Unkillable Warrior

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I love how all these people keep saying how they could kill someone that they haven’t even fought yet. People really love to talk crap they can’t back up. The people who have actually faced this person haven’t been able to kill them yet, so what makes you think you can?

Playing 2000 hours+ on my warrior roaming and raiding in WvW. I got a pretty good idea of who I can and cannot kill. I got atleast 4 armor sets in which I can kill him. With 1 of them will take some time tho.

And yea, I even got his build. So I know the limitations of it, it ain’t even hard after that guessing if you can kill him or not. + challange still stands, transfer and I’ll kill you. I never say no to a challange and often duel aswel.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376



gg wp

How can poison counter this?

Because that’s its job?

Awesome! Thanks. Can you tell me how I can get high uptime on poison as a Mesmer, Warrior, Ele, or Guardian?

Sigil of doom on both weapon sets.

Thats 50% uptime.

Even easier on a Warrior, since with Fast Hands you only need 1 of those sigils. Any condi build should be able to push that to 100% uptime just from having +condi duration%.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: profgast.7816


Ah yes the [DAOC] healing warrior. This person posted a while back touting warrior as the best Healing-per-second character in the game back in oh… March. Gotten even more confrontational if the video comments are to be believed.

Unfortunately when my server fought YB in wvw I was never able to track down this healing warrior in particular, though the [DAOC] guildies that I did run into fell easily enough. That said unless the video they had back in march is much changed, the player isn’t much of a threat offensively and hardly “unkillable”

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Done! You can PM me for his build.

His shout one or his banner one, got screenshots of his videos in which you can see his regen and tons of calculations to back me up. Took me way more time than I normally would for threads like these made by people with a bad attitude. But I do anything for the warrior class.

You can even outheal him with like 10-20health/s more if you go full ascended + healing infusions.

ps.: I can solo such a build with my warrior. Can’t say now I don’t know what I am talking about. Video + screenshot + spreadsheet calculations proof.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

With all of their buffs up (471+85+650+373+259, as per their comments on their videos) they reach 1838 healing per second, if they get all of their procs every single second (which isn’t true, but for the sake of argument, we’ll give it to him).

Now lets imagine, say…. a Necromancer. The Necromancer is buffed up, to around 2100 condition damage without might. (Food, Stacks, Guard Leech). A Necromancer can easily maintain 10 stacks of bleeds. That’s 148 damage per bleed, for a total of 1480 damage per second with 10 stacks of bleeds. If we then add the constant poison for 294, that’s a total of 1774 damage per second. Additionally, Poison decreases the effectiveness of heals by 33%.

Before we take into account Burning, Torment, Fear, we have 1774 damage per second and only 1231 (1838*0.67) healing per second.

Burning adds 853 damage per second for every second it is active. With a reasonable crit chance of 30% (Rabid Trinkets/Weapons, Dire Armor) you can get about a 60% uptime on burning. That adds about 512 damage per second, with the benefit of being more “bursty” than a condition that is on perpetually.

Their specific build had one damage mitigation, the block. At about a 10% uptime (not counting chill, a condition Necromancers are quite familiar with), that removes 200 damage per second on average. 2086 damage per second from a single Necromancer.

With that in mind, we are doing 170% as much damage as the Warrior can heal off (2086/1231 = 1.6945). Keep in mind I took several liberties overestimating the amount of healing the Warrior could have, and never even took Torment or Fear into account.

I could have a similar analysis of my Thief, who can undoubtedly do more than 1231 damage per second against a target with 3300 armor (Dagger autoattack and traited Steal apply Poison, remember), but the Necromancer analysis is easier, as it avoids messy armor calculations.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Shonuff.2354


Tried this on my 2100+ cond necro. Great theory.
What actually happened is she kited me. Seems warrior bow is 1200 range and my septer is 900.She kept just out of my range most of the time with that darn “clicking” trick she uses and just kite fighting.
I and many others would get a few stacks but thats it.When needed this player does have skills. Trust me.
I have recieved hundreds of PMs about this now.Yet not one person that killed ,saw her killed or even hurt her.Wonder why that is. You would think one person would have a screenie or video. Not one

B4 server matchups ended we had duels for 2-3 hours.Countless people came of all types of builds and skill levels.We had 50 of the : I can kill that build easy types.
No one killed or hurt her at all.Hours on end she /sleep danced and laughed at us all.
My server has one War that lets say, talks alot. Really alot. Like many on the server he talked and talked about this.he also had all the theories I read here.He begged and begged to get 1st in line. We let him in.
Dont know build or gear but I saw he had that effect where u get ALL buffs in the game for a short time( that rune set forget name).he hurt her.rooted her somehow and 1 million blade thing with sword.she dropped to maybe 1/2. he promply died 3-4 sec later.
What happened 10 sec later was the most legendary tyrade in gaming history/rage quit.Wont bother with most of it.Some of what comes to mind was : lag, was’nt ready, thats cheap,only won because of this or that, and the rest of the usual excuses.

At this point , I really dont care about all the egos here or the theories of the “armchair quarterbacks”

Like I said 2-20 of us could not ever kill her, not day after day. Fights lasted 1-15 mins. She never dropped.

I think Mike Tyson said “everyone has a plan and theory about fighting me untill they get punched in the face”
I got punched in the face.

Perhaps some group can kill her. Im just saying in a week. I never saw or heard about it.
Everyone was talking about this person in tells and /map. If ONE person dropped her we would have heard about it.

I see no need posting here anymore as this is just silly.Some folks when outsmarted get very offended and defensive.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Shonuff.2354


Forgot to say this addressing many PM I recieved .
Yes, in my year here I have battled in small mans and 1 on 1 many many hard to kill builds. Usually Guarians or Wars.Smart players with skill that played whatever build and class perfect.Tons of people in fact. Nothing like this one though.Not even close.
My my point of views it was as if she had 100 000 hit points,god knows how much armor 5000? and 50-75 dodges per minute.What the vids here do not show is her stupid play style that causes ( mostly meles) problems. She told us many times when we grouped her : "I play wierd, left hand keyboard for driving and right hand on mouse to target and click hotkeys " then said that she does this for 2 very important reasons ( some call this a clicker).Comming from a first person shooter I am profecient with mouse play for steering and hot keys.lol (mouser) as she calls it.
Has somthing to do with off angle hits missing when you reverse tight circle strafe.
I have no way to know how much this kicks in or works whatever. I do know w/o doing a dodge she would get missed alot almost like a dodge. it was constant.Our thieves would be like wtf how am I missing so much over and over.All the melees in fact.

he/she told us at the end : We won by over 300 000 points.If I can keep 5-50 busy chasing me all over for days ,then I have done my part. I think of it as a form of CC.
I do whatever I can to best help the server.Often in big fights people would know it is me.They would get bloodlust to kill me or tunnel vision. break off the main zerg to chase me .( also she is fast)I get them hating me and keep them busy.After the main force dies, I lead the angry mob back to the slaughter. over and over and over.
many people will lock on target and not stop chasing a person ever.they HAVE to try and kill.Even if it kills them.

My take on this .
It works.I fell for it.I guess tactics are more then just killing people.perhaps this is what people call a “troll” build or whatever.I have battled many of these hit and vanish thieves that can keep 2-20 busy for long periods of time.She is annoying like that.

like I said many times . lesson learned. I will never fight anyone more then 20-30 sec again.I will assume they have some type of build to keep me/us busy as others take keeps/towers.

The the egos here that have theories about killing this build/person:
perhaps you’re the one person that in a week non stop thousands could not do.

Maybe I should have named thread “nearly impossible to kill warrior over a week of fighting”

really, im done here. new matchups started and my server has a queue for the first time ever!!!!!!!!!! We have numbers !

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: atreyu.9624


She kept just out of my range most of the time with that darn “clicking” trick she uses and just kite fighting.

You gotta be more subtle if you wanna keep trolling man. You are just giving it away like this.

little big wizard – Eu

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Killkill.7983


Wait,so if he/she uses that “clicking” trick and it makes abilities miss that often,then wouldn’t that be abusing a glitch of some kind?

I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t be able to dodge attacks by doing whatever he’s doing,that really doesn’t seem right.

(edited by Killkill.7983)

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Mochann.5298


So… What’s the rune combination for this mad regen?

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

All I can say is I’m glad I’m not on Shonuff’s server. I’d probably feel like quitting the game if I saw 15 people unable to do 1300 damage a second.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Zach.3264


15 people trying to kill 1 Warrior?
Ye, I think that’s an exaggeration.

Or were you all using level 10 white gear?

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Heta.8629


My my point of views it was as if she had 100 000 hit points,god knows how much armor 5000? and 50-75 dodges per minute.

This shows the OPs tendency to over exaggerate. I hope someone credible on the forums gets to record a fight with this guy so we can get the truth instead of exaggerated numbers and obviously distorted points of view

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


Was I the only one who saw in the video the 20 permastealthed thieves casting shadow refuge on the 20 shout heal warriors, healing the one warrior that wasn’t stealthed ? The OP wasn’t exaggerating, just didn’t realize what was really happening

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


The people who have actually faced this person haven’t been able to kill them yet, so what makes you think you can?

yea, no one can kill anyone if everyone just keep hiding behind 5 NPC with a bunker build lol.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: wads.5730


this is not unexpected. yaks bend has one of the lowest average skills levels of players on any NA server.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Ah yes the [DAOC] healing warrior. This person posted a while back touting warrior as the best Healing-per-second character in the game back in oh… March. Gotten even more confrontational if the video comments are to be believed.

Unfortunately when my server fought YB in wvw I was never able to track down this healing warrior in particular, though the [DAOC] guildies that I did run into fell easily enough. That said unless the video they had back in march is much changed, the player isn’t much of a threat offensively and hardly “unkillable”

Haha you remember that thread too?
I was there, trying to save him from being eaten alive by the forumers, he was on about how Warrior healed more than any other class :p
Fun times.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Ah yes the [DAOC] healing warrior. This person posted a while back touting warrior as the best Healing-per-second character in the game back in oh… March. Gotten even more confrontational if the video comments are to be believed.

Unfortunately when my server fought YB in wvw I was never able to track down this healing warrior in particular, though the [DAOC] guildies that I did run into fell easily enough. That said unless the video they had back in march is much changed, the player isn’t much of a threat offensively and hardly “unkillable”

Haha you remember that thread too?
I was there, trying to save him from being eaten alive by the forumers, he was on about how Warrior healed more than any other class :p
Fun times.

Wait is it that guy? The one of the thread that got closed by moderators (like the first one ever on the warrior forums?). Oh my, must have been the worst thread ever. He was getting face stomped in there.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


I’m not sure if you guys have realized this, but Shonuff is actually the warrior posting the videos and is (doing a terrible job at) pretending that he’s the Mesmer in his own video on the forums. His typing style is the exact same from the exaggerations to the caps lock on words he feels are important…etc.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Shonuff.2354


After countless personal attacks and hundreds of PM I said I wouldnt post here again.
He/she is Fastcar.7381 or somthing .

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Ah yes the [DAOC] healing warrior. This person posted a while back touting warrior as the best Healing-per-second character in the game back in oh… March. Gotten even more confrontational if the video comments are to be believed.

Unfortunately when my server fought YB in wvw I was never able to track down this healing warrior in particular, though the [DAOC] guildies that I did run into fell easily enough. That said unless the video they had back in march is much changed, the player isn’t much of a threat offensively and hardly “unkillable”

Haha you remember that thread too?
I was there, trying to save him from being eaten alive by the forumers, he was on about how Warrior healed more than any other class :p
Fun times.

Are you including self heals?

Sorry I’m sort of new to this thread, but it seems there are so many mistakes being made with terminology. There is regen (or regeneration) which is a boon, some people don’t know this but there are forms of healing over time that aren’t regeneration. Take for example Troll Unguent, the text says

You and your pet regenerate health over time.

But this is not the boon, and can stack with the boon. Mango pie is another example.

Then there is “healing” that just heals for a flat amount, this can be aoe “healing” or aoe “regen”.

I know that might seem silly, I’m just curious about the “build”. Currently I run a condi damage build with medium healing power in order to be “unkillable” (that’s a joke, no one is unkillable unless it’s glitched). Right now I run a 10/30/30 or 20/20/30 build, and I’m curious if I could somehow incorporate this into the setup I use.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Fastcar, I like how you think outisde the box. Most I see do infact just copy some FOTM build from these forums. They only play a class if it is O.P. due to a current patch mistake .I.E. the thousands of hammer warriors all over. This game is about having fun. maybe fun for some people is support or "troll"builds. Both your healing and regen builds can help the realm for sure. I have tested all healers now. I agree warrior is by far the best combat healer. ( also the most HPS in the game. Using your tricks I am able to heal way over 20 at once 415+ a tick. The overall effect of the range+buffs and sheer number you can effect is staggering. When I play the self regen build it is AMAZING as you said. I was able to get nearly 1900 regen. Farming these runes took some time for the regen trick. never thought to use 3 diff runes.“unkillible” may be a bad name. To the OP of thread maybe “nearly unkillable” would have been a better name. I especially love the fact that poison literally does nothing to me because I regen so much, it’s not even noticeable.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


Sooooo, what are these 3 magic runes? Seriously, lots of cryptic talk but no proof in the way of a tangible build for others to try for themselves.

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


Sooooo, what are these 3 magic runes? Seriously, lots of cryptic talk but no proof in the way of a tangible build for others to try for themselves.

But of course they won’t provide them, it’s a well-kept guild/server secret. You’ll only be privy to it if you transfer to their server and join a specific WvW guild. Because you know, otherwise their enemies would regen them to submission.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: atreyu.9624


Sooooo, what are these 3 magic runes? Seriously, lots of cryptic talk but no proof in the way of a tangible build for others to try for themselves.


little big wizard – Eu

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Supreme.7352


Okay, why do people keep posting WvWvW vids to show how “broken” a class is instead of SPvP?

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: atreyu.9624


Okay, why do people keep posting WvWvW vids to show how “broken” a class is instead of SPvP?

well it’s easy!

Because in WvW the chance to meet completely clueless AND undergeared people is is actually much, much higher!

So it’s easier to make videos exploiting this sad truth.

little big wizard – Eu

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Elfis.9102


Balance is MUCH different in WvW and PvP. You get more than twice the stat points with ascended PvE gear, food, guard leech, etc. etc.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Sooooo, what are these 3 magic runes? Seriously, lots of cryptic talk but no proof in the way of a tangible build for others to try for themselves.

It’s probably based on the old perma boon builds.

2 sup monk, water, dwayna

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


I can see how that could jack the duration for regen, but it was be kinda bleh for healing itself, even on full clerics. Must also be kitted out with cleric and maybe some soldier ascended accessories with the corresponding infusions too. Gives up a ton of damage that way though. :/

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Dristig.9678


It’s simple. There are no “MAgic Runes” The only thing that would fit in a regen theme is Dolyak. They still probably aren’t as good as Melandru in practice.

Just for fun I ran as close to this build as I could figure out last night. There are 5 sources of regen that can overlap.

1) Healing Signet
2) Mango Pie
3) Adrenal Health
4) Dolyak Runes
5) Banner Regen

This is the build I ran: http://tinyurl.com/kpt77cw

I skipped Dolyak runes because I already had Melandru. It was pretty darn funny. I was able to tank the a couple of level 80 Champs in Orr. I tanked the Champion Arena guy in northern Orr for so long that I got bored and had some guildies come kill him.
It is a pretty funny troll build but there isn’t enough damage behind it IMO. It gets a little better if you swap the armor for rabid or carrion.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


It’s simple. There are no “MAgic Runes” The only thing that would fit in a regen theme is Dolyak. They still probably aren’t as good as Melandru in practice.

Just for fun I ran as close to this build as I could figure out last night. There are 5 sources of regen that can overlap.

1) Healing Signet
2) Mango Pie
3) Adrenal Health
4) Dolyak Runes
5) Banner Regen

This is the build I ran: http://tinyurl.com/kpt77cw

I skipped Dolyak runes because I already had Melandru. It was pretty darn funny. I was able to tank the a couple of level 80 Champs in Orr. I tanked the Champion Arena guy in northern Orr for so long that I got bored and had some guildies come kill him.
It is a pretty funny troll build but there isn’t enough damage behind it IMO. It gets a little better if you swap the armor for rabid or carrion.

Swap it for a set of dire. You will get all of your tankiness, plus you will deal good condi damage. Mix that with undead runes, or the ones that give you condi damage from vitality and you end up very very strong.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


Hes right, completely unkillable, gotta love that /peacesign at the end of the fight, hehehe. Dunno how effective it is at actual healing though.

(Starts at 6:40 if it doesn’t start you there)

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Wargz.1302


Silly tread, close it already. All i see in the video is a hatefull redneck obsessed with chinese people. He talks about them in almost all of his videos. Are the Chinese trying to take his guns or something? Funny to watch though.

Peace and take care

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Shonuff.2354 is FASTCAR (or atleast his friend or smth doing PR stunts) aka that random and obnoxius wannabe war with the attention needs of a preschooler who made silly threads a few months ago about his unkillable banners spec. It was not special then and it isn’t special now. I’m pretty sure a single condineccy can solo him.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Shonuff.2354


Came back from a few days away . My unit is still in iraq. I have over 120 PM.Some haters. some “I faced this person” .some this or that would have killed her.

90% of the messages are along the lines of : Ok great tank but zero damage.
She could stack 110-120 bleeds and 750-850 fires on me.in a few seconds I would have 14-19 stacks of bleed. trust me that hurts.somehow she would put on top of that a long 750 burn.even if/when I cured it came back fast.2400-3000 a sec cond hurts bad.I dont care who you are. and they last long.

some person Mayanreaper sent me this.Said that his 5 man tried for hours to kill her, with no luck.
watch at the end for “does no damage”

While not zerker burst or the 150+ ticks I can get. this still does the trick.

**Some guy accused me of secretly being fastcar . Odd,how can I play both on yaks and another server same time and fight myself with only 2 hands?Just silly

At first I was just amazed and frankly frustrated and mad.

I got a PM from Fastcar"Funny part is I only show some videos. Never the good ones.Just proof of concept.my 5 man now all regen 4000+/sec full time."

I am done posting here.

Edit : what is “condineccy”
Also, how is she giving me high power long lasting fire burns? is this a rune or sigil effect?

(edited by Shonuff.2354)

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


@Shonuff: I understand your frustration. Official forums for MMOs are notoriously toxic, and this one is no different. Currently, Warriors are under fire for being OP, so when you post a video of a Warrior and say that it’s a Warrior who can’t be killed/never dies/huge regen/etc., people don’t see “Oh cool new builds are fun”, they either see:

“Omg proof that Warrior regen is so OP this is insane nerf Warrior”


“Omg another person trying to prove Warrior regen is OP here’s a litany of ways to counter it those were bad players etc. etc.”

There’s no way around it.

I still can’t believe you received 120 PMs though. That’s monstrous.

Also, when you make a claim that something is extraordinary or gives a large advantage, like clicking, but don’t say what it is, of course we’re going to be skeptical. If I told you I figured out perpetual motion, but wouldn’t show you or tell you about it, would you believe me? No? Rightfully so!

A scientific mind wants proof. Nothing about clicking appears advantageous. The claim is now that 4000+/sec health regen at a 100% uptime. Great. Show me. You won’t? Then I don’t believe you. There’s no reason I should, and it really doesn’t matter to me anyway.

When the Healing Signet change released, I went into sPvP and maxed on all the regen I could find. It was hilarious, and it probably threw people off guard, but I hated it. It isn’t like it’s unkillable, it’s that it’s unpopular, so people don’t think or build to fight it. If you want, you can build to beat it and play to beat it, but then you’d probably be kitten against a large % of the population because it’s a specific type of battle.

For example, if I want to win against a Regen Warrior who goes heavy banners? Run away from the banner and force the fight elsewhere. If the Warrior doesn’t fight you, then don’t fight the Warrior. It’s a matter of fighting on one’s own terms, and people forget that concept often. Necro just dropped mass Marks on top of himself? Run away. Diving on top of him is what he wants you to do, and if he doesn’t follow, then he’s running from the fight as much as you are (that is to say, his stock in the fight goes as far as his advantage, which is fine, but so does yours. Don’t let yourself be trolled).

But I digress. Five people trying for hours aren’t trying very hard. Those are just the facts. It’s a fun little tanky build, but that’s it. And if you don’t want to share details, then don’t expect a warm reception.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: selan.8354


Okay, why do people keep posting WvWvW vids to show how “broken” a class is instead of SPvP?

well i think a lot of us want spvp and wvw balance split again as it is simply not possible to balance both the same way. while i agree that warriors were absolutely terrible in spvp a while back and needed buff. anet went the wrong way with this. i dont mind some etra cc, but right now the cc a warrior can produce is too much. combine that with the halin and u get op in spvp. in spvp i would say a shave will fix things fast.

in wvw however, the warrior was already strong not top, but strong. while mesmers got confusion builds nerfed to the ground leaving them in wvw with very little builds, the warriors got out of control. now it doesnt depend on skill anymore, it depends on how many warriors a zerg has. with my mes i can barely walk around a zerg due to little stability and the massive cc spam. the regen warriors there are out of control too. u wont be able to get their health down enough to killthem in a 1v1 if u are not pure berserker, which is pretty bad for wvw as u die too quick in a zerg if u are wearing zerker.

while rangers sorta dissapeared and mesmers became veilbots, warriors are the kings f wvw.

the classes are like this now( and this is a balance issue)

a-class: necro,guardian
b-class: ele
c-class: engi, thief(due to bad zerg quality)
d-class:mesmer( utility bot, no aoe since confusion nerf)
-ranger ( pet dies, has some aoe quality, but very little defenses in a cc and condi heavy zerg

so anet either bring all other classes up to warrior level (also by unnerfing things like confusion or in spvp rtl for example), or nerf them.

i hate nerfs as my main class has been nerfed to the ground in wvw (not spvp! in spvp i still do very well on my mes), so i’d rather see buff and shaves than nerfs.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Heta.8629


During that video he was using damage mitigation techniques just like everyone else: dodge, block, fear, knockback, and interrupt. If his regen is as great as he says he wouldn’t need to use those. Looks like his is just doing the same things everyone else does to stay alive

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Shonuff, mind if i add another truthbearing video to your post…

This is not from me but was posted by Fungalfoo, in the Warriors Nerf them Now! forum; unfortunately, it is locked.

You managed to beat him with more mobs attacking you.

here goes,

This also debunks accusation against you for cheating, botting, hacking………

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Moderator.8539


Since this thread has little constructive discussion in it and has strayed increasingly off-topic, it has been closed.