(edited by Simon.3794)
[Video] Hundred noodles
A channel skill that requires you to stand still and applies no CC is weak in PvP? Surely you jest!
A channel skill that requires you to stand still and applies no CC is weak in PvP? Surely you jest!
So you agree it’s weak.
but still ….. dat Rush.
So, I stopped watching the video when I saw signet of fury.
But here’s the thing, the OP complains about DPS Warrior being bad when he’s too scared to do risky plays with Zerker Stance. Uses signet of rage over rampage too. No wonder you’re getting bad results, it’s because you’re playing bad builds.
I guess now you realistically can’t really complain about “Warrior sucking” when you blow at theory crafting builds which is probably the easiest thing that you can do on the game.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
So, I stopped watching the video when I saw signet of fury.
But here’s the thing, the OP complains about DPS Warrior being bad when he’s too scared to do risky plays with Zerker Stance. Uses signet of rage over rampage too. No wonder you’re getting bad results, it’s because you’re playing bad builds.
I guess now you realistically can’t really complain about “Warrior sucking” when you blow at theory crafting builds which is probably the easiest thing that you can do on the game.
He’s playing bad builds? But you say rampage is good LOL koptek kekkity kek kek good one m8. I stopped watching your stream highlights after I saw you run mace/shield and sword/warhorn while getting carried by your teams. If anything Simon took a risky build which should’ve produced the old “high risk high reward” motto which it did not. Sorry to pop your bubble but you are not a high risk high reward player.
So, I stopped watching the video when I saw signet of fury.
But here’s the thing, the OP complains about DPS Warrior being bad when he’s too scared to do risky plays with Zerker Stance. Uses signet of rage over rampage too. No wonder you’re getting bad results, it’s because you’re playing bad builds.
I guess now you realistically can’t really complain about “Warrior sucking” when you blow at theory crafting builds which is probably the easiest thing that you can do on the game.
Maybe you dindt noticed but he went full glass, signet of fury was there to max out adrenaline for extra +15% dps. On top of that scholar runes etc. The purpose of this vid was to max out possible dmg coming from hb. For such a glassy char 10k is really low.
Now what about builds that are not glassy?
Next time watch carefully before saying such bs
So, I stopped watching the video when I saw signet of fury.
But here’s the thing, the OP complains about DPS Warrior being bad when he’s too scared to do risky plays with Zerker Stance. Uses signet of rage over rampage too. No wonder you’re getting bad results, it’s because you’re playing bad builds.
I guess now you realistically can’t really complain about “Warrior sucking” when you blow at theory crafting builds which is probably the easiest thing that you can do on the game.
Maybe you dindt noticed but he went full glass, signet of fury was there to max out adrenaline for extra +15% dps. On top of that scholar runes etc. The purpose of this vid was to max out possible dmg coming from hb. For such a glassy char 10k is really low.
Now what about builds that are not glassy?
Next time watch carefully before saying such bs
That was what i was about to write… Thanks for your job
When people say that hundred blades is used mostly to cleave downed boddies and then you see this video, you know something is very wrong…
(edited by silentnight warrior.2714)
Engi and ele(?) had protection on so 10836 and 7340 for 100b seems ok? I dont know, not an expert but protections is to blame here I think.
(edited by Opynn.2936)
Engi and ele(?) had protection on so 10836 and 7340 for 100b seems ok? I dont know, not an expert but protections is to blame here I think.
you actually did 16.173 damage to the engie and 10955 to the warrior if you discount the protection boon.
Protection is the real criminal here, a glass as kitten engie can have high uptime on it and shrug your HB in downed state.
As a side note, two of your hits didn’t crit on both targets.
Still felt a little low on the damage side though. The weird thing about HB is that it got a damage nerf across the board while nobody ever thought it’s damage was high post beta.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
i’d say the nerfs to 100b are likely more related to pve whiners
i’d say the nerfs to 100b are likely more related to pve whiners
But 100b wasn’t even that good to begin with. Plenty of classes outdps warrior in PVE by a very large margin. Elementalists and thieves laugh at war dps and they don’t have to stand there in a channel to pull it off. The only thing an ele channels, icebow 4 (and to a lesser degree, the staff fire 5) is such a massive burst on large targets that it actually justifies it being a channel, unlike 100b.
It wasn’t that great of a skill before the nerf. It’s now even worse.
i never said it was justified but lots of people whined about it for the longest time.
i never said it was justified but lots of people whined about it for the longest time.
i don’t recall people whining about 100b specifically very much. it was mostly healing signet that people complained about and warrior’s mobility with gs rush. those were the two primary complaints.
i’d say the nerfs to 100b are likely more related to pve whiners
i never said it was justified but lots of people whined about it for the longest time.
pve crowd never complained aobut healing signet or rush
i don’t recall people whining about 100b specifically very much.
Like if you wanted full glass cannon with scholar runes and fire/air sigil to work at all, you would need to take risks and play Frenzy instead of signet of fury at least if you’re not gonna use zerk stance so you don’t get weakness spammed.
Sadly the OP wastes time complaining instead of taking the time to get better at Warrior while making actual good builds.
I’m telling you, Warrior is only “bad” and shoutbow is the only viable spec because you don’t know how to build DPS. This isn’t the first instance that this ever happened.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
Like if you wanted full glass cannon with scholar runes and fire/air sigil to work at all, you would need to take risks and play Frenzy instead of signet of fury at least if you’re not gonna use zerk stance so you don’t get weakness spammed.
Sadly the OP wastes time complaining instead of taking the time to get better at Warrior while making actual good builds.
I’m telling you, Warrior is only “bad” and shoutbow is the only viable spec because you don’t know how to build DPS. This isn’t the first instance that this ever happened.
you must be new to the warrior class.
welcome to the forums!
So, I stopped watching the video when I saw signet of fury.
But here’s the thing, the OP complains about DPS Warrior being bad when he’s too scared to do risky plays with Zerker Stance. Uses signet of rage over rampage too. No wonder you’re getting bad results, it’s because you’re playing bad builds.
I guess now you realistically can’t really complain about “Warrior sucking” when you blow at theory crafting builds which is probably the easiest thing that you can do on the game.
^ My friends and I have been laughing at this post for over a day now, it’s just pure gold LMAO
Rampage… http://i.imgur.com/i1wcaxp.jpg
How2rifle. Or play DPS Warrior the correct way.
Around 2:07:00 for DPS rampage Axe + Rifle potential vs. a top player (Five Gauge Abjured Engi) Lost the game but fun match and potential is definitely shown.
Laugh while you still can, just pray that your viewers don’t stop watching you and migrate to my stream instead.
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
How2rifle. Or play DPS Warrior the correct way.
Around 2:07:00 for DPS rampage Axe + Rifle potential vs. a top player (Five Gauge Abjured Engi)
Laugh while you still can, just pray that your viewers don’t stop watching you.
Your twitch is fun.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Laugh while you still can, just pray that your viewers don’t stop watching you and migrate to my stream instead.
k good luck w/ that
How2rifle. Or play DPS Warrior the correct way.
Around 2:07:00 for DPS rampage Axe + Rifle potential vs. a top player (Five Gauge Abjured Engi) Lost the game but fun match and potential is definitely shown.
Laugh while you still can, just pray that your viewers don’t stop watching you and migrate to my stream instead.
“vs. a top player (Five Gauge Abjured Engi)” – Lmfao irl, someone get this guy a gold medal he killed a “top player.” All i literally saw from that video was an engineer on low hp whom got eviscerated by a 2K TWO THOUSAND EVISCERATE? WHAT R U SOLDIERS, CLERICS?? THATS SOME RISKY kitten THERE. One clip does not show the potential of a build sorry not sorry. I feel bad for anybody that takes your advice based off your clips because of how cringe worthy it is. I feel as if I’m watching a kid sing justin bieber songs to ask a girl out or something pathetic like that.
How2rifle. Or play DPS Warrior the correct way.
Around 2:07:00 for DPS rampage Axe + Rifle potential vs. a top player (Five Gauge Abjured Engi) Lost the game but fun match and potential is definitely shown.
Laugh while you still can, just pray that your viewers don’t stop watching you and migrate to my stream instead.
I didn´t see anything special there. right after you kill him (and you were not alone and he was not fighting you), The engenier engage you and kill you whithout effort.
You didn´t show that HB is good dps, only that there are other ways to deal damage and i think no one here is discussing that point.
The OP just said that HB is under performing and you didn´t prove him wrong.
I didn´t see anything special there. right after you kill him (and you were not alone and he was not fighting you), The engenier engage you and kill you whithout effort.
You didn´t show that HB is good dps, only that there are other ways to deal damage and i think no one here is discussing that point.
The OP just said that HB is under performing and you didn´t prove him wrong.
That’s because he was responding to everybody else. He was insulting OP for using signet of fury and for not using a terrible human racial skill instead of signet of rage (???) and thought showing a video of him jumping on an engi at half health was going to impress people.
Apparently I’m going to start losing viewers so everybody can marvel at his superhuman strength, pulling out a whopping TWO. THOUSAND. DAMAGE.
-insert squeals of excitement-
“He was insulting OP for using signet of fury and for not using a terrible human racial skill instead of signet of rage (???)”
rampage is warrior elite, not human racial (not like you can use racials in pvp can you?)
it’s still a pretty pointless response anyway
“100b is too weak”
“it’s because you’re not using rampage!”
It ain’t 2013 anymore! =(