I been trying many builds (full zerk / 20,20,0,30,0 support / etc) and none of it seem to do it for me. I guess it just does not fit my play style…
I only play PVE and the following build work wonders for me. I mainly run PUG dungeons and PVE roam. I don’t see anyone posting a build like this so I just wanted to get some expert opinion. I like being DPS/Support (reasoning below). Is there any other way to maximize my DPS with out compromising my support/survivability? Let me know what you think about my build
Before you dis me, here is why this build works for me:
1. High survivability:
With regen from healing signet and adrenal health, shout healing, heal on crit food, and high vit, I am able to stand head to head and melee bosses longer. This allows me to maximize my DPS with GS instead of falling back and ranging.
2. Group condition removal and heal:
I PUG a lot… actually all the time! I notice when I run a higher DPS build (by sacrificing survivability and/or support) my PUG group has a high chance of wiping. I really can’t rely on a PUG to keep me alive…. In fact, I cant rely on a PUG to keep themselves alive. With Trooper runes + Shout heal, I can keep the PUG from wiping.
3. Good DPS:
Good DPS??? Its not the best DPS but I think I do better than OK damage. Although I have 0 in strength, I get power/DPS through other means: full zerk armor, weapon, and trinkets, empowered allies trait, forceful greatsword trait, attack of opportunity trait, rending strikes trait. I figure going 6 into strength, you will get the following: 300 power, 10% dmg with GS, 15% dmg with max adrenaline. Even with 0 in Strength, I still get 150 power from Empowered Allies, 10% dmg on bleed foes, roughly 17 stacks of might from Forceful GS and FGJ, high crit rate with 33% chance to apply vulnerability, 33% change to apply bleed, 50% change for lighting strike (sigil), and I get roughly 50sec of fury with 10secs downtime. Also keep in mind, this build has high survivability so I can stand there and 100 Blades all day long…. not really but you get the idea.
4. Speed and mobility:
With Signet of Rage, Balanced Stance, and Shake it off, this build gets 2 stun breaker, a 10sec stability, and 50sec of swiftness. In dungeons, having stability and stun breakers are a life saver. And for those dungeon speed runs, 50sec swiftness helps you keep up with the group. Because in PUGs, you CANNOT rely on them for buffs. Also 50sec swiftness with 10sec downtime is great for doing PVE map completions.
Final Notes:
I like the GS/Longbow combo. GS for maximize DPS and Longbow for F1 fire field, kiting, and a lazy way to tag mobs for extra XP/loot/etc. Keep in mind FGJ, Balanced Stance, Shake it off, and Signet of Rage is what I normally run with, but I do switch out my skills depending on the situation.
Balanced Stance -> On My Mark = for more group condition removal and heal for hard Bosses
Balanced Stance -> Banner of Discipline = for more group DPS.
Signet of Rage ->Battle Standard = for hard Boss fights.
FGJ -> Dolyak Signet = For long dungeon sprints through mobs.
(edited by TofuShake.8027)