because he doesn’t know it himself
Warrior and enemy reviving
because he doesn’t know it himself
Pro tip : Don’t use GS.
Go for hammer, and bash those guys in the ground.
You’re welcome !
You failed to mention a key factor: What was your 2nd weapon?
When dealing with an enemy rezzing, you have three options: Quick/Stability-spike the downed player, down the rezzer, or CC the rezzer.
Hammer is fantastic for stopping rezzers in progress
F1 Earthshaker: stuns, which interrupts rez.
#4: AOE knockback, which interrupts rez
And #5 Knockdown, which interrupts rez
You can generally Stun/Knockback/Knockdown, pop stability, and spike the downed guy before his buddy can return to rezzing.
If you were running Rifle, you can even use #5 which is a knockback, and then spike.
Until they pop stability and laugh at your silly CC. Yes, hammer can be used to interrupt resses though (you’ll also want to be providing steady dps over the guy so that when they do pop stability they don’t want to hang out there to res).
Yes, HB can be used to stop ressing. It will outdamage the guy ressing, but more often than not it will simply make the resser not want to stand in your channeled HB allowing you to cut down the downed’s health significantly. I also seem to kill a lot of people doing this during teamfights with all the screen clutter they don’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late.
Stomping or ressing depends on the situation. I’ve made the wrong decision before and made the right decision. Generally ressing is the safe option.
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
Thanks everyone!^^
I asked because sometimes it may happen than the ressing one is a guardian using blocks. Hammer does no good in these cases. And doesn’t fit in my build. Hundred blades won’t damage him, but it will sure damage the downed enemy.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Thanks everyone!^^
I asked because sometimes it may happen than the ressing one is a guardian using blocks. Hammer does no good in these cases. And doesn’t fit in my build. Hundred blades won’t damage him, but it will sure damage the downed enemy.
a guardian wont be able to block all your attacks whilst ressing… all theyd have access to is aegis (at max… it would be 3?); with the new signet of might active you could hit through that or have a necro buddy fear them
… stability res… thats when you go full dps on the resser
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Yeah, but with a hammer it would mean I should first use 3 auto attacks, then a cc.
With 100 blades I may be able to down the guardian.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Go adrenaline build, Hammer main, Longbow off.
Combustive Shot the resser & ressee, then Earthshaker.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
nothing you can do but put the most damage on the reviving one, or bull charge if off cd
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Go adrenaline build, Hammer main, Longbow off.
Combustive Shot the resser & ressee, then Earthshaker.
I then may just go hammer + mace/mace or shield and spam stuns until there are two downed enemies.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
That works too, but the Adrenaline gain isn’t quite as good as it is with Longbow.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.