[Video] Warrior is Viable (solo roaming)
Yeah so many complaints lately. Good montage (:
Nice video
I agree, lots of crybabies in the warrior forum lately.
In PVE the warrior is still very useful with its banners, not top dps, but still decent.
In WvW it’s the 2nd most important profession for zerging, a melee train cannot work without worker and destroyer warriors. For roaming you can use at least 4 different viable builds.
It still has a place in PvP as well with shoutbow and the meta will change anyway once we get stronghold.
Nice video
I agree, lots of crybabies in the warrior forum lately.
In PVE the warrior is still very useful with its banners, not top dps, but still decent.
In WvW it’s the 2nd most important profession for zerging, a melee train cannot work without worker and destroyer warriors. For roaming you can use at least 4 different viable builds.
It still has a place in PvP as well with shoutbow and the meta will change anyway once we get stronghold.
PvP Shoutbow is meta but Hambow is still strong, not as used but strong.
Nice video
Liked the montage, didn’t prove anything though. Fighting a group of PVE players with the help of a camp, not going below 18k HP, then running out of the camp and pretty much instantly dying? GG, warrior is viable!
Still, warrior is perfectly viable.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Any zerk guy would go down like a fly,without utils and defensive CDs.Try zerk ele for example….
Nice video,thou have to wonder why those ppl in begining totaly ignored you.I mean,you see a tankie guardian or a squishie dps machine warrior,which one would u pew pew with rangers?! :-).
Still,was funn to watch
Why are you only fighting against non heavy armor classes?
I see you only dueling non buffed mesmers, thiefs, and rangers.
Not impressive.
W v W-r o a m e r
Nice video.
Thanks for you feedbacks positive or not !
I just want to react to this :
Why are you only fighting against non heavy armor classes?
I see you only dueling non buffed mesmers, thiefs, and rangers.
Not impressive.
The footage was made in 3 days during a single match up, so all i can show is what i encountered. And the roaming meta is now pewpew ranger/ thieves/ bad shatter mesmers. U can check some previous videos with war and medi guards
And i fight some classes without stacks or 25%HP (like de condi thief :p )
Takitten ew montage enjoy !