Warrior LB auto
Its not that bad its just doesn’t have the burst dammage potential as rifle. In the current meta its sort of kill or be killed. Its better than the rifle auto.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
the projectile speed is unnecessarily slow… at least compared to ranger longbow
Any positive experiences with the traited burn on LB auto? I haven’t played with a condi build since the patch, but if you want to get a lot of damage out of LB that seems like the best (or cheesiest) route right now.
i tried long bow traited in combination with distracting strikes, mace sword and settlers stats in spvp. found myself keeping decent pressure with longbow at range and smashed faces with mace when opponents got close. so its not bad if you use it right. as far as projectile speed, rangers should have faster arrows since range is a their defining trait not a warriors. plus rangers arrows fly back to them really fast when you reflect it lol
I like the trait. I’d like it even more if was baseline and therefor didn’t force you to take Tactics.
i tried long bow traited in combination with distracting strikes, mace sword and settlers stats in spvp. found myself keeping decent pressure with longbow at range and smashed faces with mace when opponents got close. so its not bad if you use it right. as far as projectile speed, rangers should have faster arrows since range is a their defining trait not a warriors. plus rangers arrows fly back to them really fast when you reflect it lol
Ranger =/= Archer
Aragorn was a ranger for example.