The Swordsman build

The Swordsman build

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Talon Deathblade here. So among the big bust of this sad update, I feel there is still yet light at the end of the tunnel. I made an augment of my old build that I think some of you will enjoy. While it isn’t as good as my build, it is still pretty fun to use if you’re a sword boarder like me.

Quick gear reference: has the description of everything I run. If you have trouble getting the fractal chest and boots, full valks will work for armor. Ascended p,t, crit dam trinkets are a big part of it, but you can also run cavalier trinkets from balthazar temple. I keep the same weapons I have in that video.

Traits are a allocation, picking up
unsuspecting foe
blade master
shield master
cleansing Ire
Signet Mastery
Mobile Strikes

Balanced Stance
Bull’s Charge
Dolyak Sig
Sig of Rage

My final stats, with ascended trinkets, are just shy of 3.4k armor, 93% crit damage… 2.7k attack, which is easily brought up to over 3k with SoR. Crit chance(i have valk weapons, you can run berserk for more precision)39+20(fury)10(blademaster)5(sig of ac) for a total of around ~75%.

Playing with it is pretty lolzy. So long as you know how to sheath Flurry correctly, there are guides out there, you will have no trouble keeping up with them, however many gap closers they have.
Defektive has a great guide here:

In all honestly, you can debate it all you want and you should. This build was put together in 5 minutes and works pretty well. 3.4k armor is hilarious and you still hit like a truck on final thrust. Keep a hammer in your swap for the occasional backbreaker and Earthshaker. You should be swapping weapons every 5 seconds and always so you keep that adrenaline going. But you can setup main damage with sword and just poke them to death.

Take it and try it out, and perfect it.