Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I think it is probably an overstatement to call this build "Sustainable God", having Adrenal Health half the time and Defy Pain hardly makes the build "sustainable". You just simply out damaged the ele with your burst (that ele seemed like she only had like 13-14K HP or something compared to the usual 16-18K d/d specs and didn’t seem to deal much damage. And you don’t really have a lot of condition removal at all, or vigor, or minus condition duration, etc.

To me sustainability isn’t 1v1 but how you hold up, survive and still be able to do considerable damage against multiple opponents, like in zerg fights or sPvP. Anybody can seem sustainable in a 1v1 fight.

Outside of shout healing/speccing for full condition removal/duration and random protection proccing, and MAYBE just stupidly high toughness and vitality, a warrior simply is far from having anything close to "godly sustain".

But besides that cool video.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


Haha alright guys, I get it. It’s not that great of a build. But at least I’m trying to make things work with the new changes instead of crying about it in the forums.

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng
Build: http://tinyurl.com/gw2build-parmstick
YouTube: http://tinyurl.com/YT-gw2parmstick

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


hmm… iam shocked that an elementalist deals more dmg ,heals more and has 100 times better sustain than a warrior.

warrior neds cc to deal dmg. We are lucky nobody got stunbreaker since patch… oh wait..

Grimkram [sS]

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: Laurienne.3645


Haha alright guys, I get it. It’s not that great of a build. But at least I’m trying to make things work with the new changes instead of crying about it in the forums.

and really ty for this build, im enjoying it in wvw <3

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Haha alright guys, I get it. It’s not that great of a build. But at least I’m trying to make things work with the new changes instead of crying about it in the forums.

its not that it’s a bad build, it is more that you misled us with your “sustainable god” label.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Haha alright guys, I get it. It’s not that great of a build. But at least I’m trying to make things work with the new changes instead of crying about it in the forums.

Props for trying to make it work, but claiming to be a “sustain god” makes me think you’re either:
A: Trolling
B: Ignorant
C: Linking to a Guardian video (See A: Trolling)
D: All of the above

Your other post about Warriors Sprint being superior to Swiftness because Sprint works in combat, and swiftness does not, also leads me to believe you have less than a firm grasp on game mechanics (See B: Ignorant). I also saw a lot of common beginner mistakes in your fight, like using big attacks when your opponent has prot up, along with plenty of little things, like dodges, positioning, etc.

And take note: There is a big difference between crying, and constructive feedback.

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I didn’t particularly enjoy this video. You beat an inferior warrior who was clearly not prepped for 1v1 dominance like you were twice (she would have killed you twice in the first fight if you didn’t have stomp stunbreak or defy pain) and allowed her to vengeance three times. She sat and ate an 8k 100blades. She was not specced for defy pain which is one of the best 1v1 talents an offensive warrior can pack whereas yours procced at 25% and saved your life at the 1min35sec mark. In the second fight she had a guard on her as well.

Your sustain is nothing special, you were able to outheal the ele because she did terrible damage. On the other hand your damage is very high and she managed to sustain through it. She was obviously wearing cleric gear for drawn out fights due to how much the hp bar moved on your 5-6k eviscerates rather than expecting to find zerkers and need vitality. This meant it was easy for you to burst her down with a rather basic combo of shield stun, eviscerate and whirlwind. I’m surprised the fight lasted as long as it did, though that was probably because you made sloppy mistakes such as eviscerating through protection buffs which were due to expire in 2 seconds and popping bullrush while the ele had stability up from armour of earth.

I wouldn’t have bothered replying but the title ‘sustainable god’ annoyed me.

Me too.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: fuji.6283


Shout warrior is awesome in wvw, why would you even think of using shout warrior in pve?

The only reason why you would invest in shout warrior is for the heal trait you get off it and soldier’s rune. It EXCELS in PvE. It’s horrible investing in it in WvW, where you sacrifice damage and mobility/utility in catching and getting away from others.

(edited by fuji.6283)

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


I’ll read all the comments later. Just wanted to say that I thought video was pretty good; wish I could get those kinds of 1v1s in the match ups I’m in.

The thing I really wanted to comment on was that your video demonstrates just how bugged the pathing is for Bullrush. I hope some ANet developer watches it & sees how bad it is.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


this kind of topics are the ones that mislead people and the devs of the problem of the warriors.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Warrior WvW Video - Sustainable God

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


this kind of topics are the ones that mislead people and the devs of the problem of the warriors.

That is why I commented. It seems a bunch of posters have come in, in the attempt to mislead the developers. :/

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver