Upscaling is wrong!!!

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: lunatyk.6172


I’ve seen all these lvl 2 upscaled warriors with over 32k health plz learn how to scale uplvls properly are you serious anet?

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Furyos.9538


Don’t worry they will be level 3 in a few hours.

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Izu.8123


32k with bad armors + no traits = not very good :

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: lunatyk.6172


My brother was kind enough to take s/s of this bullkitten crap that needs to get fixed

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Shifu.4321


Given that my all ascended lvl 80 warrior has lower stats fully buffed than that uplevel, I’d have to call bullkitten on that screenie.

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: SpecterMAT.7306


3.5k attack
120% critical dmg (but 0% burst reduce cooldown what)
3.5k armor
51% crit chance
32k hp

It’s fake as hell man. stop it.

And if there is any chance that this kitten is real, then why would you post to the “Warrior” section rather then to “Bug” section, with URGENT Gaming Bug WTF name?

You just want to hate us man ;<

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Actually, one of the more interesting ways to tell that’s it fake is that he’s wearing a helmet and shoulders, when you can only get those at later levels outside of certain special items.

Someone should’ve done their homework.

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Xernth.8561


The upscaling in this game is absurd, and I have no doubt a properly built level 2 twink could have the stats listed above. Its not a warrior problem though, its a problem with all uplevels. I think my guildies decided they thought necro or guardian were the most ridiculous.

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Kratos.6293


Wow you’re a lunatyk.

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


To all those people calling it fake. It ain’t….

A lvl 20 upscaled with the best armor for his lvl and stacking sigils, using signets can get some insane stats. Much higher than his lvl 80 full ascended brothers. These stats go down as soon as he hits 21. It is a weird effect if you think about it. But if you run THE best armor for your lvl, the stats are insane. It is the same for other classes.

ps.: it is not a bug, it is just the upscalling numbers that are slightly off.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: SeeMuh.1907


hi everyone,
first i think that the posted screenshot is buffed up because i don´t know how he got up to “120% CritDmg” on lvl 2.
On the other hand most of the other stats are quit possible with just being lvl 2, but only if u grab a helmet and shoulders with karma in a WvW-area if u can some accessoires and more important the “minor runes of what ever u need”.
I can account for “Power & Precision” and “Hitpoints & Toughnes” but only in this combinations and not something like “Power, Precision, Hitpoints & Toughnes” to be realistic on lvl 2 but more likely something around lvl 5 or lvl 10.
Upscaling can be indeed seen as somewhat strong if u know how to mix up your stats with runes, sigels, ….. and what else u can find to get a boost. This high looking stats nevertheless are very likly not really that helpful because u miss out on your utility skills and your traits which makes it just so that you can survive if u choose to grab high “Hitpoints & Toughnes”.
Another downside of being upleveled is that u need to buy new gear with each level u get because otherwise your armorstat will take a huge hit (and as said i don´t think that it is possible to grab CritDmg within the eraly levels, but if someone would show me the gear to reach this stats it would be nice :P ).

i hope it´s atleast possible to understand my english – sry everyone :/

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: lunatyk.6172


It’s not BS!!! I’ll bet 400g it’s real come to Ferguson Crossing and I can show you!
EDIT:Give it a try make a lvl 1 character any race profession go to WvW AND BUY KARMA VENDOR + WEAPONS / TP FOR SIGILS/AND BUTTERMILK BISCUITS,APPRENTICE OIL. Imagine a lvl 2 thief hitting you for 20k backstab….
EDIT: All of those saying its fake I bet none of you knew max health cap is 35,000

(edited by lunatyk.6172)

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


It’s not BS!!! I’ll bet 400g it’s real come to Ferguson Crossing and I can show you!
EDIT:Give it a try make a lvl 1 character any race profession go to WvW AND BUY KARMA VENDOR + WEAPONS / TP FOR SIGILS/AND BUTTERMILK BISCUITS,APPRENTICE OIL. Imagine a lvl 2 thief hitting you for 20k backstab….
EDIT: All of those saying its fake I bet none of you knew max health cap is 35,000

Max health cap is higher, I can get 43k with just gear and everything combined, 75k+ with the use of rampage.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ve seen all these lvl 2 upscaled warriors with over 32k health plz learn how to scale uplvls properly are you serious anet?

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: rowdin.4708


Its not fake I’ve done it loads of times, you can fill all six armour slots from the karma vendor in your own Bl . Then you just add runes and sigils to taste. Even at level 2.

You still die to a level 80 though.

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


It’s not a fake, I have done this couple times as well. And while the stats are pretty high, you are still about as useful as a wet noodle because you don’t have that much utility anyways.

Right after you have done your story kitten kitten you can go to WvW and fetch full set of karma armor (with helmet and shoulders). Funny thing about these armor is that they are equal to level 5 armor and they have no requirements. You get your 2500 power from those pretty much.

Then buy some minor runes. Those runes that give all stats + crit damage are insane, put two of those and have that ring he has, you now have your 120% crit dmg and pretty high stats on others.

Now fill in the other rune slots with only one rune from set so you get the +10 bonus (which gets upscaled like scoody doos desire for cookies).

Now you are fully twinked level 2! Congrats!

Anyways, you do level up really quickly in this game and everytime you ding your stats go lower because you go up a level and you are not upscaled as much.

Anyways, its not that big of a problem to be honest. On an upscaled character you can’t go over 2500 of any skill and condition damage caps even lower so you can’t boost your power to some ridicilous 5k+ you could otherwise. And you won’t be having any utility skills either or traits or… well pretty much nothing

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


A dude on /r/guildwars2 did a nice exposé of WvW twinks a few weeks ago. Read all about it here:

Level 2 toons are the kings for scaling up, and easy to do too! Starting from character creation, you’ll want to decide what stat you want to max first depending on race. The reason for this is the Level 2 quest from each respective starter area is where you can get the only accessories you can have at this level. Human is vitality, Charr is precision, Asuran conditions, etc etc. Finish character creation, finish the first quest. Congrats! you are now ready for WvW. Once again, if you have the Hero’s Band item, great! If not, just balance out your stats with an extra divinity rune. Now, buy “Adorned” level 0 prefix upgrade jewels from the TP, which costs several copper. Buy for whichever stat you want to get. Important note, I will highly suggest you go the power route over conditions, because there are few ways an uplevel can apply conditions. As an uplevel, your stats can “cap”, where it goes no higher as a base stat. For each stat, the cap is roughly as follows: 3700 attack, 91% crit chance, 120% crit damage. Toughness is class dependant, heavies at around 3.5k and lights at 2.9k. Vitality is also class dependant, with Necros having the highest at 35k hp. Work out if you’ve capped each stat, and stop allocating attributes into that stat if you have. Example setup: Hero’s Band slotted with Adorned Garnet Pebble x2 Iron Legion Primus badge with adorned garnet pebbles x1divinity rune, x1 hoelbrak rune, x1 fire rune, x1 lyssa rune minor sigil of force on weapon. This should cap out your stats for power, precision and crit chance at level 2. Then, seach for “Handful of Bjarni’s Rabbit Food” on the TP. It’s a 1 hour buff that will give you about 9.5k hp in WvW due to how scaling works. (20 vit = almost 10k hp not OP at all)

Play around with it, work on min/maxing stats from trial and error. The whole setup should not cost you more than 5 silver, and you can keep the armor for continuous use through diff level 2 characters.

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Hm, so this is all interesting, but I wonder if it’s not necessarily buggy and actually intentional.

Players at those low levels will have significantly inferior equipment in comparison, so the extra stats from scaling are just a means to compensate for that. This allows them to still play alongside level 80 characters without simply being useless pieces of trash. That way, someone can still participate in WvW even if they are very new to the game, similar to how one can jump into sPvP.

The lack of available skills to this character would also severely handicap them as well, so I don’t think it’s that big a deal.

However, it is very interesting to see the reactions with runes and consumables. It’s quite possible that such variables were not considered in the scaling calculations.

If there was video evidence of such a person diving into 15 man enemy groups and completely decimating them, then I think there would be cause for concern. From my experience with uplevels in WvW, they always end up being quite a bit weaker than their geared level 80 comrades, although it does depend on a few factors. I’ve never made one of these apparently souped up level 2s though.

Upscaling is wrong!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: Aegael.6938


Only upscaled characters are allowed to have such high base stats, but they give up traits and utility / elite skills for it. At lv2 you don’t even have access to weaponswap. You end up with incredibly damaging, incredibly tanky characters…That have basically no condition removal or utility or sustain or boons or condition damage. (upscaled condition damage is garbage because of lack of coverage)

In comparison, a full zerk warrior would have more damage despite lower base stats due to damage bonuses from traits, sigils, and higher-tiered runes, and though his base survivability would be lower, he’d have the option of slotting utilities like Defy Pain and Defiant Stance to make up for it. He could bring a utility second set such as shield or offhand mace to support with CC when damage alone doesn’t cut it, or he could slot condition removal so as not to explode when a tanky condi Dire-specced character looks in his direction. Honestly, 99/100 times, the actual level 80 character will be more useful. I’ve not got a problem with the 1/100 chance where the uplevel actually gets to shine a bit, after putting work into completely optimizing his character.

Overall I think it’s just a unique way to play the game. It’s extremely painful, too, since playing on an uplevel like that means you have to constantly avoid XP from any source, or else you’ll level up very quickly and your stats will go in the trash.

tl;dr if you die to an uplevel you’re probably garbage

(edited by Aegael.6938)