Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Thick Skin – Stays as minor trait:
Gain 1 second of stability and 2 seconds of blind Immunity when you use a burst skill.

Cleansing Ire – Moved to Grandmaster:
Gain adrenaline when hit. Remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline spent. Each condition removed this way gives you 3 seconds of protection and 2 seconds of regeneration.

Adrenal Health – Changed slightly:
Gain health when you gain a strike of adrenaline. (This means it would mesh a lot better with the current traits without completely changing what it does. Currently since the warrior in the defensive line never holds his adrenaline, we never gains full benefit from it anymore like we used to, I feel that the “Healing on Stage” effect should be moved and merged to Berserker’s Power or Heightened Focus.)

I feel this would go a long way to helping the warriors sustain without completely revamping the class.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


I’m not that big of a fan that it gets moved to grandmaster. This means that every burst build now also has to run 30 in defense. I would rather see some nice sustain options in strength, tactics or arms adept.


Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I’m not that big of a fan that it gets moved to grandmaster. This means that every burst build now also has to run 30 in defense. I would rather see some nice sustain options in strength, tactics or arms adept.

Its hard to do that without changing so much, my idea was more-so for a band-aid fix until they do that. (I want it too!)

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


That only benefits tanky burst spammers.

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


Some ideas:
-remove 1 condi on movement skill or weapon swap
-remove 1 condi on dodge
-omnom berry as a trait


Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


That only benefits tanky burst spammers.

Well, isn’t that pretty much how the class is now?

I mean the new trait screams it.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


Thick Skin – Stays as minor trait:
Gain 1 second of stability and 2 seconds of blind Immunity when you use a burst skill.

Cleansing Ire – Moved to Grandmaster:
Gain adrenaline when hit. Remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline spent. Each condition removed this way gives you 3 seconds of protection and 2 seconds of regeneration.

I don’t like these.

They make bursting too powerful. Remove the full 3 conditions and you get 9 seconds of Protection, which is affected by Boon Duration.

And what’s with the Stability? Why is it there?

Adrenal Health – Changed slightly:
Gain health when you gain a strike of adrenaline. (This means it would mesh a lot better with the current traits without completely changing what it does. Currently since the warrior in the defensive line never holds his adrenaline, we never gains full benefit from it anymore like we used to, I feel that the “Healing on Stage” effect should be moved and merged to Berserker’s Power or Heightened Focus.)

This would never work because of the high variability of strikes. At base, it’s 1 strike per hit. However, with Furious, it’s 3 strikes on crit. Throw in Sharpened Axes and it’s 4 strikes on crit.

It’s literally impossible to balance it so that it’s:

  1. Not overpowered with high adrenaline gain
  2. Not too weak without adrenaline gaining traits

Not to mention that it would benefit Axe/X and especially Axe/Axe a bit too much either way.

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Thick Skin – Stays as minor trait:
Gain 1 second of stability and 2 seconds of blind Immunity when you use a burst skill.

Cleansing Ire – Moved to Grandmaster:
Gain adrenaline when hit. Remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline spent. Each condition removed this way gives you 3 seconds of protection and 2 seconds of regeneration.

I don’t like these.

They make bursting too powerful. Remove the full 3 conditions and you get 9 seconds of Protection, which is affected by Boon Duration.

And what’s with the Stability? Why is it there?

Adrenal Health – Changed slightly:
Gain health when you gain a strike of adrenaline. (This means it would mesh a lot better with the current traits without completely changing what it does. Currently since the warrior in the defensive line never holds his adrenaline, we never gains full benefit from it anymore like we used to, I feel that the “Healing on Stage” effect should be moved and merged to Berserker’s Power or Heightened Focus.)

This would never work because of the high variability of strikes. At base, it’s 1 strike per hit. However, with Furious, it’s 3 strikes on crit. Throw in Sharpened Axes and it’s 4 strikes on crit.

It’s literally impossible to balance it so that it’s:

  1. Not overpowered with high adrenaline gain
  2. Not too weak without adrenaline gaining traits

Not to mention that it would benefit Axe/X and especially Axe/Axe a bit too much either way.

Actually I will devalue that.

It is actually 2 strikes extra, not three. It has been bugged for quite awile and its balanced because you can only get so many strikes every 10 seconds.

It doesn’t matter if I gain it 10x quicker if Im in a situation where I will always get it fast regardless of traits it won’t make a difference.

You might as well say the trait has a base 10 second GCD of how much it can heal for.

You can either spend 30 points in arms to increase the pace to get it, or 30 in discipline to have use it more, you can’t get both because you need 15 in one.

Its good balance.

You have to think outside but within the box when you make traits or trait ideas, i’ve already argued with myself about it for hours.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Now for cleansing ire, lets say you do get that and boon duration. Now you risk it being removed or stolen (the worst.) Or boon hate traits working against you.

You also would need to be 0/0/30/30/0 build… which would mean you wouldn’t be doing any kind of punishing damage.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Why its a good trait.

Lets just say the trait heals for 75 per strike.

Base burst is 10 seconds, that means at most I could get is 2250. Even if I get more strike gain, it doesn’t change the fact I can only get 2250 every 10 seconds.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


Actually I will devalue that.

It is actually 2 strikes extra, not three. It has been bugged for quite awile and its balanced because you can only get so many strikes every 10 seconds.

Oh, but you could easily go x/30/15/x/20, that gets you Furious, Adrenal Health and Sharpened Axes, along with a 8.25 cooldown on your bursts. That’s pretty much the ideal scenario.

However, I still don’t think it could be properly balanced. And that’s not even the only problem. For example, Healing Surge into Flurry would result in a significant gain in the burst heal you get.

Now for cleansing ire, lets say you do get that and boon duration. Now you risk it being removed or stolen (the worst.) Or boon hate traits working against you.
You also would need to be 0/0/30/30/0 build… which would mean you wouldn’t be doing any kind of punishing damage.

You have other, much better sources for boon duration. You could get 30% Boon duration, along with 20% protection duration from runes. That already gives you 13.5s Protection while in combat. That’s permanent, especially coupled with your proposed immunity-to-blind trait.

And boon hate? Aren’t you one of the people who went around telling everyone that Destruction of the Empowered sucked because of Protection?

Lets just say the trait heals for 75 per strike.

As you said, it’s 2250 every 10 seconds. That’s better than the current passive of Healing Signet, just for comparison. Oh and the opposite end of the spectrum? Well, 2250 in 7 seconds for 320 hp/s, which is better than Healing Surge.

You have to look at not only the base, but how it scales to the extreme. Because if it’s good enough, people will go there.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Thick Skin/Cleansing Ire/Adrenal Health:

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I personally think cleansing Ire is marvelous as is. The only problem I do have iwth it is that it doesn’t remove when you don’t hit a target unless you’re using a LB for f1. I spam f1’s all day to remove condi’s and it’s soooooooo goood. It would break my build if I had to pick it up in grandmaster