Warrior builds that pretend to be dps
If you’re dying regularly using 30/25/0/0/15 + Healing Signet, then the problem isn’t the build, it’s the player.
Arena net isnt a fan of glass cannon and youl likely see a lot of new encounter and fix made for the sole purpose of making them feel uncomfortable in the future. btway going full dps isnt the only way to play warrior and 30 25 0 0 15 is prety much only viable with great sword.
I run 0 25 15 30 0 and the healing banners actualy does a perfect job not to mention how easy it is to switch gear and trait for about any single weapon in the game. Id advise you not to run glass cannon great sword in fractals if you actualy hate armor repairs because you gunna spend a lot of time at the little broken red shield if you run that.
A good credo for fractal should be to balance your stat and gear in order to be optimal in every situation because no you wont always be on the DPS seat in fractals of the mist.
Just dont forget to bring in the critical damage bannerNow now i dont know about you but i like to have tri-regen on my warrior. Couple that with enought damage to outclass anything but a full damage warrior and youl be fine in Fotm
wichever build you use you always need at least 0 20 0 0 0 to be able to use greatsword effectively when necesary.
You simply have no idea what you’re talking about.
I actualy do have an exelent idea of what im talking about.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
Again with the glorification of the damage. Seriously if everything in this game was about damage half the builds would be rejected from the moment youd get into the fractals. It aint the case. Behing the last man standing also holds some meaning when it comes to party survival because the ’’tanky’’ guy will always be the one to revive the glass cannons who constantly dies of aoe they wont dodge in time.
i can assure you that going full dps its kind of unlikely youl be that ‘’last standing’’ guy and that its kind of unlikely a thief with refuge will save your party should i get close to wiping mainly because you wont pick one.
I’ve seen plenty of times when a full zerker just soloed the boss after a near wipe…(especially lupicus)
Seen a guardian also solo lupi. Lupi is a different creature, he is more about knowing the attack patterns than just being a D.P.S race. A better example is Queens Jubilee on final arena boss where full zerker warrior can down her in 20 seconds before any sustained serious damage is now AoE’ing all over the place.
i wonder how long it took
mathers little because he got the job done where his team (aka people who thinks like you and have absolutely no survivability) failed awfully
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
Again with the glorification of the damage. Seriously if everything in this game was about damage half the builds would be rejected from the moment youd get into the fractals. It aint the case. Behing the last man standing also holds some meaning when it comes to party survival because the ’’tanky’’ guy will always be the one to revive the glass cannons who constantly dies of aoe they wont dodge in time.
i can assure you that going full dps its kind of unlikely youl be that ‘’last standing’’ guy and that its kind of unlikely a thief with refuge will save your party should i get close to wiping mainly because you wont pick one.
You clearly aren’t in Fractals 40+. If you were, you’d know that DPS is absolutely king. Why? Because mobs in 40+ hit ridiculously hard no matter what build or what gear you’re using. The trick is to kill them fast. So please don’t lecture me (or anyone else, for that matter) on Fractals when you’re clearly an inexperienced Fractal runner.
Again with the glorification of the damage. Seriously if everything in this game was about damage half the builds would be rejected from the moment youd get into the fractals. It aint the case. Behing the last man standing also holds some meaning when it comes to party survival because the ’’tanky’’ guy will always be the one to revive the glass cannons who constantly dies of aoe they wont dodge in time.
i can assure you that going full dps its kind of unlikely youl be that ‘’last standing’’ guy and that its kind of unlikely a thief with refuge will save your party should i get close to wiping mainly because you wont pick one.
You clearly aren’t in Fractals 40+. If you were, you’d know that DPS is absolutely king. Why? Because mobs in 40+ hit ridiculously hard no matter what build or what gear you’re using. The trick is to kill them fast. So please don’t lecture me (or anyone else, for that matter) on Fractals when you’re clearly an inexperienced Fractal runner.
cant be hit when you block and its easyer to recover from them with a good regen
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
yea with the little difference that a full dps will take about 5 minutes to solo whole lupi while a “support” will take 15 minutes
Can you pretend lupi will not 1 shot you if he hit you. Your build leave little margin for mistakes and you dont have an endless amount of dodges maily because as you said you use axe you have at least 1 less block you can use. Now if you aint even using a shield you cant even use the 3 second block. What now you will be living on borrowed time with defy pain?
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
i wonder how long it took
mathers little because he got the job done where his team (aka people who thinks like you and have absolutely no survivability) failed awfully
Ok so your saying that i would fail because i have no survivability. ok
Can you pretend lupi will not 1 shot you if he hit you. Your build leave little margin for mistakes and you dont have an endless amount of dodges.
rofl, Lupi absolutely will not 1-shot a zerker warrior. Your posts are beyond ridiculous.
well as i recall lupi will prety much 1 shot any class in zerker gear cept people with top health or toughtness (last time i tried glass cannon against him was on thief). ive not personnaly tryed lupicus in a full dps gear on warrior because guild was concentrating on getting the stuff done rather then doing a ’’ACE’’ run and as such we had speced not to have our back handled over by lupicus in the middle of the fight due to some guy falling.
Even if lupi wont one shot you healing signet alone doesnt provide enought healing to allow you to get a heavy hit this often.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
well as i recall lupi will prety much 1 shot any class in zerker gear cept people with top health or toughtness (last time i tried glass cannon against him was on thief). ive not personnaly tryed lupicus in a full dps gear on warrior because guild was concentrating on getting the stuff done rather then doing a ’’ACE’’ run.
Well I have “personally” done Lupicus as a zerker warrior, and I’m telling you he cannot 1 shot you.
we actually get stuff done at least twice as fast as yours
we actually get stuff done at least twice as fast as yours
thats if you get it done to begin with
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
well as i recall lupi will prety much 1 shot any class in zerker gear cept people with top health or toughtness (last time i tried glass cannon against him was on thief). ive not personnaly tryed lupicus in a full dps gear on warrior because guild was concentrating on getting the stuff done rather then doing a ’’ACE’’ run.
If you watched my guardian video there was a partial lupi kill as well. WoR did around 25% of his health, could have been more but I screwed up with “Save Yourselves”. Getting back on topic, he one shots people with low health pools which means warriors can survive in full zerker. Also 25% of his health will still be more than what your build would have done so…I could have died and still done more DPS than you
ahaha is this guy serious xD
we actually get stuff done at least twice as fast as yours
thats if you get it done to begin with
Proof that we do get stuff done:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tcctZH5UxE vs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYuOOKe2NrY
Can you pretend lupi will not 1 shot you if he hit you. Your build leave little margin for mistakes and you dont have an endless amount of dodges maily because as you said you use axe you have at least 1 less block you can use. Now if you aint even using a shield you cant even use the 3 second block. What now you will be living on borrowed time with defy pain?
Just so you realize you’re talking to a bunch of people that can solo Lupi with the meta build.
The dps youve done is of little importance once your dead because at that point you no longuer do any. Ill not pretend lupy cant be soloed with meta if you actualy ignore everyone else whos dead on the ground just make sure you dont fail it because either you live a hero either you die a looser because you didnt manage to solo him and wasted everyone time. Lupi on phase 3 is easy to dodge its about getting trought phase 2 unscarred wich most people have a serious problem doing.
Anyone who knows lupicus enought can solo him in phase 3 and even stay alive in phase 2 for a while. I dont disaprove your ideal of running full damage ive ran it before and had no problem with it (ran 30 25 0 0 15 when my war reached 80 september 2012) I prefer to lower my damage however in order to stay alive longuer for those rare time i take a hit because id rather be near unkillable and have average damage then deals insane damage and fall from time to time at a crucial moment. At this point its a choice of way to play.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
well but lupi is actually dead so what is going to kill us?
the dps youve done is of little importance once your dead because at that point you no longuer do any.
You are missing the point, you can do MORE dps even with dying than your build.
Lupi on phase 3 is easy to dodge its about getting trought phase 2 unscarred wich most people have a serious problem doing.
what phase 2 and 3 are you talking about here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tcctZH5UxE
(edited by NeoVaris.4806)
the dps youve done is of little importance once your dead because at that point you no longuer do any.
You are missing the point, you can do MORE dps even with dying than your build.
I rather trade the damage for survivability altrought i do guess i could stay alive even as a full damage spec im not the kind of person who takes chance (i like the idea of behing hard to kill better then dealing big numbers). Ill have to personnaly attempt solo lupi some day for fun but im to busy lvling alts and massing gold right now to bother. Even then congratulation you proved its possible while about 90% of the in game population cant do it and likely never will be able to do so (there is a limit to what players can do and some just wont manage to run a full dps build without constantly getting hits aka most of the people I know who arent outright from Asia) I rather make sure these guys i caugh in a cereal box to run arah makes it trought because in a normal party you wont be soloing the boss… if you soloing it its either because you had very bad luck trying to rez everyone else (or that the boss made it impossible for you to do so) or its because you a selfish guy who dont cares about the party well behing and will rather pop his dps rotation then move to the closest ally and bandage him back up. Point of a support is not to solo its to keep everyone else alive and well.
I wont rush my damage if i see someone downed ill rush to his aid and heal him back up even if hes at the other edge of the field
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
again your suppositions. You probably don’t know that if you die in some particular range at lupi if someone come to ress you lupi will dome you both or barrage on your heads. just an example for phase 3 .
(edited by blessing nosferatu.3784)
again your suppositions. You probably don’t know that if you die in some particular range at lupi if someone come to ress you lupi will dome you both or barrage on your heads.
its the duty of everyone to lend a aid to downed players else just what kind of teamate you are? If i cant reach it from a melee range ill use my banner and if i cant use my banner ill rush in and use defy pain to take the hits while i try to rez him and yea i do know lupi lovely habits to finish off his targets as well as the other people who try to revive the so called target
Beside isnt dome part 3? I recall people normaly dont die at this part. Part 2 is what makes the downs
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
part 2 is actually the easiest phase
easyest is phase 3 outright mainly because thats the part hes the most easy to dodge but eh thats your preferance. we always burn to reach phase 3 as quickly as possible
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
in phase 2 he has just 2 move if you stay in melee and they are both really slow.
Full DPS is for organized groups. I don’t see an issue with a little extra survivability in pugs. 9 times out of 10 you’re going to be reviving alies and they’re not going to support you more often than not. I’m in 40+fractals and half the time the team doesn’t even stack and we almost always end up ranging the boss. Nevertheless, the fractals still only take no more than an hr and a half in what I’m sure is less than optimal builds for each player.
I run 30/25/0/0/15 with pugs in full zerker with GS/AxeMace (Rifle typically for bosses…) and I never get 40k 100blades. It’s more like 32k if I’m lucky. This is a recent change of course, before I was running Knights armor with zerker trinkets, and the bit of extra surviability was appreciated. It does allow you to take an extra few hits from 40+fractals.
(edited by Kagamiku.9731)
Welcome to the Warrior forums. Go zerk or go home. >_>
That having been said, I actually have been running a 0/10/30/30/0 celestial gear build that I’ve been really enjoying. I typically run with noob friendly groups, and so the expectation is that I’ll be joining players who can’t avoid getting downed, or possibly defeated, without some support, which is why I typically run shout heals to help keep them up, and am a little tanky so I can take a few hits while rezz’ing.
It’s not exactly optimal, but I do enough damage for it to matter, and bring enough support to the table to make it through our runs in a reasonable amount of time. That’s a win for me.
Can someone provide me with the DPS difference between his build and the META zerker build so we can tell him exactly how much % of the fight we can spend dead and still out-DPS him.
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu
" I never get 40k 100blades. It’s more like 32k if I’m lucky. "
that’s because in pugs you dont have proper offensive buffs and vulnerability stacking.
Sometiems you can even hit 60k+ in organised groups.
(edited by blessing nosferatu.3784)
wich is the case for a good 95% of the party youl find. Most people dont go in organised team they neither have the time to waste or the energy to spend in order to form a full organised team, you will see these mainly in guild teams wich ill remind you isnt the case of every guild. Im in a WVW guild on crystal desert and i can tell you that basicaly the few guys i know that does fractals arent even high enought in their rating to compete. Pugs is the effective methods to anyone who wanna do his/her daily quickly and in pugs you cant afford to be picky selecting the team members one by one. this often ends up with a very cheap composition wich doesnt match at all and that you have to mend up on your own because if you dont play teamwise rather then by yourself you will just end up rage quiting before the end or spending 3 hour in the fractals of the mist because your to much of an individualist who dont care at all for the team. What makes the wins in fractals pug is not raw DPS but the good will to help each other out because as you said you WONT be able to pull off that massive dps of yours there anyway.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
to be honest i can solo or duo dungeons like arah faster than any pugs…
“I pug fractals and I’m not good enough to use the proper DPS build so I use a trash build and spout nonsense saying that it’s better than almost every other classes. Eles and guardians can out-DPS me? Sure, but the crappy pugs I run with don’t spec for DPS so I can easily outclass them.”
And don’t give me that bullkitten about not being able to dodge every hit just because you’re in Asia. I’m in SG and I do just fine in full parties. Yes, oceanic lag will rear its ugly face when you get hit by Lupicus phase 3 barrage even when dodging in time, but in a full competent party this will not cause wipes. I run with parties where 4/5 of the people are oceanics (or worse aka China) and we still do good runs. Lag is not an excuse for running a trash build in a 5 man party.
pretent to be dps? get two sets of armor with the same look, one tanky set one zerker, just pin the zerker and wear the tanky
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
What makes the wins in fractals pug is not raw DPS but the good will to help each other
I pug fractals, and I want you to help the team by bringing awesome DPS, not stuff like shout heals or banner regen that’s totally unneeded for decent players, and too weak to save terrible players.
Jeez…!!! What strange human beings you can find around… O.o
Exactly, although we might have a different view on who’s strange and who’s not.
Hes right trought one should be aiming to play what hes confortable playing as while striving to keep its effectiveness to maximum. Theres a just middle between playing the wiki build just behing a clone amonst a thousand of boring player having no fun farming their daily gold and playing a totaly custom build for fun alone wich might in the end be somewhat unefective, try and get the middle between both. I remember players screaming to outrage when a ranger used touch build for the first time in GW1 well it just happen touch ranger always been a favorite of ‘’joking around’’ player in pvp because it was both anoying and effective. Creativity is largely under rated in gw2 elitist sphere of the game. In any case Skills in a dungeon isnt determined by the build but by the player itself. Doesnt mather how much dps you can pull if you cant use the build correctly (wich is the case of the majority of warriors i see using zerker way or immitating it).
Make it happen, worry about your build after.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
Mmmm…as a Zerk warrior I have plenty of survivability just through dodges….Signet of Fury + Endurance fill on burst.
Stormbluff Isle
30/25/15/0/0/0 GS build with berserker armor and knight jewelry and healing signet is pretty sweet for a instance build for starting warriors or warriors that pug often. Plenty of health regn, toughness and dps for any group. While the pure berserker geared people are sucking the dirt off the ground either downed or dead you are still kicking with enough tricks to either help them get back up or not get downed yourself at least easily.
Full berserker builds are for people with great comps and connections that don’t lag and have played every path in instances several times to know what every mob does and what every boss is going to do so they can time their dodges; basically lots of experience. For 90% of players in pugs it just doesn’t work, they are constantly downed next to you while you have 90% health unless you got unlucky.
I’m personally playing a 0/25/15/0/0/30 build right now with axe/sword with a berserker/knights mix, did it at first for kicks and giggles, but its pretty fun really and has a nice mix of burst and survivability with some tricks. I guess you can call it a pretend to dps build, I know its not zomg top dps but its still pretty fun to me. Everyone plays GS and it honestly gets boring after a while, but its still good to start off with or if you really need that top dps.
If you’re dying regularly using 30/25/0/0/15 + Healing Signet, then the problem isn’t the build, it’s the player.
Duh, that’s what he said in the very first sentence.
Why does anyone care about Lupi? Most worthless encounter in the game that players wave around to enhance their kitten. He’s just a gimmick target dummy. Want to display your zerker skill prowess? Solo some boss with attacks that aren’t slow and predictable and 100% avoidable in a wide open area with plenty of room to dodge around.
Why does anyone care about Lupi? Most worthless encounter in the game that players wave around to enhance their kitten. He’s just a gimmick target dummy. Want to display your zerker skill prowess? Solo some boss with attacks that aren’t slow and predictable and 100% avoidable in a wide open area with plenty of room to dodge around.
Question #1: Where is your lupi solo video?
Q#2: What boss did you have in mind?
Q#3: Why don’t you show your Cleric skill prowess by doing anything contributive to group success?
Yeah, lupicus is a rather easy boss with slow, predictable attacks.
Melandru Priest is aswell.
Lyssa Priest too.
Grenth Priest too.
High Priest of Arah Gates too.
Dwayna too.
Balthasar too.
Abomination too.
Corrupted Gorillas too.
Insert any mob except a few ones like Icebrood Wolves here, too.
This game is all slow and rather easy.