Before today I’d have been on the side of the community that thinks Fast Hands didn’t need to be Baseline.
After today’s Balance Patch, and how its required to make Power Builds work with Berserker specialization and I’m changing my tune. I’ve been in the SFTA all day trying to figure out where I want to go with my builds, and never can I get results that are adequate for myself (just fun) and endgame content (At least 22 stacks of might from PS and about 18k DPS) without Fast Hands, and without Berserker.
I -love- that I can play Core Warrior again, but leaving Berserker behind in Condi (where its not doing that well either) is not a great prospect for the class as a whole.
Without the Weapon Swap from Fast Hands, you can’t throw up enough Primal Bursts to maintain that sweet 21%, or even sometimes the 14% without resulting to Signet of Rage.
My prospects of playing an Axe/Axe Mace/Shield build were dashed this patch as well. With Axe/Axe’s optimal output tied up in three different trees, there’s just not a way that axes can perform well by themselves. In order to satisfy my party needs, I have to forgo all the Breakbar I could bring to the table before in order to take Signet of Rage to have enough adrenaline to maintain the barest amount of DPS AND a decent amount of Might Stacks.
I love that I might not have to worry about being the Might Crutch anymore, but I’m not seeing enough to keep me in the party. Make Fast Hands baseline.