[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I have posted this topic in the suggestions forum, but will place it here as well because it regards warrior.

Well, I disagree that we are terribly designed. I agree in some respects to what you guys are feeling, but I think the majority of the greatsword population wishes they were not predictable any longer. I never picked it up myself and strived to use hammer and sword shield. I’ve picked up a lot of mechanics that can easily break barriers for anyone’s skill level including sheath interrupting your attacks to save them from people who dodge, kiting, skill rotations (the optimal ones), and fast hand swapping/weapon swapping on the 5 second margin. The warrior is best when played aggressively, yet it lacks the abilities to really retreat from a fight or even prolong it. Anyone who watches heroic medieval movies, knows that the heros are usually masters with a shield. I feel that warrior needs better sustainability through different stances and perhaps a better shield update. Maybe even give us a burst skill FOR the shield? A guardian utilizes boons very well, but warriors should be MASTER of a shield, not a jack of all traits. Our stances severely lack sustainability because there is nothing in the stances themselves that really help us negate damage. Sure there’s that new berserker’s stance but tbh, it’s such a long cooldown it’s useless. In GW1 we had a wide range of protective stances we could use to help us negate damage. It seems like you gave those to the guardian? skills like watch yourselves.

Take a look at how many defensive skills we had in gw1 http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Block
Most of those skills are given to the warrior and it fits his role well. He utilizes combat, not magic. In GW2, we don’t really have anything that makes us unique aside from an adrenaline bar…. Our stances are garbage, though useful at times lack universal interest. Our banners were a unique idea, but again… they are cunky, horrible weapons when used, and are only good for the buff-which we need to be chained to like a tamed dog. Sad but true. I’ll show you guardian, just let me throw down my banner, no wait come back, I can’t receive my buff when you go that far.

Now take what I just said and take a look at this.
You can see, that guardian easily has more sustain just through blocking, not even including the damage immunes/invuln’s.
Warriors have 3. Who the hell fights underwater anyway.
Not to mention, guardians have a profession skill (f1-4 keys) that applies block on passive AND active. Warriors only have one profession skill, and that is a burst ability. While the abilities themselves are on a short cooldown, it forces us to stick with certain weapon sets to utilize defense. Guardian can utilize defense no matter what weapon they use and thus have more freedom. I am surprised that burst was not better layed out. Perhaps you could add 2 skills to the burst menu, an f1 AND f2? I know this would be very different from the current menu, but it would make more sense. This would also strengthen us without having to change traits a whole lot.

So, Arenanet, balance team, john, joe, doe, or whoever implements class changes, please consider my ideas as I have outlined because I am sure many warriors will agree with these observations. If anything, I am more interested in seeing stance and combat oriented changes, instead of traits. I feel the under powered element comes from this.

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180



[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231



It’s all true, and I agree, but i think warriors are just so burned out talking about this topic.

I know I’ve been banging my head against the wall, screaming at the top of my lungs for warrior sustain… only to get ZERO this patch.

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Morgoth Bauglyr.9726

Morgoth Bauglyr.9726

my thoughts on improving blocking with shield 5:
option a)
reduce duration to 1s
reduce recharge to ~10s
option b)
reduce duration to 1s
block the next attack
reduce recharge to 6~8s
option c)
reduce duration to 1s
block the next attack
gain stability (no stun break)
~15s recharge

the 3s duration it has right now kind of makes this a fire and forget skill to get out of focus fire, outside of that situation is is not really useful. I’d like it to be more a reaction skill like mace 2 to which i adjusted the numbers.

currently the skill is:
3s block all attacks
30s recharge

for comparison mace 2 has:
1.5s block next attack
if blocked: hit for ~2.5x autoattack damage
otherwise gain 10% adrenaline
10s recharge

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: lmaogg.7325


My suggestion is to move stances to our profession skills, taking up 1 utility slot for a 4-5 secs stance is a joke.

The only thing that really make me love my warrior is only Eviscerate and shield stance, everything else is meh.

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


My suggestion is to move stances to our profession skills, taking up 1 utility slot for a 4-5 secs stance is a joke.

The only thing that really make me love my warrior is only Eviscerate and shield stance, everything else is meh.

This. That or give us something that’s actually defensive and not situational.

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Antillio Full Metal.2795

Antillio Full Metal.2795

God i miss stance dancing…
They should bring that back by lowering the duration and cooldowns of the stances.

Build adrenaline >Frenzy>Rush>Eviscerate <3 now i’m still stuck in nostalgia.

[Warrior] Look to GW1 for help balancing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


God i miss stance dancing…
They should bring that back by lowering the duration and cooldowns of the stances.

Build adrenaline >Frenzy>Rush>Eviscerate <3 now i’m still stuck in nostalgia.

My point was that our current stances are the most useless defensive stances one could ask for. It’s like giving someone a rock for self defense against someone with a bazooka. I mean.. you could use it and get away with it in like 1/million.. but after that 1/million shot, you’re done and that skill is just wasting space on your util bar. It’s the most predictable skill to use in the world. I mean unless we get some kind of 1200 blink, the skill is just garbage because you’ll never close enough distance to disable an enemy from getting a killing blow right as soon as Endure pain/Bers stance goes off of you.