Warrior change maybe too harsh?

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dimitris.3195


Just logged after the patch to the game with my main lvl 80 warrior and went to do an event just to test the adrenaline change which I had, at the start agreed with. But let me ask you am I the only one who thinks that the warrior is basically useless now in events? I use sword/axe and longbow, having berserker stance in my utilities.

The event was all about killing mobs and we were more than 10 ppl there and I never not even once got to use my full adrenaline skill. Why? Well I attacked the mob generated some adrenaline, killed the mob, until I got to the next mob my adrenaline bar had almost been empty and so it goes. In the end during the whole 5-6 minute event I got to use my burst only once and that after I used berserker stance, with the longbow, with the adrenaline bar being half way through.

Was it intentional to make the warriors burst generate so hard? Because actually it doesn’t feel like the warrior has a profession mechanic at all. Is it so hard for the thief to generate initiative? Is it so hard for the necro to use death shroud to save himself? Now don’t get me wrong, I am guy who would support the change but I thought that it wouldn’t cause that huge of an impact on the way I play. And I can see as well what will happen in PvP in the next few days. The Ham/Bow nerf was a big yet albeit good and clever change too, since it offered to the overall balance between the 8 professions but does this change offer as much now too? WvW will be the same as the events in PvE.

Am I the only one who really thinks that this is not a bit fair for the warriors? I have been playing my particular warrior since launch so let me ask, was it intentional to make me and possibly many other ppl feel that their warriors are utterly useless now? I have invested a lot in this game to feel right now that it was a bad choice at the start to make a warrior.

(edited by Dimitris.3195)

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I still don’t understand why you people agreed with it. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know how bad these changes were going to be.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: adozu.6398


so let’s see:

pve damage nerfed (gs damage and adrenaline decay)
wvw utility nerfed hard (goodbye banners)
pvp doesn’t need commenting

+slap in the face:

new “reworked” GS burst is a joke, give me back the old one at least i’ll just keep forgetting it exists rather than be reminded every time about how much it sucks

and even funnier, i thought they wanted to buff axe offhand skill 5? like… buff damage and reduce cd ok… it’s still going to be bad overall dps but WAIT! you can’t dodge during it anymore now taking away it’s only niche. HAHAHAHA NICE “BUFF”.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: chronometria.3708


Mhm, I am still scratching my head over why they nerfed the greatsword burst skill. Its a low damage attack that was only used for its buff at the start of combat….now we wont have the adrenaline to use it at the start of combat and it gets reduced damage till the enemy is almost dead anyhow.

You know, I never mention warcraft, but for the first time in two years I am going to say it – my warrior back then had execute….and execute actually hurt people when it hit, without hindering any of my other attacks.

Warriors were flat out lied to this patch – the announced buffs were nerfs.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Let’s also not forget to mention SoR nerf. So uncalled for.

Hey guys warrior is OP because SoR lasts 5 seconds too long. Said no one ever.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wirinus Satinus.8246

Wirinus Satinus.8246

This is unacceptable really I cant even kill VETERAN GIANT ANY MORE CMOOOOOOON IM ANGRY AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


Sadly, this is a problem ONLY a Warrior player understand, basically the Warrior main mechanic was ruined in this patch. The Warrior is all about adrenaline, when you play it you are always thinking in and checking adrenaline bar, if you start to lose adrenaline to the point you can’t never use the full burst, the Warrior profession is severely ruined, to the point of stop playing.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Amnariel.3659


A 10 second fade time at least would be ok.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: dan.3618


Im not sure what they are thinking but in WvW zergs Im not using burst at all, its just become a a rather irrelevant part of the warrior.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Burst recovery also became a pretty worthless stat.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ergolicious.1507


It was pretty obvious the nerfs were way too harsh… Funny thing is that even Warriors themselves were like “Oh nice it will purge all the noobies from this class, it will actually take some skill now etc etc” when in reality, NOBODY doesn’t miss adren skills. And missing a single one may get you killed now so ye….

I actually think warrior has become the WEAKEST class from the strongest in one patch lol. Talk about batnerfing.

P.S. Those ranger buffs, holy kitten.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


I feel a lot of these nerfs were uncalled for ( SoR , F1 GS) while others are just indirect ( F1 skills being nerfed previously and being hit hard by the adren change with NO compensation).

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dimitris.3195


Also a an update from personal experience having played some matches yesterday, but it seems that ironically the place where the change is less visible, at least whatever has to to do with adrenaline depletion, is PvP which those changes where mostly targeted to for “balance”. So in my opinion, as I stated above, it mostly has to do with PvE and WvW contact, which I haven’t tried yet but I am planning to.

In the end in PvP while teamfights were mostly unchanged, to my eyes at least, solo fights were a bit harder because it is harder to generate adrenaline and go all out which in my opinion is neither very good, nor very bad. Nonetheless the main problem with PvE sadly persists. It’s sad that, right now full adrenaline burst skills can properly be used mostly in boss fights…

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Atticus.7194


Mhm, I am still scratching my head over why they nerfed the greatsword burst skill. Its a low damage attack that was only used for its buff at the start of combat….now we wont have the adrenaline to use it at the start of combat and it gets reduced damage till the enemy is almost dead anyhow.

You know, I never mention warcraft, but for the first time in two years I am going to say it – my warrior back then had execute….and execute actually hurt people when it hit, without hindering any of my other attacks.

Warriors were flat out lied to this patch – the announced buffs were nerfs.

Keep in mind that prior to this patch everything we heard was that Arcing Slice was going to be completely different than what we got. Remember in the Ready Up when a developer was describing that it was going to become a execute style skill? Yea, apparently at the last minute all that was scrapped and we got a worse version of already one of the worst skills in the game.

I mean it completely blows me away that after 2+ years of knowing Arcing Slice is reviled and unused when ArenaNet FINALLY takes the time to revamp the skill they fall on their faces this hard. I mean you’d think that after all this time they’d exert a modicum of effort to make sure what they’re releasing is something that’s actually something warriors are going to enjoy and be excited about. But that’s clearly not what we got, Arcing Slice hits for little more than a normal crit even sub 50%, we have never needed it to generate fury, we don’t need the endurance restoration, hell we don’t need IT at all. As I’ve said before it’s like it was just randomly cobbled together to fit a role that doesn’t exist for warriors and as such will remain a lame duck just as it’s always been.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Mhm, I am still scratching my head over why they nerfed the greatsword burst skill. Its a low damage attack that was only used for its buff at the start of combat….now we wont have the adrenaline to use it at the start of combat and it gets reduced damage till the enemy is almost dead anyhow.

You know, I never mention warcraft, but for the first time in two years I am going to say it – my warrior back then had execute….and execute actually hurt people when it hit, without hindering any of my other attacks.

Warriors were flat out lied to this patch – the announced buffs were nerfs.

Keep in mind that prior to this patch everything we heard was that Arcing Slice was going to be completely different than what we got. Remember in the Ready Up when a developer was describing that it was going to become a execute style skill? Yea, apparently at the last minute all that was scrapped and we got a worse version of already one of the worst skills in the game.

I mean it completely blows me away that after 2+ years of knowing Arcing Slice is reviled and unused when ArenaNet FINALLY takes the time to revamp the skill they fall on their faces this hard. I mean you’d think that after all this time they’d exert a modicum of effort to make sure what they’re releasing is something that’s actually something warriors are going to enjoy and be excited about. But that’s clearly not what we got, Arcing Slice hits for little more than a normal crit even sub 50%, we have never needed it to generate fury, we don’t need the endurance restoration, hell we don’t need IT at all. As I’ve said before it’s like it was just randomly cobbled together to fit a role that doesn’t exist for warriors and as such will remain a lame duck just as it’s always been.

Speak for yourself on the fury part, but I was sorely disappointed to see the pretty arcing slice displayed in the Ready Up Vid turn out to actually be a silly looking hammer #4 skill, that does about the same damage as my auto attack.

If you were trying to get me to use the burst more, Anet, you failed. just going to dump it after combat for free might.

The one thing that placated me regarding the nerfs to Greatsword and adrenaline, and you copped out on it.

Or at the very least, forgot to swap out a placeholder.

I like your motivation toward wanting balance, but I feel cheated.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zuko.8021


Hi guys , iv never posted on gw forums before but since I have time now and saw this post with a lot of interesting post from experience warrior players I thought I would input my ideas . A little bit about me iv been a warrior since day one of guild wars a norn at that love it I look real af like a true warrior.

Here’s my thoughts , I got on read the patch and played I love running gs\hammer always have I love dps an smacking all weak classes so hard their dresses come off. I see my gs not bursting those beautiful crits all over the place and my whirl wind not leaving Mesmers on the floor with feathers scattered . So I decide to go hambow and it’s my first time running this and I was doing awesome doin good burst damage what I didn’t like was my waste of adrenal when I didn’t hit any thing with a burst. Why would you take a warriors main purpose “destruction” now you got rangers and other classes who can hold and evade bunch of stuff. It feels kinda clumsy because I some times use my f1 hammer to get away from a necros circle skill or Mesmers or ele don’t ask me their weak classes skill names cause iv never played them never will . I do like the brawlers trait better now works good versus condi thiefs . Warriors should be super op cause we r warriors with heavy armor made for war forget the rest . I still whoop that kitten tho =D

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Hi guys , iv never posted on gw forums before but since I have time now and saw this post with a lot of interesting post from experience warrior players I thought I would input my ideas . A little bit about me iv been a warrior since day one of guild wars a norn at that love it I look real af like a true warrior.

Here’s my thoughts , I got on read the patch and played I love running gs\hammer always have I love dps an smacking all weak classes so hard their dresses come off. I see my gs not bursting those beautiful crits all over the place and my whirl wind not leaving Mesmers on the floor with feathers scattered . So I decide to go hambow and it’s my first time running this and I was doing awesome doin good burst damage what I didn’t like was my waste of adrenal when I didn’t hit any thing with a burst. Why would you take a warriors main purpose “destruction” now you got rangers and other classes who can hold and evade bunch of stuff. It feels kinda clumsy because I some times use my f1 hammer to get away from a necros circle skill or Mesmers or ele don’t ask me their weak classes skill names cause iv never played them never will . I do like the brawlers trait better now works good versus condi thiefs . Warriors should be super op cause we r warriors with heavy armor made for war forget the rest . I still whoop that kitten tho =D

This mentality is partially the reason they nerfed us this hard in the first place.

I cant tell if trolling or sincere.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Atticus.7194


Hi guys , iv never posted on gw forums before but since I have time now and saw this post with a lot of interesting post from experience warrior players I thought I would input my ideas . A little bit about me iv been a warrior since day one of guild wars a norn at that love it I look real af like a true warrior.

Here’s my thoughts , I got on read the patch and played I love running gs\hammer always have I love dps an smacking all weak classes so hard their dresses come off. I see my gs not bursting those beautiful crits all over the place and my whirl wind not leaving Mesmers on the floor with feathers scattered . So I decide to go hambow and it’s my first time running this and I was doing awesome doin good burst damage what I didn’t like was my waste of adrenal when I didn’t hit any thing with a burst. Why would you take a warriors main purpose “destruction” now you got rangers and other classes who can hold and evade bunch of stuff. It feels kinda clumsy because I some times use my f1 hammer to get away from a necros circle skill or Mesmers or ele don’t ask me their weak classes skill names cause iv never played them never will . I do like the brawlers trait better now works good versus condi thiefs . Warriors should be super op cause we r warriors with heavy armor made for war forget the rest . I still whoop that kitten tho =D

This mentality is partially the reason they nerfed us this hard in the first place.

I cant tell if trolling or sincere.

I think he’s serious and like 12… but yea I agree, it’s comments like his that lead to knee jerk responses like what’s just happened to us.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

I can partially understand why every class wants us sandbagged now, if this is the general view warriors have of their place in the profession balance.

It’s disappointing, but at the very least understandable.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zuko.8021


Lol guys I’m 23 , and I am sencir I just speak like that cause it’s how I feel about killing other classes I always work around nurfs but I think anet should of left warriors how they were a while back and I’m talking about last year but oh we’ll all men must change as well as gw2 .

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Murashin.8295


Tired of continue nerfing to warrs…
It is the third time HB was nerfed…

Tell me WHY Signet of Rage gives now 25 sec buffs instead of 30. WHY?!
That 5 secs never been a problem for no one… But suddenly Warrs become unplayable in PvE….
Balancing you say?

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

basically warriors have no f1 anymore is what it boils down to. by the time you get adrenaline what you were going to use if for is done (or you’re typically dead of conditions gg adrenal health, cleansing ire, beserker stance). lets see them do this same kind of insta-drop to a necro’s life force and see how effective they are (never played a necro so maybe its already like this but cant imagine it is).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I gotta agree, my warrior had great 1v1 potential, now he can’t even kill most classes because of the kitten adrenaline nerf and nerf to utilities. My warrior was one of my favorites, but I may have to put him away for awhile.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


If the problem was warriors starting a fight will full adrenaline, nerf damage, nerf whatever you want, I don’t really care, but don’t destroy the main warrior mechanic, and the fun of playing one.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Woah warriors starting a fight with condi cleases, CC and DPS what other professions can’t do this.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


You are complaining about not getting a chance to use your burst skill in an open world PvE event? Please go talk to Mesmers about shatters in such events. Enemies die so quickly that unless you shatter immediately, it’s usually dead before your slow illusion can run close enough to shatter … not to mention the shatters require casting 1 or more illusions first that have to also survive the enemies attacks.

These complaints are ridiculous. Mesmers have been dealing with “worse” for quite some time now. Do you see Mesmers griping this much? Nope, you don’t.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Baltzenger.2467


Yes, it is a bit harsh.
Is not unplayable tho, but I don’t think having subpar classes is good for the game. I main a warrior since 2012, so I’ve been through this before, I won’t change class for this, it’s just annoying that they reduce the build diversity. Also, I was excited for the new GS F1, don’t know why Anet failed to deliver there. I just hope a hotfix saying “fixed arcing slice not giving its full damage when target is under 50% health, correcting tooltip too. Sorry.”

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


@Sebrent Do you think complaining about Mesmer in Warrior forums is useful? I don’t think warrior players care about clones.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


Don’t worry guys – our time will come again. We had it tough after launch – we have it tough now – we’ll manage.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


@Sebrent Do you think complaining about Mesmer in Warrior forums is useful? I don’t think warrior players care about clones.

You don’t understand … I’m not complaining about Mesmers.

I’m pointing out the parallels between what you’re complaining about and Mesmer mechanics that have been around since the dawn of the game and have not prevented Mesmers from being strong.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


@Sebrent Do you think complaining about Mesmer in Warrior forums is useful? I don’t think warrior players care about clones.

You don’t understand … I’m not complaining about Mesmers.

I’m pointing out the parallels between what you’re complaining about and Mesmer mechanics that have been around since the dawn of the game and have not prevented Mesmers from being strong.

Parallel? mesmers and warriors are so different that the comparison is almost a blasphemy.

Here is your forum:

(edited by NeHoMaR.9812)

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


So you’re saying
… Warrior’s class mechanic isn’t Adrenaline and Burst Skills ?
… Mesmer’s class mechanic isn’t Illusions and Shatter Skills ?
… Warrior doesn’t lose Adrenaline when out of combat ?
… Mesmer doesn’t lose Illusions when out of combat (or their target dies) ?
… Warrior doesn’t lose Adrenaline when they miss a Burst Skill ?
… Mesmer doesn’t lose Illusions when they miss a Shatter Skill ?

Last I checked, all the above was true.

It doesn’t mean they are the same class, but it highlights that how Warrior’s Adrenaline skill reacts in the event that you fail or go between fights is quite similar to another mechanic that has been operating this way for over 2 years.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Here it is again. I thought I was in the warrior forum but there’s all this talk of mesmers and it’s confusing me.

Please anet set me straight and hold my hand tight while doing so.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dimitris.3195


Sebrent let me tell you just one thing, that, even though NeHoMaR is right when he says that the 2 classes are totally different, but let’s say that I will be the “devil’s advocate” for now, maybe, just maybe what happens to us warriors is happening to mesmers since the very beginning.That the mesmers don’t have time to shatter their illusions because the mobs die very fast, or maybe illusions are slow, etc.

But in the end do you know what the main difference of the problem is? That at the very least you get the chance to use those skills of yours, because you see it is the main mechanic of the mesmers and well, we the warriors don’t get even that. We don’t even get the chance to use burst skills, the main mechanic of our profession. Actually right now, to me at least, it feels like I have been stripped of my burst skills, mostly in PvE.

And again as I said in another similar post these days please don’t try to turn an argument that we have, in a game we bought to play and have fun, into a “ridiculous complaint” or, as others have said a “whinning”. It’s nothing like that and saying that it is, is at the very least disrespectful.

And to end this reply here, we see that almost since the very beginning the warrior profession, the profession that I chose to play with, had been scorned from almost all the other profession about being “too” strong, and you know what? They were right, honestly they were, we were too strong but every complaint from other profession and every acceptance of the problem and embracing of a solution from us led to what has happened these days, mainly breaking the PvE warrior. All because of “balance” but at PvP nowadays I see 3 rangers running around killing everything they see in mere seconds. I have never complained about other professions, ever, not the thief, not the necro, no one, but this is the first time that I will say that something is really wrong here.

(edited by Dimitris.3195)

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Baltzenger.2467


Also, this isn’t a black or white situation. “shaving” is acceptable, but this is not shaving.
I can see Anet reverting it a bit, maybe reduce the speed of adrenaline loss, or adding some extra time before it starts decaying.

Also, what I find unacceptable, is that they reworked the one skill that warriors have been asking for a rework since the beginning, they tell us that it will be an “execution skill”, show us tooltips that suggest it will do X thing, and then we get Y, which is in no way an improvement to what we had before, in fact, it masks the great nerf that GS suffered, and that to me is a bit dishonest. I will assume good will tho, I just hope this gets corrected very soon.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


I ran on my Warrior quite a bit last night.

(1) I was able to retain 1 to 2 bars of adrenaline (sometimes even part of the 3rd bar) as I moved quickly from enemy to enemy.

(2) I used burst skills against enemies as I stopped being spec’d for using adrenaline as a passive damage/crit_chance buff.

(3) I still wrecked mobs even with just auto-attacks.

(4) I gained adrenaline at the same rate I always did … since that wasn’t changed … I just wasn’t always full and was actually using my burst skills now so it was noticeable when I gained adrenaline … as opposed to just ignoring them in favor of passive bonuses for having adrenaline … which is what Warriors have been doing in PvE since the beginning of GW2.

That was just in PvE.

In sPvP I was still tearing people up and being the armored, hard-hitting juggernaught that baits out dodges & cooldowns before punishing you. Then I ran into people that have been playing Warrior since GW2 was released and saw what a really good warrior can do as they wrecked me harder than I was wrecking others.

Amusingly, I wasn’t using longbow nor hammer. Some of them were. Some of them weren’t.

Lastly, if you aren’t able to use your burst skill on a mob, it’s because it’s dying incredibly quickly. Do you really need to use a burst skill in such an instance?

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ergolicious.1507


I ran on my Warrior quite a bit last night.

(1) I was able to retain 1 to 2 bars of adrenaline (sometimes even part of the 3rd bar) as I moved quickly from enemy to enemy.

(2) I used burst skills against enemies as I stopped being spec’d for using adrenaline as a passive damage/crit_chance buff.

(3) I still wrecked mobs even with just auto-attacks.

(4) I gained adrenaline at the same rate I always did … since that wasn’t changed … I just wasn’t always full and was actually using my burst skills now so it was noticeable when I gained adrenaline … as opposed to just ignoring them in favor of passive bonuses for having adrenaline … which is what Warriors have been doing in PvE since the beginning of GW2.

That was just in PvE.

In sPvP I was still tearing people up and being the armored, hard-hitting juggernaught that baits out dodges & cooldowns before punishing you. Then I ran into people that have been playing Warrior since GW2 was released and saw what a really good warrior can do as they wrecked me harder than I was wrecking others.

Amusingly, I wasn’t using longbow nor hammer. Some of them were. Some of them weren’t.

Lastly, if you aren’t able to use your burst skill on a mob, it’s because it’s dying incredibly quickly. Do you really need to use a burst skill in such an instance?

You should stop post altogether because truth is, you’re totally biased towards this class. You obviously don’t like it and play it only to prove your arguments, which is rather sad. No matter what anyone can say, you won’t change your mind about Warriors recieving too much of a nerf.

Also it’s funny because I played quite a lot since the patch too and I crushed Warriors harder than usual, clearly. Different perspectives huh.

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


I cannot speak much for the PvE side of things, but I think the adrenaline works very well in PvP it is a whole different feel but if any change is needed to the warrior it is not that we get adrenaline back to the way it was. I agree with a few modifications to it, as some where mentioned here but not sure if I want it to go back to the original way.

For the GS, I was a little disappointed. The burst skill is miles from what it once was but still has limitations: 1) Anet nerfed the damage. I am not talking about the overall damage, I am talking specifically the burst skill. This would not be such a problem except 2) The skill needs a little help getting to its target. The best weapon burst are either instant cast or has some range feature to them (Hammer, Longbow, Axe). Whereas the GS does not and so I am spending my time chasing a lot just to use the skill. Meanwhile cripple they remove almost instantly, or dodge away, or it misses because it is a slow ability, and Rush is basically useless. Certainly there are a few ways to make it work, but in comparison to the other weapons it is more work.

Rush since the patch has been especially buggy, not to say it hasn’t been since launch. But lately I just sputter around my target and end up missing anyways because I am meters away from my target when it does decide to strike. Same with Bull rush though not as bad. If this is a problem unique to me let me know.

I haven’t much of anything else so no other comments.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


@Ergolicious: let me guess. You came to those “conclusions” because you don’t agree with me? No wonder you’re wrong. Assumptions aren’t a great way to operate.

I’m still seeing good warriors topping games, being driving forces in fights, etc.. Why can they still do that and you can’t? The difference between them and you isn’t the class … both are warriors.

It’s amusing you gripe that “[I] won’t change my mind…”. There is the possibility that you change yours too :-p … I know … mind blown lol

@Diba: I haven’t had trouble with Rush, but Whirlwind does seem to have a bit of a delay to it each time I try to cast it. I’m not a fan of that, though I don’t recall it ever just working right when I tell it to …always been some delay for some reason … meh.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.