Warrior Opinion Share Area
Axe OH damage is still extremely poor, I wouldn’t recommend putting to much time into it.
I second that.
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Yeah, but it makes sure I can chain it with another heartshaker.
This way I should be able to compensate for the loss of Berserker’s Stance (my beloved noob tool :’( …).
Is there any place out there for a stun lock build?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Stun lock build I guess we often go for axe/mace & mace/shield. You can try this set up with some physical utility skill. right now you can also change the axe to sword, it increase the mobility and also have a good burst.
(edited by Anastasis.7258)
I use hammer with mace, just to be sure the enemy stays down whatever happens.
I have to back it up with bolas and bull’s charge, but seems like it’s worth the effort. At least in 1v1.
But what should I do with it? Far-point assaulter? Roamer?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Has anyone checked the DPS on whirling axe? Might it approach 100b now?
It is the same of 100B, so it is better than 100B because it has a bigger area and you can move while doing it. But imho it’s still useless, your movements are too slow, too easy to avoid it with a stunbreaker/cleaner (for immobilize) and dodge out.
PS: You don’t need Bolas or Bull’s Charge if you have a Sword in MH.
But if I have a sword in MH I don’t have a 4 seconds stun.
Allowing me to dish out Whirling Axe, that deals similar damage to final thrust, but also replenishes my adrenaline for another heartshaker.
because he doesn’t know it himself
4s stun from Mace F1? Good luck landing it XD And if the enemy has Stability then whole idea is ruined. And last but not least, without a MH Sword you lose a lot of mobility :/ I prefer Hammer as second weapon if I want to go for stun-lock. Landing a complete Whirling Axe is only a bit easier that landing a full 100B, no one will have all stun breakers on cooldown, so it is very difficult that the stun will last 4s.
I use Both hammer and mace. That’s the idea to make sure the enemy won’t avoid mace F1. Let’s say it’s an extreme stunlock version. Useful for eliminating single target. But I played it long time ago, and I’ll have to test it again: I remember I suffered being kited, even if with dogged March+Melandru I didn’t have much of a problem.
But yeah, stability is a pain.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Builds mistakes fixed.
Build updated 6/28/2013. Back to my original build from the previous patch.
Tarcis’ Warrior Build Version. 1(Currently Using): Updated 6/28/2013
Current build I am using. updated 6/28/2013
2100 armor
no condy removal at all
no escape options except for gs 3 and 5
no shield or defense
good luck and have fun killing lowbies..
i bet a necro downs u faster than 100b would..
The only Warrior builds that seem even remotely viable right now are supportive CC based builds with shouts/warhorn condition removal. The reason for this is that Necros can currently destroy a team in no time at all. Any damage you might contribute with even the glassiest of builds is nearly insignificant. The bright side is that Warriors have a LOT of AoE condi removal and CC when specialized for it and for once they fill a sort of niche role that puts them above Thieves and Rangers when facing the current 2x Necro meta.
A friend of mine is running this build. Keep in mind an Ele is honestly still better but in some situations your CC will be more useful and as a result the build makes Warriors worth considering.
Personally I’m enjoying D/F + Axe/D Power Necro. The playstyle is very similar to Warrior axe and with the recent nerf Necro Dagger auto attack has taken the crown for best auto attack DPS in the game. The #4 Focus does about 3/4ths the damage of Eviscerate as well with a much faster animation so even the burst is similar. I’d highly recommend trying out a 30/10/0/0/30 Power Necro if you used to like the bursty Axe Warrior playstyle.
Idiot Savants[iQ] | Anvil Rock
The only Warrior builds that seem even remotely viable right now are supportive CC based builds with shouts/warhorn condition removal. The reason for this is that Necros can currently destroy a team in no time at all. Any damage you might contribute with even the glassiest of builds is nearly insignificant. The bright side is that Warriors have a LOT of AoE condi removal and CC when specialized for it and for once they fill a sort of niche role that puts them above Thieves and Rangers when facing the current 2x Necro meta.
A friend of mine is running this build. Keep in mind an Ele is honestly still better but in some situations your CC will be more useful and as a result the build makes Warriors worth considering.
Personally I’m enjoying D/F + Axe/D Power Necro. The playstyle is very similar to Warrior axe and with the recent nerf Necro Dagger auto attack has taken the crown for best auto attack DPS in the game. The #4 Focus does about 3/4ths the damage of Eviscerate as well with a much faster animation so even the burst is similar. I’d highly recommend trying out a 30/10/0/0/30 Power Necro if you used to like the bursty Axe Warrior playstyle.
Or just play a guardian for shout condition removal trait along with the Soldier runes for 2 condition removal per shout + 2x aoe boon gain (hold the line, stand your ground) or if that’s not enough just use the condition removal ring thing.
I simply disagree with your updated version of the main build. It has no condition removal in a condition heavy meta. Something like this I find to be a better middle ground:
Restorative Healing and Signet of Stamina at least manage to give up a decent amount of condition removal. Runes of Hoelbrak synergize well with Forceful GS while also reducing Coni duration. I can’t decide if I like the flat damage increase of Slashing Power or Physical Training that gives me a Bulls Charge that recharges 8 seconds faster and deals more damage but I’m leaning towards Phys Train.
All this considered it’s still a mediocre build but it’s not like we really have any amazing options anyways.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
It depends what role for your warrior you have in mind. And what team you play in, IMHO.
From what I have seen, now conditions are becoming a big issue in team fights. If you want to fight on the point, and to remain there, I think condition cleansing MIGHT be something you might want to look at.
Then damage dealing might be a problem, since we invest 20 points into defense…
because he doesn’t know it himself
Tarcis’ Warrior Build Version. 1(Currently Using): Updated 6/28/2013
Current build I am using. updated 6/28/20132100 armor
no condy removal at all
no escape options except for gs 3 and 5
no shield or defensegood luck and have fun killing lowbies..
i bet a necro downs u faster than 100b would..
Looks like you don’t understand the PVP community.
Anas Tarcis is probably the best Warrior in NA now, and you guys are teaching him how to play warrior… it’s kinda awkward to see this.
Kiss kitten much? I agree with the poster’s comments as currently there is so many condition builds that it doesn’t make sense to have no response to it especially with a number of necros on alot of teams throwing AOE conditions like crazy.
These days, after the patch, I saw many warriors theory-crafting new builds because of the new trait “Cleansing Ire”; It is a good phenomenon. The only thing I don’t like is that these warriors whoever just start playing warrior believes that the “Cleansing Ire” will make warrior stronger, and it is laughable. Even Anas Tarcis is playing without any condi removal skills, I believe he can still survive longer than those warriors whoever trying to run mending, signet of stamina, and Cleansing Ire. And those warriors whoever running those condition removal skill will just done nothing in a team fight but die.
Again, it’s good to see the theory-crafting phenomenon, but it is pathetic to see poor warriors to show up and says “my build is viable because I have more condi removal than you.”
The current meta is conditions, so if you don’t have some way to reduce/remove conditions there is no way for your warrior to stand a chance against a condition heavy build. How can a warrior be expected to survive on a capture point without some way to remove the AoE conditions being spammed? You could run him with a shout guardian I suppose but even then it wouldn’t be enough and it limits what the warrior can do for a team. 20 points to get Dogged March and Cleansing Ire isn’t a bad investment considering Combustive Shot doesn’t suffer from blinds like hammer or any other burst skill.
0/30/20/0/20 is starting to seem like the optimal perk setup because it allows the warrior to do something useful, spam AoE damage with a bit of burn. There are better classes that deal better DPS and don’t require using most of your utility skills in order to deal said damage. Sword/Shield is starting to see like a better choice than GS considering landing Final Thrust isn’t kittence you learn to set it up with Shield Bash or Flurry. You also have Shield Block so you can drop Combustive Shot on point then how off multiple people for a long enough time for your team to arrive especially with Endure pain being on your bar as well.
It seems ANet does not warrior to be a bursting class anymore and rather a moderately tough source of steady DPS that lies between Guardian and Thief. I support this the problem is they keep buffing things like blind that continue to make like hell for warriors because we don’t have a way to resist blinds or passively remove conditions in general. I personally would like to see a buff to Zerker stance that either increases its duration or significantly reducing its cooldown. It has the potential to be a great skill because having that and stability up at the same time means NOTHING can stop you.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Well, I think Greatsword might still be useful.
Sword has only a big problem to me: Final thrust can be blocked under flurry (correct me if I’m wrong: can some classe block without any particular boon showing?) and, most important, if it doesn’t crit… we wasted a lot.
Greatsword is still steadier, IMHO.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Tarcis’ Warrior Build Version. 1(Currently Using): Updated 6/28/2013
Current build I am using. updated 6/28/20132100 armor
no condy removal at all
no escape options except for gs 3 and 5
no shield or defensegood luck and have fun killing lowbies..
i bet a necro downs u faster than 100b would..
Looks like you don’t understand the PVP community.
Anas Tarcis is probably the best Warrior in NA now, and you guys are teaching him how to play warrior… it’s kinda awkward to see this.
Oh really..im rank 59 with over 1000 tournaments on thief, warrior and ranger. I was in top 100 leaderboards before fading due to inactivity and my guild is a top pvp guild to this day. I think I know what im talking about. If you want to be a hot join hero in spvp, be my guest but im talking about end-game spvp/tpvp here. I’ve played against Tarcis in hot-joins and he’s a good warrior indeed but i’d be lying if I said that his build is good nowdays, its your typical 100b/LB build that Ive run alot before but just does not cut it in the current meta.
My 2 cents..nothing against Tarcis as a skilled player.
Oh really..im rank 59 with over 1000 tournaments on thief, warrior and ranger. I was in top 100 leaderboards before fading due to inactivity and my guild is a top pvp guild to this day. I think I know what im talking about. If you want to be a hot join hero in spvp, be my guest but im talking about end-game spvp/tpvp here. I’ve played against Tarcis in hot-joins and he’s a good warrior indeed but i’d be lying if I said that his build is good nowdays, its your typical 100b/LB build that Ive run alot before but just does not cut it in the current meta.
My 2 cents..nothing against Tarcis as a skilled player.
Start posting youtube videos of montage of selective kills and editing out all the times you’ve died and/or start streaming and every who don’t know f all will think you’re the best player in the world. Anyone who lives more than 5 seconds is considered a pro and top of their class but you triumphed over them regardless.
The sheeps need to be herded.
Hey All,
just thought I would share my build – I’ve only been playing my warrior for about 2 weeks and was playing thief / hunter mostly before that.. so I’m still pretty new at the whole “warrior thing”..
I was running the s/s s/w 0/0/30/30/10 for a while.. I quite liked the survivability but wasn’t so happy with the burst damage.. and I’m not good enough to survive with a full burst spec so I tried to find something that can burst with a bit of a setup while maintaining some survivability.
I’m not sure about the sigils yet.. still playing around with them. The idea is to go s/w for condition removal (warhorn 4/5) and mobility (sword 2), I also tend to wait with FGJ until I have my first conditions (for removal + heal) instead of using it pre fight.
Once my target has done 1-2 dodges and I’m at full adrenaline I normally bull rush, swap to the hammer and go to town while trying to chain my stuns as much as possible.
I played this most of this evening and was quite happy with it.. 3 stuns, 4 condition removals on acceptable cooldown and good mobility from sword 2 / hammer burst and bullrush..
let me know what you think and on what I could improve (as I said.. still fairly new to warrior)
New opinion, new build updated 7/18/2013.
New opinion, new build updated 7/18/2013.
i run your exactly same traits and similar stats but in wvw, and i use sword/ shield instead of bow.
Can you tell me why you prefer the bow?
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!
New opinion, new build updated 7/18/2013.
Enjoy.i run your exactly same traits and similar stats but in wvw, and i use sword/ shield instead of bow.
Can you tell me why you prefer the bow?
WvW is totally different compare to the PVP. Also there is low level tier PVP and high level PVP, both are totally different as well. The reason why I always stick with longbow is because it gives a tone of pressure on the point. As in high level tier tPVP, once we focusing on a team-fight, to cleave down-body is the most important job for warriors. Once I choose to use Hammer instead of Greatsword, that means I lose a lot of cleave dps from GS, but at same time I got the aoe stun and aoe knock-back on down-body.
BUT remember that, in the high level tier tPVP, stun/knock-back/knock-down will not always been affected because most guardian whoever trying to ress their team-mate will have their stability on. In order to fit the position and solve the low cleave dps problem, Longbow’s Combustive Shot and Arcing Arrow are doing a good job on cleaving and putting more pressure on people whoever trying to ress.
In WvW, maybe sword-shield is better than Longbow because sword gives you an extra mobility to run out from a zerg, but in high level tier tPVP, I will not prefer to run any single target weapon because other profession can do a better job than you.
ps. Cleansing Ire is a trait for Longbow too.
(edited by Anastasis.7258)
sword shield isn’t really single target… all of the attacks on sword minus the leap cleave last time I checked (which was earlier today). Granted it’s no greatsword, but if the guy rezzing is close to 50% he’s probably about to be a sad panda.
My only issue with this build is the lack of mobility. What a warrior can do that most others can’t is bring highly mobile AoE dps. This depends a lot on team composition though I suppose. The guild group I’ve been rolling with (I don’t really have a stable team, but there’s 4 of us who are fairly permanent and 2-3 from the guild who get in when they fit in) generally does not have a mesmer, meaning my ability to get from point a to b is very important. This pretty much locks me in with either GS or mainhand sword.
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
sword shield isn’t really single target… all of the attacks on sword minus the leap cleave last time I checked (which was earlier today). Granted it’s no greatsword, but if the guy rezzing is close to 50% he’s probably about to be a sad panda.
My only issue with this build is the lack of mobility. What a warrior can do that most others can’t is bring highly mobile AoE dps. This depends a lot on team composition though I suppose. The guild group I’ve been rolling with (I don’t really have a stable team, but there’s 4 of us who are fairly permanent and 2-3 from the guild who get in when they fit in) generally does not have a mesmer, meaning my ability to get from point a to b is very important. This pretty much locks me in with either GS or mainhand sword.
Well, sword/shield is single target in a lot of situation. I know that all the auto attacks, final thrust are all muti-attacks but in order to do that, your enemies must be in a very close position. You can say “yea, people trying to ress will always in a very close position”, but don’t forget that sword/shield is a full melee set up, so if you want to do the cleave in team fight, you must been taking a lot of dps/condition at same time.
In WvW, I have to say that all the weapon set up with more mobility will always be better, and sometimes the range weapon > everything.
To say this clearly, I think sword/shield , Hammer is good at 1v1, but a little bit selfish in team-fight. Longbow/Hammer is good at 1v1, and also good in team-fight.
Gave this a whirl in hotjoin and was pleasantly surprised in all honesty. I miss the mobility and defence of sword/shield+bow, but man does everything hit hard with those extra might stacks.
The loss of mobility hurts a little less being half ranged, and bulls charge is there for when you absolutely need a gap closer (don’t remember that being there when you initially posted, probably just didn’t notice).
Running hoelbrak instead of melandru for a bit of extra umph (scholar/divinity on the rare occasion the other team is condi-light). Also not sure if I like march or stance duration better in defense. Also threw fire on the bow, might change it to energy but I feel like I’ve got to make up for some lost damage from my old build.
Anyways, gonna try it in tourny tomorrow. Less terrain to abuse with savage leap on foefire, so a good place for a transition I think.
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
Tarcis’ LB/Hammer Warrior Build.- Currently Using (NEW BUILD) 07/18/2013
Sample Video:
Really nice build!
I have to tell you in PvP versus WvW I don’t care much for the mobility of the greatsword or sword. It certainly can help but mainly the key for me in PvP without lemongrass is condition removals coupled with CC with a zerker amulet. Condition removal with burst damage truly shines in the pug playing I’m doing. I am no TPvP player so feel free to poke holes.
0/10/30/0/30 is the safe fall I keep failing back to with Hammer and Mace/Shield.
The key ingredients here are Hoelbrak or Melandru Runes (I prefer Hoelbrak for the extra power), a bloodlust sigil, Cleansing Ire for adrenaline gain and condition removals, Dogged March, Hammer trait, and Burst Mastery. Me? I pick up Warrior’s Sprint and drop signet mastery. These days I alternate between sweet revenge and the + damage when boons are on your target. Lately though with all the stances I’m running I am going to consider Vigorous Stance. I think it likely has a great tradeoff versus sweet revenge. Afterall if you can dodge more then maybe you won’t be downed, right?
Without a doubt the best utilities in my opinion is Endure Pain, Berserker’s Stance, and Balanced Stance. Adrenaline heal is also fantastic. More adrenaline the better.
The other key is sigil of para on the shield. Alternatively you can drop dogged and go with missile deflection but generally speaking I don’t really find it too hard to stay on a range type and with the use of timely dodges you’ll be fine.
I start with Hammer typically and rotate through. With cleansing ire you’ll gain adrenaline quick enough. I don’t have a solid rotation – usually wait on pommel bash for when the victim panics and tries to heal.
Generally speaking I’ve found this build to be the most successful. Sure you can’t cap points fast like you can with a greatsword / sword combo but I’m offering much more support because of the stuns. If someone pops stability it’s ok you can wait it out, bait them, run around the corner, etc.