Warrior Ranged

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: Victros.8154


Is it “wrong” for me to go ranged against tough mobs when in a group/dungeon? If I do this, will I not be fulfilling my role as a…tank? I simply find it more fun than melee.


Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: Waste.4815


there is no “tank” role

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: That Other Guy.7351

That Other Guy.7351

No class is designed to take large amounts of damage; the idea is not to get hit very often. Tanks simply don’t exist in GW2.

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: Victros.8154


So there’s no shame or disadvantage of using a ranged weapon as a warrior?

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: Tethler.9751


Correct. Back out when you need to to avoid getting downed. Go back in when you can.

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: guttermessiah.6350


No class is designed to take large amounts of damage; the idea is not to get hit very often. Tanks simply don’t exist in GW2.

Here’s the answer to your question, OP. Your job is to avoid damage not absorb it, just like everybody else.

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: Iofe.9703


I’ve leveled from 35-50 while only equipping rifle/bow, it was awesome – only changed just now because i just needed a change. I see myself going back in the near future though.

Whip out the bow for massive AoE on trashmobs, use rifle for singletarget boss stomping.

You are just as valuable as a ranged warrior in this game as a melee, at least from a leveling PoV – I wouldn’t know about end game exploration mode.

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: MeveM.7913


Pff, “there’s no tank”, I put my middle finger up at the “no trinity system” remark and tank anyway. Might not work in dungeons but workskittenwell out in the world, whether it’s 6-10 normal mobs or 2 veterans + 5 mobs or a champion and the odd mob it can be tanked if you do it correctly. The mobs seem more interested in hitting me then my mates when I try to control them and soak/avoid damage without going out of combat for 5 minutes and wait for the useless heal skill to do it’s work, I get regen banners, use the sigil heal (I never activate it) and go nuts.

Break the mold mate, be different and don’t use a greatsword with a “I wanna see big pixeled numbers” trait builds and soak that damage, your group will thank you for it.

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: NyghtProwler.9386


I am probably the WORST DPS warrior on my server, but I can tell you this – I can rez like no other while taking a beating.

I can also stand toe to toe with most mobs for quite a while.

Vit/toughness/healing gear = Survival

I have 6 Heals I use, rolling Mace/Mace and Axe/Horn. 5 of the 6 heals can be used when ever I want (even while rezzing)

In dungeons I let the other 4 people go hog wild on DPS – I keep the pulls / bosses on me!

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: MatchesMalone.8673


I always go back in forth on bosses. I’ll do as much damage as I can with my greatsword, then when I start hurting I’ll pull back and launch my arrow AOEs. By then I’m healed & my skills have gone through their cooldown so I get back in & repeat.

(edited by MatchesMalone.8673)

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: TwistedWarrior.8613


Greatsword/Longbow is much better for world events, dungeons and some storyline quests where there are a lot of zerging npc’s. I recently switched from a Greatsword/dual axe high burst build and haven’t looked back. The bow has almost insane AoE and the added ability to kite for certain situations is very helpful.

Greatsword / Longbow – Early Crit Build

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Is it “wrong” for me to go ranged against tough mobs when in a group/dungeon? If I do this, will I not be fulfilling my role as a…tank? I simply find it more fun than melee.


No its not,if you do ,get the power signets,fury,frenzy,then go all out with your rifle.

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: pdg.8462


I like using a rifle on my target as I close the distance then switching to melee when in range. Also, during events stuff dies so fast that sometimes the only way to get a hit in is to go ranged.

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


My Warrior build is primarily Rifle based. Great damage and good survivability because of range and Shield\1hsword backup.