Vengeance broken?

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


I play wvw and I have been in a few fights that I have been downed and then used vengence and won the fight (Killed them) but then die 6 seconds later when vengeance runs out.

I’ve killed enemys by dpsing them down and stomping… but vengeance still kills me. Am I missing something?

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

Vengeance only works like 25-33% of the time. Unless you get the trait then it’s 100%..usually. It doesn’t consider minions/pets actual kills

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Trait 20 into discipline for the Sweet Revenge trait, giving you 100% chance to rally from a kill in vengeance.

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Vengeance only works like 25-33% of the time. Unless you get the trait then it’s 100%..usually. It doesn’t consider minions/pets actual kills

Is it even as high as 25%?

Feels like 10% or less lol.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


So in conclusion…. Warrior without traiting for it has the worst downed ability………….


So I guess I just wont get downed

Any of you know a good roaming Gs Axe shield build?
I’m been tweeking with my own and doing ok.
I’m using knights armour and offensive traits.
I’m thinking about getting berserker armour and then making my traits more defensive.

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

Wiki says 35-45% chance, so I was being some what generous with it’s suckyness lol

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

So in conclusion…. Warrior without traiting for it has the worst downed ability………….


So I guess I just wont get downed

Any of you know a good roaming Gs Axe shield build?
I’m been tweeking with my own and doing ok.
I’m using knights armour and offensive traits.
I’m thinking about getting berserker armour and then making my traits more defensive.

There’s no point running dual melee sets in WvW. It’s just not as viable as bringing a ranged option for more varied fights. Otherwise, you can simply be kited to oblivion. I have 70% condition duration, try countering that, melandrulemongrass.

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


Go celestial stated gear, sword/shield & bow, soldiers runes. Leeching sigil on sword & bow and stun sigil on shield.
30 arms, deep cuts, blade master, opportunist
30 tactics, leg specialist, lung capacity, vigorous shouts
10 discipline, warriors sprint

Healing signet, FGJ! , SIO!, FEAR ME!, Summon skill (hounds of balthy, mistfire wolf, ext..)

With celestial gear no stat is waisted. Sword easily uses all 4 offensive stats, vita/toughness keeps you from being glass and healing power is a small boon to your shouts healing.

Been eating players solo with that for some reason. Including thieves. Although in a 1v2 or worse I die or run. I’m not sure why its so lop-sided in that way. On my mesmer I can’t 1v1 without dieng all the time but can 1v2 or even 3. Doesn’t make sense. Perhaps I just need to continue learning both builds better.

(edited by Justine.6351)

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Go celestial stated gear, sword/shield & bow, soldiers runes.
30 arms, deep cuts, blade master, opportunist
30 tactics, leg specialist, lung capacity, vigorous shouts
10 discipline, warriors sprint

Healing signet, FGJ! , SIO!, FEAR ME!, Summon skill (hounds of balthy, mistfire wolf, ext..)

Been eating players solo with that for some reason. Including thieves. Although in a 1v2 or worse I die or run. I’m not sure why its so lop-sided in that way. On my mesmer I can’t 1v1 without dieng all the time but can 1v2 or even 3. Doesn’t make sense. Perhaps I just need to continue learning both builds better.

My thief’s the exact opposite. I built for 1xX fights and it becomes increasingly powerful against more opponents, so a 1v1 is completely unfair for me and I often die unless there are trash mobs around.

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


In reflection I think the reason I die in 1vs multiple has more to do with my high vitality but lower armor. Having access to healing signet, leeching sigils and healing shouts gives me positive flow of HP but its effectiveness isn’t matched with a more solid toughness. Would be nice to cut into the toughness line but I love the current traits I have too much atm.

Vengeance broken?

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Untraited I almost never rally from vengeance, to the point I mostly won’t even bother using it. I’ve a better chance just throwing rocks.

One thing I’ll do when I get the chance though, is go into vengeance then run off to res a downed ally (or if you had battle standard, I guess a few downed allies).