The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I just had an idea that popped into my head, of course this is all theory because I have yet to test it out yet, but I will probably make a video about it sooner or later.

I call it the YOLO Frenzy troll build, and as soon as I explain the build you will probably know why.

So first off, the requirements before you even start playing this build


#1: Master and love the art of trolling
#2: Have a pair of you know what
#3: Double dose of #YOLOSWAG
#4: Knowing how to play a Warrior
#5: At least a full set of exotic gear

The Idea Behind This Build

As the title of the build suggests, the idea behind this build is to have maximum uptime on Frenzy (or quickness). This enables for quick and easy kills for when battles of attrition are simply impossible in a situation. The YOLO part of the build suggests the playstyle. Since WvW is mostly about zerg warfare, you are probably going to want to charge into 10+ people, or catch people from behind, down them in 3 seconds flat, then run. Because after all, you only live once and you can’t be a troll if you are dieing all the time that would just mean you are trolling yourself. Those stupid condition builds kittening you off? Find it boring to fight a battle of sustain? Why not just down the condition build in 10 seconds then teabag his face for running such cheese? I think that is a better idea

Build Link

Trait Choices

For this build you will be going 0/30/25/0/15. Why not full glass for maximum damage? Like 30/10/0/0/30? Because like I said before, if you are dieing, you can’t be a troll. How can you possibly be swag if you are eating a 15K Backstab? Or a 20K Killshot? That just aint cool. So 0/30/25/0/15. And plus, this build is centered around having maximum frenzy uptime, it aint a YOLO frenzy build without the frenzy nah what I’m sayin’?

You go 30 in arms to get the grandmaster trait Last Chance. This gives you 4 seconds of quickness on a 40 second CD on an opponent less than 50% health. This allows you to finish the job you started.

You also get Forceful Greatsword. If you can’t escape from any fight then how are you a troll? And might stacking? Yeah, that’s just swag on 5000.

You also get Crack Shot. Volley on 8 second CD? Yessir! Nothing more satisfying then kill shotting 2 people for 15K at once.

You go 25 in Defense as well. You need to be durable to escape when things don’t go to well, and you need to be durable in order to survive charging into like 10+ people. Charging into 10 people and getting one shot just makes you look stupid, thats that dead on the floor swag right there that this build ain’t about.

You want to get Dogged March. Nothing worse then Chill, Cripple and Immobilize preventing you from doing what you want to do. Which is Frenzy people to death. Nothing worse then a cripple preventing you from escaping a terrible situation as well

Cleansing Ire is needed as well. How you gonna Kill Shot somebody with no adrenaline? Plus the extra condition removal is helpful if it gets too real out there.

The 15 in Discipline is self-explanatory, you need the -5 second weapon swap, no ifs, ands or buts about it. You also take Signet Mastery, for fury, might and swiftness uptime.

Runes and Sigils

You go the Runes of Strength for maximum damage and might duration. Stacking might is half the swag of this build. If you are broke and not yoloswag enough you could always go for Hoelbrak, the extra - condition duration is aight too.

The sigils can be explained using two words. Frenzy. Might. That is all.


If you aint takin Bull’s Charge, you aint YOLO. It is your ONLY knockdown. It is your best initiation and best way to cause initial pressure. Once you Bull’s Charge somebody it should be OVER. It is also a decent escape tool.

If you aint takin Frenzy, then you aint swag, and this aint a frenzy build. Self-explanatory.

Balanced Stance is a must, if you go charging into a crowd and just get knocked back then you just pretty much look like a kitten . Plus you need Balanced Stance to get off the clutch stomps so you can continue your (frenzy?), pun absolutely intended.

Why not Berserker Stance or Endure Pain? Because you are just too YOLO for that kitten .


I opted for some survivability through toughness in my gear, you can of course go more glassy if you’d like but that is all up to you. And what the hell is vit??? Who needs vit???? Hmmmmm?


Lemongrass OFC, can’t be havin those conditions trollin the hell outta you.


Anyways I will hopefully have a video soon. Of course you are all welcome to run this build or some kind of variation and record your results!

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

(edited by killahmayne.9518)

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


And why is this posted in the Profession Balance section

Because this build will be nerfed because everybody will be screaming WARRIORS OP PLZ NERF.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


Your really full of yourself if you think you created a build that will get they eye of the devs and be nerfed. That’s only reason I can see is that you think it’s that good or that OP.

Golf clap but I don’t think people would even recognize it as some yoloswag etc. If you had this running popular tourney’s you might have a case.

Will be moved to warrior forum I think.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Some people just take games way too seriously.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


Some people just take games way too seriously.

Says the person that wrote out a whole build template with foods. I’m sure your post took more effort then mine just saying.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Some people just take games way too seriously.

Says the person that wrote out a whole build template with foods. I’m sure your post took more effort then mine just saying.

Congratulations slow claps

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: bobomb.5209


It’s nice. I like running into huge zergs just to attack them. It’s hilarious.

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: xbutcherx.3861


what a crappy build… rifle? seriously?

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Me thinks some people woke up without their sense of humor …..

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Interesting, I actually made a build like this awhile ago, although it’s a bit different. The 13 seconds of continual quickness can be kind of fun. I think your build is stronger overall though, since mine is full glass with no condi clears. Here’s what I’ve been using:

I don’t think you can have a true troll build unless it can immobilize people for more than 4 seconds, but I guess trolls come in all shapes and sizes.

In any case, I think your build is stronger overall, though the use of bolas means I can lock people down more easily and more frequently to land killshots and 100b. I feel it also hits more reliably than bull’s charge, but they’re both a bit flaky.

I think I might try your trait layout and see if I like it better. I don’t think opportunist is giving me as much benefit as I want it to, and forceful greatsword might just be all around better.

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Syrpharon.7491


You aren’t YOLO enough with a rifle.

You should charge with double mace.

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Corax.7381


“Quaggan will kick your tail so hard it slaps you in the face!” – Willoo

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: bobomb.5209


what a crappy build… rifle? seriously?

Yep rifle is a fantastic weapon when your opponents don’t expect you. So seriously… rifle.

The YOLO Frenzy Troll Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Daniel Warren.4968

Daniel Warren.4968

Does quickness stack now? I always thought procs of quickness overwrote each other.

Your build definitely has charisma, but anything less than Defiant Stance / Endure Pain in zerg bashing is just asking to get clobbered. Defiant combos real well with that 25% damage from Frenzy.