Toughness vs Ferocity in higher fractals
It doesn’t really help. U might and I say might take 1 extra hit from a boss before going down.
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
My warrior with knight stats tank all fractal boss without dodges.
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
OupĂ lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
It doesn’t really help. U might and I say might take 1 extra hit from a boss before going down.
In my opinion even that 1 hit is quite good to be able to take. I use to say that you deal more damage alive than dead even if you have less offensive stats ^^
What level fractals does this start become an argument? 35+?
Crystal Desert
What level fractals does this start become an argument? 35+?
Is it worth sacrificing some ferocity for some toughness in higher level fractals?
I’ve been thinking of switching from zerker to knight armor (weapons and trinkets will remain zerker).
IMO, it’s never worth it. If you need more survivability, trait and skills will give you that far more efficiently than stats and they are easier to change from one situation to another.
Not worth. Run warhorn for trash mobs that hit hard to give weakness. Take advantage of your gs3 for an extra dodge as well as warriors naturally fat hp pool. Toughness unless you have a full stacks worth, will not keep you up any longer than full zerk.
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
Use warhorn and make a guard camp Hammer, and make the thief or ele (or something with blind) blind enemies on important stuff, that’s more than you need, if you sacrifice damage (less crit chance) for thoughness eventually the boss will catch up and kill you either way.
It doesn’t really help. U might and I say might take 1 extra hit from a boss before going down.
In my opinion even that 1 hit is quite good to be able to take. I use to say that you deal more damage alive than dead even if you have less offensive stats ^^
Or just dodge
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
For the record, I did some testing in HotM and knights did roughly the same DOT as soldiers (in my incredibly unofficial timed tests against golems). So unless you need the precision for forceful greatsword and PS I would just go soldiers and pick up some hp while you’re at it
For the record, I did some testing in HotM and knights did roughly the same DOT as soldiers (in my incredibly unofficial timed tests against golems). So unless you need the precision for forceful greatsword and PS I would just go soldiers and pick up some hp while you’re at it
This kind of advice doesn’t help somebody become a better player. If they’re already capable of functioning fine in berserker, telling them to go backwards and take tanky gear isn’t going to make their time spent in fotm any better.
The loss in precision will make the phalanx build completely worthless due to not critting often enough. The loss of precision and ferocity combined will make his personal damage abysmally low.
The day they introduce the power/toughness/ferocity (power major stat) armor and trinket stat, my hopes of a dps build superior to the zerk shall be reborn.
Too bad the warriors trait for stacking toughness is in defence.
The day they introduce the power/toughness/ferocity (power major stat) armor and trinket stat, my hopes of a dps build superior to the zerk shall be reborn.
Too bad the warriors trait for stacking toughness is in defence.
How would replacing precision with toughness increase your damage output? Ferocity becomes less valuable the less precision you have.
I’m not so sure about warrior, but on some classes a full berserk set can get you past the 100% precision cap.
Since there is a consummable for converting toughness into ferocity and professions usually convert toughness into power, i’m fairly sure by replacing the extra precision (understand anything over 100%) with toughness should resolve in a dps increase. (I did some quick maths for necromancers with the cavalier set and it had a 6% increase in EP vs the zerk set, but i’ve yet to find a way for warrior to get that much precision).
But i have to admit in pve with the slaying potions i’m quite skeptical about the dps gap…
Yeah if you’re able to use slaying potions it would always be better DPS, only exception being if you’re using a condi build or something.
But that toughness>power trait is in the defense line so you’d have to give up many very important things to make use of it either way :x
Only case i see this becoming a thing is if the raid content forces us to take a few hits from mobile and untelegraphed enemies. We could then soften the dps loss from some toughness in a rather elegant but costly way. One would then make use of a cavalier/assassin mix that would not be as bad dps wise (or even equivilant if we had a stat cavalier with major power).
But arms trait line is stupid. The signet mastery should never have been moved from discipline to a condi oriented branch. /rant off