Vit or Tough?

Vit or Tough?

in Warrior

Posted by: MrSpanktastic.2059


Im a support shout warrior.Currently i have 27k hp and 3.1k def.Should I drop some hp for some def or some def for some hp?I mainly do dungeons.

Vit or Tough?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wobels.1679


toughness sense you heal with shouts you can manage your hp with heals toughness will make it easier for you.

Vit or Tough?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

Toughness is basically a % of flat damage reduction from any Physical attack, though it doesn’t help against Condition attacks. As a character who is constantly healing from Healing Shouts and getting condition removal through Superior Rune of the Soldier, a support Shout build is almost custom made for Toughness gear.

My Thief main runs Power / Precision / Toughness. I’m healing through crits (via Sigil of Blood & Omnomberry Pie) and life drain procs whenever I hit someone while I’m under a Venom buff. Even with my taking a “5% of your Precision into Vitality” trait (which is my only +Vitaility source), I’m sitting at a pathetic 11k hp. Yes, my melee attack of Pistol Whip does have some built-in inconsistent evasion that’s saving me incoming damage. However that’s not the point. The point is that I’m getting so much incoming healing that I can quickly heal up all of the incoming damage I take thanks to having 2.1k Toughness and Exotic armor.

If I can pull that off on 11k hp and some free evasion, then I’m guessing that you should be able to make a Healing Shout build work with Toughness.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Vit or Tough?

in Warrior

Posted by: PuffballPink.6035


Im a support shout warrior.Currently i have 27k hp and 3.1k def.Should I drop some hp for some def or some def for some hp?I mainly do dungeons.

How do you have so much of each stat? Are you using Soldier equipment? If so, you can’t go much higher than you what you already have.

Vit or Tough?

in Warrior

Posted by: Manijin.3428


If you’re using a support warrior build, whether it be Shout Heals or Banner Regen, you really can’t go wrong with Cleric’s gear. Power/Toughness/Healing Power will make you nigh unkillable. Plus, not only can you throw out some rocking heals, you can actually tank pretty well, too.