Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


Hello fellow warriors!

Just wanted to tell to those who still wonders if warrior is good at pvp/duel/solo roaming in WvW. I have to say YES. My weapons are dual swords + longbow and I use those on pvp and in wvw.

I held this tiny Guild event on my guild’s own pvp arena: Anyone can challenge me three times. They must win 2 times out of 3 duels. Reward is 1Gold (yea cheap, but kinda fast gold). I fought with 12 guys. None succeeded. They always wanted to switch to mesmer after loss. Still didn’t succeed. I know we ain’t the best of the best but I can say I find few of them very good.

Anyways almost got lost on subject… on WvW I haven’t lost a fight during the day. Played 6 hours. Yes I did die there but only when I got stomped by a zerg. I was able to escape 1vs4. I was Able to fight that 4vs1 and finish off one of them AND run away.

Dueling in WvW and PvP (have to say didn’t find engi to duel with)
d/d eles: I kinda laughed at their dmg while they spent all their skills to remove my conditions. I had mostly like 80% hp left when I got eles down.
Thieves: with pistol thief I dueled with I didn’t have problem at all. I thought first that I will go down and wont get any hp from him but it was almost opposite. d/d thieves usually bursted me to 40% hp or less and after that they tried to escape while my offhand sword’s torment kept them company. They stealthed ofc. They removed my Torment condi. Then they moved. This adds up to 3 more torment stacks. I found them usually downed after the stealth wore off.
Mesmers: gets me to random ammount of hp. Once we bouth got downed and I finished him during revenge and got the debuff off. I still think it was a tie.
Necros: specially scepter ones are some challenge to get downed before it is able to stack so many condis on me that I will also get downed during trying to finish em off. Sometimes their torment didn’t deal dmg to me at all. No hp loss nor any dmg number while I had 1 torment stack.
Rangers: Finishing them off and rarely loose more than 90% hp.
Guardian: First of all I got a bit kitteny thanks to my success before. Guardian downed me quite easily at first try. After that I started to use longbow mostly and kite him. In the end I won 2 out of 3 duels and kept my tiny gold.

They promised to kill me with engi tomorrow.

My utilities: Regen signet, endure signet, presicion signet, frenzy stance, signet of rage. Runes are Lyssa runes. Stats are mostly per/tough/cond. Some have healing power too. I got zerker back item. 3k armor 20k hp 1500 condi dmg 56% crit rate 35% crit dmg (crit dmg doesn’t do much on my build)1000 healing power 50% to condi duration and 100% for bleeds(traited). sigils: Earth, corruption and generosity. 0/10/30/0/30 traits. I know 30 on last one can be a bit weird but it is for movement speed, breaking immobilize and for 20% faster signets. And while my F1 skill takes off 3 condis when full adrenaline I also benefit greatly from F1 skill cd reduction.

After all that mambo jambo Just wanted to say:
—- Warrior feels great atm on WvW and PvP, solo roaming and tourney. Feels very durable thanks to the regen signet and is tons of fun —-

Deacollo … just don’t…

Edit: Kitteny means … too sure of myself. Or trusted too much to my build. (Guardian part) and little add:
Warrior is now like this: If u wont be able to burst it fast down it will regenerate fast back to full hp. Atleast my warrior is like that.

Update: Dueled with an engi in our pvp arena and he kicked my kitten twice out of 3 duels and won the 1gold. I didn’t really have the experience to fight engi. I ignored his turrets.

Another update: Adjusted my build to reflect projectiles while blocking instead of giving regen on cripple and now it is way easier to defeat engi. pistol/shield engi.

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

(edited by Nuorus.8415)

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: alamore.1974


Yes after this new patch we are decent now.

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Aiden.6209


I wanted to try dual sword after the patch, looks like you are having some success, more tempted now


Aztro [Engineer] Extro [Warrior] Xilent [Thief] Tyrax Deathrain [Ranger] Krogax [Guardian]

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


Third update: With engi now we have won and lost about 10 out of 20 so we have a tie. I was challenged by guildie’s friend who only pvps. He is a necro and my condi build does nothing to him. I got also a necro for pvp and I know what he does and why. I knew all that and yet I couldn’t beat him. Or I did at the first time we fought but after that he learned what I do and where my damage comes from. He countered my build by taking my stability off and added two fears and so much condis that I couldn’t have a chance. The poison on scepter autoattack countered my regen. I had nothing what could have helped me to win him.

So far a real pvp necro has beating me to the ground without breaking a sweat. Engi beats me as usually as I beat him. We bouth dueled for about hour or two and learned bouth what we do and when and so on.

I also had 30min duel with a d/d ele. I couldn’t beat him and he couldn’t beat me. map changed 3 times during our fight till he had to leave to the gym. I got him to 30% hp multiple times but then he mist formed and healed. He didn’t take much hp from me. I had mostly 90%+ hp. Was fun the first 15min till I realised I couldn’t defeat him and that our fighting is pointless.

On tournaments I have had bad time alone vs mesmer and ranger and sometimes a necro came to help them but those two gave me bad time.

In the end I find necro a bit OP, some classes can’t defeat me and some classes are equal. I traited myself to hunt thieves in WvW and find myself doing good on that.

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Volo.2498


Can you post the build on intothemists.com ?

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


Can you post the build on intothemists.com ?

Will do a bit later and if u want gameplay footage I could film it if my computer doesn’t get too slow during filming. Any good recording programs?

Edit: http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-s;4NKFP0b4;160;9;59T-T;12;0478;1259KoX8;2ytbUytbUX-kxNE57;0a-V0W5XBYDZM_R52FWHc5e0;9;9;9-FF;9;9;7V6s5E I’m not fully equiped for WvW but in PvP ofc I’m and the 9th skill (utility) is optional. Specially in dueling I take either frenzy, endure pain, stomp or bull charge.

Why Stomp? Well it is perfect counter for thieves shadow refugee and while I hate thieves I kinda build againts them.

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

(edited by Nuorus.8415)

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenyoga.6910


Hey man glad to hear another condition spec warrior is having success. I personally think they are the overlooked and in my experience better than the power based counter parts. I do think you could improve your spec, its not optimized to its fullest.

I’ve been in the dueling server for the last month, and pretty much have won against everyone, with some losses as well. The hardest spec I found was the Minion Mancer necro with condi cleanses from their minions. I did beat a few, but lost for sure. Also this silly little phantom mesmer spec got me.

Here’s the spec I use, its made in the mist, so you don’t get all the extra buffs.


If your interested I could give you a little advice on your spec to optimize it, but ya condi build warriors can beat pretty much everyone and I think they offer a lot to a team in tpvp (I just don’t have the time to play on a Top Team again at the moment to prove it, hoping someone will take the reigns, because I know they have a place in meta).

(edited by Zenyoga.6910)

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


Hey man glad to hear another condition spec warrior is having success. I personally think they are the overlooked and in my experience better than the power based counter parts. I do think you could improve your spec, its not optimized to its fullest.

I’ve been in the dueling server for the last month, and pretty much have won against everyone, with some losses as well. The hardest spec I found was the Minion Mancer necro with condi cleanses from their minions. I did beat a few, but lost for sure. Also this silly little phantom mesmer spec got me.

Here’s the spec I use, its made in the mist, so you don’t get all the extra buffs.


If your interested I could give you a little advice on your spec to optimize it, but ya condi build warriors can beat pretty much everyone and I think they offer a lot to a team in tpvp (I just don’t have the time to play on a Top Team again at the moment to prove it, hoping someone will take the reigns, because I know they have a place in meta).

It’s made on the morning just after waking up during morning coffee in few mins. No wonder if it is incomplete I just had great success with it. Condi is better on pvp and power in pve in my opinion.

I’m also changing it while I play. Like the reflection from block wasn’t traited before but thanks the engi duels I find it more usefull than the dogged march.

Edit: checked some of the build u linked. Gotta say I find my traits better for WvW specially because I traited for Movement. I do not need that damage on the end of the dodge roll and the extra fury isn’t needed when u got 72% crit rate during elite :P I use offhand sword because torment is one of the heavy damage conditions which I use and use it on running players specially cuz it stacks when they move and deals double damage. Atm it deals 18k dmg at max. It’s hard to clean because as long there’s the sword-stuck-on-player-mark it will stack the 3 extra torments. The block is to counter ranged attacks (specially the ones with condis) to back to the source. It also blocks backstab and such thief skills. After block it adds nice little bleed. In spvp I sometimes trait for regen banners instead of movement but the movement has saved me so many times from bad situations that I usually keep it. I can run when low on hp which isn’t very warriorish :P

With the 9th skill (utility) in wvw as stomp I have had great success with fighting againts thieves. They uses SR and I savage leap near it, go middle of it and stomp. They flies off of it and are revealed.

I usually use pin down (16k dmg) right before I savage leap into combat and then use sword 4 skill while enemy is pinned down and let them move a little so they get the stacks. After that I try to use my burst skill on them and ofc they cleans some of my condis so I will add those again fast. Warrior is very good at adding some condis but Necro is still the best :P

Sorry got a bit carried away

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

(edited by Nuorus.8415)

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


I was Able to fight that 4vs1 and finish off one of them AND run away.

Since no one else, from what I saw, is calling you out on it:


(unless all 4 were/are completely incompetent)

Edit: To add the biggest piece of evidence as to why this would have been impossible for you to pull. You have no access to stability from what you have typed. They would have CCed you to death. Unless they, as I have stated before, were/are completely incompetent to this game.

(edited by Vanthian.9267)

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


I was Able to fight that 4vs1 and finish off one of them AND run away.

Since no one else, from what I saw, is calling you out on it:


(unless all 4 were/are completely incompetent)

Edit: To add the biggest piece of evidence as to why this would have been impossible for you to pull. You have no access to stability from what you have typed. They would have CCed you to death. Unless they, as I have stated before, were/are completely incompetent to this game.

I wonder what boons does the balance stance give… or the Lyssa runes… I wonder if those stacks duration… nah couldn’t be.

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Mijo.3274


I was Able to fight that 4vs1 and finish off one of them AND run away.

Since no one else, from what I saw, is calling you out on it:


(unless all 4 were/are completely incompetent)

Edit: To add the biggest piece of evidence as to why this would have been impossible for you to pull. You have no access to stability from what you have typed. They would have CCed you to death. Unless they, as I have stated before, were/are completely incompetent to this game.

maybe all upleveled

Champion magus, 4 builds i use
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


My utilities: Regen signet, endure signet, presicion signet, frenzy stance, signet of rage. Runes are Lyssa runes.

A messily 5 seconds of stability that you more than likely Pre casted before the engage isn’t going to do you any good when it is taking you far more time to down and kill a person with 3 others there. It is on a 48 second cool down.

Also, please explain how you can have balanced stance when you clearly stated the above.

(edited by Vanthian.9267)

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


My utilities: Regen signet, endure signet, presicion signet, frenzy stance, signet of rage. Runes are Lyssa runes.

A messily 5 seconds of stability that you more than likely Pre casted before the engage isn’t going to do you any good when it is taking you far more time to down and kill a person with 3 others there. It is on a 48 second cool down.

Also, please explain how you can have balanced stance when you clearly stated the above.

There is the trait for it. U could check my build before u go hulk mode…

Little update: Tried to adjust my build better in pvp and couldn’t really do it because there isn’t armor stats or trinket stats. This build works so much better in WvW. Going to add some hp to it and trade crit dmg %, percision (some of it) and toughness (some of it) to hp.

Update: I downloaded Bandicam and will do WvW roaming video. If u want I can also do pvp video.

Update: The program is not registered so I can only record 10 minute videos so it isn’t one solid video… which is sad and doesn’t really prove anything what I have said. I will still do the video and link it here.

Update: finished recording WvW roaming. Too bad few of the clips are “corrupted” or something like that and are 7second clips instead of 10minutes. I still got like 10 good clips. I mostly fought one guild 1 by 1 and some other people in WvW.

Will check the videos and upload probs on youtube

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

(edited by Nuorus.8415)

Warrior PvP/Dueling/WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


Videos are uploading atm on the youtube channel. Will give a link to my new channel. Why link to channel instead of videos? Well I got few videos so less links here and so on

Edit: 17 videos… because I had 10minute limit on each

I deleted the videos where I fight only 1 person per 10 minutes and kept the other videos. I stopped uploading, tried to compress the files but it didn’t compress more than few % so I’m uploading the best one full sized untouched during night. And yes I loose in that video.

I still got 11 videos out of 17 videos. I’m new to this stuff and I need to learn to compress the files first before uploading so it wont take 600minutes.

The video I load now has 4 opponents. 2 warriors, engineer and a necro. If you want more videos than this one I can upload but it takes some time. 600 minutes for 10minute video is a bit long time. And these videos took rest of the space from my hard disk (that’s the main reason I deleted few videos, needed space for the compressed videos)

My channel:

The first video will be uploaded in 487 minutes which is about more than 8 hours…

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

(edited by Nuorus.8415)