Warrior 1v1 Build Help

Warrior 1v1 Build Help

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Hey everyone, recently I have doing a lot of 1v1 on my warrior. Now I know, warrior is a poor class to be doing this on but reguardless it’s my class of choice and I feel like practicing your 1v1 skills for TPvP is important. The problem is, while in team fights a GS/Axe build can be devastating in a 1v1 every attack animation is VERY obvious and as a result easily dodged. Now, the classes I have the most trouble with tends to be mesmers. They have so many blocks, blinds, or stun breakers/psudo-stun breakers that nailing down a good mesmer feels all but impossible. It can be doable if it’s a glassy mesmer because nail them with one big attack or combo and they’re doomed, but a more tanky mes has clones that are tough enough that they require a ton of hits to kill. In addition, this build tends to be very passive and they just whittle you down while avoiding directly attack you.

I really enjoy hammer as a weapon because with Leg specialist you can lock down all the clones and Earthshaker them but almost every attack is easily avoided by a good mes. Mace/Shield has good CC as well but with mesmers Skull crack loves to hit the clone to my right rather than the mesmer I’m facing and targeting.

So my question is this, is there a decent choice for warriors for 1v1s that can stand up against most classes rather than just one or two. Currently I can handle most other warriors, thieves, non-tanky rangers, and some eles. I do tend to have trouble with thieves that blind constantly and stealth for some 10+ seconds as soon as I deal decent damage to them. I feel like hammer with mace/shield does have the potential as a 1v1 build because of all the CC you have to interrupt heals, but getting said attacks to hit can be a big problem.

Something like this?


Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior 1v1 Build Help

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

This is a very tanky spec with minimal gap closers. I can see you blowing your shouts just to get in range. But I think I like this and may run with a variant.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Warrior 1v1 Build Help

in Warrior

Posted by: Anastasis.7258


Warrior 1v1 Build Help

in Warrior

Posted by: Brigg.6189


It’s an interesting build you have there, looks fun to play. I like the idea of shouts without trying to be a shout healer and you made good use of those points.

As for your question though, I think axe+sh/GS is probably the best war dueling build. Leg specialist should be used to help land eviscerate. I prefer using LB/GS against mesmers (and sometimes thieves) 1v1, but that’s about it.

Also just to throw it out there: I agree 1v1 is important, don’t discount team fighting. I run LB/GS because I think it’s a better team fighting build compared to axe/GS. The build you have here might be alright 1v1, but it should be a menace in team fights.

Warrior 1v1 Build Help

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


This is a very tanky spec with minimal gap closers. I can see you blowing your shouts just to get in range. But I think I like this and may run with a variant.

You could run with say a sword for mobility but imho having the abilty to reflect projectiles with your 2 skill is very useful, you can even cause phantasm Duelists to kill themselves.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior 1v1 Build Help

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


It’s an interesting build you have there, looks fun to play. I like the idea of shouts without trying to be a shout healer and you made good use of those points.

As for your question though, I think axe+sh/GS is probably the best war dueling build. Leg specialist should be used to help land eviscerate. I prefer using LB/GS against mesmers (and sometimes thieves) 1v1, but that’s about it.

Also just to throw it out there: I agree 1v1 is important, don’t discount team fighting. I run LB/GS because I think it’s a better team fighting build compared to axe/GS. The build you have here might be alright 1v1, but it should be a menace in team fights.

I’ve never found shout heals to be a worthwhile investment, yes it increases your survival a bit but at a huge cost of DPS. You’ll still be less tanky than a guardian while dealing less damage. Maybe if they made the 25 point minor trait actually useful I could see going all in but currently, no thanks.

I have run the GS with leg spec a lot but a good mesmer will always know that if they get hit with it it’s time to block/blind/blink away. If you do manage to land that Evis you can do some 9k HP on a glassy mes but I would still say if both of you are similar skill level the mes will win most of the time.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior 1v1 Build Help

in Warrior

Posted by: Dhunis.9072


With such tanky build it must take ages to kill anything. About the mesemers. You can’t do much if they use build for dummies (phantasmal); they will just run around and hide as much as possible, so your only options here is to run away.

Ranked Arenas a.k.a. the New Hotjoin