Warrior MAD build - WvW Roaming (sw/axe - gs)

Warrior MAD build - WvW Roaming (sw/axe - gs)

in Warrior

Posted by: VaAnSs.1567


Warrior MAD build - WvW Roaming (sw/axe - gs)

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620



Nice video, the fights were quite enjoyable (what an opener by the way…!), and I liked some of your jump-dodges very much as well.

As for the build, I picked up your idea and went roaming this afternoon. I found the build very smooth to play, and appreciated that it does not rely on adrenaline at all. I’ve fallen in love with Axe offhand recently, although I prefer the PvP version (which does 50% more damage).

Being however less skilled than you are, I went for a more defensive build:

  • Ran knight/hoelbrak instead of berserker/strength, because I only have berserker/scholar as an alternate physical-damage set,
  • Reallocated 10 point from Strength to Discipline, to get Brawler’s Recovery and thus have some condition removal. I found it a decent substitute to Cleansing Ire, all the more it frees you from the need to invest 20 points in Defense,
  • Exchanged Rending Strike for Furious Reaction, for the vigor,
  • Exchanged Dual Wield Agility for Last Chance, as I think both Hundred Blade and Whirling Axe can benefit from the quickness. It worked nicely actually, and I found myself stomping under quickness fairly often.


Thanks again for your video, it was inspiring.


Warrior MAD build - WvW Roaming (sw/axe - gs)

in Warrior

Posted by: Aether the Nob.9172

Aether the Nob.9172

Vaanss you’re sick dude. Build is NASTY, tried it out in wvw and had a blast.

Warrior MAD build - WvW Roaming (sw/axe - gs)

in Warrior

Posted by: BandAid.9720


As usual awesome vid!!! Do you have a good s/s build to share for pvp?

Warrior MAD build - WvW Roaming (sw/axe - gs)

in Warrior

Posted by: GrackFields.7805


Literally the exact same build will work as s/s. It is probably even better since off-hand axe provides next to nothing for the build except for some faster adrenaline gain (unless you are in sPvP where axe 5 has increased damage).

Off hand sword is better because it has a block on 15 second cooldown and impale. Although it is a power build there are 6 points in arms and condition fool and utility are being used (to increase duration of immobilize). This makes impale condition damage not completely useless, gives a ranged attack, and the rip from impale does decent damage for a power build, which this is.