Warrior Questions.

Warrior Questions.

in Warrior

Posted by: Elronor.4571


I’v been lately doing some dungeons as im getting higher level so i could have some kind of exprience on dungeons on warrior when i start doing them alot. Only problem is that i dont really know what am i exactly doing in the group :P

Do i dps or support? Do i range or melee? bow or rifle? Greatsword or mace/shield?
Im mainly just looking for some guides that would cover everything, especially written ones becouse im not good at understanding spoken english and usually guide videos are so kitten long >_<

Also im on server gunnar’s hold incase somebody is from there and willing to explain stuff thru chat^^

Elmolol -Elementalist lv80
Sir Elron Noki – Warrior lv80
Server: Gunnar’s Hold

Warrior Questions.

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


You can be both DPS/Tank/Support, but mind that ANY over-specialized build is really weak. You can have over 3k toughness and a shield, but that won’t help you or your group in dungeon, because there is no threat management in this game (mobs randomly switch aggro).

Your best bet it make a build that can stand on its own, has enough damage and survivability. Once you have that, you can start adding some team-related stuff (like shout/banners)

Also, it’s good idea (although it’s not necessary) to take at least ranged weapon, for those bosses you cannot get anywhere near without taking major blow into face.

So summarized:
- Make build with balanced damage and survivability (great is healing singet and 15 point defense minor trait – adrenal health. The HP regen can be really helpful)
- If you have such build you can add some team buffs and such.
- Can be good idea to take a ranged weapon (bow for dungeons where lots of mobs are pulled, rifle for boss fights)
- remeber that survivability comes from proper dodging, condition removal and evading those red circles attack, not from stacking bunch of toughness+vitality.
- always remeber to revive downed teammates, they might revive you in return when you go down.
- your weapon choice really depends on your personal style, so pick what you are comfortable/familiar with.
- AoE CC can be great againts groups of mobs, but trying chain-CC bosses is not as easy because of defiance stacks (they have certain amounts of stacks, and everytime they are hit with “hard CC” (stuns, knockdowns, fears etc. – not cripples and immoblize..) they lose one stack. When they are at 0 stacks of Defiance, next hard CC has actuall effect, so if you have a mace, its good idea to save your 3 sec stun (pulverize – F1 Adrenaline burst skill) to moment when boss has 0 stacks. After that CC is applied they get the certain amount of stacks again. And the cycle repeats. (the defiance stacks are represented by orange eagle emblem (with number representing the amount of stacks) under boss HP bar on top of your screen.

Hope my information was helpful. Good luck in dungeons!

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Warrior Questions.

in Warrior

Posted by: Elronor.4571


Thanks for the reply! that covered pretty much everything :P

Got just one more thing, for the ranged weapons, im not sure should i go with bow rifle, i do like both of them and it seems bow is more AoE and control (blind and immobilise) when rifle is more single target damage bleeds with heap CC.

Quess that becomes down to personal choice and im infact leveling a ranger which alrdy uses a bow so rifle would def be better for warrior in that case.

So is either of them superior to other?

Elmolol -Elementalist lv80
Sir Elron Noki – Warrior lv80
Server: Gunnar’s Hold

Warrior Questions.

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Basically bow is superior to rifle when you need AoE ranged damage, rifle is superior to bow when you need single target ranged damage .

Great example is from Ascalonian Catacombs, the first boss starts by spawning about 15 non-elite adds and then the boss itself shows up. For this example the bow is superior to rifle, because of the AoE F1 and 3 skill that can eliminate several adds at once.
Also on the opposite side, in the same dungeon in the boss fight with ranger, who teleports between a hardly-accesible pillar and a bottom level of the floor (where you can meele him comfortably) the rifle is superior to bow, because you only need single target ranged damage which rifle does better than bow.

On the CCs, the rifle can be actually better for removing defiance stacks from bosses, because the “rifle butt” knockback ability is considered as “hard CC”, thus it removes the defiance stack, whereas the immobilize from “pin down” bow ability does not remove defiance stacks, because its considered as “soft CC”.

Well, the best idea is to have most weapons you use in backpack, for example i always carry a greatsword, rifle, shield, bow, sword, mace and warhorn in my backpack, so i can switch up between fights.

Generallly its better to carry at least one ranged weapon with you – for example i had a guardian in Ascalonian Catacombs yesterday, who ran GS/mace+shield and he was kinda put-out from the ranger boss fight, because he couldn’t hit him when he was on the pillar. Well though he could pick-up and throw boulders, i don’t think that’s enjoyable :P

Hope i answered your question

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”