Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: CounterCookie.9403


Hey guys/gals, I’ve recently enjoyed roaming in WvW a lot in small groups, with the guild. and sometimes alone. Huge zergs aren’t really my thing and i prefer picking off those people that get left behind or the people also running around looking for strays! Oh the enjoyment. Anyways back to the topic; I run a gs/hammer, full zerk +scholar runes, however I don’t know what type of runes I should add to my weapons/armor. I also run 4/0/4/2/4 traits for a very sustainable 1v1 fights however i usually lose against 2v1 which I kinda find depressing. I want to know how to be able to vs a 5 man group(hoping to win/dominate of course). I was inspired by montages of how other warriors managed to down others by skill/tatics. My problem is either i need to improve my build and armor or improve my skills. Any suggestions?

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: infinityandbeyond.9652


Find a group of bad players so you can 1 vs 5.

Any montage on youtube iv’e ever watched where it’s more than 1 vs 2 are just average players.

Your expectations are just off the mark thinking you can take on more than 1 person. Don’t worry, we all think that way at some stage.

There are plenty of threads about roaming builds. Just take your time to read through the forum

Infi Erratum.
Snafs Golem Emporium SoS

(edited by infinityandbeyond.9652)

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Neomir.7493


Lol, there’s no magic build that will enable you to win outnumbered fights.

Find a build you feel comfortable with generally, and tweak it to what you find you need to play how you want.

Personally I flick between GS+Sw/sh with knight or cav+zerk trinkets and Axe/Shield zerker. However I’m feeling the pull of the dark side (warr condi build) lately…

My Sword build is tankier as I need to be able to take the dmg when comboing as I obviously can’t move. But is hypermobile to jump to all corners of a fight to mitigate damage and spread/lead enemies where is beneficial for me and anyone else around me.

Axe is more damage oriented as I can choose when to burst with a bit more freedom. both work well but axe is more suited to dueling in my experience due to the increased burst and lessened mobility, as I tend to try and get kills wherever I see them so this means separating players from groups if theyre silly enough to follow. Also I love mobility and sword/shield kind of setups, so I made a build that works.

Take info you find applicable to you as a player from the forums and adapt a build. Theres plenty of premades out there already so start with one of those and see how you get on. Pick a style/weapon set you enjoy and practice it, and adapt it for how you want to play.

And you can’t go wrong with stances in WvW either, really useful for fighting outnumbered.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Juppepuppe.6509


I too like to go solo or in small groups.. I usually get bored to my builds and switch to another..
Atm im running condibuild 6/2/6/0/0 sword+shield/longbow.
sigil of tormenting on sword and doom on shield, another doom on bow and corruption for extra condi dmg. I use the confusion on interrupt trait + perplexity runes.
it is really fun build. Best ive done is beat 1v3.. But keep in mind enemy who knows what youre doing is a different story.
gear is mainly rabid with Mix of dire.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilHero.1248



not only it has high toughness and attack, it has decent CD as well. Although the crit rate suffer a little, you still get around 50+% chance. in addition, it has a good -condition duration and -stun duration which helps a lot against those pesky hammer users.

any comments?

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Quakeman.9378



not only it has high toughness and attack, it has decent CD as well. Although the crit rate suffer a little, you still get around 50+% chance. in addition, it has a good -condition duration and -stun duration which helps a lot against those pesky hammer users.

any comments?

Eh. Imo, you’re better off with full zerker armor and trinks w/ doly signet. Yes your stability is on a slightly longer cd, but you maintain around 3k armor, and get 47% crit, and 213% crit. The damage loss from soldier’s armor isn’t worth it if you ask me.

Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Paavotar.3971



not only it has high toughness and attack, it has decent CD as well. Although the crit rate suffer a little, you still get around 50+% chance. in addition, it has a good -condition duration and -stun duration which helps a lot against those pesky hammer users.

any comments?

Eh. Imo, you’re better off with full zerker armor and trinks w/ doly signet. Yes your stability is on a slightly longer cd, but you maintain around 3k armor, and get 47% crit, and 213% crit. The damage loss from soldier’s armor isn’t worth it if you ask me.

Remember that you lose 100 toughness when you drop below 90% and another 180 when you use Dolyak signet, so the armor varies anywhere from 2720 to 3000. Thick Skin trait tricks a lot of people real quickly to think warrior has high toughness, while it does mitigate maybe one or two hits before you lose 100 armor.

BUT, more on the topic. Yea, there is no magic build (outside the legendary 3030303030 4-weapon forum build) that could consistently kill 3+ guys solo. You could, lets say kill 2 guys competent people if they mess something up and everything goes how you want it to go, but anything outside of that, no don’t expect.

And all the utube montages are either people killing 1-2 lvl 80’s who have no clue with couple of upscaled chunked into the mix with low armor and no idea what they are doing.

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Out of all classes, warrior is one of the absolute worst when it comes to outnumbered fights. Speaking out of experience, going up against anything other then 1v1 puts you at a significant disadvantage, simply because you have to soak all damage (either with your toughness/HP or utilities like EP, which have a huge cooldown).

Other classes, such as thief and mesmer, have way more active mitigation. Stealth, blocks, teleports, evades, invulnerabilities (of which warrior has only one, Defiant Stance) at regular intervals make them the best candidate for 1vX.

That being said, a warrior can take out a single target if he manages to do a full rotation. I play Hammer/GS as well, and I have actually won a decent amount of 1v2 with it, even against adequate players. If, however, their skill level is equal to yours, not only should you expect to lose, but you should lose.

My conclusion is that a warrior actually needs to go as zerk as he can muster. I run with almost full zerk, Hoelbrak runes (I recommend these for any power warrior roaming spec), and like 2 cavalier trinkets. This makes me sit at 2700 power with stacks, ~45% crit chance and ~210 crit damage.


Merciless Hammer+Sigil of Impact=Hulk.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


1v2 against bad players you could win
1v2 against good players you can win if you get lucky
1v3 against bad players you will lose almost all the time
1×3 against good players, you win by playing a Thief

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


Burst the squishiest enemy. Block then run. Reset fight. Go back in. Rinse and repeat.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Kontrolle.3514


I dont know whats more funny, the OPs post or the replies.
But i honour your honesty CounterCookie so i will give you some hints.

1. if you want to dominate 1vsX situations without getting in trouble dont listen to any of this posts above.

2. think about what are the most important things in WvW roaming.
Mobility >>>> Survivalbility > Damage > CC. Build for it, trait for it, equip for it.

3. There are just 2 vaible runesets, what just 2? Jes exactly just 2. Everything else what other people might suggest is false.

If you do everything right you can roam all day, killing tons of people and surviving everything. There might be better windmill facetank builds, but thats not what you need for roaming. For more information PM me, i abuse the hell out of it and dont want facing to much lamers like me

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Elitist.8701


No no no. Don’t listen to anyone above, they’re all bad. Warrior is the best class in any wvw situation, including roaming. The problem here is that your not running optimized gear. No good roamer will ever run full zerk and scholar runes because you’ll never be above 90% in an outnumbered fight. Im too lazy to post a build but search up " Tapdatmouse legendary warrior build" on YouTube. He’s a well known player and his build is pretty decent.

Best Multiclass NA. RIP my beautiful Necromancer, such a shame. Retired, April 2015. GG Anet,
I’m not coming back, not that you care.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


The only way 5v1 happens with the 1 winning or he able to hold his own is when the 5 are terrible. That’s all there is to it, but luckily there is no shortage of bads in this game so the epic montage videos will continue.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


No no no. Don’t listen to anyone above, they’re all bad. Warrior is the best class in any wvw situation, including roaming. The problem here is that your not running optimized gear. No good roamer will ever run full zerk and scholar runes because you’ll never be above 90% in an outnumbered fight. Im too lazy to post a build but search up " Tapdatmouse legendary warrior build" on YouTube. He’s a well known player and his build is pretty decent.

Oh yea this guy speaks the truth^^

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518



This is the build that I use personally. Hammer/Greatsword allows you to CC your enemies to death, preventing them from doing damage to you while simultaneously bursting them down.

It is more of a 1vX build than a 1v1 build. You have a stupid amount of armor (3,187) so it is difficult for classes to burst you initially (although that number will go down to 2,907 throughout the fight due to Dolyak Signet and Thick Skin). High armor for a warrior is key to winning most of these 1vX fights.

I also forgo the use of Endure Pain because I feel like I don’t really need it anymore and I don’t really miss it. However, I LOVE having double stability. Getting a stomp off in 1vX fights is extremely crucial to winning them and having stability or not is often the difference between you winning, losing or having to back off and try again. It is kind of hard to stop a warrior who has stability on unless you corrupt their boons and use immobilize/chill. Double stability has won me so many fights, I also run with a group sometimes and I am pretty much the designated stomper because I can pretty much get it off any time I want.

You also have kitten near maxed critical damage (220%) for high spikes in damage, great for taking down 1 opponent quickly as well as 2,300+ base power which goes up much higher once you start building up some might. Also I use Strength Runes, you could use Hoelbrak or Melandru but I prefer stacking up damage. In groups with a good ele or guardian 25 might stacks for 10+ seconds isn’t out of possibility.

I also go 2/0/6/0/6 for many reasons, although you could go 4/0/6/0/4 or 0/4/6/0/4. I love Reckless Dodge to death. The 25 minor in Discipline helps you net 2-3 extra might stacks during a fight. Heightened Focus significantly increases my crit chance to around 70% with fury while being able to achieve all this tankiness.

A possible weakness would be classes who are condition based with lots of misdirection and evasiveness. Mesmers and Thieves would fit that description. This is a full melee build so it is difficult to catch these classes. Even a condi warrior could potentially be difficult to take down depending on their build and how proficient they are with it. You can in that case switch Dolyak Signet for Signet of Stamina.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


This is a great build, I have recently changed my build to exactly the same utilities and it works very well in outnumbered fights.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


^ I rather have burst mastery. Everything else is fine. Not a huge fan of dolyak sig. I know it gives more defense put its totally useless if you pop it and the cool down even traited is longer than balanced stance. If you don’t need endure pain there are other options. Like shake it off as a stun break vs using stability to break a stun. Or signet of might would be alot better with a hammer build.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


^ I rather have burst mastery. Everything else is fine. Not a huge fan of dolyak sig. I know it gives more defense put its totally useless if you pop it and the cool down even traited is longer than balanced stance. If you don’t need endure pain there are other options. Like shake it off as a stun break vs using stability to break a stun. Or signet of might would be alot better with a hammer build.

The thing is, double stability is just that much better then just using balanced stance. Sure, if you only use 1 stability utility then balanced stance should probably be your choice.

SiO is kind of bad in WvW imo. You could use it twice as often as Dolyak Signet, but it only breaks stun (and cures 1 condition, woohoo). Whereas Dolyak signet is constantly providing 180 toughness, until you desperately need that extra 8 seconds of stability for, say, a stomp (in which SiO is useless).

Signet of Might is incredibly situational, even with hammer. You can just as easy wait for the enemies block to run out or remove Aegis with an auto-attack, no need for SoM.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612



This is the build that I use personally. Hammer/Greatsword allows you to CC your enemies to death, preventing them from doing damage to you while simultaneously bursting them down.

It is more of a 1vX build than a 1v1 build. You have a stupid amount of armor (3,187) so it is difficult for classes to burst you initially (although that number will go down to 2,907 throughout the fight due to Dolyak Signet and Thick Skin). High armor for a warrior is key to winning most of these 1vX fights.

I also forgo the use of Endure Pain because I feel like I don’t really need it anymore and I don’t really miss it. However, I LOVE having double stability. Getting a stomp off in 1vX fights is extremely crucial to winning them and having stability or not is often the difference between you winning, losing or having to back off and try again. It is kind of hard to stop a warrior who has stability on unless you corrupt their boons and use immobilize/chill. Double stability has won me so many fights, I also run with a group sometimes and I am pretty much the designated stomper because I can pretty much get it off any time I want.

You also have kitten near maxed critical damage (220%) for high spikes in damage, great for taking down 1 opponent quickly as well as 2,300+ base power which goes up much higher once you start building up some might. Also I use Strength Runes, you could use Hoelbrak or Melandru but I prefer stacking up damage. In groups with a good ele or guardian 25 might stacks for 10+ seconds isn’t out of possibility.

I also go 2/0/6/0/6 for many reasons, although you could go 4/0/6/0/4 or 0/4/6/0/4. I love Reckless Dodge to death. The 25 minor in Discipline helps you net 2-3 extra might stacks during a fight. Heightened Focus significantly increases my crit chance to around 70% with fury while being able to achieve all this tankiness.

A possible weakness would be classes who are condition based with lots of misdirection and evasiveness. Mesmers and Thieves would fit that description. This is a full melee build so it is difficult to catch these classes. Even a condi warrior could potentially be difficult to take down depending on their build and how proficient they are with it. You can in that case switch Dolyak Signet for Signet of Stamina.

Agree with everything you say. Especially about double stab instead of Endure Pain. What really makes me vulnrable in 1v2 or 1v3 is the stomps, I have such a hard time getting them. An extra stability changed all of that, it’s really great. I’ve come to a point where I regularly attack 3 people alone because I honestly think I can beat them. Most of the times it doesn’t work as planned but sometimes you meet the exact right group comp to just melt 3 people down within seconds. Hammer and greatsword has incredible cleaving possibilitys!

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I dont really agree with the use of battle over intel on a hammer. Don’t really care if its 3 might stacks. Your going to binifit a lot more with intel. Also no hydromancy either. Seems like blind would totally shut this build down.

^ Again no burst mastery? Intel + burst mastery is clearly the better choice. Over heightened focus.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


What Cygnus said basically. If I only had one stability I would most likely choose Balanced Stance of Dolyak Signet. And I would much rather have a second source of stability and that 180 toughness then basically two stunbreaks/two condi removals in that time span. You can’t stomp people if people stun you back to back (which is fairly common in 1vX fights). With stability nobody can stop you unless they corrupt or remove it (which isn’t nearly as common).

I also have good uptime on that 180 toughness because I am always using Balanced Stance before I am using Dolyak Signet. But again, the 180 toughness is just a little bonus and isn’t a deciding factor on whether to run double stability.

However, Bulls Charge, and even Bolas (they are actually not bad contrary to popular belief) are good choices if you only want to run single stability. Then there is of course the Endure Pains and the SoS’

I run Heightened Focus besides Burst Mastery because in outnumbered fights when you are constantly getting hit, reduced adrenaline on burst doesn’t even really matter. So the only bonus to me would be the 7% damage on burst. While with heightened focus, I pretty much have an extra 15% crit chance when I use Greatsword because I rarely ever use the burst. Even on Hammer when I use the burst adrenaline isn’t hard to come by so I have pretty decent uptime on the trait.

Hydromancy could be a decent choice over Sigil of Fire for sure. But with the build I run I would probably never go Sigil of Intelligence b/c it relies on certain factors to be effective. The AoE from the hammer causes the charges to be used up very quickly (especially in 1VX fights, I think that is how it works I will have to check again though I might be wrong) so it is dispersed among multiple targets, rather than one. And especially with heightened focus I never really found critting to be a problem. It might be OK for 1v1 but I don’t tailor builds around 1v1 but for practical situations in WvW.

Sigil of battle I would never switch either unless I switched my Runes of Strength. 3 stacks of might that lasts 29 seconds is unreal. That is basically a perma 6 stacks of might, which is 210 power which roughly equals 12-15% extra damage with my build.

Blinds are ofc a problem, but really that only comes from blind spamming thieves and certain guardian builds. Which I doubt one sigil swap every 9 seconds would counter.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


What Cygnus said basically. If I only had one stability I would most likely choose Balanced Stance of Dolyak Signet. And I would much rather have a second source of stability and that 180 toughness then basically two stunbreaks/two condi removals in that time span. You can’t stomp people if people stun you back to back (which is fairly common in 1vX fights). With stability nobody can stop you unless they corrupt or remove it (which isn’t nearly as common).

I also have good uptime on that 180 toughness because I am always using Balanced Stance before I am using Dolyak Signet. But again, the 180 toughness is just a little bonus and isn’t a deciding factor on whether to run double stability.

However, Bulls Charge, and even Bolas (they are actually not bad contrary to popular belief) are good choices if you only want to run single stability. Then there is of course the Endure Pains and the SoS’

I run Heightened Focus besides Burst Mastery because in outnumbered fights when you are constantly getting hit, reduced adrenaline on burst doesn’t even really matter. So the only bonus to me would be the 7% damage on burst. While with heightened focus, I pretty much have an extra 15% crit chance when I use Greatsword because I rarely ever use the burst. Even on Hammer when I use the burst adrenaline isn’t hard to come by so I have pretty decent uptime on the trait.

Hydromancy could be a decent choice over Sigil of Fire for sure. But with the build I run I would probably never go Sigil of Intelligence b/c it relies on certain factors to be effective. The AoE from the hammer causes the charges to be used up very quickly (especially in 1VX fights, I think that is how it works I will have to check again though I might be wrong) so it is dispersed among multiple targets, rather than one. And especially with heightened focus I never really found critting to be a problem. It might be OK for 1v1 but I don’t tailor builds around 1v1 but for practical situations in WvW.

Sigil of battle I would never switch either unless I switched my Runes of Strength. 3 stacks of might that lasts 29 seconds is unreal. That is basically a perma 6 stacks of might, which is 210 power which roughly equals 12-15% extra damage with my build.

Blinds are ofc a problem, but really that only comes from blind spamming thieves and certain guardian builds. Which I doubt one sigil swap every 9 seconds would counter.


I would always advise yo use a bloodlust sigil though. On Killahmayne’s build, I’d suggest replacing fire on GS with bloodlust. It’s simple, 250 power is easily obtained with the new way stacking sigils work. And the benefit of bloodlust over for instance Fire, is that it is a constant damage bonus for both weapon sets. Fire might achieve a slightly higher burst, but this build has insane burst with hammer+MH+sigil of impact already. Sustained damage is better and it increases hammer burst as well.

Downside is that for wvw, you need two sigils, one for underwater weapon (otherwise you lose stacks when swimming).

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Sumusikoo.1360



This is the build that I use personally. Hammer/Greatsword allows you to CC your enemies to death, preventing them from doing damage to you while simultaneously bursting them down.

It is more of a 1vX build than a 1v1 build. You have a stupid amount of armor (3,187) so it is difficult for classes to burst you initially (although that number will go down to 2,907 throughout the fight due to Dolyak Signet and Thick Skin). High armor for a warrior is key to winning most of these 1vX fights.

I also forgo the use of Endure Pain because I feel like I don’t really need it anymore and I don’t really miss it. However, I LOVE having double stability. Getting a stomp off in 1vX fights is extremely crucial to winning them and having stability or not is often the difference between you winning, losing or having to back off and try again. It is kind of hard to stop a warrior who has stability on unless you corrupt their boons and use immobilize/chill. Double stability has won me so many fights, I also run with a group sometimes and I am pretty much the designated stomper because I can pretty much get it off any time I want.

You also have kitten near maxed critical damage (220%) for high spikes in damage, great for taking down 1 opponent quickly as well as 2,300+ base power which goes up much higher once you start building up some might. Also I use Strength Runes, you could use Hoelbrak or Melandru but I prefer stacking up damage. In groups with a good ele or guardian 25 might stacks for 10+ seconds isn’t out of possibility.

I also go 2/0/6/0/6 for many reasons, although you could go 4/0/6/0/4 or 0/4/6/0/4. I love Reckless Dodge to death. The 25 minor in Discipline helps you net 2-3 extra might stacks during a fight. Heightened Focus significantly increases my crit chance to around 70% with fury while being able to achieve all this tankiness.

A possible weakness would be classes who are condition based with lots of misdirection and evasiveness. Mesmers and Thieves would fit that description. This is a full melee build so it is difficult to catch these classes. Even a condi warrior could potentially be difficult to take down depending on their build and how proficient they are with it. You can in that case switch Dolyak Signet for Signet of Stamina.

I have been using this build and holy kitten its amazing, extremely tanky and good damage, however I feel like I lack control and really need the trait in tactics that makes you immobilize the enemy when hit with a spell that cripples, works awesome with hammer 3 and then switch to gs and skill 2, awesome burst and good control, so I’m not sure which traits I should switch out for that skill, any suggestions?

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518



This is the build that I use personally. Hammer/Greatsword allows you to CC your enemies to death, preventing them from doing damage to you while simultaneously bursting them down.

It is more of a 1vX build than a 1v1 build. You have a stupid amount of armor (3,187) so it is difficult for classes to burst you initially (although that number will go down to 2,907 throughout the fight due to Dolyak Signet and Thick Skin). High armor for a warrior is key to winning most of these 1vX fights.

I also forgo the use of Endure Pain because I feel like I don’t really need it anymore and I don’t really miss it. However, I LOVE having double stability. Getting a stomp off in 1vX fights is extremely crucial to winning them and having stability or not is often the difference between you winning, losing or having to back off and try again. It is kind of hard to stop a warrior who has stability on unless you corrupt their boons and use immobilize/chill. Double stability has won me so many fights, I also run with a group sometimes and I am pretty much the designated stomper because I can pretty much get it off any time I want.

You also have kitten near maxed critical damage (220%) for high spikes in damage, great for taking down 1 opponent quickly as well as 2,300+ base power which goes up much higher once you start building up some might. Also I use Strength Runes, you could use Hoelbrak or Melandru but I prefer stacking up damage. In groups with a good ele or guardian 25 might stacks for 10+ seconds isn’t out of possibility.

I also go 2/0/6/0/6 for many reasons, although you could go 4/0/6/0/4 or 0/4/6/0/4. I love Reckless Dodge to death. The 25 minor in Discipline helps you net 2-3 extra might stacks during a fight. Heightened Focus significantly increases my crit chance to around 70% with fury while being able to achieve all this tankiness.

A possible weakness would be classes who are condition based with lots of misdirection and evasiveness. Mesmers and Thieves would fit that description. This is a full melee build so it is difficult to catch these classes. Even a condi warrior could potentially be difficult to take down depending on their build and how proficient they are with it. You can in that case switch Dolyak Signet for Signet of Stamina.

I have been using this build and holy kitten its amazing, extremely tanky and good damage, however I feel like I lack control and really need the trait in tactics that makes you immobilize the enemy when hit with a spell that cripples, works awesome with hammer 3 and then switch to gs and skill 2, awesome burst and good control, so I’m not sure which traits I should switch out for that skill, any suggestions?

That is also a great option I forgot to mention, thanks for pointing that out.

I would forgo the 2 points in strength to make it 0/0/6/2/6. You gain the extra HP back in tactics anyway. However you do lose the extra 100 power and Reckless Dodge, but that can be seen as worth it as the 10% extra boon duration allows your might to last longer and you have more control and CC.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Sumusikoo.1360



This is the build that I use personally. Hammer/Greatsword allows you to CC your enemies to death, preventing them from doing damage to you while simultaneously bursting them down.

It is more of a 1vX build than a 1v1 build. You have a stupid amount of armor (3,187) so it is difficult for classes to burst you initially (although that number will go down to 2,907 throughout the fight due to Dolyak Signet and Thick Skin). High armor for a warrior is key to winning most of these 1vX fights.

I also forgo the use of Endure Pain because I feel like I don’t really need it anymore and I don’t really miss it. However, I LOVE having double stability. Getting a stomp off in 1vX fights is extremely crucial to winning them and having stability or not is often the difference between you winning, losing or having to back off and try again. It is kind of hard to stop a warrior who has stability on unless you corrupt their boons and use immobilize/chill. Double stability has won me so many fights, I also run with a group sometimes and I am pretty much the designated stomper because I can pretty much get it off any time I want.

You also have kitten near maxed critical damage (220%) for high spikes in damage, great for taking down 1 opponent quickly as well as 2,300+ base power which goes up much higher once you start building up some might. Also I use Strength Runes, you could use Hoelbrak or Melandru but I prefer stacking up damage. In groups with a good ele or guardian 25 might stacks for 10+ seconds isn’t out of possibility.

I also go 2/0/6/0/6 for many reasons, although you could go 4/0/6/0/4 or 0/4/6/0/4. I love Reckless Dodge to death. The 25 minor in Discipline helps you net 2-3 extra might stacks during a fight. Heightened Focus significantly increases my crit chance to around 70% with fury while being able to achieve all this tankiness.

A possible weakness would be classes who are condition based with lots of misdirection and evasiveness. Mesmers and Thieves would fit that description. This is a full melee build so it is difficult to catch these classes. Even a condi warrior could potentially be difficult to take down depending on their build and how proficient they are with it. You can in that case switch Dolyak Signet for Signet of Stamina.

I have been using this build and holy kitten its amazing, extremely tanky and good damage, however I feel like I lack control and really need the trait in tactics that makes you immobilize the enemy when hit with a spell that cripples, works awesome with hammer 3 and then switch to gs and skill 2, awesome burst and good control, so I’m not sure which traits I should switch out for that skill, any suggestions?

That is also a great option I forgot to mention, thanks for pointing that out.

I would forgo the 2 points in strength to make it 0/0/6/2/6. You gain the extra HP back in tactics anyway. However you do lose the extra 100 power and Reckless Dodge, but that can be seen as worth it as the 10% extra boon duration allows your might to last longer and you have more control and CC.

Hmmm I guess I will have to try it and see which works best for me although I’m 100% sure that the extra cc is gonna be better (for me) because I prefer to help my allies who are being chased and I love chaining it with GS skill 2, super awesome burst, sometimes enough to 1 shot squishies and if you land it on enough enemies in a zerg its a huge game changer. Although my build is a bit too tanky already and think I’ll be lacking some damage. currently at 23k HP with 3k armor xD

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: matthen.5024



This is the build that I use personally. Hammer/Greatsword allows you to CC your enemies to death, preventing them from doing damage to you while simultaneously bursting them down.

What? No LB/GS?

Personally, I like Hammer/GS a lot in WvW, and the above build looks good. However, I haven’t had a lot of success with Hammer/GS in outnumbered fights. It probably has to do with how I spec and play, but Hammer/GS seems tailored for either 1v1, or small group versus small group.

If you are interested in outnumbered play, I have always found LB/GS to be more forgiving. Think of it this way: mobility is key to staying alive when you are fighting outnumbered using a GS build. If you are using GS mobility, you are often going to find yourself at range… and obviously, it is easier to apply pressure at range with LB versus Hammer. That’s my 2cp. YMMV.

killahmayne actually has a few LB/GS vids that are pretty good… although, as you can see, he doesn’t use the build anymore.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Nischana.2036


what makes GS/Hammer so mutch better than GS/Mace+Shield , i rly cant see why it should be better ?

Can someone explain to me what makes this weapon kombo so good in WvWvW , because i dont see why.

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518



This is the build that I use personally. Hammer/Greatsword allows you to CC your enemies to death, preventing them from doing damage to you while simultaneously bursting them down.

It is more of a 1vX build than a 1v1 build. You have a stupid amount of armor (3,187) so it is difficult for classes to burst you initially (although that number will go down to 2,907 throughout the fight due to Dolyak Signet and Thick Skin). High armor for a warrior is key to winning most of these 1vX fights.

I also forgo the use of Endure Pain because I feel like I don’t really need it anymore and I don’t really miss it. However, I LOVE having double stability. Getting a stomp off in 1vX fights is extremely crucial to winning them and having stability or not is often the difference between you winning, losing or having to back off and try again. It is kind of hard to stop a warrior who has stability on unless you corrupt their boons and use immobilize/chill. Double stability has won me so many fights, I also run with a group sometimes and I am pretty much the designated stomper because I can pretty much get it off any time I want.

You also have kitten near maxed critical damage (220%) for high spikes in damage, great for taking down 1 opponent quickly as well as 2,300+ base power which goes up much higher once you start building up some might. Also I use Strength Runes, you could use Hoelbrak or Melandru but I prefer stacking up damage. In groups with a good ele or guardian 25 might stacks for 10+ seconds isn’t out of possibility.

I also go 2/0/6/0/6 for many reasons, although you could go 4/0/6/0/4 or 0/4/6/0/4. I love Reckless Dodge to death. The 25 minor in Discipline helps you net 2-3 extra might stacks during a fight. Heightened Focus significantly increases my crit chance to around 70% with fury while being able to achieve all this tankiness.

A possible weakness would be classes who are condition based with lots of misdirection and evasiveness. Mesmers and Thieves would fit that description. This is a full melee build so it is difficult to catch these classes. Even a condi warrior could potentially be difficult to take down depending on their build and how proficient they are with it. You can in that case switch Dolyak Signet for Signet of Stamina.

I have been using this build and holy kitten its amazing, extremely tanky and good damage, however I feel like I lack control and really need the trait in tactics that makes you immobilize the enemy when hit with a spell that cripples, works awesome with hammer 3 and then switch to gs and skill 2, awesome burst and good control, so I’m not sure which traits I should switch out for that skill, any suggestions?

That is also a great option I forgot to mention, thanks for pointing that out.

I would forgo the 2 points in strength to make it 0/0/6/2/6. You gain the extra HP back in tactics anyway. However you do lose the extra 100 power and Reckless Dodge, but that can be seen as worth it as the 10% extra boon duration allows your might to last longer and you have more control and CC.

Hmmm I guess I will have to try it and see which works best for me although I’m 100% sure that the extra cc is gonna be better (for me) because I prefer to help my allies who are being chased and I love chaining it with GS skill 2, super awesome burst, sometimes enough to 1 shot squishies and if you land it on enough enemies in a zerg its a huge game changer. Although my build is a bit too tanky already and think I’ll be lacking some damage. currently at 23k HP with 3k armor xD

I actually switch between Leg Specialist and the 2 points in strength from time to time. I will say this. Leg specialist really helps in landing some of your Hammer CC. You can also still attain very respectable damage at 23K HP and 3K armor, provided that you have full ascended gear and guard buffs.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518



This is the build that I use personally. Hammer/Greatsword allows you to CC your enemies to death, preventing them from doing damage to you while simultaneously bursting them down.

What? No LB/GS?

Personally, I like Hammer/GS a lot in WvW, and the above build looks good. However, I haven’t had a lot of success with Hammer/GS in outnumbered fights. It probably has to do with how I spec and play, but Hammer/GS seems tailored for either 1v1, or small group versus small group.

If you are interested in outnumbered play, I have always found LB/GS to be more forgiving. Think of it this way: mobility is key to staying alive when you are fighting outnumbered using a GS build. If you are using GS mobility, you are often going to find yourself at range… and obviously, it is easier to apply pressure at range with LB versus Hammer. That’s my 2cp. YMMV.

killahmayne actually has a few LB/GS vids that are pretty good… although, as you can see, he doesn’t use the build anymore.

Haha thx for the shout-out ;p

However I disagree with Hammer/GS being more tailored towards 1v1 and less of a group-based weapon set. In fact I argue the opposite, I think it really shines in group-based play/outnumbered while it is decent in 1v1.

The reason for this is that Hammer/GS build can easily single out one enemy and burst him into the ground. LB/GS can do this somewhat but the burst isn’t nearly as high and it is less reliable. Also, the Hammer has a lot of CC to prevent people from damaging you back for the most part. However, sometimes being kited can be an issue as well as stability.

Both sets are actually decent 1v1 setups, however they both have their advantages versus different classes.

LB/GS tend to do better vs classes/builds that build condi and like to stay range and kite you while building up condition stacks on you. Perfect examples of these classes are PU Condi Mesmer, Condi Thief, Condi Engi and Condi Necro. This is because CI works amazing with Longbow and that you actually have a ranged option. And with enough might stacks you derive enough damage from your bleeds and burns for it to be significant. This can help in taking down bunkerish type builds.

Hammer/GS tends to do equally well versus most classes/builds, however tend to not do as well versus classes that like to kite and poke condis at you till you die, although most thief builds can completely wreck this build. They obviously do better against builds that lack the ability to kite in combat, lack stability and stunbreaks and aren’t bunker-ish status. Blind spam is also a big detriment to this build.

LB/GS also is at a disadvantage versus most of the popular warrior builds like Axe, Mace and Hammer + Greatsword, for many reasons. LB/GS simply doesn’t have the reliability, CC and burst damage to keep up with these popular builds. The condi portion of your Longbow is fairly negligable, mostly because you only have two damaging conditions. You can’t capitalize and Pin Down on a Warrior nearly as well as on other classes due to Dogged March. LB/GS doesn’t out-trade a full melee Warrior either. You also can’t take full advantage of range because Arcing Arrow, Combustive Shot and Pindown are all harder to land at range, plus you only have 900 range max. Also the gap closing ability of a warrior makes it difficult to take advantage of range, but this is also a product of the lack of dodging, in-combat mobility and active defenses of a LB/GS Warrior.

The main reason why I run Hammer/GS is because in fact I tend to roam with people nowadays instead of solo. As I said before this build does better in group-scenarios. Also, you can’t quantify how extremely lifesaving it is that the Hammer CC helps prevent enemies from stomping your allies and that you can prevent enemies from reviving theirs. With LB/GS, you don’t really bring anything to a team besides a fire-field, it is mostly a self-oriented build. I found that with this weapon set I could not prevent stomps or enemies from ressing their buddies and that in itself is the reason why I switched. This changes the tide of so many fights. Sure there is stability but even then, I can’t count the amount of times that because of preventing stomps or resses, that me and the groups I run with have won the fight. Hard CC is one of the best things you can offer to a group as a Warrior, and Hard CC is what the Warrior does better than any other class. An ele, guard, ranger, etc can easily bring fire fields.

I will give LB/GS this though. It is certainly one of the most versatile weapon sets you can run with and is good in almost every situation. Handles condis like a charm. Hammer with the weakness condition however makes it work very well versus power builds.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


what makes GS/Hammer so mutch better than GS/Mace+Shield , i rly cant see why it should be better ?

Can someone explain to me what makes this weapon kombo so good in WvWvW , because i dont see why.

In my opinion, Hammer/GS is for the most part superior to Mace/GS in most areas.

Hammer/GS has way more CC and is more reliable (Stun, Knockback, Knockdown, cripple) as opposed to (2 Stuns, 1 Daze)

Hammer/GS overall does more damage and the damage is more reliable. Plus the Hammer is AoE, the auto-attack is better, more reliable weakness application, etc.

You also get kited less on the hammer.

With Mace/GS, the main problem I find is that it is too heavily reliant on one skill, which is telegraphed and requires melee range. That is skull crack. If you can’t land skull crack, your build is pretty much fodder to most people. Because then you will do almost no damage and just get kited for days, which is another issue with this build. At least with the hammer Earthshaker is a leaping animation that allows you to catch people, and that it has a cripple and that it isn’t reliable on one skill for damage. Earthshaker is also a blast finisher don’t forget about that, which makes it extremely useful. Also stability and stunbreakers make this build worthless. At least with the hammer it has raw damage to make up for it, mace doesn’t sadly.

However, Mace/GS is superior in terms of active defenses. A lot of blocking comes from the #2 and the shield and you can trait for reflect missiles for additional effectiveness. It is also slightly superior (but not much) in focusing a single target. A 3+ second stun allows everybody to purely focus that person for that amount of time, making it more likely that the enemy will get downed. However, Earthshaker coupled with other CC abilities pretty much grant you the same effect. The great thing about Mace/GS however is that you can build more tanky because of the trait unsuspecting foe.

Mace/GS is mainly a dueling spec, and not really much better than a hammer/GS build. Mace/GS does have the benefit of extra blocks, reflect missiles and natural tankiness by going unsuspecting foe plus the extra 1+ second of CC on the burst skill. However, aside from that Hammer is superior in almost every single way. With mace you pretty much throw all your eggs in one basket and hope the opponent doesn’t kite you to death or pack stability/stunbreakers.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Nischana.2036


What you guys think of this Build:

I looking for a more Tanky Build without giving up to mutch Mobility, i want to have GS + another Mobility or GS + Forcefull GS traid atleast to not get zergt down.

I have some Condition dmg to make better use of the sword, and perma Fury + 6 might.
I did put in Trooper for more condition removal, because i did think the condition removal from the Traids will not cut it if the fights go longer.
To get HB out i want to use F1 from Sword than swap and put it in there.

Would be nice to get some tipps how to Build a Tanky roaming warri (if this is even possible) because i guess you cant go condition dmg, cause you need GS for mobility.

With mit P/D Condition thief, i run sometimes in to Warris that i just cant kill, they do decent DMG to me even and i have full Apothecary in every gear slot. And they just cant die even with ~10 bleed stacks for a few seconds.
As far as i can tell they dont use shouts. (sure i am not the best player out there but this warris often barly move or do anything they are just insane tanky, and when they hit me with something trivial i loose a good chunk of health)

Something like this :
Should to no dmg should it ?

(edited by Nischana.2036)

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Makalaure.9283


killahmayne, is your build viable with only exotic gear? Or does it require full ascended to be effective. I mean, I know it will be better with ascended, but is it still viable (in your opinion) with only exotic gear?

Warrior WvW Roaming Suggestions

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


killahmayne, is your build viable with only exotic gear? Or does it require full ascended to be effective. I mean, I know it will be better with ascended, but is it still viable (in your opinion) with only exotic gear?

Any build that’s viable in ascended will be viable in exotics. The difference is negligible.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.