Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Draxxus.3167


Hey guys,

Due to the changes with war, I decided to try a new build out, so after 1hour of NA I don’t like that to OMFG this is kittened. So I found myself with a build that has a few downsides like no movement, and a lot of upside that other players in wvw have not seen before.

So here the link with gear and such…
Please keep in mind the site has not been updated with the new abilities, 25 Stacks of Bloodlust is a given…


0 – 0
10 – Unsuspecting Foe
30 – Shield Master, Cleaning Ire, Merciless Hammer
0 – 0
30 – Mighty Defenses, Warrior’s Sprint, Burst Mastery

Im still working on the utilities, but WARNING REQUIRES HIGH SKILL AT WAR to pull this build off.

Let me know what you think and what you would change… I would use sword but the axe just seems to win in my overall testing so far.

Draxxus – Evil Doers
AR – All Classes

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


if Unsuspecting Foe worked on knocked down as well as stunned, i would like it better.

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Draxxus.3167


Also I have 3 sets of gear all knights but 3 different rune sets, lyssa, melandru, and hoelbrak

Draxxus – Evil Doers
AR – All Classes

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Draxxus.3167


if Unsuspecting Foe worked on knocked down as well as stunned, i would like it better.

yes that would be really nice if it worked like impact, but works out nice for combos like shield bash to evis and earthshaker to debuffs like weakness, weapon swap “hydromancy proc” to evis. etc goes on and on but I do see you point, just helps with some guaranteed crits when needed.

Draxxus – Evil Doers
AR – All Classes

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Draxxus.3167


any other suggestions

Draxxus – Evil Doers
AR – All Classes

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Drek Thalon.5490

Drek Thalon.5490

If you’re going to run 3 stances then I recommend Vigorous Focus over Mighty Block.

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


You know, no movement is a pretty big downside..

However I like at least what you are trying to do. Now that our bursts are 7s, we can almost spam them and then weapon swap to the next set. Your build basically is the standard hammer build where you really rely on the enemy taking those hits and becoming disabled. Your effective power drops to 2.8k the moment the enemy stunbreaks.

I think there are probably opportunities to make a burst based build that doesn’t involve heavy CC to function.


Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Now fight an enemy with blind.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Now fight an enemy with blind.

Doable. Definately doable, esp with hammer. Just a matter of your skill vs his skill and if his skill is 50%of yours, then you’re done for!

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: deathTouch.9706


Pretty similar to what im using now actually, except I substituted out the axe for a sword/shield.

Then I don’t have the huge downside of mobility but still have eviscerate-like dmg with shield bash —> final thrust. Mobility is so crucial for resetting fights and chasing enemies I don’t really see it as an option to forgo at this point.

Also, to anyone doubting the power of unsuspecting foe, hammer earthshaker applies the stun BEFORE the damage, guaranteeing a full AOE crit on the burst.

I can seriously destroy backlines of groups so hard with my build that is similar to this, particularly if a guard drops boons on me before I leap in.

And yeah, blinds suck but that’s irrespective of builds. There’s no warrior build that can effectively combat blind spam right now.

BS gives 4 seconds of immunity and that’s about it.

V deathTouch V – Warrior
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]

(edited by deathTouch.9706)

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


Hmm I might have to try this - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQNAS5ejcOxutQ+OMRCEkCNkLMK+Bx7UQJUKmDAA-jkyAYLBZyCAVAmQAl8KiGbZsIas6HM15iq1nAejioVLDAzCA-w

I’ve been trying to decide if the amount of CC in this build would proc distracting strikes enough to keep it up most of the fight. Their change to Warrior’s Sprint is a nice bonus. No swiftness to get converted or stolen. Warrior’s built in Signet of Shadows.

Thanks for reminding me about Unsuspecting Foe. I think your build has too high of armor though where you can build more into Power/Prec. 3k Armor is pretty nice and I have never noticed a big difference between 3k and 3.4k. Your attack is around or below 3k though which may hinder your damage some.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

(edited by ArtemisEntreri.4138)

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Draxxus.3167


Well have fought 3 d/p pistol thfs, and have not had much of an issue other then them running away, did lose a few fights but those were my mistakes with thf still not having stability it makes them extremely weak vs hammer CC,

I have also tried mixing in fear, stomp, and a few others

My thing with the no movement its no different from any other class, if you can run from me go for it, but I have not had much of an issue catching ppl or needing to run from fights

Draxxus – Evil Doers
AR – All Classes

(edited by Draxxus.3167)

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


Now fight an enemy with blind.

Doable. Definately doable, esp with hammer. Just a matter of your skill vs his skill and if his skill is 50%of yours, then you’re done for!

Blind is fine and I actually understand why they changed it. It was silly to drop a blind then your target swing at the air to remove the condition. Now you have to make an attempt to land an attack to remove it or cleanse it. It’s just a mechanic you have to relearn is all.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: deathTouch.9706


Hmm I might have to try this – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQNAS5ejcOxutQ+OMRCEkCNkLMK+Bx7UQJUKmDAA-jkyAYLBZyCAVAmQAl8KiGbZsIas6HM15iq1nAejioVLDAzCA-w

I’ve been trying to decide if the amount of CC in this build would proc distracting strikes enough to keep it up most of the fight. Their change to Warrior’s Sprint is a nice bonus. No swiftness to get converted or stolen. Warrior’s built in Signet of Shadows.

Thanks for reminding me about Unsuspecting Foe. I think your build has too high of armor though where you can build more into Power/Prec. 3k Armor is pretty nice and I have never noticed a big difference between 3k and 3.4k. Your attack is around or below 3k though which may hinder your damage some.

FYI with my build I’ve gone full berserker gear and have 3.1k attack unbuffed with 2800 armor via melandru runes and I don’t have major issues with surviving unless I do something stupid and earthshake into 400 ele AOEs and 50 ballistas or something. Even then, vigor + stability+ shield block + endure pain/defy pain + BS invulnerability to conditions —> sword 2 = survive!

Right now I’m running signet of might and have defy pain slotted to give some extra damage + allow me to maximize chance of massive burst on final thrust or earthshaker initiation by negating mass aegis from guardians.

V deathTouch V – Warrior
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]

(edited by deathTouch.9706)

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: deathTouch.9706


BTW, does anyone know if Mighty Defenses has an ICD? It might actually be really really strong if it doesn’t. Jump into the middle of a group of enemies and when you start to get focused pop shield stance to instantly get 20+ stacks of might, then earthshake again into the group for massive damage.

Then endure pain/defy pain can save your kitten as you egress out with sword 2.

V deathTouch V – Warrior
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Draxxus.3167


BTW, does anyone know if Mighty Defenses has an ICD? It might actually be really really strong if it doesn’t. Jump into the middle of a group of enemies and when you start to get focused pop shield stance to instantly get 20+ stacks of might, then earthshake again into the group for massive damage.

Then endure pain/defy pain can save your kitten as you egress out with sword 2.

It does not have an internal cooldown, which is why I let me power slip to 3050 with bloodlust stacks, when I start the fight and someone attacks I jump to around 3600 attack so I don’t have much of an issue with power or dmg,

Draxxus – Evil Doers
AR – All Classes

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


This is similar to one of the builds I am running.

30 – II, IX, XI
10 – III (sometimes I)
30 – III, VIII, XI

Hammer/Axe/Mace, also trying Hammer Mace/Mace. May also try Hammer/Mace/Shield and Hammer/Axe/Shield.

Zerker Amulet, Melandru Runes, Sigil of Fire x2, Minor Accuracy x1 (subject to change)

Skills are; Healing Surge, Stomp, Balanced Stance, Signet of Stamina, Signet of Rage (I occasionally use Berserker stance instead of Stomp also).

Warrior Build - Strange But BEAST

in Warrior

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

Sup Drax, hope we end up fighting with or against each other in the future again. I have been running 0/0/30/10/30 for roaming in WvW

Dogged March, Cleansing Ire, Merciless Hammer
Warrior’s Sprint, Destruction of the Empowered, Burst Mastery

Hammer/GS, both zerker

Hammer with sigil of paralyzation

GS with sigil of bloodlust then switch to one with sigil of flame (or impact if you prefer) after 25 stacks

Knight’s Armor, Melandru Runes
All trinkets zerker except backpiece and one earring are cavalier. This puts my crit chance with oil and fury at 60%, right where I like it. To maintain fury after signet of rage goes down since I did not take signet mastery I acutally use Arcing Slice, which helps maintain fury, clear conditions is good for 3-4K on crit. I like the new berserker stance, it’s great to pop when going into a burst to avoid being blinded or snared. I use triple stances, berserker, balanced and endure pain with adrenal surge as my heal.

You get lots of armor, hard hits, great condition management with the -68% and cleansing ire, . All in all, pretty effective build I’ve found.

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]