Hey everyone, like many of you I’ve been sick of D/D eles and block spamming guardians.
Well as of the past week I’ve been running this build to help with that problem and I must say I’ve had quite a bit of success.
Here’s the build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJARSjMdQXIWFCOeAnIGKCKbAegA4GjFI51uI6jCA-TpBCABAcEAc4CAQ1+DuXG4iDBADPAAA
(if your’e fighting a team that doesn’t have many condi users you could use destruction of the empowered instead of brawlers recovery)
Now i know a lot of your are gonna look at this and wonder where the hell is the defensive trait? To be honest I don’t think its very good. When going full melee CI isn’t the best trait due to having to ensure landing your burst skills to cleanse. Also I don’t believe that defy pain is great since by the time you’re at 25% hp I’m pretty sure the condi’s are gonna kill you since endure pain can’t do anything about them.
Pro’s of this build:
-Crazy DPS with amazing Crit chance
-Get someone passed 50% hp and they are dead thanks to the free signet of might (giving unblockable attacks) from signet mastery as well as (quickness) from Heightened focus.
-Good group CC thanks to the hammer
-Not having to rely on Rampage
-Fast high risk high reward playstyle (may not be for everyone)
-Moderate tankiness thanks too zerk stance dolyak and endure pain, and healing sig.
-Decent Swiftness uptime thanks to signet mastery and Signet of Rage
-Your a full melee warrior face it your gonna get kited and focused.
-Rangers running a tank build will give you some trouble
-Mesmers are still jerks
-Things get very dangerous once zerk stance is gone
Aside from that I’ve had major success with this build. You can deal so much dmg so fast that Ele’s and guards (and pretty much every class) won’t know what happened and when they try to block its hopeless for them after you get them past the 50% hp threshold.
Standard Combo is as follows:
Start with GS out
-Blade Trail ‘4’ (get opponent to dodge if not now they are crippled)
-Whirl wind ‘3’ once they are close enough (try to get them to dodge again)
-Rush ‘5’ for decent dmg usually around 5k (8-9k) if sigils proc. (using rush at close range increases your chance of landing it by a ton it gives them much less time to react and dodge it)
really you can use rush first and whirlwind second but I like rush second because it closes the gap making it easy to be close for the hammer portion next
Swap to Hammer
-Hammer shock ‘3
-By now they are still recharging evades so get them with staggering blow ’4’
-follow with Back Breaker ‘5’
-Blast them with Earth Shaker ‘F1’ for that beautiful stun
Swap back to GS
-Finish them with the Coup De Grace of 100 blades ‘2’
I was kind of hesitant to give this one out but I figure many of you need some alternatives since many of you will no longer be relying on Rampage.
Also sorry My laptop isn’t amazing so I can’t really record a quality video of gameplay.
With all of that said please give it a shot and let me know if you like it as I welcome all feedback and criticism!
(edited by Nomad.5204)