in Warrior

Posted by: kappa.2036


So, I haven’t played much this season but i’ve reached Plat t2 with my dudu. Bored by this meta, i’ve decided to go sword-axe anstead of the classic sword-dagger. After some nice results, i got bored again so i’ve decided to go back to my warrior. I still had the old build GS/Mace-shield with carrion amulet. So i went to Metabattle.com, copy-pasted the current meta build, and i went Ranked.

I really don’t know why i did not play warrior this season.

It’s all so EASY. With a berserker amulet i have almost better sustain than the mender druid. Conditions? What are conditions? Resistance on-demand, condi clears on weapon swap and 3 condi cleanses spamming f2 every 3 seconds, and hell, that Arc Divider with OVER 9THOUSAND range that can kill enemies that are trying to kite you. Damage? What is damage? Dodges, blocks, evades,endure pain and that always welcommed Defy pain that save my a**s when i don’t remember to dodge anything, wow. In every case, i can Rush away. Perma stab, try to catch me if you can.
I won a 1 v 2 against druid and thief so easily.

Then i went condi.
I was just “what the hell is this”.
Sooo tanky. I went far and no one was able to kill me. The only trouble was playing against guardians cause #NoSignetOfMight but hey, they are beatable aswell. If you have a good ele nothing can kill you: Healing Signet+Adrenal Health+Regeneration for the lolz. Also the amount of interrupts on demand…well, how a necro (that have only 2 dodges with 0 blocks-evades-invuln) is supposed to kill you? Boon corruptions? I can re-apply my boons every 3 seconds, where’s the problem.

So, after this mindblowing experience, i was thinking: i’m not a good war. Not at all. I mean, warrior was my first class and i’ve played it a lot in wvw/pve but not much in pvp.
SO, if i can get this results as a NotGoodAtAllWarrior, how is a good warrior supposed to be killed? Most of the time people say “learn to dodge” or “kite ’em”, when.. let’s say the truth, good warriors can hit you more than what you can dodge. Only ONE f2 and they can remove 3 conditions / mantaining 3 stacks of Adrenal health. With only ONE hit. And those f2 are spammable every few seconds and can hit very easily. Also don’t forget that a good warrior (that is not me) can kite you, or dodge your skills aswell.

What i can say after this? Well…some things must be brought in line.


in Warrior

Posted by: Kumouta.4985


a necro with his entire bar filled with corruption and CTTB has enough stab and corrupt to kill a warrior in about 5 seconds.
Thieves can kite, i geuss.
Luckily noone does that, so keep on destroying everybody until Anet realizes warrior is a little bit too stronkg.

I can apply over 3 stacks of bleeding.


in Warrior

Posted by: Konakona.4130


Engi rekts condi war pretty good (not very fast tho but still relatively easy).
Power warrior is really, really strong, totally agree.


in Warrior

Posted by: Vitali.5039



in Warrior

Posted by: Zagerus.8675


Yet Warriors still do not bring team wide utility that other professions bring (and those other professions are still at least on par with Warrior’s ability to skirmish.) You probably faced some newer players that unfortunately got sucked into a high rated matched. In fact a majority of my own matches consisted of fighting people who were new. You can easily tell. That is happening more frequently because of player population.


in Warrior

Posted by: Potato.2567


Can’t tell if this post is trolling.. warrior is pretty mediocre right now.. entire NA top 25 is filled with thieves and guards..

RIP Warrior


in Warrior

Posted by: kappa.2036


Problem is, necros are more predictable than warriors these days lol.

That’s a post that Anet should read.

Yes noobs for sure. But with my druid i can’t kill people in 2 v 1 so easily. Also, power warriors are really strong in teamfights in my opinion. I mean they can chain-cc the target like no other class can do. Also the greatsword is amazing with those big hits AoE. No team support but they give a serious advantage especially against classes that suffer interrupts like eles/druids.

EU is not like NA at all. Don’t get me wrong thief and guardian are really strong right now. The OP mobility on thief is something Anet should looking for, and also the spammable AoE damage on guards with all those blocks. But hey, thieves can’t contest a point. Also they die easily if you can touch them, they don’t facetank the damage like the PassiveGodModeWarrior can do. Guardian is easy to play but not that good i mean they die really fast under focus. Also powerwarrior can pass through guardian blocks like a breadstick into creamcheese.


in Warrior

Posted by: Zagerus.8675


The things that are powerful on each profession are what actually make that profession have a viable slot in PvP though. We’ve been through cycles in PvP where some professions just couldn’t find a place because they were lacking sustain, utility, damage ect. What would you suggest to bring Warriors more in line? I consider myself decent at Warrior and when I go into a fight I honestly feel there is an equal chance of me winning or losing it against players who are on par with my abilities – depending on how well I play. Newer players just get melted, but that isn’t something balance will fix. That will be fixed with dedication and patience.

(edited by Zagerus.8675)


in Warrior

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I play war only as a backup to my ele. With ele (not meta, much more damage) i can´t kill a warrior that knows to play it. As warrior using demolisher amulet not zerker and an off metabuild using stength over discipline that is more mobile i rarely loose a duel and i am not trained well with warrior…


in Warrior

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


if i had a dollar for every time soneone who mains another class and posts on a forum about how they just copy pasted a build on another class and wrecked everyone id be very rich now.

I am not saying warrior isnt strong but ive seen this type of post way too often.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "


in Warrior

Posted by: OriOri.8724


if i had a dollar for every time soneone who mains another class and posts on a forum about how they just copy pasted a build on another class and wrecked everyone id be very rich now.

I am not saying warrior isnt strong but ive seen this type of post way too often.

Don’t you think that says something about how poorly class skill level is balanced though? The fact that someone can pick up an entirely new class and copy a build someone else made, without understanding it, and still perform better than on their main?


in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Don’t you think that says something about how poorly class skill level is balanced though? The fact that someone can pick up an entirely new class and copy a build someone else made, without understanding it, and still perform better than on their main?

Not necessarily. Different classes have always had higher or lower skill floors and ceilings, and warrior has generally had both a lower floor and ceiling relative to most other classes.

By “skill floor”, I mean the minimum skill specific to the class someone would need to be viable. By “skill ceiling” I mean the maximum class-specific skill possible.

General player skill (like knowing how to dodge, understanding opponents, etc) doesn’t factor into this because it applies regardless of class. Similarly, a low skill floor or ceiling doesn’t mean someone is a bad player (it may make them better), just like a high skill floor or ceiling doesn’t mean someone is a good player.

The combination of player skill, class skill, and class advantage is what determines overall effectiveness.

Warrior is very forgiving to new players in comparison to (for example) to thief. Give someone a 1000 hours on either class and that difference blurs. At some point, an experienced thief will have more to work with from the class than a warrior will, at least in most 1v1 scenarios. In the frontline of a blob, not so much.

So how could they perform better on a warrior than their main despite being brand new to warrior? Low relative skill with their main (possibly combined with decent player skill), situational (i.e. context dependent) warrior advantage, or absolute warrior advantage. I don’t see much in the way of absolute warrior advantage, tbh.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)


in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


if i had a dollar for every time soneone who mains another class and posts on a forum about how they just copy pasted a build on another class and wrecked everyone id be very rich now.

I am not saying warrior isnt strong but ive seen this type of post way too often.

Don’t you think that says something about how poorly class skill level is balanced though? The fact that someone can pick up an entirely new class and copy a build someone else made, without understanding it, and still perform better than on their main?

I can say i picked up an ele now and wrecked everyone with it eventhough its my first time playing,but you just have to take my word for it right.


in Warrior

Posted by: choovanski.5462


the feel when a selfish damage class with no support is good at it’s job.

like, warrior isn’t even definitively better than DH.

average gw2 player is very slow skill atm, and warrior punishes low skill, just like staff Thief (which noone seems to play lol? why?). other classes have much more support and team utility (portal, gyro, group stealth etc), so it makes sense that a no utility no support class/build is good at 1v1. like wow, roles.

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

(edited by choovanski.5462)


in Warrior

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


if i had a dollar for every time soneone who mains another class and posts on a forum about how they just copy pasted a build on another class and wrecked everyone id be very rich now.

I am not saying warrior isnt strong but ive seen this type of post way too often.

Don’t you think that says something about how poorly class skill level is balanced though? The fact that someone can pick up an entirely new class and copy a build someone else made, without understanding it, and still perform better than on their main?

I can say i picked up an ele now and wrecked everyone with it eventhough its my first time playing,but you just have to take my word for it right.

^ This

My point was ive seen players who mained warrior and go on ranger forum and say they wrecked people after playing only a few matches copy pasting metabattle etc. Same with people who say they mained thief and then logged onto a DH and surprise surprise they were wrecking people esp thieves. I personally a couple seasons ago decided to try Scrapper and was amazed at how much survivability i had when i had only a dozen matches under my belt. I literally coudnt die. (of course Scrapper has been nerfed a lot since).

And as Caedmon says there as also been a ton of people who just want the alt class to be nerfed and so they will just post on the forums about how they facerolled. people.

Show us your Warrior matches you have ever played and record a few ranked matches and show us the stats. Otherwise it means nothing, In fact post your API link for pvp. prove it.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "


in Warrior

Posted by: Miko.4158


bit bored of these aswell, warrior is more forgiving than alot of squishy proffessions but I’m not sure its easier. I’m alting guard for wvw stab support.. what I get three f buttons? I can press any time? no adrenal charge/ turning into a xmas tree etc? I can hit my elite turn invincible and then get them all back again?
lovely jubbly …
you cant compare professions on damage stats alone.
If I didn’t think my skills would rot I’d play guard all the time.


in Warrior

Posted by: abaddon.3290


if i had a dollar for every time soneone who mains another class and posts on a forum about how they just copy pasted a build on another class and wrecked everyone id be very rich now.

I am not saying warrior isnt strong but ive seen this type of post way too often.

Don’t you think that says something about how poorly class skill level is balanced though? The fact that someone can pick up an entirely new class and copy a build someone else made, without understanding it, and still perform better than on their main?

I can say i picked up an ele now and wrecked everyone with it eventhough its my first time playing,but you just have to take my word for it right.

^ This

My point was ive seen players who mained warrior and go on ranger forum and say they wrecked people after playing only a few matches copy pasting metabattle etc. Same with people who say they mained thief and then logged onto a DH and surprise surprise they were wrecking people esp thieves. I personally a couple seasons ago decided to try Scrapper and was amazed at how much survivability i had when i had only a dozen matches under my belt. I literally coudnt die. (of course Scrapper has been nerfed a lot since).

And as Caedmon says there as also been a ton of people who just want the alt class to be nerfed and so they will just post on the forums about how they facerolled. people.

Show us your Warrior matches you have ever played and record a few ranked matches and show us the stats. Otherwise it means nothing, In fact post your API link for pvp. prove it.

my main assumption is when you do better on other classes is that either 1 they needed a break from their main were getting burned out and playing way worse than normal or 2 they got some lucky matches. some nights you get all wins others all losses too variable to draw a conclusion from. at least with a video we could tell what kind of players they went against and whether they were actually being carried or not.
im bad at sarcasm


in Warrior

Posted by: Dipdoo.4861


All it takes is playing passively. Deny bursts and don’t let headbutt land and you should win, no adrenaline = much lower damage and sustain numbers. Just remember that headbutt’s range is really wonky.

Big Cat Dipdoo ~ Warrior, Caeda Ripstep ~ Revenant, Braum Has Arrived ~ Guardian [SQD]
“It’s time to Rim Ram their Jim Jams.”