This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Chukree.1756


The PvP Warrior: By Phd In Stomponomics

SOMETHING is wrong with the warrior mechanic. I’ve been SLEEPLESS ever since this game came out. My FAVOURITE CLASS from GUILD WARS 1 (of 6 years), trashed, by ANET. How so? I don’t know. No warrior knows. Apparantly noone complains either!

FACT IS: The warrior mechanic is BROKEN. Why? The warrior is a “lethal BEAST” that shouldn’t be killed in a few seconds, tho EASY to CC, but HARD to break down!

[Go on..!!]

In GUILD WARS 2, your warrior rush in, deal DECENT DMG (compared to the thief). You’re in combat, you’re near the enemy. IF YOU DON’T KILL you die, because conditions will get you down (Chill, cripple – STUFF THAT MAKES YOU UNABLE TO DISENGAGE).

I’ll STRUCTURE my topic AND let’s start:

Shield stance (blocks 3 seconds): You would think that this skill would save you from classes like necros and rangers. BUT NO. Necro wells deal 10’000 DAMAGE to your warrior UNBLOCKABLE! (what??!) You loose to the AoE class, Necro! You should think you could survive against ranger traps, same story, my friend…

Let me tell you a thing real quick…

Everyone who ever played GUILD WARS 1 knew that: traps weren’t fast-casted and they were easily interupted! In GUILD WARS 2, you spam your strong AoE’s as a ranger, you don’t even care!

Everyone who ever played GUILD WARS 1 knew that: Assassins/thieves didnt have ranged ability (short bow) they spiked in a decent tempo, but able to track people down if they were really far away from their team mates! At this point – Thieves deal the greatest dmg AoE+ranged AND the fastest most lethal damage nearby. AND highest mobility.

- “…Yeah you’ve seen them, the one shot once, yeah, those thieves. You accuse them for macro, well knowing they dont, you just smash your head in your keyboard if you don’t react with a STUN BREAKER, if you have one.. Oh! wait you’re updrafted, kitten you then! …”

and BTW …….if you’re a warrior? You want to run Endure Pain (5 sec, 0 damage) if you want to be good against the thief. BUT you need stability if you want to track down Necros. You cant have both!

And this is why I’ve been SLEEPLESS – Elementalists:

This is yet another reason why my BELOVED warrior is useless in PvP. The ele specc is too strong! Everyone knows that! Really? Even ELES tehmselves? “Well yeah..?” “Oh….. and Anet as well?” “YES! kitten #8221;

Everyone who ever played GUILD WARS 1 knew that: Ele’s were WEAK in combat. IF a warrior caught up on it could deal great damage. The ele damage wasnt that powerful, but it had a few advantages against melees but not enough to outdmg them EVER. GUILD WARS 1 was a monk game! So in this case you shouldnt give eles HEAL advantages so you feel like they have a monk! ’Cuz warriors aint even close to have that. THE WARRIOR HEAL IS WORSE THAN GW 1 HEAL SIGNET! “A huh?” 2 Conditions and 1/5th of your full HP?

At the moment you can run 5 ELES and beat everyone, warriors can’t even deal dmg to them, and not even close at stomping! – After discussing with people I’ve come the conclusion that, “IF YOU CAN RUN MORE THAN ONE OF THE SAME CLASS IN A GAME E.G. 3 ELES, it’s broken”.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Chukree.1756



You should THINK that, with all the LEAPS, warrior would be the beast in mobility. But what does it matter, when other roamers can “Ride The lightning” away from everything, teleport shoot itself on top of KEEP, CLOCK TOWER, and other places. And why not teleport thruogh the walls! Ele/thief/DPS guardian.

And speaking of leaps… Who was the idiot who made HEART SEEKER leap 450 range? And Eviscerate 300 range? AND EVEN CAUSING THE SAME DAMAGE SPAMABLE. I mean. IT’S THE WARRIOR BURST. Shouldn’t it be a speciality, I mean, Great Sword burst, is that really worth using in ANY situation? “No…” – “Good then..”

MANAUL HITS: should be something the warrior should rely on. BUT thief does it better! Why? Because all traits the thief has gives it 10% more damage! And someone somewhere don’t care.


Warrior traits doesnt cooperate. You can’t have survivabilty and GOOD damage at the same time. MOBILE STRIKES (the trait – makes you able to break immobilizes when you use a movement skill).. THIS is a trait you want, when you can’t cure every condition, or SHORT BOW (5) you away like Ele / thief, but you want SWEET REVENGE as well but you can’t have it! ’Cuz you want leg specialist as well and you want damage!

Warrior is the WORST profession. It’s only good with bunkers and other OP meta-setups, like the OP ele’s, wells etc., and then it doesn’t do the same job (AT ALL) as a thief!?

Sure, you’ve been slayed by a good/terrible warrior, and you got mad of a hundred blade. But that doesn’t make the warrior viable. Their damage is seperated, IT’S NOT single HARD HITS. That makes it even less lethal and easier to break.


You’d really love if the warrior were the only class with this ability because it’s the only class who really need this to land a full spike.
I wouldn’t go in details but.

Mesmer: Time warp. 10 Seconds, making all classes that shouldnt have quickness way too powerful. (Mesmer shatter AoE as well.. this has no ending)

Thief: Haste + heart seekers. And even hitting 4-5 hits IN STEALTH. Those skills are op.

Frenzy is not. Make you even squishier. And the effect can be so self-lethal. AND no! ANET, it doesnt have the same effect as in GUILD WARS 1. (can’t be spammed, can’t be broken)

… The story ends here. Frustrations are everywhere and it’s hard for me to get all my thought about the warrior written down.


What is the warriors role. Isn’t a warrior A WARRIOR?

Is Anet blind? They think it’s good because some Americans played it once? Europe shortly figured the strongest meta wasn’t warriors at all. The american warriors are unemployed atm!

I don’t know.

Fellas, respond please. Take your time. What’s correct what’s not. Other thoughts?

Be objective.


This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Mattidore.3482


Agreed to pretty much everything in this post.

However, I don’t think warrior will get a revamp soon or even anywhere in the near ~ far future. Because for some reason, I think Anet thinks that warrior isn’t a p.o.s class and is just right where it is. I.E they’re too lazy to even think about changing anything with the warrior because they’re too busy making up more boring (holiday) content.

(edited by Mattidore.3482)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Rayya.2591


straight facts :
- warrior got better *ranged *single target DPS then ranger
- warrior got double thief DPS on melle and hit 3 targets
- warrior got almost double base hp compared to thieves, elementarists guardians
- warrior got best ground targeting mobility in game – whirlwind -8 sec CD 450 range without swiftness ( selfbuff) /rush -1200 range / bull charge 900 range / leap 600 range – whirlwind available to use.
Compared with thief : poor acces to swiftness – 5 leaps x 450 range
elementarist – good acces to swiftness -less mobility skills
warrior got
- pasive stability , endure pain for an duel
-hightest heal in 1 single utility
-hightest underwater mobility with banners ( 4 sec cooldown for rush underwater….. )
Warrior is item dependent, and in sPvP he cannot use his full potential, however you see in wvwvw warriors killing enemy’s in under 3 seconds , and hey, what other class can solo Arah EXP ?, what other class can solo champions in pve ?
no.1 WvW kills

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Mattidore.3482


straight facts :
- warrior got better *ranged *single target DPS then ranger
- warrior got double thief DPS on melle and hit 3 targets
- warrior got almost double base hp compared to thieves, elementarists guardians
- warrior got best ground targeting mobility in game – whirlwind -8 sec CD 450 range without swiftness ( selfbuff) /rush -1200 range / bull charge 900 range / leap 600 range – whirlwind available to use.
Compared with thief : poor acces to swiftness – 5 leaps x 450 range
elementarist – good acces to swiftness -less mobility skills
warrior got
- pasive stability , endure pain for an duel
-hightest heal in 1 single utility
-hightest underwater mobility with banners ( 4 sec cooldown for rush underwater….. )
Warrior is item dependent, and in sPvP he cannot use his full potential, however you see in wvwvw warriors killing enemy’s in under 3 seconds , and hey, what other class can solo Arah EXP ?, what other class can solo champions in pve ?

what are you rambling on about?

- single target DPS in zerg v zerg? I’m sure that would do more damage than an AoE in a group of 20+ people
- are you kidding me? I’ve been hit by thieves for 5k+. The only way I’m ever going to hit 5k on someone is 1) if I go glass cannon (and last a few seconds) or 2) land my unlandable burst moves. Even if though thieves are glass cannon they’ll last 10 times longer than a “sustain” warrior, because of their stealth mechanics
- like I said, double base HP is useless when you get bursted down by 3 dudes in like 5 seconds, when eles or thieves that have half the hp we have, have so much more escapability than us.
- I’d rather ride the lightning or go stealth every few seconds than use any/all of the buggy kitten warrior gap closers

- warriors don’t have passive stability.
- are you serious? 1. Guards have higher heals than us 2. They’re constantly regening health.
- underwater fighting… yeah coz those happen all the time… and please, upload a video of you soloing Arah Exp.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Rym.1469


The idea of “variety” of builds <- sad to say, but it breaks pvp system for warrior. Sure, you can go pretty much every weapon set you like, but most of our traits try to be too universal. Some of them are very cool, but most of are not. For example, Forceful Greatsword, Mobile Strikes, Leg Specialist, Unsuspecting Foe. These are brilliant ideas. But rest are not. Gives worthless buffs, small boosts usable only in PvE, but really nothing for dynamic combat of PvP. Adrenaline bar is broken. Devs, trying to make every weapon viable for everything with no custom optionseliminated half of the skills. Really, sword or axe for example. You catch up the target, and you follow it. That’s it, you avoid using other weapon skills like hell, you just lose dps. Other example. Rifle. 4 of 5 skills base on power/precision. But, but! Autoattack is bleeding attack which does not benefit from pow/prec! So… What’s the purpose of this weapon? Dunno. Same you I guess. Until they fix our traits, give customable weapon skills and finally give warrior “sturdy body” we’re screwed. Playing as a ranger in PvP only now. Also, check out my Class Rework Project, will be updated very soon, includes several changes to warrior class for now.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Obby Shards.9365

Obby Shards.9365

If you can’t play a warrior in PvP your just bad at the game learn to play i never have problems fighting theifs,necros, rangers. The only class that i have problems with are mesmers those little kittens

Obby Shards – 80 Warrior / Aura Of Faith – 80 Guardian. Fanboys & Hate mail [FnH]

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


people are always trying to play warrior in pvp like they do in pve.

theory craft all you want, in pvp you are playing against real people who behave in a different way then mobs do in pve. building yourself for 3500 attack with 3200 defense and 30k hp isn’t going to be as effective in pvp as theory crafters believe, and when that fact confronts them they get upset.

the warrior is in a pretty good place, probably one of the best places compared to every other profession in the game.


This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


There are those who think warriors are balance while calling every else whiners , bad players ignoring the facts we are referring about traits, skills and etc.

It even hurts more when those proud prideful so call warriors think the class is balance ignoring what J.Sharp the developer himself said about warriors in Game of state video saying warriors are at a disadvantage.

Cry me a river nevertheless the gameplay of warriors overall needs to be improved for pvp and the same goes for other professions seeking to play other builds in pvp.


This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Galrukh.6532


Gotta agree with obby shards.
Warriors are fine.

Help build the next big RvR game.
Camelot Unchained is on Kickstarter.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


There are those who think warriors are balance while calling every else whiners , bad players ignoring the facts we are referring about traits, skills and etc.

It even hurts more when those proud prideful so call warriors think the class is balance ignoring what J.Sharp the developer himself said about warriors in Game of state video saying warriors are at a disadvantage.

Cry me a river nevertheless the gameplay of warriors overall needs to be improved for pvp and the same goes for other professions seeking to play other builds in pvp.

this is purely personal opinion, but warriors need buffs like engineers need nerfs.

that said i became a warrior after leveling an engineer to 80 in WvW, a necro to 80 and a ranger. try any one of these classes and come back and complain about warriors being weak, or you know… don’t

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


There are those who think warriors are balance while calling every else whiners , bad players ignoring the facts we are referring about traits, skills and etc.

It even hurts more when those proud prideful so call warriors think the class is balance ignoring what J.Sharp the developer himself said about warriors in Game of state video saying warriors are at a disadvantage.

Cry me a river nevertheless the gameplay of warriors overall needs to be improved for pvp and the same goes for other professions seeking to play other builds in pvp.

this is purely personal opinion, but warriors need buffs like engineers need nerfs.

that said i became a warrior after leveling an engineer to 80 in WvW, a necro to 80 and a ranger. try any one of these classes and come back and complain about warriors being weak, or you know… don’t

Did you also ignore the fact I said other professions needs love too in my previous post? I think you did Mr. zergfest I think you did.


This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Resouled.5614


OP, L2P.

Nothing wrong with my warrior. Balanced in PvP/WvW, OP in PvE.

[vE] Visceral Effect – Blue

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Mattidore.3482


people are always trying to play warrior in pvp like they do in pve.

theory craft all you want, in pvp you are playing against real people who behave in a different way then mobs do in pve. building yourself for 3500 attack with 3200 defense and 30k hp isn’t going to be as effective in pvp as theory crafters believe, and when that fact confronts them they get upset.

the warrior is in a pretty good place, probably one of the best places compared to every other profession in the game.


is that like vs bots? He goes into a group of 4vlike 20, and doesn’t even get hit? Again, like that mancleaver build, just tonnes of bad enemies. Probably all scaled up too.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Rayya.2591


straight facts :
- warrior got better *ranged *single target DPS then ranger
- warrior got double thief DPS on melle and hit 3 targets
- warrior got almost double base hp compared to thieves, elementarists guardians
- warrior got best ground targeting mobility in game – whirlwind -8 sec CD 450 range without swiftness ( selfbuff) /rush -1200 range / bull charge 900 range / leap 600 range – whirlwind available to use.
Compared with thief : poor acces to swiftness – 5 leaps x 450 range
elementarist – good acces to swiftness -less mobility skills
warrior got
- pasive stability , endure pain for an duel
-hightest heal in 1 single utility
-hightest underwater mobility with banners ( 4 sec cooldown for rush underwater….. )
Warrior is item dependent, and in sPvP he cannot use his full potential, however you see in wvwvw warriors killing enemy’s in under 3 seconds , and hey, what other class can solo Arah EXP ?, what other class can solo champions in pve ?

what are you rambling on about?

- single target DPS in zerg v zerg? I’m sure that would do more damage than an AoE in a group of 20+ people
- are you kidding me? I’ve been hit by thieves for 5k+. The only way I’m ever going to hit 5k on someone is 1) if I go glass cannon (and last a few seconds) or 2) land my unlandable burst moves. Even if though thieves are glass cannon they’ll last 10 times longer than a “sustain” warrior, because of their stealth mechanics
- like I said, double base HP is useless when you get bursted down by 3 dudes in like 5 seconds, when eles or thieves that have half the hp we have, have so much more escapability than us.
- I’d rather ride the lightning or go stealth every few seconds than use any/all of the buggy kitten warrior gap closers

- warriors don’t have passive stability.
- are you serious? 1. Guards have higher heals than us 2. They’re constantly regening health.
- underwater fighting… yeah coz those happen all the time… and please, upload a video of you soloing Arah Exp.

1.i am not sure if this guy is an warrior , and if this is zerg vs zerg
2. 5k backstab vs 18k Hb is relative poor damage, so try not to be so sarcastic
3. if you get bursted down in 5 seconds when you can have 8- 9 seconds endure pain, i will assume is an l2p issue
4. i am sure thieves would prefer to have bull charge and endure pain, and balanced stance. I am also sure elementarists would love an 15k base HP but you cannot have all in 1.
5. Defence – Master-Trait -VIII.- Last Stand -Activates Balanced Stance when you are dazed, knocked down, launched, pushed back, or stunned.
Balanced Stance -You gain stability.: 8 s – Breaks stun
Cool trait ? something new ?
6 .
Guardian’s best heal – Signet of resolve – Healing: 8,150 – 0 healing power
warrior’s best heal : – Healing Surge -Stage 3 heal: 8,440 – 0 healing power
*edit – warriors can pasive heal -adrenal heal 360 /3 seconds vs guardian virtue of resolve 84 HP
7. underwater fight happens, not all the time but there are sPvP maps where underwater fight is deciding factor, and in WvWvW quagans are important
8. i haven’t solo’d Arah but some guys did
no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Mattidore.3482


straight facts :
- warrior got better *ranged *single target DPS then ranger
- warrior got double thief DPS on melle and hit 3 targets
- warrior got almost double base hp compared to thieves, elementarists guardians
- warrior got best ground targeting mobility in game – whirlwind -8 sec CD 450 range without swiftness ( selfbuff) /rush -1200 range / bull charge 900 range / leap 600 range – whirlwind available to use.
Compared with thief : poor acces to swiftness – 5 leaps x 450 range
elementarist – good acces to swiftness -less mobility skills
warrior got
- pasive stability , endure pain for an duel
-hightest heal in 1 single utility
-hightest underwater mobility with banners ( 4 sec cooldown for rush underwater….. )
Warrior is item dependent, and in sPvP he cannot use his full potential, however you see in wvwvw warriors killing enemy’s in under 3 seconds , and hey, what other class can solo Arah EXP ?, what other class can solo champions in pve ?

what are you rambling on about?

- single target DPS in zerg v zerg? I’m sure that would do more damage than an AoE in a group of 20+ people
- are you kidding me? I’ve been hit by thieves for 5k+. The only way I’m ever going to hit 5k on someone is 1) if I go glass cannon (and last a few seconds) or 2) land my unlandable burst moves. Even if though thieves are glass cannon they’ll last 10 times longer than a “sustain” warrior, because of their stealth mechanics
- like I said, double base HP is useless when you get bursted down by 3 dudes in like 5 seconds, when eles or thieves that have half the hp we have, have so much more escapability than us.
- I’d rather ride the lightning or go stealth every few seconds than use any/all of the buggy kitten warrior gap closers

- warriors don’t have passive stability.
- are you serious? 1. Guards have higher heals than us 2. They’re constantly regening health.
- underwater fighting… yeah coz those happen all the time… and please, upload a video of you soloing Arah Exp.

1.i am not sure if this guy is an warrior , and if this is zerg vs zerg
2. 5k backstab vs 18k Hb is relative poor damage, so try not to be so sarcastic
3. if you get bursted down in 5 seconds when you can have 8- 9 seconds endure pain, i will assume is an l2p issue
4. i am sure thieves would prefer to have bull charge and endure pain, and balanced stance. I am also sure elementarists would love an 15k base HP but you cannot have all in 1.
5. Defence – Master-Trait -VIII.- Last Stand -Activates Balanced Stance when you are dazed, knocked down, launched, pushed back, or stunned.
Balanced Stance -You gain stability.: 8 s – Breaks stun
Cool trait ? something new ?
6 .
Guardian’s best heal – Signet of resolve – Healing: 8,150 – 0 healing power
warrior’s best heal : – Healing Surge -Stage 3 heal: 8,440 – 0 healing power
7. underwater fight happens, not all the time but there are sPvP maps where underwater fight is deciding factor, and in WvWvW quagans are important
8. i haven’t solo’d Arah but some guys did

1. notice how these Warrior WvW 5v20+ zergs, they never get hit or focused? bad enemies, like mancleaver vid.
2. 18k Hb. Lol. Because you land every hit on 100b every time right?
3. Bursted down in 5 seconds, endure pain for extra 8 seconds. Run away and cry and wait for your HP to regen. Also, 90 second cd.
4. And no, thieves don’t want a buggy kitten bull charge or a long kitten cd endure pain, when they can stealth in and out every few seconds.
5. Last stand looks great on paper, but it’s buggy and doesn’t really work as it’s intended. Also, 90 second cd. I wouldn’t call that “passive”. I’m willing to bet you’ve never actually used this trait.
6. Passive, cures a condition every 10 seconds, can remove 2 every 10 seconds if traited. Also, guardian regen + heal > warrior “big” heal relying on max adrenaline.
8. glass cannon, I have to give it to the warr, very good timing his dodges etc. But pvp you’re not vsing scripted mobs.

(edited by Mattidore.3482)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


A little clarification:

Last Stand will grant you stability, BUT it won’t get you up. If you’re knocked down and activate Balanced Stance, or any other stun breaker you get up on your feet instantly. When Last Stand procs this doesn’t happen at all and it won’t prevent you from getting CC’d in the first place.

In short: it’s one of the most useless traits ever.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Rayya.2591


1. check all redguard videos , they mostly warriors movies were in tier 1 EU, they can get or not focused they will rally few times as long as they hit 20 targets before they die
2. i don’t need to land only 4 hits on an glass cannon thief/ranger before knockback from bull charge is off and i won that pvp
3/4/5 . pasive endure pain and last stand are great for 1 vs 1, the only problem is invisible cooldown.
6. yes – condition removal is poor on warrior unless you spec on it, but heals + omnomberry’s + sigil of purity can help you vs that. is the major warrior weakness, if you want condition removal you must sacrifice all utility slots
no.1 WvW kills

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


They should give the warrior longer stability if he is to be seen as a juggernaut. Hi my juggernaut when a little element a list updrafts me and I’m down for three seconds? If the longer stability is overpowered then how about reducing our knockdown recovery by 50%. So instead of three seconds being knocked down, we are only knockdown for 1.5 seconds.

I simply don’t feel like a juggernaut with the story body. I don’t really care if I can’t remove conditions because the reason I chose warrior was to not have to deal with all these intricate little magical abilities like booms and busts and what not. Personally I would like to sacrifice swiftness for a 25% baseline speed increase from a trait because I don’t even like activating all these little magical Signet’s and what not.

I like the feeling of being a warrior, raw non-magical and purely physical. I don’t mind having technically complex combat, but that complex combat has to be the actual physical aspect of combat itself rather than activating little magical trinkets and what not. The Mesmer’s and elemental lists can deal with their little magical trinkets and activation abilities. As a warrior I just care about my Closer, my snare and my cripple because that’s how I remain in your face hacking away at you with my ax until you are a bloody pulp lying on the ground.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Warriors in WvW are AWESOME. Buff em and they’ll be op. No I think warriors are balanced and thiefs need a slight dmg nerf.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I am going to say this again.
Melee focused classes like Warrior and Guard need a parry mechanic.
A unique way to null damage that other classes can’t do.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Some of the points that the OP made are true to an extent, although I don’t really think it is as bad is it is made out to be.

Warriors are highly gear dependent, in terms of having the best gear and the optimal type of gear. You cant just mix and match everything and expect it to work, while true for other classes it is especially true for a warrior, you got to have a clearly defined role and spec into it as much as you can without sacrificing the bare necessities (easier said then done).

With that said, I find that people like to focus warriors a lot. This probably has a lot to due with the fact that alot more people are building glass cannon (we are gaining a reputation of being squishy). But probably more due to the fact that we lack condition removal without speccing deeply into it and that we don’t quite have the disengage ability that elementalists, mesmers and thieves have, i.e stealth, illusions, teleports, mist, etc. We also have very few to no protection, retaliation, reflection and generally lack defensive boon generation.

People aren’t really going to focus guardians because of their reputation as tanks that constantly heal, block and retaliate. People might not focus a mesmer because they can be kited by illusions and can be difficult sometimes losing and acquiring target, as well as having confusion. People might not focus a thief because they can invis like 4 times in a minute. One might not focus a necro because they pretty much have double their base HP with shroud and plague form together. These are just examples.

In summary, warriors are more easily focused and targettable by other people (and probably the safest target) as they tend to be in melee range and lack retaliation or reflection buffs that might make somebody think twice before attacking them. Despite many gap closers they are not the best in terms of mobility.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I feel like as well, we have to work harder as a warrior to get off our DPS. Some of our CC usage is clunky at best, i.e Bulls Charge, Bolas, etc. Going melee requires us to at least CC targets for a little bit (when its like a 10v10 or something it is a different story as people aren’t aware sometimes and you have your own teammates to help you lock targets) and that CC is easily kited or can be cleansed fairly well. The end result sometimes is trying to stick to your target but failing because your gapclosers and CC is down while the opponent kites you and deals half your health in damage before even getting close. Or just running away and waiting till your cooldowns are up. Melee combat is a little bit awkward sometimes, autoattacks do alot of damage but impossible to land if your opponent is kiting and not CC’ed.

While Mesmers can just spam illusions/phantasms and confusion/chaos armor dealing damage with relatively little technical motor skills, guardians can have retaliation up alot, essentially doing nothing deals damage. I can list some other examples, but all in all, warriors constantly puts themselves in danger and risk while trying to DPS while it is actually harder to DPS.

Despite some of our flaws, the warrior still isn’t a bad class. Our utility skills lack excitement and “utility” but still we can kitten face in the correct situation. We tend to do exponentially better with Guardians or some other class that can constantly cast boons and heal. We are capable of some of the highest burst in the game (i.e Killshot, Volley, Hundred Blades, Eviscerate, etc). I could talk about some other flaws that the warrior has, like dumb minor traits in the tactics line, how many of our traits revolve around gaining adrenaline to the point where it becomes redundant, etc, but it would be too long.

To people saying “oh, warriors don’t suck, I own mesmers and thieves and eles all the time in WvW, learn to play noob”. So called “owning” people in WvW means nothing. First of all, WvW consists of mostly zergs so claiming to own people with 50 people behind you just makes you a loser. People in WvW may not even be level 80, in full exotics, etc. People in WvW may not have consumables on, or even be specced for a 1v1 build. It is called WvW for a reason. People have different skill levels, just because you “own” a thief or a mesmer, doesn’t mean you know how to play the game or Warriors are exceptionally amazing and everybody else just doesn’t know how to play them. Guaranteed an equally skilled Mesmer or a Thief could probably own a warrior. I have played most of the other classes and in fact most of them have much more survival utility than a Warrior does.

And to other people saying “oh warriors have the highest base HP and the highest armor, why are people complaining, if you cant own everybody b/c of that you must suck”. While we are blessed for having the best of both worlds, if this game relied just on base stats and numbers alone we would be the OP ones and eles would be the UP ones. However this isn’t the case, and you wonder why but its because stats and numbers dont mean as much as the intangibles and the utility that you cannot measure with numbers.

All in all though, I do enjoy playing warrior, we do have plenty of upside and potential, I do kitten face on my warrior on occasion. Many of the Warrior’s flaws are concealed in a WvW setting and tend not to rear its ugly head as we can do DPS pretty freely without having to worry about CC and people dodging all the time. It does start to show itself a little bit in small skirmishes and probably alot in 1v1 or 1v2, 2v2 scenarios. All classes have their flaws, im just complaining, but I hope some of the things that I have said do make sense xD.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Warriors in WvW are AWESOME.

When surrounded by a buttload of babysitters. Or ganking someone as a GC.
For melee fighters in a premade group I’d much rather trade every warrior for a guardian, d/d ele, or even melee ranger any day.

Heck, warriors can’t bunker worth a kitten if they want to, and sacrifice so much of everything in order to even try. Easiest way to beat a warrior is to use your cripple/chill on him as it comes off CD. Look at the TPvP streams or solo vids of warriors in wvw and what goes on throughout it all is either:
Warrior ganks someone like a punk
Warrior tries to run for his life from actual battle because he’ll get gangkittened

Very warrior like.

INB4 Schwar comes in and talks about warriors from a standpoint of being babysat and carried as if that’s acceptable.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

(edited by Braxxus.2904)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Bahamzero.6783


I really love playing the warrior and its a good class for wvw and pve content but i totally agree that the warrior doesnt belong in Spvp because it gets outclassed by every other proffesion in the game.
I tried hard to make it work rolling different builds but beeing the weakest link got tiresome really fast.
Now i mainly use a thief and sometimes a ranger for pvp and things are so much better now.
Hope Anet can balance the class someday

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Let’s ask someone who knows.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


I agree. Warriors need something more than just high damage.

The sad part is, at the start of the game Warriors were crowned the king of stability (due to their direct access to it), but, as it turns out, the ranger has a elite skill that gives almost the same amount of stability that we can chain together including traits. That was the breaking point for me and the warrior class.

What would take us 195 seconds to recharge (Last Stand Trait: 90 second cool down, Balanced Stance: 45 second cool down, Dolyak Signet: 60 seconds) for 24 seconds of stability (no buff duration +) the ranger gets on 120 second cool down for 20 seconds of stability (no buff duration +) . This is one of the dumbest things I have seen. So for the price of 1 trait and 2 utility slots we can match the ranger elite skill in stability but not in what else it gives (Fury 20 seconds, swiftness 20 seconds, might on pet attack and pet gets might when player attacks 8 second duration).

To make matters worse most people write off the complaints as a “L2P” issue. That is not the problem. Sure some warriors don’t know their class well and should learn more about them, but there are some good Warriors who understand the limitations of the profession they chose. This limit is very much lower than all the other professions minus the Engineer (who is still better than the Warrior).

Granting high power and heavy hits to a class is not a adequate reason to forego everything else that is necessary to PvP.

Look at the thief, they have better burst than the warrior while still have ten times better defensive abilities; all because we can hit for maybe 4k more damage if someone stands in front of us for a 100 blades to the face. Sure the thief has to: Mug+Backstab+Heartseeker+Heartseeker for the same damage, but their damage comes quicker and is much harder to avoid.

The biggest peeve about the Warrior class I have are all of our “Crowd Control” effects. What is the purpose of being able to have at max 8 effects (Mace 3 daze, Mace 5 line knockdown, Mace Burst stun, Hammer 4 knockback, Hammer 5 knockdown, Hammer burst aoe stun, Bulls Charge knock down, Stomp knockdown/back) when almost all the other classes have GOOD utility skills that break stun. The only skills on a Mesmer that I can think of that don’t break stun are their signets (even then I might be wrong).

Even then, if you went into PvP with that kind of set up you would get destroyed instantly. You have 1 distance closer (Bull Charge) and every class has at LEAST 1 push back, immobilize, cripple, chill, stun, knockdown,stun, and daze FROM RANGE. This alone makes it ten times harder for a Warrior to do damage.

Don’t even get me started on all the perma vigor builds for mesmer, eles, etc.

All in all, Warriors need some serious help for PvP.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Playing a warrior in tpvp is hard more, so freaking frustrating at times, but worth it when you win the fight with a handicap. I’d compare warrior gameplay to an old arcade game in a modern game setting. You only have a few actions that do simple things, but timing your A and B buttons correctly against others, who have their fancy gadgets and flashy abilities is what makes us effective. We have our one effective build (lots of variations) and the real challenge is, that we as warriors don’t really have any suprises or tricks up our sleeves. It’s simple and personal.

On the other hand….

We are definitely the strongest profession together with a guardian in all of the PvE content. Our killingpower is supreme, because mobs l2p and eat all of our damage face first. Combined with a bit more survivability from a high natural base hp makes us excellent glasscannons in dungeons who can survive big bursts and keep melee damage upkeep even in big trashpulls. This is because PvE lacks our natural weaknesses, mobs don’t anticipate and dodge our burst, every mob doesn’t focusfire warrior, all it takes to disengage is to go a few feet away from danger. It’s a safe environment where if you know the encounter and the mob scripts you can press your “A and B buttons” on the correct time and win. We are simple and effective.

1UP and stomp their heads fellow warriors.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: marc.6380


i Think warriors is just fine as it is.

got a little problem with Healing when im low on hp (not useing Healing Surge ‘i think its bad’)

But we got so much Burst dmg its so kitten fun

// Marc

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: wasted.6817


Lol, warrior whining about how weak he is. Incredible. This is a l2p issue. Highest dps in game, highest AL, highest HP, extremely high mobility, good CC and anti CC. In addition to that warrior is true 1 button class. Did you even ever notice how all warrior does for 90% of his time in WvW is spam 1, when he’s playing not alone but in group of, say, 10 ppl? 1,1,1,1,1,1,1. Warrior probably have the lowest requirement for personal skill in game of all classes, it’s very durable, very mobile, extremely bursty, very straight forward class, there’s no catch to it, no special flavor, all you gotta do is build it right and use it. It looks to me that what OP is complaining about is that he don’t have a WIN button on a Warrior. Hey, Anet, WTF? Give warrior a win button, it sucks badly!

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: wasted.6817


I’am playing 3 classes, 1 of them is warrior. I can’t complain about neither of em, they all have their issues, but nothing that would make me cry out omg it’s suck, i can’t do anything, a necro chills me, an ele owns me, a thief pwns me. This is ridiculous. And ty, your l2p input was invaluable, we need more posts like this, no arguments, just gtfo style all the way.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Kronosfear.7548


What I want:

Rework some Warrior Traits to synergize with playstyle, both weapon and utility skills.

Discipline Traits attribute bonus are lackluster. What’s the point of 3% burst skill increase to other bursts (hammer, longbow, sword, mace). Why not increase the EFFECTIVENESS of those and not just the damage?

Better leap pathing.

Increase attack range of the warrior at the end of his leap – same leap range except eviscerate (Increase this one. I mean come on), but longer attack reach – in conjunction with the pathing issue.

Well that’s it for me. Gonna play my engineer main for now since he at least got some looove…

“Conversation enriches the understanding, but solitude is the school of genius.”
- Sir Edward Gibbon

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Heres ur arguments:

-lacking in defensive tools
-lacking in condtion removal
-lacking in regeneration
-slow, laggy skills (hammer anyone?)
- self root skills on a melee class:

how come a melee class has something like that when ranged class running around spamming whatever they got?

- no pull
- bad designed trait tree, most of the traits are useless as well
- ^ same goes for utilities, what i need knockback skills for as melee class that doing damage in melee range? Don’t even start on elite called rampage..

- too high cds on useful utilities : endure pain, balance stance
- weapons skills are clones, pretty bad designed :

some of the weapons dont knows if they wants to be a direct damage or condition like sword, longbow, rifle

- bugged mobile skills

Do i missed something?

Ya know, theres no problem killing a noob in 1v1 as warrior, do a 1v1 with guy that knows how to play his own class and come back

(edited by Scoobaniec.9561)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Deathspike.1870


This is why I have a Thief for PvP, instead of a Warrior. No matter how great you are, you’ll just lose against cookie-cutter builds (Mesmer, Necro, Guardian, Thief, Ele, even a half-decent Ranger/Engineer) with a Warrior.

Active: Mesmer, Warrior
Inactive: Guardian, Elementalist, Ranger, Thief (ex-main)
Leveling: Engineer, Necromancer

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Quickhit.3620


Thats why YOUR WARRIOR isn’t useful in metagame…(ermm wait a second :/ )

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: wasted.6817


1. What kind of defense tools? There’re defensive traits which trigger BS&EP, gives you regen based on your adr.lvl., allows you to break immob, makes your shouts heal you. And there’s a shield stance and block on mh mace. Elaborate pls, what else do you need.

2. SoS, Mending, Soldier’s runes+shouts. I feel lazy to go into math now and compare, for example, D/D, S/D ele with War in that matter, probably Ele superior here, but no, i wouldn’t call it lacking anything.

3. Shouts, minor trait, signet heal.

4. Lol. Try playing a Thief and then tell me about it, i wish Thief’s skills were triggering like hammer ones do. No, can’t say i can complain about this, at the very least, warrior here in same situation as other classes, and in better one compared to Thief.

5. War can go ranged as well, and the funny thing is, he will be more effective in terms of single target burst damage than Ranger and will have superior range compared to Thief, and Grd just doesn’t have this option at all. Use these skills wisely, you want to be able to perform 100b on the move? It will be OP.

6. No pull, but TONS of gap closers and plenty of CC.

7. I’am familiar with Thief’s and Ele’s trait trees and all i can say in that matter is that Warrior have WAY better designed trait tree than those 2 classes, especially compared to ele, you actually have lots of viable choices in all branches, i can’t say same neither about Ele or Thief.

You need knockback to disengage from D/D ele and rrupt him for example, effectively screwing him over this way. Or chain CC on hammer. Or to keep your opponent out of cap point. How any1 can complain about having knockback?! oO

8. 40 sec cd for 8 sec stability is high cooldown? No, it’s not, if anything it’s OP. 90 seconds for EP is same as 90 seconds on Armor of Earth on Ele, it’s fine. Both of these skills can be traited for passive trigger as well. And just a side note, Shake if Off is on a 25 sec. cd. A break stun utility on 25 sec. cd. I can’t recall anything like that on Ele or Thief.

9. Sword MH is mobility and CC, OH is conds. Longbow have extremely powerful burst skill, great aoe damage coupled with aoe burn. I love it. Rifle? Check Taugrim’s WvW run and gun build, tell me what’s wrong with rifle.

10. Bugged mobile skills? What, where? Before you answer, do check bug lists in Ele, Necro, Engi subforums.

What you said about 1 v1 can be said about every other class out there. D/D ele will have hard times with a Warrior who knows how to play against them, etc.

(edited by wasted.6817)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


1. Last stand trait has internal 90sec cooldown, as well endure pain don’t protect from conditions or cc. Regen based on adrenaline lv is a joke, 360hp per 3sec at maxed lv. Break imbo is placed in completely wrong place, if i want to pick it up i have to spec for glass. Shout heals won’t help u much against glass cannon spec. From what u have said to get that all we gotta spec for 0/0/30/30/20 – ops, but we got just 70 points to choice. Its is viable by any means? No. Shield stance? Plz.. its can be bypassed so easily, necro unblockable mark, warrior fear me, unblockable traps, unblockable pull from engi, unblockable knockback from guardian, and so on mace is too slow to be a viable weapon in pvp, u can dodge it just by moving. Anyways hows u want to break imbo with mace/shield lol?

2. Shouts takes utility, means just 1 stun break and nothing else, also they all have 20cd if trained, mending 25. Some builds apply conditions faster than u can cure. Have u seen any warrior running in tpvp with shout build? Add warhorn to it plz.

3. Again, how u wants to pick signet of healing with mending? Even if healing is still too weak against burst builds.

4. i Tried, working pretty well unlike warriors. If u saying thief has laggy and slow skills i missed something..

5. We can go ranged, yeah, but does its works in longer run? Sooner or later u will be forced to pick melee set. Im running axe/shield+rifle as well gs+rifle so i know what i talking about. Also skills from rifle can be easily dodged, rifle has volley and killshot as burst, nothing else. And btw, 100b is slighty stronger than autoattack, quickness makes its powerful, 100b on its own instop by any means.

6. Gap closers that can be crippled/chilled, i love using cripple on those poor gs warriors and kite them to death cause they have no ways to get rid of it. Even if they get close i can knockback em with riflebutt and repeat, or if i get bored with it switch to axe/shield and finish. And hows u wants to use cc with gap closers? gs, sword are 3 gap closers+bull is 4. U mean sword+mace that offers 2 knockback combines with bullrush on high cd?

7. Show me it, when i pick a thief or ele im thinking what to pick up? So many options. When i get on warrior i am like..what i can pick? 10% chance for 3sec switness on crit? Gain adren on hit? Stances lasting for 25% longer? 5% dmg more to weakened targets? Revive faster? 3% burst dmg more in 30 points train disipline? Why crit damage inst in arm i just dont know.. Defense toughness+healing power, arent tactic should use healing power?

Knockback em and they will be next to u within second, too bad ur cds not. Also what the points taking knockback over endure pain, balance stance, signet of stamina or bullrush+frenzy?

8. Its high, look at guardian and come back. Also ele has more skills than just armor of earth unlike warrior.

9. Sword MH eeems to be a condition weapon, yet offhand trying to act like both, take a look on sword offhand skill 4.

Bow powerful burst skill which is good for pve olny or disabled enemies, whos is stupid enough to stay in the circle for the whole duration? And what u need aoe burn for specced as direct dmg dealer? Its worthless.
Rifle as main weapon? Good joke, everything works in zerkfest.

10. No commend. Everyone using mobile skills know that they tend to miss or passing enemy.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Psybunny.8906



Everything works in wvwvw zergfest, people run bad builds and still kill people. But still as a warrior main since beta, I exclusively run thief or condinecro in wvwvw. Thief for roaming and instagibbing with basilisk+cnd+steal+backstab+hs spam, condinecro for zergfights and EPICdemic. Gooby plz, warrior is an excellent noobstomper in 1v1 against people who can’t dodge/stunbreak bull’s charge, but any higher lvl play than that we become a bit gimped compared to the other superstars. This is from a spvp/tpvp point of view as the actual balance for pvp and professions should remain unaffected by gear/lvl/consumables/zerg numbers.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: teg.1340


You can’t have survivabilty and GOOD damage at the same time. MOBILE STRIKES (the trait – makes you able to break immobilizes when you use a movement skill).. THIS is a trait you want, when you can’t cure every condition, or SHORT BOW (5) you away like Ele / thief, but you want SWEET REVENGE as well but you can’t have it! ’Cuz you want leg specialist as well and you want damage!

So you want a bunker build with high mobility + high damage? Sry bro, that would be too op. You cannot have it all. All professions have trade-offs.

GS Warrior is high damage + mobility, so are thieves. DD Ele instead is high bunker + mobility, but mediocre damage due to full PVT + Clerics + no damage traits.

IMO warrior has by far the best mobility in the entire game, but you have to trait for it. Pro tip: Immobilize is the best CC in-game, and warrior have awesome counters to it (mobile strikes, restorative strength).

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: wasted.6817


@Psybunny.8906 I don’t do zergs. War fulfills roamer’s role in tPvP just fine, sure it can be replaced, but so are most of the other classes. And good War feels just fine solo roaming in WvW. This whole OP, comparing War in GW1 and GW2, crying about how he gets owned by Rangers, and other silly arguments about inability to bring all the defense, condition cleansing, mobility, high burst, CC and ranged options in 1 build, 1 weapon set, if not 1 skill, imo is just ridiculous.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


1. What kind of defense tools? There’re defensive traits which trigger BS&EP, gives you regen based on your adr.lvl., allows you to break immob, makes your shouts heal you. And there’s a shield stance and block on mh mace. Elaborate pls, what else do you need.

Trait for BS is worthless. If you ran a warrior you’d know this. It does NOT stun-break like BS is supposed to and so it’s a complete waste of space. EP only lasts 3 seconds, STILL, instead of 5. Ranger/ele and BASELINE SHATTER 4 from mesmers are all better. Traiting it is 30 pts def tree. Regen-adren means you stick with GS and never use a burst skill, it also scales absolutely terribad and heals for crap. Waste of points in almost every situation. If you played a warrior you’d know this. Mobile strikes is awesome yes, warriors need bullscharge to be a baseline ability though (f2 is available) just as every MMO figures out eventually, warriors MUST have a baseline gap closer.

Shout heals are crap, the shouts themselves are lackluster:
FGJ is a buff you use on CD, no tactical usage available. SiO cures 1 condi, breaks stun, that’s it. Cleansing fire for instance cures 3, damages enemies (also grants vigor when traited). You have to sacrifice everything to actually get a decent heal off of a shout, waste of attribute points. The math proves this. Requires 30pts in a poopy tree where healing power isn’t even located.

Shield stance is good, reflection should be baseline, CD is pretty high. Mace block is meh at best.

2. SoS, Mending, Soldier’s runes+shouts. I feel lazy to go into math now and compare, for example, D/D, S/D ele with War in that matter, probably Ele superior here, but no, i wouldn’t call it lacking anything.

And here again you’re looking at warriors running a 0/0/30/30/20 build (not possible btw) running specific runes, 3 shouts + endure pain + balanced stance + Sig of Stamina… not possible.

I have a d/d ele, I rolled him after my warrior because the truth is that a d/d ele 0/10/10/20/30 is far more sustainable in melee and a must better ‘warrior’ than warriors are no matter how much warriors try and spec for durability.

Once you go toe to to in the frontlines of combat vs 5+ people on a d/d ele it’ll put your warrior to shame. On demand healing. On demand mobility. 3 stun breaks that also cleanse, also provide perma vigor, etc. Reliable sustained damage (a lot of it PBAoE), built in utility (CC, debuffs, buffs). It has everything.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


2. 5k backstab vs 18k Hb is relative poor damage, so try not to be so sarcastic

What about 25k CND-Mug-BS versus 25k HB?

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Id say, do not feed trolls. They have no idea what they talk about, trying to act likes pros that eaten every mind, yet being lv2 in spvp at best. Noone asking here for i win button, we asking for defensive tools. Thing is everyone goes glass for a reason – kill it before its kill u. I running around in hybrid build:

3,1k tougness that reduced damage by 27% from 2,1k, with random protection for 4sec on 30cd (rune of earth x5). Using axe/shield i got 3sec block, 5sec invul for direct dmg (tooltip is wrong saying its 3 on bar), balance stance, signet of stamina for extra dodges and thats all about it. So running 20/30/20/0/0 wheres my defensive tools? Yea, nowhere cause we dont have any. Right now shield stance and endure pain just delays ur death thats about it.

I would like to see trait 5 on def somthing like that: 30% chance to take damage by ur armor (means no damage to u), no cd. Op? Dunno, the current one is useless as it is. Rangers has 50% faster endurance at 5 def trait, we need to use signet for that.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


Lets examine that 18k hundred blades and 2.5k backstab for a minute (although 2.5k backstab must be some really defensive thief’s damage since they usually do way more)

Damage, execution time, DPS and other factors:
Hundred blades: 18k, 3.5 seconds, 5.1k, roots
Backstab: 2.5k, 0.25 seconds, 10k, no drawback but requires stealth

so… 5.1k dps vs 10k dps

Hundred blades is clearly overpowered /end of sarcasm
And just to repeat what I said above: a 2.5k backstab is close to the minimum damage while a 18k hundred blades is a glass cannon’s damage.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Arkinian Rilynelth.7938

Arkinian Rilynelth.7938

My only complaints with the warrior are as follows:
Conditional damage, especially bleed(swords)
being negated to easily or made useless from another class(stacking).
A few extra dodges would be nice compared to other classes as warriors should be athletic and in shape.
Having shouts heal for more would be nice due to the cost of forgoing other traits.
More base HP and Toughness.
I enjoy playing my warrior but in wvw my elementalist deals more damage and survives longer due to all the utilities available during combat.
I think by tweaking bleed and other conditional damage,especially as far as removal, would greatly improve the warrior in pvp.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: fost.9167


i dont think we are that bad, i think that it all depends on the situation. in wvw its mostly hang back and watch the aoe zerg, which is kind of boring.

In PVP only ever used HB in a cluster or on a downed players, most people know to evade.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Watch these clips. All your statements are addressed in a single video.
Watch 00:07 – 00:30
Watch 18:55 – 19:10

So, having seen that, I’m taking away from many of the above posters that:

-Jonathan Sharp has no idea what he’s talking about.
-Some of the top players in the world don’t know what they are talking about.
-100b is OP

Guys, I don’t know what else to say in this debate. There are so many knowledgeable players contradicting what you say. Everyone deserves an opinion, but honestly, not all opinions are created equal.
Watch 18:43 – 19:09
Watch 20:04 – 20:18
Watch 21:24 – 21:44

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Attic.1562


i dont think we are that bad, i think that it all depends on the situation. in wvw its mostly hang back and watch the aoe zerg, which is kind of boring.

In PVP only ever used HB in a cluster or on a downed players, most people know to evade.

I wouldn’t call the warrior bad per se, no matter what hysterics the OP is throwing around, but I would call them limited.

I have 5 80s atm, warrior, necro, mesmer, thief, and ele. My warrior by far feels like the least useful thing I could bring at any one time.

With the warrior all I can really bring to the group, whether it be with rifle, hammer, greatsword, or axe, is assisting the train. Which is quite limited in this game since you can’t share target information with more than 4 people. The damage is good, the CC on hammer is good, even the survivability is pretty bloody good considering we lack protection.

But all my classes bring good damage and so much more to boot. My glamour mesmer has great choke point control and then go on to either Time Warp for quick stomps, quick rezes, or maybe hit Mass Invisibility to help the team get away.

My condition necromancer helps prevent enemy rezes and can ward off stomps on friendlies with fear, spread condition stacks, corrupt boons, and has great access to debilitating conditions like chill, weakness, poison, and blind.

My staff ele has group might stacking, group healing, group condition cleansing, good point control via chill and stun, and destroys otherwise unreachable siege emplacements with GTAoE.

My thief is probably the most similar to my warrior in that it mostly brings damage and little else, but even then I can stealth stomp and use Shadow Refuge to help rez or help my group escape. All while being just as, if not more survivable than the warrior.

My warrior does better burst than all of them, excepting the thief perhaps, but all of them do pretty bloody good damage regardless and just have so much more utility to offer the group.

Something should be done to rectify that imo. Either making the warriors far and away the premier assist train class or strengthening our support roles like healing and group boon spam.

Failing that, I’d at least like to see some of our animations and cast times tightened up. Hammer 1 and 2 are annoyingly slow for what they give you and the wind up and aftercast on Eviscerate constantly annoys me.

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Watch these clips. All your statements are addressed in a single video.
Watch 00:07 – 00:30
Watch 18:55 – 19:10

So, having seen that, I’m taking away from many of the above posters that:

-Jonathan Sharp has no idea what he’s talking about.
-Some of the top players in the world don’t know what they are talking about.
-100b is OP

Guys, people are laughing at you:
Watch 18:43 – 19:09
Watch 20:04 – 20:18
Watch 21:24 – 21:44

It’s not that they laugh at them it’s just sad they even ignore what the head developer among high rank Tpvp players says that warriors are at a disadvantage. When you ignore someone with more experience in the field of knowledge than you, knowing good and well he construct the profession. Something got to be wrong with the picture there because it doesn’t add up.


(edited by Brutalistik.6473)

This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Warrior is a great class.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver