Vengence Bug

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Tolobrand.2651


When using the skill Vengence, with the trait Sweet Revenge, I can die twice by dying before the fifteen seconds of Vengence is done, and then dying after I return to a waypoint, because vengence stays active upon death. This is really annoying, though I think I’ve found a work around by just waiting till the remaining time on Vengence is finished. Hopefully this is a quick and easy fix for Anet, I’m tired of dying twice. :P

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


quick and easy fix, ya, too bad this bug has been around since launch…so regardless of how easy or quick it is, it seems to be very low on their priority list.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Illuminati.2683


I’ll use my Fast Hands and come up with a fix!
Wait, give me 5 seconds (really 3).

Cool tip, put in a bug fix and call it a PVE hinderance… will get hotfixed!

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Monki.5012


I noticed that too and its quite annoying and expensive because your durability suffers as well from dying twice.
Not much choice other than wait till the buff runs out.

In my opinion Vengeance is a very poor downed skill. I use it quite rarely at least in PVE. I only use it if I am about to die anyway. You do not get full health nor a defensive bonus on activation so its quite possible to get killed again. 15 Secs is not enough time to land a killingblow except you facing very weak foes and even if you manage to do so the untalented chance is way to low to be actually worth it IMO. The only real use is to get up and put yourself in a position where people can rezz you more easily. In most cases I use it to rezz another player or buff the group with shouts. That little dps you do before being killed does nothing. Other classes have much better escape options like Ele or Thief. Other classes have additional healing to get up faster.

In my opinion this is a poor downed skill and needs some love. At least put the 100% chance trait into tier 1 or make it a passiv trait.

(edited by Monki.5012)

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Varqov.6984


I agree that it is a poor downed skill, also. The only reason to actually use it is if you spec into the sweet revenge talent. I have used it a number of times to rally, focusing on whomever I nearly killed (being in PvE). In PvP I don’t see much of a chance of using it unless you were fighting someone on their last legs and they didn’t already run away/heal/or finish you off.

Before I specced into sweet revenge, I never dared to touch the button and basically considered it completely useless.

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Mesket.5728


Worst downed skill ever… instead of saving your life you are just accepting death. Pathetic… I want a downed skill to save myself not kill one of the 298374 mobs hitting me or fight for another couple secs in that 15 minutes boss fight.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Tarsis.6418


Ok, I have reported this before in game as a bug.

I would really like to have a response from Anet about this. Is it working as intended?

When I go down I tend to ignore this skill as I only see it as a 15 sec chance to rez a team mate before I get to run back. In PvE in dungeons I have poped this skill and died before the timer ran off and then died again when I rezed back to run back to my group.

Let me stress that althought I dont like how the skill works overall, I want the double death bug fixed more then I want the skill fixed.

I would like to see a higher % chance of staying up after killing something without specing in the trait tree, but I want the double death issue fixed. The buff should go away with real death.

When I go down and decide to pop this skill and die after I do, this debuff should simply go away!

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: RedDeath.2980


I would really like to have a response from Anet about this. Is it working as intended?

If anet is truely sadistic then this is working as intended :P… As for the % to stay up on a kill I think its very low- maybe 25%? Personally I pick the trait that makes it 100% on a kill as it comes in as a very useful trick in a fight. Just keep in mind that for some reason the kill you use it on has to give exp of some kind it seems otherwise it won’t count as ‘killing’ something.

Vengence Bug

in Warrior

Posted by: Shadowscamp.8065


By itself, vengeance is kind of just a last resort.

However, when traited, it becomes one of the best downed skills available. Say in PvP, you’re downed, but then you down the other person before they can stomp you. You, however, can vengeance and stomp them and rally. Be careful of mesmers and thieves, though. They can stall for time and teleport around until vengeance runs out and you die.

In PvE as well, if you get downed, if you can get up and kill any mob, you rally.

In essence, you get full access to all of your skills to kill something and rally instead of just throwing rocks. I love coming back with flames of vengeance and either give one last “screw you” to everyone around me in WvW, or just pummel my opponent to the ground and stomp them.

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