Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


As I move into the further levels of Fractals, I have been, to my displeasure, investing more and more in defense T_T… Even with perfect timing, I find that I just need that extra beefiness to get through. The 300+ regen per second (healing sig + adrenal health) is an absolute life saver as well.

The following is my current traits/gears/etc. that I have access and/or am utilizing.
Any help to further improving my upper-level Fractal Experience would be greatly appreciated. I’m fine with infusions and such.


Str ~ Berserker’s Power / Slash Power
Arms ~ Rending Strikes / Forceful Greatsword
Def ~ Turtle’s Defense (Cull the Weak w/ situations)
Disc ~ Heightened Focus

Full Knight’s Draconic (Currently using Full Knight’s… sigh T_T)
Full Berserker’s Draconic
Eternity GS
(Looking around for a good Rifle)
Sufficient gold to acquire Any rune necessary to improve build

Runes: I’ve tested out a lot of sigils on normal greatswords, but I’m still looking for a good sigil to place on my Eternity. Any suggestions?
Berserker based accessories and ups.

1. Any of you warriors able to maintain full or near full berserker while doing higher level Fractals?
2. What is the best sigil for my Eternity and Rifle (when I find a nice skin lol)
3. What are the best runes? Go for max DPS?
Saw someone talking about 2 Runes of Fire and 4 Runes of Citadel?
4. Any better set-up of skills + armor?


(edited by CookMETEnder.7582)

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t see the point of asking other warriors what gear they use especially since you, yourself have eternity. Your play style and your group make up is the biggest factor for higher level fractals. I personally don’t have much experience with GS/Rifle but I do like S/Sh if I need to turtle up for a moment or to break out of combat to heal if things go wrong. I also use Healing Surge with a GS as I rarely use the adren. It helps for spike damage.

I personally run Knights with Divinity runes and Full Zerker accessories with Soldier stat weapons. I use Bloodlust on a weapon to charge to 25, then use one with Strength. Fire on the 1h and Hydromancy on the shield but that is my personal preference as that saves me changing them out for PvP.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

(edited by Daoshi.7618)

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Higher level Fractals are easy with Warrior, just did level 9 yesterday (that’s “further level”, right?).

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Higher level Fractals are easy with Warrior, just did level 9 yesterday (that’s “further level”, right?).

I think he means fractal level 30+. Bosses don’t even use agony attacks at level 9.

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Amicable Pugs.4503

Amicable Pugs.4503

I run full zerk in every dungeon/fractals and np so far. Altho i didnt do fractal 30+ yet, did 26. Traits are 20/30/0/0/20 with scholar runes and force sigil.

(edited by Amicable Pugs.4503)

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Amargein.1569


I’ve done some simple envelope math and found that Healing Surge will outperform Signet of Healing in hps if you use it at 2 or 3 bars of adrenaline. It does have a cast time, but it ends up being about 40% stronger than the passive if you have max adrenaline.

If you’re not bursting and don’t mind the 1 sec cast, it is more effective in health/sec to cast Healing Surge than to use Healing Signet, even with Adrenal Health. It won’t even upset your Heightened Focus/Berserker’s Power. It also can bail you out of a hole without requiring downtime waiting for regeneration or blowing your signet, which lowers the healing/time further.

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


I run full zerk in every dungeon/fractals and np so far. Altho i didnt do fractal 30+ yet, did 26. Traits are 20/30/0/0/20 with scholar runes and force sigil.

Yea, I Was full zerker until 30… then the slow swapping began T_T
Scholar runes? Why? They are only effective when above 90% health 0_0

I’ve done some simple envelope math and found that Healing Surge will outperform Signet of Healing in hps if you use it at 2 or 3 bars of adrenaline. It does have a cast time, but it ends up being about 40% stronger than the passive if you have max adrenaline.

If you’re not bursting and don’t mind the 1 sec cast, it is more effective in health/sec to cast Healing Surge than to use Healing Signet, even with Adrenal Health. It won’t even upset your Heightened Focus/Berserker’s Power. It also can bail you out of a hole without requiring downtime waiting for regeneration or blowing your signet, which lowers the healing/time further.

I find Healing Signet + Adrenal Health to be more effective because it is sustained healing rather than burst. It keeps me higher up, so when a burst of attack comes, I start at higher health and I can just use endure pain to live through it.
Yes…. I need endure pain at 30+ fractals T_____T sigh…

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t see the point of asking other warriors what gear they use especially since you, yourself have eternity. Your play style and your group make up is the biggest factor for higher level fractals. I personally don’t have much experience with GS/Rifle but I do like S/Sh if I need to turtle up for a moment or to break out of combat to heal if things go wrong. I also use Healing Surge with a GS as I rarely use the adren. It helps for spike damage.

I personally run Knights with Divinity runes and Full Zerker accessories with Soldier stat weapons. I use Bloodlust on a weapon to charge to 25, then use one with Strength. Fire on the 1h and Hydromancy on the shield but that is my personal preference as that saves me changing them out for PvP.

I use endure pain to turtle xD
Even with the long CD, I Find that I Just need it for those few times I really screw up or something goes really wrong haha
Divinity? I go full zerker accessories, but let me look into Divinity, thankss

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Sanel.5603


I dont know what lvl of fractals you refer to, but i go full berserker gear in lvl 38 fractal daily, i didnt yet go to 40 so i cant comment it. I basicly dont die on anything if i dont fail to dodge. Im “shout” user, shouts heal me and give me andrenaline, im using double Fractal Axe Of Berserker + Fractal Rifle of Berserker. Tbh, most of my progress is thanks to my party, i dont think i would survive fractal without deaths with PUG’s. Also, my party got 2 zerker warriors with axes (me and friend) auromancer elemental, defensive guardian and condi necromancer. Ofc we dont “tank” mobs in this gear/build.

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


I dont know what lvl of fractals you refer to, but i go full berserker gear in lvl 38 fractal daily, i didnt yet go to 40 so i cant comment it. I basicly dont die on anything if i dont fail to dodge. Im “shout” user, shouts heal me and give me andrenaline, im using double Fractal Axe Of Berserker + Fractal Rifle of Berserker. Tbh, most of my progress is thanks to my party, i dont think i would survive fractal without deaths with PUG’s. Also, my party got 2 zerker warriors with axes (me and friend) auromancer elemental, defensive guardian and condi necromancer. Ofc we dont “tank” mobs in this gear/build.

Full berserk w/ Ruby
Full Accessory w/ Ruby
(Is that what you mean by full berserker?)

Is Double Axe significantly better DPS than Axe/Shield?
Why do you choose dual Axe or GS or Axe/Shield


Can you use this site and post your build? I’m very curious to see it!

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Editted to add my Fractals build.
Please post your build and what level Fractals you have obtained!

Warrior End-Game High LvL Fractals

in Warrior

Posted by: Saechao.8059


I want to know this as well.
I’m on Fractals 21 so far and using full Soldiers armor and GS+bloodlust with soldiers rune and berserkers accessories.

Traits are 20 str, 20 def, and 30 tact.

I feel like I could be doing more damage if I switched to full knights armor but worry about dying too much if I did..