so hes not using the str trait 3 for increased hp.
Also i duni if hes using ci or not either cant tell from the few viewings and dont reslly care to watch again either lol.
i dont recommend blacktruth build because it rely on auto stab proc and high cooldown skill like rampage and berserker stance to secure the kills and it has no mobility for rotation related skill outplay. no proper disengage and backcaps.
a no longbow build i recommend 20606/00626 gs axe shield with triple stance and signet of rage
there is bunker sword warhorn mace shield 20660 too
gs/rifle sword shield/rifle 62006 is also pretty reliable at shutting down bursties and has decent speed
(edited by lighter.2708)
i dont recommend blacktruth build because its not skillful and rely on auto stab proc and high cooldown skill like rampage and berserker stance to secure the kills
a no longbow build i recommend 20606/00626 gs axe shield with triple stance and signet of rage
there is bunker sword warhorn mace shield 20660 too
gs/rifle sword shield/rifle 62006 is also pretty reliable at shutting down bursties
The lack of Stability on demand is also a major sticking point for me as well. Sure, you have Stability, but because it activates automatically it may mean you wasted your Stability on a short Daze or something else and then when you actually need it you’re outa luck. Rampage is good enough now where it feels like that’s what’s carrying the build . Pop all your stances as you activate it and watch it go.
I still view Skullcracker as being superior. Sure, it lacks the AoE of Hammer but you gain the ability to totally shut down a high value target, and many current meta builds have no (or just one long CD) answer to a almost 4 second stun.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
My bad axezerker build that’s been moderately successful for me:
Sigil of Generosity can be swapped with Hydromancy, but I like the Intelligence + Generosity combo, Warrior’s Sprint can be replaced with Vigorous Focus, Endure Pain with Signet of Stamina, Destruction of the Empowered with Mobile Strikes. The usual options.
I find Brawler’s Recovery to be incredibly good, Leg Specialist is paramount for dealing with kiting, setting up Final Thrust, and helping your team collapse on someone with a well aimed Throw Axe.
The builds deals good damage, can tank a bit thanks to Defense traits, stances and Shield Block, has a good amount of Cripple and Immobilize, can cleanse condies okay (obviously not nearly as good as Longbow). I find this builds to be one of the few that can actually pressure Cele Eles enough to force them on the defensive. The mobility offered by Savage Leap doesn’t need to be explained, you can juke very effectively with this build.
My bad axezerker build that’s been moderately successful for me:
Sigil of Generosity can be swapped with Hydromancy, but I like the Intelligence + Generosity combo, Warrior’s Sprint can be replaced with Vigorous Focus, Endure Pain with Signet of Stamina, Destruction of the Empowered with Mobile Strikes. The usual options.
I find Brawler’s Recovery to be incredibly good, Leg Specialist is paramount for dealing with kiting, setting up Final Thrust, and helping your team collapse on someone with a well aimed Throw Axe.
The builds deals good damage, can tank a bit thanks to Defense traits, stances and Shield Block, has a good amount of Cripple and Immobilize, can cleanse condies okay (obviously not nearly as good as Longbow). I find this builds to be one of the few that can actually pressure Cele Eles enough to force them on the defensive. The mobility offered by Savage Leap doesn’t need to be explained, you can juke very effectively with this build.
One suggestion, Destruction of the Empowered isn’t generally very good, especially with the decrease in traditional bunker guards. I would go Vigorous Focus.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
My bad axezerker build that’s been moderately successful for me:
Sigil of Generosity can be swapped with Hydromancy, but I like the Intelligence + Generosity combo, Warrior’s Sprint can be replaced with Vigorous Focus, Endure Pain with Signet of Stamina, Destruction of the Empowered with Mobile Strikes. The usual options.
I find Brawler’s Recovery to be incredibly good, Leg Specialist is paramount for dealing with kiting, setting up Final Thrust, and helping your team collapse on someone with a well aimed Throw Axe.
The builds deals good damage, can tank a bit thanks to Defense traits, stances and Shield Block, has a good amount of Cripple and Immobilize, can cleanse condies okay (obviously not nearly as good as Longbow). I find this builds to be one of the few that can actually pressure Cele Eles enough to force them on the defensive. The mobility offered by Savage Leap doesn’t need to be explained, you can juke very effectively with this build.
One suggestion, Destruction of the Empowered isn’t generally very good, especially with the decrease in traditional bunker guards. I would go Vigorous Focus.
Yeah, it’s definitely a good option. I still like that Trait for axing Elementalists.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Alright now lets get serious… RIFLE THEORYCRAFTING GO
iv been messing around in hotjoins and had lots of success but then again its hotjoin. this build uses hammer+mace/sword with healing shouts http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fJAQNApcSjMdU5ZnHGewJagfgC5M0CGDgjO9Uk4VBA-TpBGwAJeAAEOBAAOCAFOEARLDcb/BA (i dont know if anyone else have tried making a build like this)
the way i play this build:
-interrupting as much as i can to proc distracting strikes
-using earthshaker (hammer F1) when im getting Xv1 or else ill use backbreaker and swap over to use skull crack, bonus points if you interrupt their actions
-i prefer using signet of stamina for its passive (a perma 50% endurance regen) and its active for its oh dam to many condi but you can swap it out to whatever you feel like
*iv tried fast hands with only 3 points into discipline while taking inspiring shout or warrior sprint but felt like i wasnt giving as much pressure
*its bit on the slow side and drives like a tank. thats why i took the trait missile deflection so i have two reflects at my disposal
*this build is more of a counter than attack your enemy while using your CC to keep them locked down and if they try to run away swap over to your mace/sword and throw an impale on them (bonus points if they die from torment)
I too spent last night messing with a build that uses Distracting Strikes. However I went a different direction with it.
I use sword mainhand because the bleeds you chug out will be how you sustain your damage in between Hammer attacks. Speaking of Hammer, with this setup you’ll still hit hard even with Carrion. However, you don’t try to chain lock like normal. Instead, aim for interrupts and give them juuusssst enough time to recover so that on the next attack you can get another interrupt. If you get 12 stacks of Confusion then each action will deal from 1.7k to 1.9k damage. Swap back to Swords in range and you’ll burry that confusion as well.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
So, after that drama with them potentially closing up terrain exploits using teleports I wanted to make a build that would poke fun at those that feel that they’ll be worthless after this change (if it happens). Now, I intended to make a terrible Sword/GS build, but what I got was actually surprisingly useable.
The crit chance on this is absurdly high because you have points in Arms, Rune of the Pack, and Opportunist. You’’ll average around 70% crit chance. I’m actually wondering if Assassin Ammy would be a better choice, I’ll mess around with it later.
I think many, myself included, look at builds that use Sword and GS as only being good for running away. However, once you get someone bellow 50% with this build if you can land a Final Thrust and a Arching Slice, they’re probably dead. Axe doesn’t work as well because you can’t use both Evis and Arching Slice. When they’re not below 50% you can actually somewhat reliably land Bull’s Charge by using the Immob from Baldetrail to set it up and Flurry + 100b as well.
I am finding though that like all builds that don’t take something like Inspiring Shouts or Burst Mastery that adrenaline gain can be an issue. Although, the quick attack on sword and the frequent immob helps a bit. I’m gonna test out a build like this later, but I think Leg Specialist is what makes this build work.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
You can ask Korean Knight for a GS/S/SH BUILD LOLOLOLOL
You can ask Korean Knight for a GS/S/SH BUILD LOLOLOLOL
I…I don’t know who that is.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
did a bunch of tests with rifle, but the damage is just too poor. ranger longbow auto hits for 2k and rifle hits for wet kitten. smh useless for pvp.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
ok. I would like to share the build that i’m using currently for some days and listen to critiques aswell.
i know it looks very awkward, but i just was ruynning condi war enjoyed it and wanted to try something different from meta builds especially out of healing singet.
the healing skill idea is I cleanse 6 condis overall (yes it works together, i tested with singet of spite)
while elite will convert 5 condis into boons.
and ofc cleansing ire that works not bad with hammerstun..
switching arround dodge march-missle deflection-increased stance duration
defy pain switching to Brawler’s Recovery – but ussually not needed much.
the biggest problems i had is the unussual cast time of skills that needed to use as warri (shouts, stances are instat almost all so i used to them)
while my condi cleanse is all active, non passive or in normal rotation of instant cast spells.
the flurry+stunlock combo is pretty strong
mobility is not good enough though, that’ why i would maybe switch to lb, swiftness on hit as an option, that i want to try out
Maybe you guys would like something like this.
I play a lot of unranked in which usually the team members just run around doing their own thing. I used to play HamBow a lot but got bored with the Longbow. So i decided to use this one instead. Sw/Sw Hammer. Im having a lot more fun with it and still win my fair share of 1v1. I agree that the AOE damage is amazing with LB but unless im running with a few guildies i prefer this melee build.
100% fury uptime, nice bleeds/torment while still hitting hard with the hammer. Its a very selfish build so definitely not for real team/ranked.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
The Juggernaut
I’m running a known WvW build and having a blast in PvP. The recent buff of Rampage via the renewal of Stability make it exquisite. With Dogged March and the condition reduction of Rampage and the Hoelbrak runes, you are unstoppable.
This zerk build isn’t completely lackluster in terms of defense either, with two stances, 2600+ armor and 22k+ health. You have decent condition clearing abilities with Cleansing Ire combined with Burst Mastery. On top of that, the mobility you get from GS #3 and #5 allow you to disengage from fights easily.
Variations are possible but I really like going for Leg Specialist as GS#4, Hammer#3 and the auto attack from Rampage will proc that very useful immobilisation on that 100% close combat build.
The counters to this build is obviously range and doges/evades, classes who can keep range while dodging your CC will take you down no problem. Like almost all zerk builds in the game, fighting a S/D thief is a nightmare.
You will EAT celestial engies/eles and necros though. Your damage output is too high for them to handle, and the number of soft and hard CCs you bring will make them cry. With my very low skill I was able to 1v1 Zanananan’s engy from 55 HP monks yesterday in soloQ, decapping him quickly and forcing him to retreat from a point he owned.
Anyway, the build :
(edited by Ouroboros.5076)
Might as well combine the Hambow meta with the Shoutbow meta to create… The Hamshout meta.
So, I’ve been thinking about alternatives to shoutbow but still with a focus on support. What about adapting the popular WvW zerg build and getting a mix of CC and support? Less AoE might but honestly D/D Ele’s bring plenty on their own.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
So, I’ve been thinking about alternatives to shoutbow but still with a focus on support. What about adapting the popular WvW zerg build and getting a mix of CC and support? Less AoE might but honestly D/D Ele’s bring plenty on their own.
I was doing some preliminary testing with a variant of shoutbow with the gs. And its decent but no where near as good as the s/wh version. Its still provides all the support, but it has a much lower power threshold and does not convert condi to boon. But that is only the 1st iteration of the build, there is more testing to come.
Im still having great success with gs/a/sh.
So, I’ve been thinking about alternatives to shoutbow but still with a focus on support. What about adapting the popular WvW zerg build and getting a mix of CC and support? Less AoE might but honestly D/D Ele’s bring plenty on their own.
I was doing some preliminary testing with a variant of shoutbow with the gs. And its decent but no where near as good as the s/wh version. Its still provides all the support, but it has a much lower power threshold and does not convert condi to boon. But that is only the 1st iteration of the build, there is more testing to come.
Im still having great success with gs/a/sh.
I think traited Warhorn is a must for a support build.
This build has most of my tenants for a good build. I’m thinking an axe version that looks something like this might also work. I’ll probably be hanging around the team 90% of the time anyways so speed isn’t super important. Not sure about the ammy yet, but it makes sense and the fury uptime makes up for the lack of precision.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
ive been using http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fJAQNAS8enMdQpgW5BeeAnIGoKoQXAPQAoqHSfCddKA-TZBBwAkLDw5IAA4BAg5iAUd/BA lately. the sword gives the build speed and final thrust (shield bash sets it up so well). valk amulet is super tough, and the build has four 2k shoutheals. the fury from signet of rage and FGJ are super important. mostly just camp hammer unless you want to use a skill on the sword, usually final thrust.
nice to see hammer-shout-valk becoming a thing.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
ive been using http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fJAQNAS8enMdQpgW5BeeAnIGoKoQXAPQAoqHSfCddKA-TZBBwAkLDw5IAA4BAg5iAUd/BA lately. the sword gives the build speed and final thrust (shield bash sets it up so well). valk amulet is super tough, and the build has four 2k shoutheals. the fury from signet of rage and FGJ are super important. mostly just camp hammer unless you want to use a skill on the sword, usually final thrust.
nice to see hammer-shout-valk becoming a thing.
Sadly, after some testing, I’m finding the DPS loss to not be worth the CC you gain. The might stacking on Shotbow is just too good.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
ive been using http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fJAQNAS8enMdQpgW5BeeAnIGoKoQXAPQAoqHSfCddKA-TZBBwAkLDw5IAA4BAg5iAUd/BA lately. the sword gives the build speed and final thrust (shield bash sets it up so well). valk amulet is super tough, and the build has four 2k shoutheals. the fury from signet of rage and FGJ are super important. mostly just camp hammer unless you want to use a skill on the sword, usually final thrust.
nice to see hammer-shout-valk becoming a thing.
Sadly, after some testing, I’m finding the DPS loss to not be worth the CC you gain. The might stacking on Shotbow is just too good.
the bow is undeniably the greatest for this reason that silly fire field and those darn mights
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
ive been using http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fJAQNAS8enMdQpgW5BeeAnIGoKoQXAPQAoqHSfCddKA-TZBBwAkLDw5IAA4BAg5iAUd/BA lately. the sword gives the build speed and final thrust (shield bash sets it up so well). valk amulet is super tough, and the build has four 2k shoutheals. the fury from signet of rage and FGJ are super important. mostly just camp hammer unless you want to use a skill on the sword, usually final thrust.
nice to see hammer-shout-valk becoming a thing.
Sadly, after some testing, I’m finding the DPS loss to not be worth the CC you gain. The might stacking on Shotbow is just too good.
the bow is undeniably the greatest for this reason
that silly fire field and those darn mights
I’m starting to think that Warrior was designed to have either the Rifle or the Longbow but Rifle ended up being…bad.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
ive been using http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fJAQNAS8enMdQpgW5BeeAnIGoKoQXAPQAoqHSfCddKA-TZBBwAkLDw5IAA4BAg5iAUd/BA lately. the sword gives the build speed and final thrust (shield bash sets it up so well). valk amulet is super tough, and the build has four 2k shoutheals. the fury from signet of rage and FGJ are super important. mostly just camp hammer unless you want to use a skill on the sword, usually final thrust.
nice to see hammer-shout-valk becoming a thing.
Sadly, after some testing, I’m finding the DPS loss to not be worth the CC you gain. The might stacking on Shotbow is just too good.
the bow is undeniably the greatest for this reason
that silly fire field and those darn mights
I’m starting to think that Warrior was designed to have either the Rifle or the Longbow but Rifle ended up being…bad.
i feel like the main advantage of the build is you can survive a ridiculous amount of focus. you have 3400 armour with the shield and 3200 with the hammer. the hammer is too good and too fun for me not to use it. you could run it with hammer/bow but they you loose the speed from the sword’s leap. leaping into a fight blasting all your shouts, downing and enemy is pretty great. also bow has just gotten boring. it rocks, but not all of the skills are that good or impactful, you mostly just do three of them then swap out.
auto attacks significantly buffed. maybe make it hit really hard but slow down the speed signigantly. vunerablity need to be added to volley and the vulnerable shot needs to be replaced. it’s just so awful when compared to the ranger longbow, or the engineer’s rifle. it’s better than offhand axe, but nit by much.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Here’s what I’ve been playing around with. Doesn’t have the support for team fights like shoutbow but it can hold it’s own well in a 1v1 or 2v2.
This build version is packed with sustain. 3600 armor, melandru runes, CI/BS/SoS (plus 50% endurance regen). I’m on the fence between knight amulet or cavalier, but with no fury and no points in Arms there isn’t enough crit chance. Signet of Rage can be swapped in for Fury but I’ve been enjoying Rampage. You become an absolute beast with the the extra damage reduction and nearly immune to movement impairing conditions. Also considering pack runes for extra damage and fury but again, this version is more built on sustain.