Trait: Dual Wielding
because this trait is about aggressive weapons, not defensive one i think
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!
Boring to think that it should only be used in Max/Min builds.
Instead of bringing some DMG to hybrid builds even tho its not mutch.
Because /in theory/ dual wielding includes attacking with two offensive weapons. The shield is a defensive weapon and the war horn is no weapon at all if you talk about them from a meta-perspective.
No matter that our auto-attack only includes our main-hand weapon and thus we do not even actively “dual-wield”. We just mash every “20” seconds with a mace or whirl a bit around… I would have preferred a 3 attack auto-chain that changed depending on what weapons you have… but that is the thief mechanic… who am I to talk about game-design.^^
Good point, did not look at it from that view because as you said main hand skills don’t use both hands even when wielding an offensive off-hand.
I would have liked an animation which changes depending on what you have in offhand if dual-wielding for all classes (such as axe for warrior, if you have an offensive weapon in offhand, you chop once with right, chop twice with left, chop three times with right again, if you have defensive weapon, then complete animation stays as default). The animation speed and damage types stay the same as normal, it would just be a visual effect.
But I guess it’s too much work to get it done right, haha.