Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Inmortis.8205


So, quickness is nerfed, ok lets find another way.
There are other possibilities besides Bull charge.
The obvious choice is the bolas but here is another build that gives us some more damage.
Hope you like. Enjoy de video

(edited by Inmortis.8205)

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Yes, because the WvWvW meta is clearly why warriors are useless.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Wow, I thought we had progressed beyond that point where people posted cherrytapped videos of their kill(cut to next scene)streaks of literally the same noob killer combo as pre-nerf, just slower executed.

Using sword’s burst and immobilizes in general to land 100b isn’t new at all.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Kaga.7629


I like this guy. Not only has he moved behond the QQ stage to actually try things out, he’s also put a little bit of finesse into his gameplay. Notice how he never drops 100b unless he’s sure his target isn’t getting away for example.

Great overall for the video, but for the love of everything sexy and sleazy, USE THE SHIELD BLOCK. I know it’s an ability that kinda sucks on a long timer, but it’s there, and if you’re immo or about to get hit by 100b, might as well use it.

—Kaga Konikora (aka ze evil frostkeep defense director)
Beware, for Commander Kaga farms j00, ktrainer!
r.i.p [iLL] Maguuma

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


I love the thief down state.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Real men use battle standard in wvw. Don’t need frenzy either or sof.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Dear god is it getting old to see people in RvR thinking they’re hardcore without doing tournys to prove their point. Most people in RvR dont bring CC breaks so stupid crap like this actually works. Most burst builds work in RvR for this very simple reason alone. Doesnt mean Warriors are in a good place. Show me 5v5 against a solid team, before you present this crap.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Inmortis.8205


Agreed. In wvw people do not often use anti cc, and if they have one is a stunbreaker, that do not serve against a inmobilized. In 5vs5 everything is different. But this is a video of WVW, not structured.

Is a nonsense to say that a build of wvw sucks because it doesnt work on structured. By the way, also very bad in pve, not using

We all know that professional players only have 3 or 4 classes in 5vs5.
I do not play tournaments so i dont know if the warriors are a bad class. Cant comment

(edited by Inmortis.8205)

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Dear god is it getting old to see people in RvR thinking they’re hardcore without doing tournys to prove their point. Most people in RvR dont bring CC breaks so stupid crap like this actually works. Most burst builds work in RvR for this very simple reason alone. Doesnt mean Warriors are in a good place. Show me 5v5 against a solid team, before you present this crap.

What actually is getting old is lack of reading comprehension of some of you people. Can you show me where in OP he said that he was hardcore or even mentioned his skill level at all. Sad that most replies in here are from idiots who are slamming the OP for just posting a video of a build he uses for Solo roaming.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: ENDREBUILD.7053


Jumping puzzle pvp……gg killing pve’rs with no toughness.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


So the first 1 minute and 20 seconds of footage of actual fighting is against other people who don’t’ even use skills. Then you fight a Guardian that is neither a bunker nor DPS Sword/Focus build, so he is effectively in limbo with no real healing or way to hurt you. Next clip is of you downing a Ranger without a stun breaker or clue of how to kite… then a Elementalist shows up and you are saved by a Thief….. You video gives no proof of actual decent 1v1 combat but rather how good the Warrior class is at killing afk/still targets.

Also, killing bad Thieves is not something only a decent Warrior can do…. any profession can kill them. Try going up against a Dagger/Pistol Thief that understands his build.

Also, camping in the jumping puzzle waiting for PvEers to run into you while trying to get badges so they can get their Gift of Battle for their legendary is not PvP. The Charr in that video obviously didn’t want to fight. So running down PvEers that don’t want to fight is hardly show casing how good a profession is in PvP (starts at 5:30ish).

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Sanny.1270


Dear god is it getting old to see people in RvR thinking they’re hardcore without doing tournys to prove their point. Most people in RvR dont bring CC breaks so stupid crap like this actually works. Most burst builds work in RvR for this very simple reason alone. Doesnt mean Warriors are in a good place. Show me 5v5 against a solid team, before you present this crap.

its as old as seeing ppl who TPvE ( oh sry i mean PvP, because killing actually matters in tpvp right ? :S ) complain when they see a warrior video that’s not about tpvp.

Any competent warrior player knows what state the class is in, the Problems with the class in Tpvp are the same problems warriors have in WvW. they don’t magically go away if you aren’t in a tourney.

Second To God ~ 80 Warrior

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


Posting the video is subject to criticism but in the end warrior is just in a state that its in. There really isnt much anyone can do with whats available to help it. Nobody wants to really run bunker on a warrior or let alone watch a video of it cause it will have “You do no damage” comments or “A ele or guardian can do that but better” so what is left? Glass and you can put together a good video of 1vX fights but we all know that it has to be the right situation to make that work.

I was dueling on my Warrior today and lost to a Guardian 5 times in a row tried bunker tanky etc. Switch to thief won no problem its just the way the game is for warriors at this point. Also also alot of stock cant be placed into 1v1 duels anyway.

It needs help from devs so a video is good but we all know warriors need something (protection, regen, or vigor) some form of sustain. Until that happens we pretty much seen it all so we can just enjoy it right now for what it is and if you love the class you stick with it. I have a mesmer, thief, and warrior and warrior is the most fun because of the challenge the other 2 are easier compared imo.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Kordos.3629


So, quickness is nerfed, ok lets find another way.
There are other possibilities besides Bull charge.
The obvious choice is the bolas but here is another build that gives us some more damage.
Hope you like. Enjoy de video

I enjoyed the video. Thanks for the positivity.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Dear god is it getting old to see people in RvR thinking they’re hardcore without doing tournys to prove their point. Most people in RvR dont bring CC breaks so stupid crap like this actually works. Most burst builds work in RvR for this very simple reason alone. Doesnt mean Warriors are in a good place. Show me 5v5 against a solid team, before you present this crap.

its as old as seeing ppl who TPvE ( oh sry i mean PvP, because killing actually matters in tpvp right ? :S ) complain when they see a warrior video that’s not about tpvp.

Any competent warrior player knows what state the class is in, the Problems with the class in Tpvp are the same problems warriors have in WvW. they don’t magically go away if you aren’t in a tourney.

Yes they do. WvWvW and tPvP are completely different. That’s like saying profession balance while leveling is indicative of profession balance in fractals.

Tell me, why are warriors not viable? I’m legitimately interesting in hearing what you think it is. Please give more than whatever opinion you copy and pasted from someone else on the forums.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Inmortis.8205


Posting the video is subject to criticism but in the end warrior is just in a state that its in. There really isnt much anyone can do with whats available to help it. Nobody wants to really run bunker on a warrior or let alone watch a video of it cause it will have “You do no damage” comments or “A ele or guardian can do that but better” so what is left? Glass and you can put together a good video of 1vX fights but we all know that it has to be the right situation to make that work.

I was dueling on my Warrior today and lost to a Guardian 5 times in a row tried bunker tanky etc. Switch to thief won no problem its just the way the game is for warriors at this point. Also also alot of stock cant be placed into 1v1 duels anyway.

It needs help from devs so a video is good but we all know warriors need something (protection, regen, or vigor) some form of sustain. Until that happens we pretty much seen it all so we can just enjoy it right now for what it is and if you love the class you stick with it. I have a mesmer, thief, and warrior and warrior is the most fun because of the challenge the other 2 are easier compared imo.


Agreed. The warrior works well as buffer.Also dps in some situations but highly dependent of cc. Doesnt work as bunker. Needs something, im not sure what.

The objective of the video is to show that you can use and have fun, at least in wvw

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Posting the video is subject to criticism but in the end warrior is just in a state that its in. There really isnt much anyone can do with whats available to help it. Nobody wants to really run bunker on a warrior or let alone watch a video of it cause it will have “You do no damage” comments or “A ele or guardian can do that but better” so what is left? Glass and you can put together a good video of 1vX fights but we all know that it has to be the right situation to make that work.

I was dueling on my Warrior today and lost to a Guardian 5 times in a row tried bunker tanky etc. Switch to thief won no problem its just the way the game is for warriors at this point. Also also alot of stock cant be placed into 1v1 duels anyway.

It needs help from devs so a video is good but we all know warriors need something (protection, regen, or vigor) some form of sustain. Until that happens we pretty much seen it all so we can just enjoy it right now for what it is and if you love the class you stick with it. I have a mesmer, thief, and warrior and warrior is the most fun because of the challenge the other 2 are easier compared imo.


Agreed. The warrior works well as buffer.Also dps in some situations but highly dependent of cc. Doesnt work as bunker. Needs something, im not sure what.

The objective of the video is to show that you can use and have fun, at least in wvw

You are completely missing the point people been trying to argue. We are saying they are awful in tPvP now and you come along and say they are fine in WvW. Also looking at the video you’re just attacking people who aren’t even trying to fight back bravo, its a shame you don’t show the footage of you getting stomped by any decent players.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


The objective of the video is to show that you can use and have fun, at least in wvw

No offense, the vid is kind of on the low end of the fun spectrum of what wars can do in wvw but I guess that’s kind of subjective. I did enjoy your double sword vid even though it was of the same class as this one.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Thanks for the video Inmortis. Its nice to see someone experimenting with new ways of going about things since many people here (me included) just complain.

As a matter of fact I was harping on and on at work to my guardian buddy about how bad the warrior can be in wvw. lol they have it so good they really have no idead those guardians….

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Notice how he never drops 100b unless he’s sure his target isn’t getting away for example.

You mean his enemy’s didn’t fought back
i watch first 2 minutes, and i see he kill an thief twice, after he imobilize him.
Thieves got way too many tools to break imobilize, but the guy panic and didn’t fought back.
Guardians also got many tools to break imobilize or counter HB but the guy also haven’t used them.
no.1 WvW kills

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

he moved behond the QQ stage to actually try things out

>implying Flurry+HB isn’t 7 months old.
>video shows HB’ing people who pvp without immob removal.

Nothing to see here.

Video solo roaming Greatsword after nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


Sorry, but hanging around wvw jp to catch pve’s trying to complete their been there done that, well is just kitten costume brawling.