Tired of Surviving, Ironic.

Tired of Surviving, Ironic.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Call me an idiot or whatnot but I slowly got tired of shout heal/control builds. The amount of large engagements in which your 6k heals can actually turn a fight around is limited as in SPvP large engagements are usually one sided or are usually not worth getting involved in as a quick ninja would seize just as many points.

These builds also had significant 1 on 1 strength except against mesmers, necros and Eles that sported durable dodgey builds, but the 1 on 1 engagements werent the strength of the build and they still occured often as a roamer turning a corner instinctively panic shoots you then you are forced to walk around at 6 MPH as he attempts to finish you. and the roamer could be any class (some would stay always stay with your teammates/zerg but even a support build needs to realize breaking from the group and ninja’ing bases is just as good for team effort).
This forces you to turn and face him and you cannot get back to your teammates, or you can attempt to LOS tank and regroup that way but you will never heal up and still walk really slowly and 80% chance that the person that tagged you feels insane courage that you turned your back to him for the reason that you dont think you can handle him and not that you have better things to do.

To sum things up, i get tired of having to be forced to deal with roaming zergers who have no achievement in mind, even if i can kill them, which usually takes several dozen seconds in a low damage build such as these. I get tired of jogging around without out of combat healsuntil a person that i hit or tagged me is 1200 units away, not just through line of sight (also gets incredibly annoying to run away from 1 group to the next and never being able to heal inbetween so one slowly but surely dies.)

You can blow this off as highly situational or irrelevant occurances but i know i played through 22 ranks of pvp alone with this build and wouldn’t be complaining now if such circumstances didnt reappear time and time again.

I now sport a heavy control physical utility build with Berserker power/precision/crit damage to get in and get the job done and get out, or just not go in at all if its a massive conflict unless i can control the bunker, steal his stability and have my mates butt kitten him. Still group friendly all the same but i can die quicker if i mess up instead of trying to hold on for dear life wasting the enemy’s time hoping i can reach my teammates, and doing so get on with my life and the game.

It feels like im running more than playing the game trying to play a support build. Its much more fun to assassinate people with control instead of being a healer meta.

(edited by AlfredKlios.9657)

Tired of Surviving, Ironic.

in Warrior

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


run into the enemy base and stand there fighting them. Doesnt matter how few you kill, its all about lasting!

I play SPvP with my guildies and its always fun to hear them complain when they are against me because they lose control of their character so much.

And the 6K heal is useful, its like being able to use your heal skill twice, and no-one would turn that ability down. Yeah its only small, but with soldier runes, it also comes with might, fury, condition removal, enemy vuln, and if you want to be fancy, AoE fear.

Tired of Surviving, Ironic.

in Warrior

Posted by: Graywolf.6513


i tl;dr’d, but i read now, and as long as you’re enjoying your spec, thats good.

I wasn’t really enjoying it till i got my low damage meat shield style

And i like holding onto dear life =P I spend my entire time grinning, thinking ‘ha ha, you’ll never cap this point for as long as i keep struggling!’ which is essentially my job, or if im in enemies base ‘ha ha, you can’t get bored and leave me because i’ll take your base otherwise!’