Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me1UvxHaiT4
Length: 3min 28s

Lately I’ve been getting some questions in regards to how I’m able to combo so well with Hammer. Many people seem to have a hard time landing some of the attacks.

I eventually took some time in-game showing a few people how to do some techniques that will allow them to pull off hammer attack chains easier. In the end I found that it would just be easier to do a short video

I know some of this won’t come as a surprise to the more veteran of players, but to people who aren’t dedicated Warriors but would like to know how to do some unique things, this is a video aimed directly at you.


tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Cool vid man thanks for taking the time out to help the community, used to TPVP hardcore with my wart until my team imploded, and still learned something. Thanks

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


good stuff for the new warriors.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


good stuff for the new warriors.

+frag. nice testing and observations. Will be using these in the future.

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Sword is a great “utility” weapon, has an escape/gap closer and the constant immobilize. I’m still not sold on the whole concept of running a warrior in high end PvP with a hammer though because I feel that GS with mace/shield brings more to the table, you can have Deflection and the ability to get off nearly a full 100b with skull crack and Pommel Bash can allow you to stop your foes healing instantly which hammer can’t do as well. It all comes down to preference of course and hammer has that nice AoE factor as well I’ve just fallen in love with deflection and it just isn’t as good without Counter Blow because it has such a low CD. It’s a shame mace’s auto attack is so slow but honestly having 3 quick ways to interrupt makes me happy.

Glad to see you came back, getting tired of the “Delete Warrior, Make Guardian” garbage. War may not be the best PvP class but it’s not useless by any means.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Sword is a great “utility” weapon, has an escape/gap closer and the constant immobilize. I’m still not sold on the whole concept of running a warrior in high end PvP with a hammer though because I feel that GS with mace/shield brings more to the table, you can have Deflection and the ability to get off nearly a full 100b with skull crack and Pommel Bash can allow you to stop your foes healing instantly which hammer can’t do as well. It all comes down to preference of course and hammer has that nice AoE factor as well I’ve just fallen in love with deflection and it just isn’t as good without Counter Blow because it has such a low CD. It’s a shame mace’s auto attack is so slow but honestly having 3 quick ways to interrupt makes me happy.

Glad to see you came back, getting tired of the “Delete Warrior, Make Guardian” garbage. War may not be the best PvP class but it’s not useless by any means.

While I would tend to agree that mace brings great single target AoE, Hammer provides a tactical factor a lot of people don’t anticipate.

Teams blow their stability so early into the fight that when there’s a downed player they just get interrupted over and over and over.

There’s also the fact that most GS builds don’t provide enough staying power to be more beneficial than just taking a thief. Since that’s the case we have to look for another niche. I choose to be a Support Cleave.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Erik.6903

Lord Erik.6903

I never knew about sheathing, and my main is a warrior, and I’ve played sense beta so that’s cool to learn. I don’t think I’d sheath much though. In the video you didn’t look like you where stacking the bleeds that come with flurry, and it looked as though immobilize didn’t last as long as it does on my warrior. I don’t remember exactly at this moment, but I think immobilize is reapplied after a brief period of time, but more than likely it’s ’cause I usually run with a lot in strength which increases condition duration which really comes in handy for every condition really.

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


The Immobolize is applied only in the beginning of the cast and at no time anywhere else. I don’t stack the bleeds at all because it’s actually LESS DPS than just auto attacking for higher damage and stacking bleeds.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Varonth.5830


The Immobolize is applied only in the beginning of the cast and at no time anywhere else. I don’t stack the bleeds at all because it’s actually LESS DPS than just auto attacking for higher damage and stacking bleeds.

Yeah people pretty much underestimate the swords autoattack damage because two of the skills have just medicore damage + good bleed.
In fact, and that one can easily be tested by just hitting golems, the GS autoattack is dealing less damage than sword, unless you take Slashing Power even on low armored enemies. On high armor targets, Sword autoattack is always better.

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Erik.6903

Lord Erik.6903

The Immobolize is applied only in the beginning of the cast and at no time anywhere else. I don’t stack the bleeds at all because it’s actually LESS DPS than just auto attacking for higher damage and stacking bleeds.

I can definitely see that. It all depends on what your stats are and when GS is your primary there isn’t any practical point to have anything in condition dmg.

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: aathomas.4638


You can switch weapons immediately after starting Flurry without needing to sheath. Sheathing is only needed if you want to use other skills on the same weapon bar.

The one skill I wish we could cancel/sheath is Rush, would make it such a great utility.

Grumpy Jugo

Warrior PSA: Advanced PvP Techniques.

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


You can switch weapons immediately after starting Flurry without needing to sheath. Sheathing is only needed if you want to use other skills on the same weapon bar.

Muscle memory is important if you want to cancel regardless if you’re swapping or staying on your current weapon set. But you are correct, as I’ve stated in previous posts.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]