Tweaking my WvW Build .....
Very nice build. I can honestly say I’ve never seen anything like it. I personally would have ditched the bow for the rifle, but if you’re looking for the AOE, I can’t say that there’s really anything to add to your cool build. However, I will say that you should make sure to maximize your condition damage (perhaps using the precision/toughness/condition armor with PVT trinkets), or else your bleeds won’t be as effective.
Hi hi, I’ma bleed/fire warrior so I can help here!
First thing first, change out endure pain for signet of stamina and mending for healing surge (or your race’s unique heal if it’s better than 5k healing) Mending is nice but it really doesn’t get enough healing done. Signet of Stamina to help remove conditions and the best part it’s 2/3 of a perma-vigor buff (vigor overrides).
Nothing in strength. No worries.
Arms looks good.
Defense has some redundancies and an icky trait. Swap last stand for something like turtle’s defense or something. No real reason to have two stabilities unless you have trouble stomping or run into a lot hammer(warrior/guardian)/heavy earth(elementalists) users. Otherwise you’ll have waaaaay too much stability… I don’t even have any myself and I usually get along pretty well. Next see spiked armor? Yeah, simply put the cooldown/restriction makes this trait bad. Change it for defy pain. Assuming best possible outcomes this means you get hit and have to wait 10 seconds to gain more retaliation(after yours ended). In other words the cooldown period is at least double the boon’s. That’s not that great…
Tactics: looks good but depending on what you run into and how much you manage to get the high ground you might want to swap out shrug it off for burning arrows (BURN!). A good time of such would be shooting the zerglings as they run around nibbling at the gate.
Discipline looks fine.
For sigil on longbow pick something like air or fire, if you find yourself up against heavy boon users the sigil of nullification is the best we can do to shut them down. (even if it’s just an annoyance for them). For sword get earth and your choice. I recommend a weapon swap one or maybe a build-up sigil but this one’s your choice.
For armor/runes you can choose carrion or rabid armor with your choice of runes. I’d recommend something like lyssa for this armor.
you can also choose soldier armor and throw undead runes on it to convert all your toughness (ok 1/5 of it) into more condi damage.
(edited by Ottohi.2871)
Forzani, we should duel in spvp!
This build is…different. Maybe one day you could post some videos of roaming wvw with it.
i suggest to change the runes on the armor, i use 6 rune of the soldier because i have 2 shouts, but you should go for Lyssa, Divinity or Ogre
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
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