WArrior Condition build question

WArrior Condition build question

in Warrior

Posted by: ionic.2106


I did some looking around on here and Google and couldn’t find my answer. I am wondering on what kind of armor and rune i should run for condition warrior. Right now i am working on precision/toughness/condition dungeon armor. Would this be good stats for armor? I was thinking of going double swords for bleeds and rifle or bow for second weapon. What kind of runes would i go with? What kind of trinkets should i be looking at?

WArrior Condition build question

in Warrior

Posted by: Amargein.1569


Hi, I also have a sword/condition warrior.

I use Rabid armor mainly (Condition Damage major, Precision and Toughness minor). I think that it’s important to have at least 2 offensive stats on my gear (Condition Damage and Precision), and to have either Power or Condition Damage as a primary stat (in this case Condition Damage). I wear Rabid trinkets too. I gem with Emeralds because I’m not a pure DPS build, but if you wanted to be wholly offensively-minded, you could use Corals for your trinket upgrades.

Offhand sword, like pretty much all the offhands, has longer cooldown attacks. I weapon swap with another offhand (shield in my case) so I have twice as many longer cooldowns. If you were to use a ranged weapon, consider whether it would be for swapping quickly in and out or for sustained ranged DPS.

If you’re going to do sustained ranged damage, I’d say the rifle has more condition damage on its autoattack. However, the burst skill on the longbow is condition-based and quite good. Also, you can leap through it or throw an Impale through the field for more burning.

For runes, you can opt for double bleeds or just stick with the 50% bonus from Deep Cuts. Deep Cuts is great for a bleed warrior at 50% more damage for only 10 trait points (which also happen to increase your crit, condition damage, and give you more bleeds).

I’ve read that condition duration caps out at +100%. Personally I stopped at the 50% from Deep Cuts, but I’m not an entirely condition-based DPS build. Anything between 50% and 100% won’t really impact your Flurry damage though, because the base duration is so short and I’ve read that fractional bleed ticks don’t count. I may be wrong though.

So basically in my mind, take 50% bleed duration + however many points you have in Strength and try to boost it to 100%. Food buffs can go a long way, so the amount of runes you should need may be minimal. Rare Veggie Pizza can give up to 40% condition duration in itself and gives 70 condition damage, too!

Runes of the Afflicted and Runes of the Krait are the best choices for condition damage/duration. Centaur can fill in for even more duration but its stat boost is Power, not condition damage. If you plan on using Strength trait points/Deep Cuts/Veggie Pizza, you probably don’t need to stack rune bonuses (2 krait/2 afflicted/2 centaur, for example) to achieve 100% bleed duration, but you could if you wanted to.

Another option would be might duration-increasing runes, because might also plays a big part on condition damage. However, it may just be simplest and best to get 5 runes that add condition damage (like Krait) and a 6th of something else, just to maximize your condition damage (assuming your duration is already maxed).

For Sigils, you could use Earth for tons of bleeds (given your high crit % and its low internal cooldown, this one should do a lot of damage). However, if you find yourself capping at 25 bleeds a lot, you could try a Sigil of Strength instead, as might stacking synergizes very nicely with condition damage. You could use a Sigil of Agony for more bleed duration, but I think there are more than enough ways to get that elsewhere. On my offhands, I use a Sigil of Accuracy.