Warrior Sword Ability 3: Hamstring, increase range

Warrior Sword Ability 3: Hamstring, increase range

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Warrior Sword Ability 3: Hamstring

Right now with a range of 130 this ability is extremely frustrating to land. I suggest making it

around 200 range. It would improve the viability of 1h sword in pvp

Warrior Sword Ability 3: Hamstring, increase range

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I found that it became a lot less frustrating if I landed it right after a leap or after rolling. Because those are the moments that you are most likely to hit your target face to face.

When I swung it in during mid combo or while chasing someone down it missed a lot or was Dodged.

So now I always use it right after a leap or a Dodge/Charge.

Try that. Worked for me.

Warrior Sword Ability 3: Hamstring, increase range

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


Agree, yet like the poster above said if you use it right when you charge or do a roll you are more likely to hit, yet this falls on the same category as dual sword skill #4 which becomes incredibly frustrating to land thanks to it’s range.

Warrior Sword Ability 3: Hamstring, increase range

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I would agree that #4 needs a longer throw. It would make it a far more useful pierce-like ranged ability.

Personally, I stopped using Sword off-hand. It was too weak and there are not cooldown timers for sword to make up for it. Sword mainhand, however, I still feel is strong. It’s my main build these days. If I’m running a Condition build, as I am atm.

Warrior Sword Ability 3: Hamstring, increase range

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Sword off hand stacks a lot of bleed damage though.

Problem with melee condition builds, is that you never get the chance to stack any amount of conditions. Condition builds only really work for ranged builds, such as shortbow ranger, necromancer, pistol thief, pistol engineer.

Melee only works with physical burst builds, so at the few times you get to stand near your target, you can do as much damage as possible. Melee condition builds really are not viable..

I guess they tried to counter that by making warrior sword bleeds strong, with long bleed timers when traited, but it wasn’t enough, you just don’t get enough face time, and you die too fast since there is no condition/toughness/vitality gear, on top of a lot of condition removal abilities that simply wipe away your hard earned bleeds.

Imo, condition removal should only get rid of like 4-5 stacks, not all of them.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)