Trait Skill: "Last Stand"

Trait Skill: "Last Stand"

in Warrior

Posted by: Mayam.8976


I just re did my trait build to include this skill. Orr especially is a real joy for mob CC and all and this skill just looked like a no brainer. Turns out it was a “no brainer” to an extent.

So I’m running around thinking this wonderful, this is gonna save me from some crucial time on the ground! Right?!? WRONG!!!

After 20 – 30 minutes of running around, eventually even seeking situations to see if this thing would proc I was convinced something had gone wrong. Maybe a bug? Maybe if I log out and back in the damage “calculator” or w/e you wanna call it will kick in and start proccing this gem? Sure it will, of course!!! Nope…

So I came to the Warrior forums to see if anyone else had this issue. Checked around a bit and finally checked out the stickied Warrior Bug List. Wow, seriously guys?!?! It doesn’t proc until after you’ve absorbed the duration of the CC?!?! Really?!?!

That’s not a questionable design feature guys… It’s a practical joke. It’s like an airbag that only deploys after you’ve been flung through the windshield and smeared across the street like peanut butter.

In fact that’s quite a hefty list all together. What’s the hold up?!?! There’s some REAL serious issues that you guys have let fly since launch. Taken altogether it’s like buying a sports car with a V-8 until be informed after purchase that only 2 cylinders function and we’re fully aware the other 6 don’t. We’ll happily write down all your complaints and offer you this to look forward to… We may or may not fix these issues, someday.

Really guys, WTH? Is any of this gonna be dealt with? As it stands now, we’re short a WHOLE LOT of features that were listed on the features sticker. I mean to really build a well balanced warrior in this state one has to begin knowing the VAST list of what’s broken before you really even begin. Otherwise you’ll be out there getting stomped into the ground waiting for abilities to proc and skills to function that, short of coming to the forums and memorizing that several pages long list, you would have no clue that never will proc or function as advertised.

I think we’re well enough post launch now that you guys could at least prioritize and assign a lot of these issues to be slated for a fix in the near future. Tighten up now, come on!

Trait Skill: "Last Stand"

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


GW2 was in a big hurry to fix up bugs in skills, they even introduced new skills and drastically changed traits and cooldowns of things during their 4 months of open beta. Now nearly 3 months into the game i haven’t seen much of any attempt to fix bugs. It’s like they’ve gone incredible lazy and the game now always feels stagnant.

Trait Skill: "Last Stand"

in Warrior

Posted by: adamian.9638


I agree 100% with the OP. I still don’t understand how these bugs have not been fixed (as well as the many bugged Runes). But of course, knowing Anet, don’t expect a response any time soon.

I wish Anet’s communication was as good as Riot. Seriously, I know I’m going a little off topic here, but check out the League of Legends forums and you’ll see a Riot response in almost every important thread. They don’t leave their playerbase in the dark like Anet often does.