[Video] WvW Throng Surfer -- warrior guide
Sup Dude…
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Hey brah, long time no see
Wait, leaving the game!? That makes me sad =[
Valar Morghulis.
Ogre Pardon, but you didn’t tell which sigil you put on the Hammer. I’m guessing Sigil of Fire like you have on your sword? Thanks for the video!
Any opinions on banners? I’ve been toting them on behalf of my guild to decent effect, but I’m interested in your opinion.
EDIT: I’m running a full Defense and Tactics build, PTV armor and Melandru runes (they were cheap, don’t tase me bro) with banner traits and the other usual suspects. The last ten points changes from time to time as I work out the best use for them.
Fattest Man in [GLOB]
(edited by Ultrajoe.8674)
GvG set: hammer fire – sword fire – warhorn 5%crit
Throng surfing: hammer restoration – sword restoration . warhorn stamina
Extra hammer with bloodlust
About banners: too static and clunky for me. Gr8 support tho, and the full support path includes banners no doubt. About ultimate banner, many ppl get it, its handy for your raid, but I think raids should have max 2 wb to res up the leader or if kitten hits the fan. More is giving up a lot fo damage in favor of a CD that barely gets used. Its hard to guarantee fury and decent might on you in long battles if your raid is not boon heavy and you have no signet.
What is so good about the sigil of fire?
I have one myself because i thought the AoE Blast would be a finisher which it isnt.
Is the AoE burn really that good compared to +5% Damage?
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
looks like a pretty solid group support build, thanks for sharing. =) How do you fare in groups of 5 or less? or does RG only run 25+?
@ Wanze: i had 5%dmg myself, but some good friends recommended it to me and im not going back. Dmg is insane. Altho if i had maybe less than 40% buffed crit id go dmg.
@ Haz: the smaller the groups the less impressive your support skills are. This build is more of a “bulk buyer”, id say a minimum group of 5 is required to shine (team battle). Note that I have not been downed by a single player in all 2013. This build can handle the pressure of 10+ chasers. I gave up on duelling long ago, since I cant seem to die or finish most of my good opponents. I used a variation of this then, tho.
Have to bump to say excellent build man. Ran it with my guild raid last night to great effect, kudos and thanks for sharing.
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]
Yea, gotta agree, very solid build. Damage is also very good despite being tanky. Thanks for sharing!!
Just one last question. In one of your vids (Full signet DPS lulz) you mentioned a destroyer type of warrior? Care to share? (If not I understand)
Delayed [LATE] (guild leader) | OCX
Thanks guys, Im glad to help
About the destroyer warriors… Id recomend to you the channels of other RG warriors who were specialist destroyers, like Zumos or Empyre. I can give some hints myself i guess…
The main thing to have as a destroyer is Melandru etc combo, so you can drop the horn (and the whole cond game) and focus on pain dealing. Feels unstopable with decent stab. Having a leap is recomended, as always.
Recomended weapons? Hammer, GS, Axe, axe offhand, mace offhand (no target limit on mace 5, its a pulse!!!). There is freedom here finally but choose wisely.
Forget shouts, horn, boons, and crap… grab as many dps tech as u can.. the obvious targets— Empowered, both GM 15%, Destruction of the emp, deep strike. Lots of freedom but remember to be somewhat tanky or ull melt. Dead dps dont dps.
A full signet build would prolly be the most optimized thing for dmg nowadays. Stun break, adrenaline on demand, unblockable bursts… its a faceroll build.
Cool thanks for the reply, I was thinking up of something like this: <— I tried to put all the things you mentioned in mind and this is what I came up with
I like your warrior style of gameplay (the worker type and it is my preffered style), but sometimes I would like a change of pace too instead of just keeping everyone alive and the “destroyer” type really got my attention
Delayed [LATE] (guild leader) | OCX
@bambam: heh, its clear you “get it”… thats a pretty clever build. Unblockable tremor every 25s sounds very interesting. Im honestly loving it, but id go (V) dual wielding and sword/axe instead of GS.. its more or less an equivalent and makes u more balanced. If you have a tough time with conditions you can always sacrifice empowered for dogged march.
Rly Rly lovin the double stun break and double stab coating. It definetly has wheels. Bit low on crit dmg but crit happy, so it can work out. Try to juggle some all stat jewlery, it might help. Otherwise, hf & enjoy your surfing
Hey Ogre, I really enjoyed this video as well as some of your others. You mentioned you used to run Mango Pies. I run them also. Would you mind elaborating on why you ran them? I’d be interested to hear what you have to say.
Veritas, I used to rant a lot about this, b4 the Lemongrass poultry was introduced (flat out best choice atm on current wvw meta imho). Thing is the mango pies are the safe bet food… and especially good if you are piling regen effects on your char (88+world buffs per second is BEAST) Think about it… they have no condition to give u benefit, theyll always be there, ticking, whereas your on kill food will fail you when kitten hits the fan, or when you are using siege/banging a door. But who can beat the mitigation of -40% cond duration honestly :/
PS-Dolyak runes SUCK, in case someone had a brainfart. Its known to happen to the best of us, chill. 30/s not worth it vs other choices.
Veritas, I used to rant a lot about this, b4 the Lemongrass poultry was introduced (flat out best choice atm on current wvw meta imho). Thing is the mango pies are the safe bet food… and especially good if you are piling regen effects on your char (88+world buffs per second is BEAST) Think about it… they have no condition to give u benefit, theyll always be there, ticking, whereas your on kill food will fail you when kitten hits the fan, or when you are using siege/banging a door. But who can beat the mitigation of -40% cond duration honestly :/
PS-Dolyak runes SUCK, in case someone had a brainfart. Its known to happen to the best of us, chill. 30/s not worth it vs other choices.
Haha sounds good. Thanks for the reply. -40% condi duration is insane. I’m hoping it doesn’t go the way of the Omnoms.
Thanks guys, Im glad to help
About the destroyer warriors… Id recomend to you the channels of other RG warriors who were specialist destroyers, like Zumos or Empyre. I can give some hints myself i guess…
The main thing to have as a destroyer is Melandru etc combo, so you can drop the horn (and the whole cond game) and focus on pain dealing. Feels unstopable with decent stab. Having a leap is recomended, as always.
Recomended weapons? Hammer, GS, Axe, axe offhand, mace offhand (no target limit on mace 5, its a pulse!!!). There is freedom here finally but choose wisely.
Forget shouts, horn, boons, and crap… grab as many dps tech as u can.. the obvious targets— Empowered, both GM 15%, Destruction of the emp, deep strike. Lots of freedom but remember to be somewhat tanky or ull melt. Dead dps dont dps.
A full signet build would prolly be the most optimized thing for dmg nowadays. Stun break, adrenaline on demand, unblockable bursts… its a faceroll build.
What gear would the dps role warrs use ? Knights/cavalier or still pvt or smth else ?
also whats both GM 15%, not too familiar with the warr acronyms yet
would appreciate the response
(edited by Aphix.9846)
I agree with a lot, and my build is very simular. I only run more power and less crit dmg (crit chance is the same) to benefit the retal more. And fire sigil scales with power aswel. Just felt like a better synergize.
As you said, you got to build differentely for GvG and ZvZ. I think this should be for food aswel. The heal on kill food in large fights beats the lemongrass for me. While it is absolutely useless in GvG. So lemongrass is the way in solo or GvG, but not for ZvZ.
You run 2 balanced stances and I see why, it synergizes very well with your build. Like that you get the benefits from the dolyak signet and only have to activate it when you run out of stability. But I can’t drop cleansing ire. You definitely will have problems with building adrenaline. This 1 trait changes that. And it has a delay on the condition removal, meaning you jump in, stun people get hit from the aoe underneath them and then it removes. It does hurt to give up a some stability for it, but it beats it IMO by a little little margin.
Empowered, got mixed feelings about that one. Let’s assume you hit 1.5k-2k a hit, with average of 5 boons on you. So you’ll hit 150-200 harder. You said yourself, warriors aren’t selfish, so if you take 150 power to 5 teammates, those 5 will hit for +-200 harder. Meaning 1000 damage more for your team. So atleast 1 warrior needs to run this. Or I even find leg specialist better, get seperated from the main force and you are dead. 1s imob is just enough to seperate 5 and burst them down. I have been trying out desperate power aswel, because with a big health pool, it ain’t to hard to keep your health at 50%. Well it actually is ^^. So I think here the 3rd best trait to use is a draw between desperate power and empowered.
For trinkets, you can’t do much wrong when you run soldier runes and soldier armor ^^.
Really really nice video by the way. Reminds me I need to make one aswel for my guide and feel kinda sad now, because mine will be a lot more boring than this one.
First troll to receive 10/10
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Valar Morghulis.
All men must die.
@ Aphix: just try to aim for as close to 3k armor as you can, id say minimum hp 22k+applied fortitude… theres freedom so mix it up according to your needs. Both GM 15% means both grandmaster traits that give a 15% boost to either dmg or crit chance based on adrenaline lvls.
@MilKzz: all valid points friend, altho we’ll have to agree to disagree on the lemongrass… I’m always thinking more defensively tho; this type of warrior is mostly only killed by roots & snares so…
Cleansing fire is rly rly tempting, but 50% uptime for retal is crazy (remember +30% boon duration). I can endure slow adrenaline for that… in raid mode you will be perma retal, like nobody else. And yeah, someone has to go for empower allies definetly.. workers are not selfish but you need to find a balance. This was mine.
One thing I love about GW2 is that rly, theres not just one “better” way, it’s all about finding your own way. Feel free to overwrite any of my choices with yours if it works for you
(edited by Ogre.1750)
Thanks for the response, as my guild is really efficient in wvw already, we decided for some GvG action, but rushed it and went in with the wrong expectations, wrong builds/food and wrong team composition and so I appreciate any help.
I am really interested to know what 20 man team comp did u guys find most efficient?
If ya dont wanna answer thats fine hehe.
Well Aphix, youre talking to a thug that took little interest in formations and strategy and did what was told… I can only give you some guidelines. Regardless, know that Sacrx is preparing a video where I believe he might touch subjects like this.
Everybody knows the mass combat meta revolves around 4 classes atm… Guardian, Necromancer, Warrior, and Elementalist. Additionally, 1 or 2 mesmers are a must. My perception is that the rest is kinda optative… In around 13 gvgs I was fielded in, we never used less than 3 warriors… guardians were always the most numerous amongst us.. 5 or 6, the norm.
Sorry if the info is not simple and straightforward, its what i got.
@ Aphix: just try to aim for as close to 3k armor as you can, id say minimum hp 22k+applied fortitude… theres freedom so mix it up according to your needs. Both GM 15% means both grandmaster traits that give a 15% boost to either dmg or crit chance based on adrenaline lvls.
@MilKzz: all valid points friend, altho we’ll have to agree to disagree on the lemongrass… I’m always thinking more defensively tho; this type of warrior is mostly only killed by roots & snares so…
Cleansing fire is rly rly tempting, but 50% uptime for retal is crazy (remember +30% boon duration). I can endure slow adrenaline for that… in raid mode you will be perma retal, like nobody else. And yeah, someone has to go for empower allies definetly.. workers are not selfish but you need to find a balance. This was mine.
One thing I love about GW2 is that rly, theres not just one “better” way, it’s all about finding your own way. Feel free to overwrite any of my choices with yours if it works for you
Agree, the retal is crazy. I know it is 50% uptime and it hasn’t left my build since I discovered it. I would trade in cleansing ire for the stability, meaning you would lose 1 of the 2 stability sources you have. It is tricky, but I think the trade off is worth it sometimes. And yea I agree, everybody has his own playstyle and should use a slightly adjusted build. Mine is very simular to yours ^^. Oh and we are looking for good warriors wink.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Made an addendum to the Throng Surfing video, thought u guys might want to check it
The wiki currently says that Empowered only gives 1% damage per boon and not 2. Can you confirm your findings?
Following the rules of effective health/power. Always stay away from celestial and knights.
Whenever you don’t have power as a main attribute, your setting yourself for failure.
Also the +15% stun duration rounds to next whole number.