Warrior WvW build
I am propably not professional warrior, but i run a power build warrior for variety.
I go with strength, defence, berserker. Very unconventional with high toughness.
Close combat roaming build that works for me. Usally most go for full offensive gear.
Warhorn for movement. Stomp and headbutt as stunbreakers is usually enough.
Again. I use it for roaming and don´t zerg and its strange due t no endure pain. Still hits very hard and is mobile, which is key. Axe can be changed for sword if liked more, but axe synergizes better for me. I use axe as opener and then swap or if i want to hit with an axe burst like after successful headbut. I also prefer shatter over beserkers stance, but with all those condi classes around its hard to leave this one out.
Made it as a real close combat warrior fun build to have a change from my ele and it plays well :-). I am to bad to stand long if outnumbered but maybe one day …
In 1:1 i am quite successful with it.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
Just run something like this, even exo version works completely fine.
I’ll suck volcanus for stability.
Aight. Thanks, But as for gear, i presume full ascended gear pieces would be cool, right? If yes, then which one would you suggest? Preferably easy ascended gear to obtain if possible? Maybe good looking one too?
As for weapon, i got Twilight as GS if it’s ok. But as for sigils, which are the best for weapons? And for runes? Which are the better for gear pieces?
Full ascened is not mandatory. It comes with the time. Of course you want it but the diffrence to exotic is not so great. I always pick laurel after a month for the login boon.
and then buy at the laurel merchants in WvW. Otherwise i get soldiers from temple karma merchants and put in a fitting jewel.
For rune pack is one of the best for warrior. Strength is top in PvE and no real loss in WvW. If going for migh, i prefer hoelbrak in WvW over strength. Traveler is a good allrounder that gives freedom not to pick momement speed. One of my personal favorites i surging but this is expensive and i only use it PvP.
for sigils there are also a lot good ones. In PvE your main weapon should use bloodlust. WvW it´s OK too but i don´t like it much here. On power builds i often use blood. Air, fire are good. Energy on one set for dodging. Generosity if you need another condi remover, leeching for more drain or simply force for +5% damage.
you see most pieces in my build.
its hard to reach 50% crit chance on war with exotic gear only. Ascended armor ftw
W v W-r o a m e r
??? what are to talking about. Exotics have the same stats as their ascended cousins. Exotic Berserker’s is the same stats are Ascended Berserkers (Zojia’s) stats.
??? what are to talking about. Exotics have the same stats as their ascended cousins. Exotic Berserker’s is the same stats are Ascended Berserkers (Zojia’s) stats.
Less stats!?!
Hello I am relatively new to the game but reading your post brought sad memories of my own to mind.
In my experience in WvW you need toughness. New players like us will have the ‘one mistake allowed’ chance with this stat boosted. If it is low you will get smashed very easily if you get nervous, confused or not knowing what you do – and this happens quite often =)
This is the build I use with Greatsword as main and sword with shield for the added mobility and the ‘Final Thrust’ skill which if mastered can prove deadly.
The basic weakness of warrior is condition damage so I choose Melandru runes and condition damage cleanse traits, paired with “condition damage duration decrease” food to balance that. DPS wise it’s not the most efficient but when going Berserk it provides some nice burst.
My set and jewels are all ascended and I believe this extra stat boost (compared to exotic) produces a slight but visible difference.
Hope I helped a bit.
PS- this build is not my idea, what I posted is a common “WvW roam warrior” build adjusted to my needs.
I’ve seen a video. This one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmW511StXks . I can say my stats are close to his, but i dunno why…i can’t deal that massive damage. I mean…i don’t even know what i’m doing wrong, he barely takes damage, while i am murdered fast by a reaper for example, or warriors don’t have a big chance against reapers and mesmers?
Because you run exotic gear duhhh
W v W-r o a m e r
If you can play against clones, mesmer is usually easy. I am not so experienced against revenant. Condi warrior tends to kill him. Power is all about the CC.
I did look at the build video. Hoelbrak and sigils like i suggested for WvW. Much depends on how you can play this.
My build also has about 2600 power, much more armor but less ferocity.
I constantly hit over 6k arc divers and with the boost from strength instead of discipline i easily keep high damage rolling. And instead of 25% runspeed i have 33% from swiftness. What i lack is the shield. Exotic equipement except trinkets works fine with pack rune.
Wolfric Id like to duel you somtime, I know that you say that your not the best, but I see you on here giving a lot of advices which in your opinion are good advices. but I would like to test your advice and opnion vs my build and my skill./
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
I am on Vabbi. I don´t know how we can acieve it but we might talk in game about it if we meet in the eavening. I am often on at about 21h (CET). I main ele and train warrior a bit to have an alternative, but am usualy overhelmed in teamfights with my warrior :-). I usualy do my own non meta builds that catch by surprise. An when i play a class the build is not 100% set in stone. I do adaptions depending on situation. Mostly swap utilities but on the ele i basically use two builds (one very close to meta which i dislike but its good …) and swap reflect in out depending on oposing team. For the warrior utilities might change depending on fighting power or condi.
Basically i am a good “Theocrafter” with average manual skills. I win by surprise and build. A good example was a warrior. I did see hes a top player and he moved, dodged important skills, used obstacles. So some serious player. I won this. I played totally unexpected and he misenterpreted my hybrid ele build. He couldn´t satnd i ang searched for me. Next he won because he did change his build and now kew better whats going to happen ^^. I also dueled a good thief that smashed others in duels especially eles. My build was made to be thief resillient … He could´t beat me when i played it save without changing his build and playstyle.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
This is my warrior build. Suitable for roaming, small group or zerg fighting. It has multiple means of dealing with all threats faced in wvw and i have found to be one of the best all around builds for warrior. I realize some people will roll their eyes at a power based sword build, but I have killed many a glass cannon with a well timed shield bash and final thrust. It has surprising capabilities.
Against condis you have two sources of resistance (zerker stance and last ditch heal sig), A full condi clear in the signet, and losing a condi on swap and crits with the sword as well as 2 condis when activating berzerk.
Against Physical dmg you have ample stuns, shield block, healing and regen from the runes, healing from adrenal health assuming you can land a burst, heal sig passive, and rousing resilience for health and toughness.
I dont use Berzerk mode for the bursts, I use it for the utility of a small condi clear, the extra 5k health if i would go down, and a stunbreaker/source of stability. Hope this helps and if you have any questions please ask.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
OP, Are you running frontline warrior? If you are you want 3K + armor, 20K+ HP.
You don’t need ascended armor. The ascended trinkets and weapons do provide a larger stat boost.
In your backline: Elementalist+Mesmer+Necromancer
(edited by Infusion.7149)
All trinkets are ascended, weapon is legendary, armor is exotic, got almost 23k hp, but only 2.5k armor. But as a backup for the future, which ascended set you might recommended? Zojja’s set probably? Or there is another one that looks better too? XD
Now, i see there are infused trinkets, which offer 2 extra slots than the exotic and 1 more than the normal ascended, probably i should think to craft those too, right?
As for the infusions, precise or mighty?